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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by atlantisrocks
    And what are your guesses for what Shep was trying to say?
    Originally posted by Elinor
    Lizzie: John, everybody is really wondering what you were gonna say earlier.
    Can you please tell me now, since we're filming season 3 already?
    Originally posted by Elinor
    John : I was gonna say... I was gonna say... Zzzzzzzzz....

    I guess we'll never know.

    And the Doctor is In! Hello Dr.Ronnikins!

    Melyanna, LOL... I can feel for Grodin (had woot canal myself a couple years back)... Excellent fic as always! MORE MORE MORE...

    Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice
    From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice.
    Robert Frost, Fire and Ice


      Originally posted by Trialia
      Scratch the videos since I suck at making them, and I have all the symptoms of severe disorder. Fic writing, poetry writing, wallpaper & icon making... Sparky dreams... *laughs*
      Trialia? (Flutters eyelids madly) Will you be able a make a pretty Sparky sig for me too? The downside is I have no idea how to put it up, I'm sooo computer illiterate Thanks!

      Melyanna You're probably going to reach through the computer and chuck me off this thread but I've never watched a single episode of West Wing
      I don't know the characters you're talking about cuz I don't watch much TV. Heck, I only got into SGA by accident by catching SeigeII one night (I don't count Sanctuary ). The good news is my curiosity is piqued and I'm going to to borrow/buy some episodes to see what the buzz is about.

      To make this post remotely on topic:
      I was racking my brains but couldn't come a with a realistic situation (well, as realistic as one can get on a SciFi show) where the two leaders are at loggerheads with each other and neither one will back down, thus resulting in a delicious tense atmosphere of conflicting emotions.
      Can you guys think of any?
      My frazzled Sparky imagination always have them compromise, kiss and make out, er, I mean, make up...

      (Apologies for the disorganised postings. I've only got small windows of opportunity to be on the computer so I'm always lagging behind.)

      Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


        Originally posted by Southern Red
        See I was thinking about that also, trying to understand if I just missed something, and get some sort of handle on just what TPTB were trying to convey. Putting on my common sense hat I came up with this.

        In Conversion John's bug hormones got the best of him, and he aggressively grabbed Teyla and kissed her. Being a heterosexual male he was obviously attracted to her, but up until this point had managed to avoid approaching her. At this point I wonder. Why? He had known her for over a year, worked closely with her, and would know if she would welcome some sort of relationship with him. Now this was their first kiss, so as a normal woman who has just been grabbed forcefully by a man you know and trust, she seemed less than enthusiastic. If the kiss was the hot well finally moment she had been waiting for, why didn't she respond? Now moving to the apology scene. As soon as he came in, she started moving toward leaving the room. She tried to avoid the subject with mentioning his attack on the other men. She did let him know there were no hard feelings, even teased him by calling him John, and then left the room breathing a sigh of relief. Now. Why didn't she stay and spar with him? He had picked up the sticks and was obviously planning to do just that. Or am I missing something? Possibly. Even if she felt he wasn't ready to begin sparring again, why not stay and talk to him? If a guy I was hoping to have a relationship with apologized to me so sweetly and acted like he wanted to hang around, I maybe would have invited him to join me for a cup of tea. Excellent chance to reestablish the friendship and even move it forward. Yet nothing. And if you watch that scene closely, you also see John breathe a sigh. Relief that their relationship is back on track or relief that the whole incident is over? Inquiring minds will never know.

        As for TLG and no apology. There was nothing to apologize for. She didn't exactly scare him.
        Hooray Southern Red no need for me to post another rambling post. This is exactly what I think. EXACTLY!!!!

        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


          Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
          i dont know really... it was much much too soon for a declaration of undying love... it was what... the 3rd episode... but it could have been something along the lines of "it was an honor to serve under you"... i dont know, but something like that!!!!
          I have to agree with Lexa Jayde on this one. It was way too soon. By the way, Lexa Jayde, I always like your enthusiasm in these threads....makes me want to be young and bouncy once again. My creaky knees can't handle it anymore lol!

          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


            Originally posted by LadyShip

            And the Doctor is In! Hello Dr.Ronnikins!
            Hi Ladyship! Unfortunately, this will be my last post for a while. I have to make some house calls. This Sparky!Disease is spreading!!

            Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


              Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
              i dont know really... it was much much too soon for a declaration of undying love... it was what... the 3rd episode... but it could have been something along the lines of "it was an honor to serve under you"... i dont know, but something like that!!!!
              I agree. There was probably just an attraction to each other, nothing more. Same goes for the Rising. We can safely say, I think, that the Siege made either both of them or one of them (Lizzie?) realize the true feelings.
              I was watching the Gift recently and..


                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                Melyanna You're probably going to reach through the computer and chuck me off this thread but I've never watched a single episode of West Wing
                Glad to know I'm not the only one who has no clue on all these other tv shows mentioned. Wait until some of these younger chaps are a bit older and they'll be like us! LOL! I never would have watched SGA if it hadn't been for the all-day marathons and the Friday night-long after the kiddo is in bed-repeats. I think that's why I like these message boards so much. I don't have a lot of time to just sit for long periods and watch tv w/o interruption but I can drive by post on the kitchen laptop while doing a zillion other things. Old people rule at multi-tasking!

                The tv show I want to see they keep mentioning is Babylon 5 I think with the RST relationship and if I'm not mistaken, my old flame Bruce Boxlightner in the lead role? I simply must get ahold of that series and give it a look. Romance and sci-fi-done well. yum.

                I think I'd enjoy West Wing with the political intrigue and drama but we've a standing thing we do as a family during it's usual timeslot so I've barely seen it in passing.

                It's always been hard for me to watch television and not get into it like it's a good novel. I'm not a 'casual' entertainment watcher and what I do watch, I like to sink my teeth into.

                I don't know the characters you're talking about cuz I don't watch much TV. Heck, I only got into SGA by accident by catching SeigeII one night.
                Hey we share this in common! That was the ep I first watched too on rerun and it must have a lot of sparky in it because I was hooked immediately on these two.

                I was racking my brains but couldn't come a with a realistic situation (well, as realistic as one can get on a SciFi show) where the two leaders are at loggerheads with each other and neither one will back down, thus resulting in a delicious tense atmosphere of conflicting emotions.
                Can't think of one. The best ones though only have that in doses. Like Shep/weir ; Mulder/scully etc. etc. Years ago I used to watch Remington Steele and it was like that and the first couple of years it was like, 'wow, this is pretty hot-those two just are after each other and at each other's throats constantly!! But that's how it stayed the duration of the show and it got rather unbelievable and contrived and simply silly. As time went on, even at my tender young age, I had enough sense to realize that if the tension stays at that level constantly and there's no real periods to show growth and closeness and mutual friendship and like between the pair, then I was never going to believe that they were actually made for each other long-term.
                Last edited by Bama; 16 March 2006, 12:40 PM.


                  Originally posted by atlantisrocks
                  I get what you are saying about all the subtle Sparky, but the scene in "38 Minutes" was definitely intentional since it was in the script. Was there maybe a different writer for 38 Minutes who was trying to push Shep/Weir instead of Shep/Teyla? Because I doubt he was going to say to Weir "I'm in love with Teyla!" And what are your guesses for what Shep was trying to say?
                  I think he was going to thank her for taking a chance on him. Since he directed it personally to her, and she said "you can tell ME later", we know it was only for her.

                  Originally posted by Ronnikins
                  I have to agree with Lexa Jayde on this one. It was way too soon. By the way, Lexa Jayde, I always like your enthusiasm in these threads....makes me want to be young and bouncy once again. My creaky knees can't handle it anymore lol!

                  ITA. It was way too soon to be shippy. Though this did get my attention in a WTH way at the time. At some point they may decide to look up the word continuity in the dictionary and go back to this. I wonder if he'd say the same thing now. Oh, wait. Now he would tell her he's moving to the mainland to live in a tent with his friends the Athosians and have superbabiez with... oh never mind.

                  BTW does that male nurse of yours named John give sponge baths? Just wonderin'.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Bama and Ron, haha don't worry. I'm 19 and I have never watched any of those shows either. Stargate, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, and Lost are the only ones I watch!

