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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Lexa Jayde

    Welcome to all the Newbies!!!!!! Sparkyness rules!!!!!!

    *does happy dance*
    *joins the happy dance*

    And welcome to all newbies from me too!



      Originally posted by alyssa
      SR, I tried to give you green earlier because I love your sig, but of course I have to spread the love...

      However, looking at it just makes me see, yet again, why I love Shep/Weir. Look at those pics of them. How can you not see it? I don't even need to see a full scene to see the connection between those characters. Just a photo.

      Very nice!
      And the fact that I photoshopped Rodney out of those pics and moved Sparky closer together, makes the attraction even more obvious. You'd think they were all alone on the balcony. Or something. *runs off to find more pics of John looking at Liz*

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red
        And the fact that I photoshopped Rodney out of those pics and moved Sparky closer together, makes the attraction even more obvious. You'd think they were all alone on the balcony. Or something. *runs off to find more pics of John looking at Liz*
        There are pcitures where john isn't looking at liz


          Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
          There are pcitures where john isn't looking at liz
          LOL Of course not!

          Southern Red, your sig is indeed very beautiful.
          You'll see, next season you won't have to cut Rodney or other people out of the pix. They will stand close to each other in all the eps


            Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
            There are pcitures where john isn't looking at liz
            *lol* This is the exact same thing that went through my mind, are there any instances when they're on the same room where their eyes are not instantly drawn to eachother?, i'm trying to think hard, but i can't come up with any. Even when there are people standing between them (which is really rare, since they also have this habit of being joined at the hip - no personal space and all that ) they almost authomatically search for eachother.


              Even when they aren't looking, they are looking. Is it just me or does it look like they had enough room getting through this doorway without being this close? It's the old "my clothing touched your clothing" trick.

              I forgot I was supposed to be doing this. *off to search for more*

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                That was easy. Back with a photo essay. All from Allies.
                What's that on John's neck? OMG!

                Oh no. There's another one on the other side. Hope nobody notices.

                Carson: Everybody's hands are on the table except...hmmm?

                Liz: Stop that, John, people are starting to notice.


                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  A day with the married couple in Atlantis:

                  Liz: John, take your shoes off, you're scuffing the floor again.

                  John: Nag, nag, nag. I'm going to go shoot something.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    A day with the married couple in Atlantis:

                    Liz: John, take your shoes off, you're scuffing the floor again.

                    John: Nag, nag, nag. I'm going to go shoot something.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      Welcome BookOfLove. Your vid was luscious.

                      And Ronnikins, what makes me think you're not talking about cake anymore? You naughty girl. Can Nurse John stop at the bakery on his way to my appointment today? I have a sudden craving. Since it's spring. Pound cake, strawberries and lots of whipped cream. Ha. I typed "shipped" instead of "whipped". What is wrong with me?
                      Agreed Book of Love. Really enjoyed your video.

                      Southern Red? I passed on your message to Nurse John. His reply? " I prefer the SR's home-made cookies. I will just wear the low-slung gunbelt and bring the whipped cream as per usual" Per usual??? You know, Nurse John is only used to treat patients with extreme Sparky disease.
                      Now I see this.......

                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      That was easy. Back with a photo essay. All from Allies.

                      What's that on John's neck? OMG!

                      Oh no. There's another one on the other side. Hope nobody notices.

                      Carson: Everybody's hands are on the table except...hmmm?

                      Liz: Stop that, John, people are starting to notice.
                      Hmmm, are these unorthodox treatments with Nurse John working in keeping your symptoms under control? You seem to request a lot of sessions.

                      Too late, Foolish Pleasure! I already warned the newbies about the mints. They actually knew about them from before. Are these mints getting a notorious reputation?

                      Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                        Mostly joking, but I think that the way TPTB are going to resolve the ship in the show is by killing off Sheppard so he won't be shipped with anyone.

                        Edit: Yay I hit 300!
                        Last edited by atlantisrocks; 11 April 2006, 03:42 PM.
                        Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          I guess my reasoning behind not thinking resolution is death is that it works when the show's not all about them. Babylon 5 didn't become the Sheridan/Delenn show, and their first kiss, which had nothing to do with alien mind control, was in Season 3. The relationship didn't get boring after that, either.

                          i totally agree with that point of view... John and Delenn were an AWESOME couple and they didnt take over the show... J. Michael Strazynsky was a freakin genius!!!! i reckon that John and Liz could do the same!!!!!
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            They should get Strazynsky to write for SGA.. I am assuming here that he's not dead. *shifty eyes* Gero and Binder do a fabulous job as it is... Binder 'speshly, I think, 'gets' the Weir character. But yeah, Sparky could be the one that breaks the mold. Looking at how my parents interact with each other today after 20+ years RST is SO not the end. They couldn't live without the other. Sure they fight sometimes, have lil misunderstandings... BIG understandings for that matter, but the LOVE that remains is what brings them together and if that's any indication of what a marriage is supposed to be, methinks Sparky can do it. Aren't like Gero and Binder married too? Take example from the 'Everybody Loves Ray' show and write what happens to them and their wives... you know 'cept for naggin' ma-in-laws there's like, life sucking aliens and power hungry humans.

                            Here's some icons I made mostly from caps which I stole from Mel's informative LJ post: Feel free to snag or snark

                            And LooK It's the Sparky pic with the dramatic back lighting:

                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              Originally posted by sunny
                              They should get Strazynsky to write for SGA.. I am assuming here that he's not dead. *shifty eyes* Gero and Binder do a fabulous job as it is... Binder 'speshly, I think, 'gets' the Weir character. But yeah, Sparky could be the one that breaks the mold. Looking at how my parents interact with each other today after 20+ years RST is SO not the end. They couldn't live without the other. Sure they fight sometimes, have lil misunderstandings... BIG understandings for that matter, but the LOVE that remains is what brings them together and if that's any indication of what a marriage is supposed to be, methinks Sparky can do it. Aren't like Gero and Binder married too? Take example from the 'Everybody Loves Ray' show and write what happens to them and their wives... you know 'cept for naggin' ma-in-laws there's like, life sucking aliens and power hungry humans.

                              Here's some icons I made mostly from caps which I stole from Mel's informative LJ post: Feel free to snag or snark


                              And LooK It's the Sparky pic with the dramatic back lighting:

                              I completely agree with you and as I said last night I think their plots and stories will still be exciting even if their relationship is resolved so yes SPARKY CAN FINALLY BREAK THE MOLD so TPTB if your there... come on you know ya wanna

                              I love the icons very funny haha

                              Sparky rules wo ho


                                Originally posted by Angela

                                I completely agree with you and as I said last night I think their plots and stories will still be exciting even if their relationship is resolved so yes SPARKY CAN FINALLY BREAK THE MOLD so TPTB if your there... come on you know ya wanna

                                I love the icons very funny haha

                                Sparky rules wo ho
                                mmmm, still undecided about this RST bussiness . I just don't know, the way tptb have handled the ship so far is great which gives me confidence in them, however i have years and year of watching failed relationships, so... .

                                SR talking about scenes of S/W being together and looking at eachother made me wanna go and watch my fave scenes, and there are great instances in season 1, i didn't make it as far as season 2 (and i haven't seen the entire season either, so i just wanted to post some of my favorite S1 scenes *sigh*. On tags so as not to clog the thread.


                                The Wave

                                "I'm a little trouble maker"

                                So... nearly two years after, and we still don't know what he was gonna say .

                                "Man you're so sleeping on the couch"

                                And off course, this one doesn't need and intro .

