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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Rubicon
    Is anyone else bothered by the Convention stuff coming out? I've only read one recap that was by a McKay/Shep shipper (I think) but its depressing. ::sniffle::

    -He said that John was not a slut! and that he'd only slept with three or four people since arriving in the Pegasus galaxy.

    I guess that settles that debate on the teenage princess.
    Yeah, I heard that he didn't mind the kirking stuff, but didn't want any "ship". If "ship" ruins a show, so does whoring around! My husband has said all along that it was Flanigan who wanted all the hot babes and asked the writers to put 'em in. Starting to believe hubs was right (for a change).

    Just goes back to - I don't care how many prom queens he slept with, he is flirting with women ALL the frackin' time and it is downright boring. I'm tired of rolling my eyes everytime a young gal walks on screen! *steps down off soap box*

    When all else fails, change channels.


      I know I shouldn't get bothered by what the actors say, or don't say. But, JF could throw me a bone re: Weir. Crumbs even! Of course, it's the writers that determine what or who the characters will be doing,
      the not a slut
      was apparently made by Gero.

      I'm a fair weather shipper. No, I have not given up hope yet, and won't for a long time, but it's makes me sad, when it seems TPTB & actors don't see my ship at all.

      I want my ship (in some form) to be canon. I'm a canon-hooker, and fanfic just doesn't do it for me.


        Originally posted by Rubicon
        the not a slut
        was apparently made by Gero.
        Remember - Gero wrote the "hug" scene.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Rubicon
          Is anyone else bothered by the Convention stuff coming out? I've only read one recap that was by a McKay/Shep shipper (I think) but its depressing. ::sniffle::
          I'm far, far more bothered by the stories I've heard about the behavior of a few fans, frankly. People, if you go to Vancouver, don't go looking for an actor's house and then tell him about it, okay? That's just not cool.

          As for what the actors say, it really does need to be taken with a grain of salt. All of it is spin. There are things they're allowed to say and things they're not allowed to say. On top of that, they don't know everything that's coming up on the show. Lots of times they get questions they can't answer and have to come up with something on the spot. And what we've heard from Joe and others has usually been phrased as the actor's opinion, so... grain of salt, people.

          As for the other... eh. I still say it would have been easier to watch if it hadn't seemed so concentrated. But a lot of it is a matter of personal preference, and I just happen to dislike that plot because Stargate doesn't really do it all that well.

          Anyway. Wrong thread for that. But to clarify, it was Martin Gero who made the slut comment, not Joe Flanigan.

          The part that disturbed me was that they were originally going to kill off Cadman in Grace Under Pressure! Thank goodness they changed that. She and Lorne have quickly become two of my favorite characters.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Rubicon
            I'm a fair weather shipper. No, I have not given up hope yet, and won't for a long time, but it's makes me sad, when it seems TPTB & actors don't see my ship at all.

            I want my ship (in some form) to be canon. I'm a canon-hooker, and fanfic just doesn't do it for me.
            Well, think about this... The writers that don't see the ship wrote those wonderful Weir's office scenes, with Sheppards adorable butt sitting comfortable on Weir's desk. And who i'm wondering put the slow romantic music?, and Joe might deny the ship all he wants, but that won't force the wonderful on-screen chemistry he has with Torri to suddenly disapear.
            Sparky has gone from being a figment of our imagination when tptb were trying hard to push sheyla, to being the ship of Atlantis. They can deny it all they want, it won't make the energy that exists between Sheppard and Weir go away.
            Sparky overshadowed, eliminated the planned ship, and took over, it's the small ship that could. Resistance is futile .


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              I'm far, far more bothered by the stories I've heard about the behavior of a few fans, frankly. People, if you go to Vancouver, don't go looking for an actor's house and then tell him about it, okay? That's just not cool.

              As for what the actors say, it really does need to be taken with a grain of salt. All of it is spin. There are things they're allowed to say and things they're not allowed to say. On top of that, they don't know everything that's coming up on the show. Lots of times they get questions they can't answer and have to come up with something on the spot. And what we've heard from Joe and others has usually been phrased as the actor's opinion, so... grain of salt, people.

              As for the other... eh. I still say it would have been easier to watch if it hadn't seemed so concentrated. But a lot of it is a matter of personal preference, and I just happen to dislike that plot because Stargate doesn't really do it all that well.

              Anyway. Wrong thread for that. But to clarify, it was Martin Gero who made the slut comment, not Joe Flanigan.

              The part that disturbed me was that they were originally going to kill off Cadman in Grace Under Pressure! Thank goodness they changed that. She and Lorne have quickly become two of my favorite characters.

              I agree. When I read the "stalking comments" in another thread, I found it seriously disturbing. We have to remember these are actors who deserve respect and privacy.
              I really enjoy all the secondary characters in the ensemble cast. They make the whole show more rounded and 3-dimensional.

              Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                Originally posted by Luz
                Well, think about this... The writers that don't see the ship wrote those wonderful Weir's office scenes, with Sheppards adorable butt sitting comfortable on Weir's desk. And who i'm wondering put the slow romantic music?, and Joe might deny the ship all he wants, but that won't force the wonderful on-screen chemistry he has with Torri to suddenly disapear.
                Sparky has gone from being a figment of our imagination when tptb were trying hard to push sheyla, to being the ship of Atlantis. They can deny it all they want, it won't make the energy that exists between Sheppard and Weir go away.
                Sparky overshadowed, eliminated the planned ship, and took over, it's the small ship that could. Resistance is futile .
                Amen! And let's remember, in the long run it doesn't really matter what they say in interviews or at conventions. It's all about what appears on the show. It's really hard for anyone to deny that Sheppard and Weir got really, really close to each other as last season progressed, so I'm not overly concerned about what people say when asked on the spot to give an opinion.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Luz
                  Sparky has gone from being a figment of our imagination when tptb were trying hard to push sheyla, to being the ship of Atlantis. They can deny it all they want, it won't make the energy that exists between Sheppard and Weir go away.
                  ITA! Thats the problem. And, I know that JF only says what he's been "ok'd" to say re: SGA.

                  But still, I'm only asking for crumbs here people!! Would it KILL! TPTB to acknowledge the hotness that is E/J?!!!!!

                  Is it some kind of sick-twisted reverse-pschology by TPTB to, NEVER EVER EVER mention any kind of developing relationship between the 2 leads?!!


                    Originally posted by Melyanna

                    Anyway. Wrong thread for that. But to clarify, it was Martin Gero who made the slut comment, not Joe Flanigan.
                    slut comment? okay I've missed that. What happened?


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Remember - Gero wrote the "hug" scene.
                      Yes, and it was performed by the actor who does not want any ships on SGA?! ?????? WTF?
                      They must have drank the Kool-Aid that day!

                      I LOVE Gero too much! But he and I are not seeing eye-to-eye on my ship!


                        Originally posted by Rubicon
                        But still, I'm only asking for crumbs here people!! Would it KILL! TPTB to acknowledge the hotness that is E/J?!!!!!

                        Is it some kind of sick-twisted reverse-pschology by TPTB to, NEVER EVER EVER mention any kind of developing relationship between the 2 leads?!!
                        I think it actually might kill them...just kidding.

                        I agree with the reverse psychology thing. It's their twisted way of boosting the ratings. All the crazed shippers will watch an episode for even a hint of their ship, because the chemistry is obvious, even if they never say a word about it, if that makes any sense at all.
                        Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                        Sparkiest Little Spanker

                        Pencil Breaker and proud of it!


                          Originally posted by Ronnikins
                          UPDATED MEDICAL BULLETIN!

                          The experimental drug "TPTB" has now been reformulated to "TPTB!Sparky". The testing of this improved formulation will begin in July for the trial "SGA-S3".
                          Volunteers will be needed then to determine if a small dosage will be sufficent enough to keep this disorder to manageable levels or whether dosage increments are required for the cravings to be kept under control.
                          Only those suffering from mild to moderate symptoms need apply.

                          For extreme cases like Bama's (yes, I have read your case history ), the same firm is also developing a second generation experimental drug, code named: "SO.DOING.IT". This formulation is still in the embryonic stages of development and it may take up to 2-3 years before realising its full potential.
                          Unfortunately, there is a potential fatal side-effect which is a Hypertensive Crisis brought on by excessive squeeing, which they are trying to rectify.
                          They will not start trialling "SO.DOING.IT" until they have determined the success of "TPTB!Sparky".

                          Dr. Ronnikins
                          Woohoo!, just realised it's my 100th post and I wanted to make it on my favourite thread. I really haven't got anything intelligent to post but here's a silly something inspired by yesterday's party.......

                          UPDATED MEDICAL BULLETIN II

                          As mentioned previously, we have reformulated the experimental drug TPTB to TPTB!Sparky. This now comes in the form of a mint-flavoured oral lozenge. The chemists even made it more visually appealing by colouring the lozenge red and white.
                          Without exception, all our volunteers refused this form of administration. Even those patients who compliantly obeyed Nurse John when he said "open wide", even they immediately spat out the "mint" upon administration.
                          Upon questioning, I received nothing but silence, which may I add, is most unusual for this group. I sent Head Nurse Elizabeth, who is renowned for her people skills, to interview them. She reported that all she got were some shifty glances and mumbled phrases like "...unsuspecting newbies...." and "...ashes....".
                          I'm at a loss to explain this type of behaviour. I even tried out the "mint" myself. Apart from a certain chalky aftertaste, it was not unpalatable.
                          With these discouraging results, it looks like we'll have to reformulate the form of administration again.

                          Dr. Ronnikins

                          PS. Thank you to everybody for making me feel so welcome on this and other threads.

                          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Amen! And let's remember, in the long run it doesn't really matter what they say in interviews or at conventions. It's all about what appears on the show. It's really hard for anyone to deny that Sheppard and Weir got really, really close to each other as last season progressed, so I'm not overly concerned about what people say when asked on the spot to give an opinion.
                            me either... i just hope that TPTB respect this ship, unlike S/J, which was torn in every which way!!!!!
                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              Dr. Ron maybe your team should work on a drug for people who read con reports and take what the actors say seriously. I volunteer to be a test subject. Remember folks, JF has been consistent in his no ship comments from day one, but this time he did say possibly before he went on to explain why it won't work.

                              Also the "fans" who are stalking him should be shunned by us all forever.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Remember - Gero wrote the "hug" scene.
                                I'm starting to think Martin Gero has something similar to Tourette's - He claims not be a fan of our ship but his hand seems to keep jerking out uncontrollably and writing sparky scenes into his scripts. And he can't stop himself.

                                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!

