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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SGLAB
    There's also the theory that Mckay was
    shocked and jealous because he wants Shep for himself.
    Now that I can believe!

    I don't remotely buy into the slasher interpretation of SGA but I could find you tons more instances to support the concept that Sheppard and McKay are secretly madly in love than Sheppard and Teyla. McKay reminded me of a thirteen year old girl with a crush in 'Sanctuary' and it wasn't on Chaya. I put that down to it being an OOC episode in general, not TPTB intention, but at least McKay and Sheppard have had lots of moments of significance where Sheyla hasn't. McKay cares more about Sheppard's opinion of him than any single other person and Sheppard would hate to be without the arrogant whiny geek.
    ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
    FBI - Body Preservation Division


      OOHHH NOOO!!!!!! not page 2!!!!!!!!!!

      piccie time!!!!!

      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        I couldn't begin to count, but several weeks ago I began a project where I was clipping up episodes to save copies of scenes that I figured would be useful for future vids. By the time I had made it through Epiphany, I think, I had about an hour and a half of footage collected. Obviously I got a few more scenes from Critical Mass, Grace Under Pressure, and The Tower, but I still haven't touched the last five episodes of the season. So out of the first season and three fourths of the second, I got the equivalent of more than two episodes' worth of Shep/Weir scenes. And that was just the stuff that works visually. There was more that I discarded because I didn't think it would work for vids.
        Let's make a quick list (feel free to add to this):


        Siege III - Do I really need to make a list of the several shippy scenes in here? There's, like, four of them. 1.) HUG! 2.) The "I thought you were dead, radio talk and concern." 3.) ??? I think I'm missing something here. 4.) Ending scene. EDIT: I think lip-licking should get a point all it's own.
        Intruder - Yeah, 'cause talking about oceans and trouble sleeping and flirting like mad is all professional. Oh, yeah, and the amusing little "John Sheppard book of computer repair" joke he made to her, and how she batted that away ever-so-cutely.
        Runner - This episode had more R/T scenes than anything, but I will admit, that butt-grabbing scene was hilarious and shippy. One for S/T.
        Duet - Two flirty scenes and arm-touching. We capped one of these scenes a couple of million times in this thread. Showed trust and a very so-married quality. And, I'm sorry, I'm going to go mushy for a second - wasn't Sheppard kinda chasing her around like a puppy-dog the entire time?
        Condemned - nada, I think, beyound the usual concern. (Although I think Lorne is a secret S/W shipper! hehe.)
        Trinity - all about trust and reliance. Can I say, the Sheppard-Weir dynamic was the only relationship that didn't take a blow in this episode. Sheppard/McKay. Weir/McKay. Ronon/Teyla. Sheppard/Teyla (oh, wait, they didn't even see each other in this episode!) - all of them had to deal with trust issues, and came out worse for wear. Sheppard and Weir seemed to be the exception. Even McKay acknowledges the power of Sparky!
        Instinct - Weir was in one brief scene in this entire episode, but dude, we all remember that gorgeous smile she gives him. *melts*
        Conversion - aggressive one-way mouthmushing versus the heartfelt and intimate numerous scenes we had with S/W? Gee, that's a toughie. My personal favs of the epsidoe - the "It's better for the both of us" and "You and Colonel Sheppard are close" remarks.
        Aurora - Nothing really, although the increasing R/T scenes in the last couple of episodes and the ones especially in this episode couldn't have hurt the S/W ship much. EDIT: Oh wait, a deleted scene with shippy implications. Sheppard and Weir must have talked about drinking bubbly at some point, if they were ready with the bottle and glasses!
        Lost Boys - I missed this episode entirely. Somebody else do the recap here. I've heard there was some nice flirting at the end, though.
        Epiphany - Ditto to the above. I didn't see this episode either. I do remember something about teasing in regards to the beard, though?
        Critical Mass - The ending scene. Comfort Weir for her moral delima, or comfort Teyla for death in her family? Sheppard goes for Weir. That says a lot. No S/T interaction at all.
        Grace Under Pressure - once again, no S/T interaction at all (that's three thus far for those that are keeping count). But we all remember the sparky scene!
        The Tower - I missed the first half of this episode, so I don't know what the S/T people can claim in this. But for us? - Two words: Balcony scene.
        The Long Goodbye - Dude, I think we all know the score on this one. I'm not even trying.

        And that's all I've seen thus far. WOW. And we've got five episodes left!
        Last edited by Whistler84; 13 February 2006, 02:41 PM.

        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


          Excellent beyond excellent post Whistler!!!!!!! agree with you totally!!!!! i think season 2 has been AWESOME!!!!!!!
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Originally posted by smallgirl
            Now that I can believe!