                    Ron, yay I started watching Stargate by accident too! And If I actually saw 38 munutes before the Siege II, I might have became an obsessed sparky shipper a long time ago


                      AAH! My eyes!! I accidently went in to the Sheppard/Teyla thread. I really need to read more then just the first word I do this all the time with the Sam/Jack threads. Anyways John doing that cute little bounce thing is soo adorable. I really hope he doesn't stop. I like that he had no idea about it, adds a little Joe Flannigan to John Sheppard. Their both so hot.

                      Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

                      I've Been SPANKed by the Love Monkey!!


                        Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                        i dont know really... it was much much too soon for a declaration of undying love... it was what... the 3rd episode... but it could have been something along the lines of "it was an honor to serve under you"... i dont know, but something like that!!!!
                        He totally was going to declare his undying love... to Teyla, i'm sure of it, i've read *the* guide, i know perfectly well how to misinterpret the signals . He was talking to Teyla, because when he talks to Teyla the camera doesn't focus on her, and they have a telephatic connection so he can act like he's talking to and thinking about other people. But believe me 'cause i know, he was going to declare his undying sikrit love for her, that's why Evil!Lizzie didn't want him to talk .
                        Last edited by Luz; 16 March 2006, 01:08 PM.


                          Originally posted by Luz
                          He totally was going to declare his undying love... to Teyla, i'm sure of it, i've read *the* guide, i know perfectly well how to misinterpret the signals . He was talking to Teyla, because when he talks to Teyla the camera doesn't focus on her, and they have a telephatic connection so he can act like he's talking to and thinking about other people. But believe me 'cause i know, he was going to declare he's undying sikrit love for her, that's why Evil!Lizzie didn't want him to talk .
                          Yes, of course! And the reason he was trying to tell Liz to listen on the puddle jumper is so that when he told Teyla he was in love with Lizzie Teyla, Evil!Lizzie wouldn't be able to strangle him. And he was afraid to tell Liz that alone in the room because no one was there to protect poor John from Evil!Lizzie!
                          Say No To Kirking: Join STAKS


                            Originally posted by Ronnikins
                            Melyanna You're probably going to reach through the computer and chuck me off this thread but I've never watched a single episode of West Wing
                            I don't know the characters you're talking about cuz I don't watch much TV. Heck, I only got into SGA by accident by catching SeigeII one night (I don't count Sanctuary ). The good news is my curiosity is piqued and I'm going to to borrow/buy some episodes to see what the buzz is about.
                            Well, I'd recommend that you go for the first four seasons of West Wing if you do. After the fourth season, the characters were all replaced by pod people for a while, and it took them a while to get back into the groove of things.

                            Bama, same goes for you with West Wing if you decide to look into it. And West Wing has had some good examples of romance. Charlie and Zoey's relationship, while both characters being rather minor, ended up being a huge part of the plot in the end of the first season and beginning of the second, and then again in the fourth. With CJ and Danny, they dealt with the problems of two people being attracted to each other and well suited to each other, yet in positions that made a relationship impossible (in this case, press secretary and White House reporter). And Jed and Abbey Bartlet's relationship is a wonderful example of a really interesting established relationship – in this case, a marriage of two very intelligent and strong-willed people. They had some huge and realistic fights, but you never got the sense that they were going to split up over anything. In a lot of ways, I've thought that Jed/Abbey is where Shep/Weir would be in thirty years.

                            And yes, Bruce Boxleitner starred in Seasons 2 through 5 in Babylon 5. Sheridan/Delenn is actually a good example of a ship that doesn't have fabulous chemistry, but still manages to work. They made it work by turning the awkwardness between the actors (especially early) into cultural differences between the two characters.

                            But what makes romance in both these shows work, and relevant to Shep/Weir, is that both shows have very large casts, of both regular and recurring characters. As sci-fi shows go, Atlantis also has a pretty big cast. The more characters you have, the easier it is to have an established romance in a series. It wouldn't work in SG-1 because there weren't enough characters. It wouldn't have worked in X-Files because there really weren't enough characters. It's only when you have a story fabric dense enough that you can work in a romance without it becoming overwhelming.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              OK, fic rec time!! Finnstardust has a nice, how new Sparky story posted. Very much NC-17... but very good.

                              The Breaking Point
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                *takes over from Kirsten*

                                And I've just finished reading all 7 chapters of The Negotiator Again, very much NC-17. And very funny

                                Summary: Smlot anyone? (that's smut with a bit'o plot). Sparky for the most part...but not all.

