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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by smallgirl
    Now that sounds like a Joe explanation. He has actually been IMO very consistent in regard to the whole idea of romance on SGA. I remember a very early interview where he was asked about Sheyla and he said he didn't see the show in soap opera terms. Joe is generally not very enthused about 'ship' in general. He is a 'simple guy' as he says and prefers the action. 'THE DEFIANT ONE' is still I think one of his favourite episodes, it's also one of mine, and that was pure action, but as Joe mentioned - it was also a good example of action being used to reveal character. Yes, he mentions, 'great looking girls' but I never really take those comments from him very seriously, because it's the usual flippant 'guy' kind of remark you always get. I do think that on the romantic front he is more comfortable with random 'chick' of the week stuff than the idea of something between Sheppard and Weir or Teyla. David Hewlett mentioned, regarding the McKay/Beckett kiss, that he was more comfortable kissing Paul than the idea of kissing Torri or Rachel, out of respect because he worked with them so much and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Joe took a similar position. A 'joke' kiss with a male co-star or a kiss with a soon to be never seen again female guest star would be far more comfortable than one with a female colleague you knew pretty well. There's a funny kind of chivalry with some men when it comes to that. As much respect as he has for Torri and Rachel as actresses etc and as much as he likes to work with them, Joe's always been more enthused about the Sheppard/McKay dynamic and now the Sheppard/Ronon one a little as well than he has about any other on the show. He likes the action and the buddy/buddy comedy stuff. So do I, and when it's done well, it's fantastic and one of the best elements of the show. I am sure if TPTB went the shipper route and did it with subtlety that Joe would be fine with it but considering how much we worry about them not being capable of that, then I don't blame Joe for not being keen on the idea.
    Yeah, I actually agree with him totally. A well-written action sequence will reveal at least as much (and probably far more) about characters as any soap opera-esque episode will. Seriously, what brought so many of us to this ship? The Eye. An action episode. There's a lot of truth to what Joe says. Action is a great way to develop characters because it's showing rather than telling.

    Anyway, I think it's fair to say that most of the development we've gotten for this ship has been related to action in some way. Action lowers the inhibitions and raises the adrenaline, both of which can result in a person's true feelings to come out.

    Originally posted by smallgirl
    Part of me likes the fact that 'Joe' doesn't see the Sheppard/Weir relationship as we shippers do, because it means that a show has managed to create a credible male/female dynamic that involves trust, respect, affection, co-dependence and strength between heterosexuals that apparently has no reference to sex at all - I give TPTB props for that.
    Amen! You know, someone mentioned this when that other Joe quote came out, that there really isn't a whole lot of sexual tension between them. They're both sexy people, but that doesn't overwhelm the relationship. That isn't all there is to it. In fact, I'd argue that we've not seen real sexual tension between them, but rather the potential for it.

    Anyway, I love Torri Higginson for this quote:
    "[Caldwell and Weir] come from very different places, whereas she and Sheppard, their hearts come from the same place."

    And that's really what it's all about for this ship. They may butt heads occasionally, but they're really just two halfs of a whole – a woman and man trying to do what's best for their people. And that's what lets them be so close despite their ideological differences.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Could I request that fellow sparkies reduce the size of some of their pics? The large, stretched screens make it very hard to read posts.
      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Anyway, I love Torri Higginson for this quote:

        "[Caldwell and Weir] come from very different places, whereas she and Sheppard, their hearts come from the same place."

        And that's really what it's all about for this ship. They may butt heads occasionally, but they're really just two halfs of a whole – a woman and man trying to do what's best for their people. And that's what lets them be so close despite their ideological differences.
        Aw, that's cute. And should be repeated again and again and again....
        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


          LOL...AQ you so right!!! ...Rodney does act like their little kid sometimes...always interrupting MamaBear* & PapaBear *(tm MsPooh) when they go into their "whispery tone" mode a.k.a intimate.sparky.convo.moment

          He did that in BIS and again in S2 `s Critical Mass and Coup d`Etat ...I like how both John & Liz have these "let`s indulge him" looks on their faces when this happens


          “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
          - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


            Originally posted by wannatee_1984
            thank you!!! XD!
            all made my me and i'm most proud of my 'humps' as well!!! so true thou. noone can resist teh lizzy!lumps!!!
            and umm.. does that mean i got to get rid of them?
            Those icons are great! The 'humps' one is hillarious.

            You probably will have to get rid of the TLG icon in your sig. I had that same pic in my sig and I got in trouble. You probably will be getting a PM from the Signature Police soon...
            I love the TLG icon BTW.