            I don't remotely buy into the slasher interpretation of SGA but I could find you tons more instances to support the concept that Sheppard and McKay are secretly madly in love than Sheppard and Teyla. McKay reminded me of a thirteen year old girl with a crush in 'Sanctuary' and it wasn't on Chaya. I put that down to it being an OOC episode in general, not TPTB intention, but at least McKay and Sheppard have had lots of moments of significance where Sheyla hasn't. McKay cares more about Sheppard's opinion of him than any single other person and Sheppard would hate to be without the arrogant whiny geek.
            I was thinking, this goes to show just how UST between Shep/Teyla is *SO* not there. I can totally picture a slashy relationship between McKay and Sheppard (and i'm not even a slasher, lol). They definitely have tons more UST than Sheyla could ever hope to have .
            On a Sanctuary related (and unrelated note), there is a girl named Chaya on my statistics class, lol.
            Now onto the show...
            Originally posted by Whistler84
            You know, I honestly don't know how this season could not have been a bigger blow to S/T. Sheppard and Teyla rarely ever communicate with each other, and it's never even remotely personal. Season One, I couldn't say that. At least then, the PTB were attempting to build the foundation for something. You got to see them talking and having scenes together, etc . . . But this season? It's been completely polarized into S/W scenes and R/T scenes.
            I think it would be unfair to compare 'cause, well, there is just no comparison . Sheppard and Weir are actually friends, who spend quite a lot of time talking, flirting, or just looking intensely at eachother's eyes. *Or* looking at the other when that person isn't looking . tptb don't need to place moments that intrude the plot or seem totally out of place for us to see Sparky. Moments so out of place that you can't not tell from miles away that said moments are nothing but blatant attempts to force ship.
            'Cause Sparky is one hundred percent natural.


              Originally posted by Luz
              'Cause Sparky is one hundred percent natural.
              i soooo second that!!!!!.... i love the chemistry between Joe and Torri... it is just there and is sooo not forced!!!!!! they are AWESOME!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Whistler84 I have to agree with you. This season couldn't have been a bigger blow to the S/T Shippers. I know there is some scenes that at first seem shippy for the S/T shippers but, if you think of what is happening doing those times you can see that it's not shippy at all. Like in TLG
                when he said that John cares for her more then she knows. He was most likely lying so she doesn't kill him or, meaning how she is John's friend.

                Icon Made By LadyBozi


                  Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
                  Liz: I'm getting worried about this conversation. What the heck is RST.

                  Shep: Resolved Sexual. .um, uh, nice shirt.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by Whistler84
                    Let's make a quick list (feel free to add to this):

                    Aurora - Nothing really, although the increasing R/T scenes in the last couple of episodes and the ones especially in this episode couldn't have hurt the S/W ship much. EDIT: Oh wait, a deleted scene with shippy implications. Sheppard and Weir must have talked about drinking bubbly at some point, if they were ready with the bottle and glasses!
                    Epiphany - Ditto to the above. I didn't see this episode either. I do remember something about teasing in regards to the beard, though?
                    In regards to Aurora and Epiphany
                    In Aurora i seem to remember that when Weir handed Sheppard his glass their fingers brushed (small, i know, but still hot ). And Weir forcing Col. Skinner's hand was absolutely hot, "my people are better, and prettier than yours" *na! na! na! na!*. The way she smiled at team Sheppard was so sweet, but that was kind of more of a mama bear moment than shippy though.
                    And Epiphany, Ronon's little smirk while Weir was saying her flirty 'beard' comment. And i know people hated Epiphany, but i have to say this episode only served to further solidify Sheppard's blind trust on Weir. Now he absolutely knows:
                    There ain't no mountain high enough
                    Ain't no valley low enough
                    Ain't no river wide enough
                    LOL, sorry, couldn't help it.
                    Last edited by Luz; 13 February 2006, 03:47 PM.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      Liz: I'm getting worried about this conversation. What the heck is RST.

                      Shep: Resolved Sexual. .um...
                      Originally posted by Bama

                      Liz: *eyebrows raised* Ah...Say, um...John...'Phoebus' has one more little um...favor to ask of you.

                      Don't hate me FP...I just have to sometimes.


                        Originally posted by Whistler84
                        Let's make a quick list (feel free to add to this):
                        I'll take lip lickin for a hundred Alex.


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          Great points, EVERYBODY.

                          You know, I honestly don't know how this season could not have been a bigger blow to S/T. Sheppard and Teyla rarely ever communicate with each other, and it's never even remotely personal. Season One, I couldn't say that. At least then, the PTB were attempting to build the foundation for something. You got to see them talking and having scenes together, etc . . . But this season? It's been completely polarized into S/W scenes and R/T scenes.

                          The fact is, most of the support for S/T is from season one, back in the day. A big portion - if not the heart and soul of their ship - is based on "The Rising" and "Suspicion." But with Sheppard's recent kirking, I'm starting to see a pattern here. His initial reaction to Teyla perfectly duplicates his reactions to Chaya, Mora (sp?), Teer, etc. . . He sees a pretty lady, and flirts. And defends her honor if anyone dares to question it (I just watched "Sanctuary" yesterday, and I had forgotten the way he fiercly defended Chaya). It parallels his initial view of Teyla perfectly: "oh, pretty lady. Must flirt. Must defend." This classifies Teyla in the same catagory as all the other women he's been kirkin' with this season, and that's not a good group to be in if your a shipper for them. All of them were made of stuff that inspired temporary infatuations. Weak, flimsy relationships based on attraction and really nothing more.

                          The difference is, Teyla stuck around, and John's views for her shifted - they had to, otherwise he would have dated Teyla and probably broken up with her before we even got to "The Storm." He's stopped flirting with her this season entirely, because he views her differently. He's still finds her attractive, 'cause yeah - he's got eyes!! But the flirting? Gone compleletly. The private conversations? Gone. The talks about anything other the military business? Bub-bye.

                          This season, how many conversations have they had? How many flirting scenes? I remember "Runner,"
                          which had that amusing little butt-grabbing scene,
                          but that's it. Wow, now lets compare that to S/W. Somebody want to count up the flirting scenes between them this season? How many personal and private scenes they've had together?
                          Again, such a solid, factual, logical post based on evidence or lack thereof. It did look like early on in season one that a few written -in 'ops' were provided to allow 'casual' interaction between shep and teyla but they so lacked in any real or natural character chemistry that they've all but abandoned them in favor of letting Teyla 'bounce' her personality off of Ronon and even Rodney more often. She just doesn't 'bounce' well off of Joe for whatever reason. I think it was SR that mentioned that John just looks 'uncomfortable' in scenes with Teyla and not in a sexually charged sort of exciting 'uncomfortable'. With John and 'lizabeth, I get 'comfy' but I also get 'awareness of each other'. With John and Teyla the vibe is that they're not even remotely on the same wavelength. I always feel they'd rather be with just about anyone else than with the other. How can you even build true UST when you can't even get the characters to the point where they even give off a vibe of enjoying each other?

                          I like the point you make here about John's early treatment of Teyla as being exactly the same as he treated all the other women he's met initially. They all wore off. He doesn't make repeat visits to see any of them just as he doesn't make repeat visits to Teyla's hangouts. Have you guys even noticed the huge lack of those goofy training scenes with the stick fighting that was supposed to be so 'hot'? There was one in Conversion and that's about all I remember this year.

                          Note to any writers that might be lurking about... ; )
                          I'd like to see Shep tied up to Elizabeth like he was Teyla. Just try it writers. Don't give them any special dialogue or make them admit anything momenteous. Just tie them up for a length of time body to body and let them communicate with each other normally. Just try it. Don't be afraid. Just do it and see what happens. I guarantee you guys that it would be hotter than any of those horrendously contrived stick fights and forehead rubs you guys wanted to sell off as real chemistry. Try me...


                            lol just put me back on track! *nononon* this season break is horrible for my shippyness! lol. Thanks! *huggles*
                            I agree with all you said the number of times John and Liz flirted. I personally can't count because it's always there

                            Hey Bama! I second your request! John being tied to Elizabeth would be soo darn sparky! .... eh and then someone will have to untie them and drag Liz away but shoot John in the leg..
                            um yeah


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Note to any writers that might be lurking about... ; )
                              I'd like to see Shep tied up to Elizabeth like he was Teyla. Just try it writers. Don't give them any special dialogue or make them admit anything momenteous. Just tie them up for a length of time body to body and let them communicate with each other normally. Just try it. Don't be afraid. Just do it and see what happens. I guarantee you guys that it would be hotter than any of those horrendously contrived stick fights and forehead rubs you guys wanted to sell off as real chemistry. Try me...
                              That would be just awesome. Thw two of them stuck together in one place, physically in contact with each other for a length of time. I'd love to see them just have one of those random, pass-the-time conversations in that case like Mulder and Scully had occasionally. (The conversation on the rock in "Quagmire," in particular, comes to mind!)
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Note to any writers that might be lurking about... ; )
                                I'd like to see Shep tied up to Elizabeth like he was Teyla. Just try it writers. Don't give them any special dialogue or make them admit anything momenteous. Just tie them up for a length of time body to body and let them communicate with each other normally. Just try it. Don't be afraid. Just do it and see what happens. I guarantee you guys that it would be hotter than any of those horrendously contrived stick fights and forehead rubs you guys wanted to sell off as real chemistry. Try me...
                                That's such an awesome idea. Shep and Weir tied up together, definitely hot. Maybe captured by some alien race or something, yeah that would do it.

                                I think I would also like to see them, say, stuck in a Jumper, sorta lost in space. Only each other to keep them company, until they are finally rescued. But I agree, shouldn't have any 'special dialogue or make them admit anything momenteous', just being there to comfort each other when it seems as if they might never be able to find their way back to Atlantis. Heck, it doesn't even need to be a Jumper. They could be stranded on some planet or something sorta like Solitudes, only J/E instead of S/J.