            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Amen! You know, someone mentioned this when that other Joe quote came out, that there really isn't a whole lot of sexual tension between them. They're both sexy people, but that doesn't overwhelm the relationship. That isn't all there is to it. In fact, I'd argue that we've not seen real sexual tension between them, but rather the potential for it.
              I like that. You and SG have some nice thoughts here. I think the scenes in S3 and TLG showed us clearly that there's a male/female awareness between the two of them but not so much a sexual tension or uncontrollable desire to do more than just talk and look-yet. And imo, that makes the two scenes hugely important in moving the SWR forward as a 'whole' male/female relationship. These are two very mature, life experienced adults- not young people getting their first taste of sexual desire. They're not dying to 'experiment' or 'learn'. They're not fools that are going to allow simple physical wants to override what they know is wise. They both would surely see a wisdom in not pursuing each other in any kind of casual physical sense. However, I like it that they can't control their growing bond with each other. They can't seem, from the abundance of evidence this year, to be able to control their want to be around each other and just get to know the other better and better. That is a great sign that an adult male and female might just have a real chance at true and lasting love for life. The physical will come if all else is there. Catalysts will show themselves at future points providing opportunities for them to extend their awareness into more reality. But a relationship built solely on UST in real life isn't going to last and one built on UST on screen will only last as far as the first physical moment. Honestly, I'd like more than that for John and Elizabeth.


                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                Those icons are great! The 'humps' one is hillarious.

                You probably will have to get rid of the TLG icon in your sig. I had that same pic in my sig and I got in trouble. You probably will be getting a PM from the Signature Police soon...
                I love the TLG icon BTW.
                thanks for the heads up!!! XD
                is this one ok to stay???

                and okay then you like my icons! i shall give you more!

                much love!
                sig made by samjack_girl, icons by me!


                  Okay, I'd like to preface this mushy comment by saying it's not my fault I'm all gooey today. My bro made me watch a Lilithfair DVD *in which you can totally see Carrie-Anne Moss dancin' her can off btw, w00t w00t Toronto* and it recalled the yesteryears of semi-indie girl music of the gooey persuasion. Couple that with Mely's very fabulouso 'International Relations' fic which made me remember the ONE SQUARE pic of Sparky that was posted a while back and came across this. Then there was this mostly for the 'beautiful effed up man part'. Cos IMO I think he is, he's just good at not showing it, which does make him mysterious, no? Which logically sent me BACK to this and this and this. So now I'm under the impression that all Canadian woman are related cos there is a striking similarities on the part of Torri and Sarah and Carrie-Anne and my friend Katie. That and I need to bust out my Sarah McLachlan stuff again. [/endof Non-Sequitor(?)]
                  ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                    Wow this thread grows so fast I can't keep up with it!

                    Okay guys new fic idea i thought I would share, one of my favorites. It is called Uprising, and it is full of Shweir.

                    It starts out 5 years after the Wraith have been destroyed. O'Neill comes to tell Elizabeth that the Wraith might have returned. The President is sending the old expedition team back, but Elizabeth is worried about certain priorities keeping her here. That priority is her four year old daughter Jenny.

                    Elizabeth goes to the SGC with Jenny, and convinces Landry to let her bring Jenny to Atlantis because she has the ATA gene. Jack has looked at Jenny's birth certificate and knows who her father is, John. Elizabeth returns to Atlantis with Rodney, Carson and Cadman. Lorne is the new Military Commander of Atlantis, and convinces Elizabeth to recreate John's team and for her to lead it, which she does.

                    Jenny has become the little mascot of Atlantis, and everyone adores her. One question is unasnwered: How did it happen? After Caldwell demands to know Elizabeth explains that it happened the night before the Wraith attacked. Elizabeth told Johnt hat it would be to difficult, but before the arguement could continue the Wraith made a full attack. It was too many Hive Ships for them to handle, but two Ancients who broke the rules talk to JOhn and give him the power to save Atlantis. It's too much of a strain on his body, and after he succeeds is destroying all the Wraith he begins to die. The two Ancients speak to Elizabeth and tell her that they might be able to save him, if she will give him to them. Out of options, she does as they ask. No one knows where JOhn is or if he is even alive.

                    Two months after her return to Earth, Elizabeth found out she was pregnant. Rodney, Cadman and Carson helped her out during this, but they kept it a secret from the SGC. Elizabeth meets John's mother and becomes good friends with her.

                    Anyways, it turns out it is not the Wraith that are attacking, but are people experimented on by the Wraith. These people can eat like normal humand, and feed off of human lives. They also can regenerate when ever a limb is cut off. If a finger is hacked off, the finger will grow back as well as a clone of the original. Atlantis calls the the Generators.

                    There is some Teyla/Ronon in this fic, but that is my sister's part and she can tell you all about that on the Teyla/Dex forum. On a mission, the team go to a place of sanctuary for one planet. They strongly suspect that an Ancient like Chaya is there. They don't find any Ancients, but they do find John lying on an alter like thing. Yes, he is alive. John enteres their minds and tells them that he's alive, but not fully healed yet. Elizabeth tries to tell JOhn about Jenny, but can't do it.

                    The Generators attack Atlantis, and after several tries to get rid of them, Atlantis is out of drones and ideas. They are about to evacuate the city when the Stargate opens. An ancient steps through the sheild and shuts it down. John walks in fully healed and with some ideas to save Atlantis. After the Generators are gone, Ronon comes back fromt he Alpha Site with a sleeping Jenny on his shoulde, who he hands to Elizabeth. John has his suspicions, and they are confirmed when Elizabeth does tell him the Jenny is his daughter. He's a little upset at first, but after the shock passes he becomes a great father to Jenny.

                    Soem funny stuff happens on Earth in one chapter when the boys find a positive pregnancy test in the trash. Convined that it is either Laura or Elizabeth, Carson and John confront them. it turns out to be Teyla who is pregnant with Ronon's child.

                    This next part I got while watching The Tower believe it or not. Lorne takes Jenny to the Tower place since it is a safe world, and she gets kidnapped by barbarians in the woods, as the nobles say. John and Elizaebth go to the Tower to search for her. Here Elizabeth meets Mora, and says some interesting thing here is a little snippet that is to funny to resist.

                    ELIZABETH: I can't believe you slept with her; she has to IQ of an orange.

                    JOHN: She stipped down in front of me, she had the advantage.

                    ELIZABETH: I never took advantage of you.

                    JOHN: But you did strip down.

                    ELIZABETH: I did no...

                    JOHN: I beg to differ, Jenny is living prook of that.

                    Mora tries to seduce John again, and ELizabeth sees her kiss John. Unfortunatley she doesn't see him oush her away, and say he doesn't want Mora. Jenny, it turns out, was not kidnapped by barbarians, but really by Mora and her brother so they could raise her as a princess so they could add more of the ATA gene into the royal line. For my friend Michael who syas that Atlantis has to be unique, I have them blow up the Tower. Yep, Blondie goes up in flames

                    Simon comes to Atlantis, and wants a relationship with Elizabeth again. Still upset about Mora, Elizabeth begins to date him again. John abesolutely hates this. When she is late picking up Jenny, John finds her and Simon talking. Elizabeth confesses to Simon that it was a mistake dating him again because she still loves John, even though he wanted Mora. John asks Teyla to take Jenny for the night, and locks Elizabeth in his room when she comes for her. John tells her about what happened on the Tower planet while trying to seduce her. After Seven years, they finally get back together.

                    After that I'm out of ideas, but tell me what you think. I actually have the scene where JOhn and Elizabeth get together written down. If anyone wants to read I'll send it to you.

                    SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

                    Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


                      Originally posted by sunny
                      Okay, I'd like to preface this mushy comment by saying it's not my fault I'm all gooey today. My bro made me watch a Lilithfair DVD *in which you can totally see Carrie-Anne Moss dancin' her can off btw, w00t w00t Toronto* and it recalled the yesteryears of semi-indie girl music of the gooey persuasion. Couple that with Mely's very fabulouso 'International Relations' fic which made me remember the ONE SQUARE pic of Sparky that was posted a while back and came across this. Then there was this mostly for the 'beautiful effed up man part'. Cos IMO I think he is, he's just good at not showing it, which does make him mysterious, no? Which logically sent me BACK to this and this and this. So now I'm under the impression that all Canadian woman are related cos there is a striking similarities on the part of Torri and Sarah and Carrie-Anne and my friend Katie. That and I need to bust out my Sarah McLachlan stuff again. [/endof Non-Sequitor(?)]

                      WOW!! Your train of thought is... Wow. No words... Except...That all made sense... *is now very worried*

                      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                        WOW!! Your train of thought is... Wow. No words... Except...That all made sense... *is now very worried*
                        Hehe. I'm glad it did to someone. Cos for the life of me I couldn't even figure it out *hugs*
                        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                          Rodney: Hey. Does anybody know why there is a sign on the sixth floor closet saying off limits?

                          John: Ask her. She's the boss...

                          Lizzie: I don't know Rodney. But it sure won't be there much longer...

                          John thinking: I am so sleeping on the sofa tonight...

                          Hey i'm new at this... Both captioning and photobucket...

                          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                            Good job! Rodney the impetulant middle child. I think he may resent that. J/K I <3 U Rodney
                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
                              After that I'm out of ideas, but tell me what you think. I actually have the scene where JOhn and Elizabeth get together written down. If anyone wants to read I'll send it to you.
                              WOW, sounds like a very elaborate idea, where are you publishing it?.
                              I tried catchin' up when i arrived from uni, but i was so hungry, and deep inside i'm a Rodney, lol, my brain refuses to work unless it's fed .


                                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                                Rodney: Hey. Does anybody know why there is a sign on the sixth floor closet saying off limits?

                                John: Ask her. She's the boss...

                                Lizzie: I don't know Rodney. But it sure won't be there much longer...

                                John thinking: I am so sleeping on the sofa tonight...

                                Hey i'm new at this... Both captioning and photobucket...
                                Super job! It amazes me how you guys can come up with such entertaining captions, and for a first time at captioning you did great. Ah, the closets. That will never get old.

