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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Luz
    I don't know if that's Lizzie, but i don't think that's Teyla, the hair color, the curls, and the way she has her hair on that other pic, just don't match. A bit OT, but Teyla looks really hot on that pic of her alone.
    I must agree with Luz.
    SL, I think your first instinct that it wasn't teyla is correct. The hair is simply too dark. Now, it may very well NOT be Elizabeth and be some babo-licious that John is looking over at but that hair is not Teyla's. Hers is honey colored. That hair is DARK. It could be a 'stand-in' for Teyla I guess but don't they usually get someone with the SAME hair color? Hello. Ever seen Mitch Pileggi's wife? She looks remarkably like Gillian Anderson because she was her body double. That ain't Teyla unless she let Ronon give her a quickie haircolor for some reason.


      Originally posted by A.L.
      And about the pics from Irresitable (SP?), why do I feel the irrepressable need to shudder? I look forward to this epi with anticipation and fear.
      Oh, let's indulge the anal-retentive among us. I-R-R-E-S-I-S-T-I-B-L-E.

      And Sally, I think you were right the first time. One thing's for sure: that's not Teyla.
      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
      Last update: 14 April 2006
      Melyanna's Multimedia
      Last update: 15 February 2006


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Oh, let's indulge the anal-retentive among us. I-R-R-E-S-I-S-T-I-B-L-E.

        And Sally, I think you were right the first time. One thing's for sure: that's not Teyla.
        Yeah yeah. I'm lazy. So sue me. I guess I actually spelled it right the first time but thought it looked wrong. Anyway, I'm tired. The girl I work with was still out of town today and we got about a weeks worth of orders in just one day. It was hectic and crazy and I reserve the right to be bum for a few hours since I'll have go in two hours early tomorrow to continue to play catch up. *sigh*

        At least I have loverly Sparky stuff to boost me up.



          Originally posted by A.L.
          Yeah yeah. I'm lazy. So sue me. I guess I actually spelled it right the first time but thought it looked wrong. Anyway, I'm tired. The girl I work with was still out of town today and we got about a weeks worth of orders in just one day. It was hectic and crazy and I reserve the right to be bum for a few hours since I'll have go in two hours early tomorrow to continue to play catch up. *sigh*
          Wasn't directed at you. New Atlantis has it misspelled, and I think that when Joe Mallozzi first mentioned it in his blog, he'd misspelled it too. I'm just... slightly obsessive, and still annoyed at the lack of hyphen in "Thirty Eight Minutes".
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Wasn't directed at you. New Atlantis has it misspelled, and I think that when Joe Mallozzi first mentioned it in his blog, he'd misspelled it too. I'm just... slightly obsessive, and still annoyed at the lack of hyphen in "Thirty Eight Minutes".
            S'all good. One thing I've learned from one of the girls I work with (the one out of town) is that we're both pretty anal. We're just anal about different things. I completely understand. No worries.



              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Oh, let's indulge the anal-retentive among us. I-R-R-E-S-I-S-T-I-B-L-E.

              And Sally, I think you were right the first time. One thing's for sure: that's not Teyla.
              'Cause i have nothing else to do .



                Damn, Luz! Got to spread the love but that just tickles me

                Definately going with it being Lizzie *nods* Not just the curls, but the way it's curled Yes, I'm sad and I notice these things
                Last edited by SallyLizzie; 05 June 2006, 06:28 PM.


                  Originally posted by Luz
                  'Cause i have nothing else to do .


                  OMG! You guys are hilarious. I never would have thought to look so closely at these pics, but here you guys are, analyzing and debating the possibility of hair that's honey-colored versus dark. Straight or curly. Teyla or Weir. I'm giving this thread Five Stars. You guys always manage to make me smile!
                  Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
                  You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
                  Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

                  Poem by Rachel Cooper.


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    'Cause i have nothing else to do .


                    I'm actually looking forward to this episode, "Irresistible". I like humorous ones, and this one looks like fun because
                    Shep gets to see Elizabeth in a totally different light from Leader!Weir. He gets to see the woman behind that mask. So I'm looking at the group photo and I'm pretty sure it's Elizabeth because unless they are tricky camera angles, there's no way two gals can fit between Ronon and DFG. I choose to believe Teyla went to powder her nose at that point (and that is a beautiful shot of Teyla). And Shep looks like he doesn't like what he's seeing between DFG and Elizabeth. Ronon looks like he's affected too, another slash anvil in the making?

                    Don't worry Mel, I'm also anal retentive. I'm always mentally correcting the spelling. My pet one is "definitely" and "definately", but not everybody has English as their native tongue. I hate to think what my French is like, lol!

                    Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                      Damn, Luz! Got to spread the love but that just tickles me

                      Definately going with it being Lizzie *nods* Not just the curls, but the way it's curled Yes, I'm sad and I notice these things
                      ITA, me thinks it's her.



                        Originally posted by Ronnikins
                        I'm actually looking forward to this episode, "Irresistible". I like humorous ones, and this one looks like fun because
                        Shep gets to see Elizabeth in a totally different light from Leader!Weir. He gets to see the woman behind that mask. So I'm looking at the group photo and I'm pretty sure it's Elizabeth because unless they are tricky camera angles, there's no way two gals can fit between Ronon and DFG. I choose to believe Teyla went to powder her nose at that point (and that is a beautiful shot of Teyla). And Shep looks like he doesn't like what he's seeing between DFG and Elizabeth. Ronon looks like he's affected too, another slash anvil in the making?

                        Don't worry Mel, I'm also anal retentive. I'm always mentally correcting the spelling. My pet one is "definitely" and "definately", but not everybody has English as their native tongue. I hate to think what my French is like, lol!
                        I'm looking forward to Irresistible too. I'm curious to see what it's like.

                        Arrgg, I can't type tonight. I had to spell irresistible at least three times to get it right. I'm just as anal retentive. Ronnikins, I've seen "definitely" spelled "defiantely" so much I'm beginning to think that's how it's spelled. I think I need to stop reading fanfic or be more selective in fanfic or I'll forget how to spell properly.


                          Any episode that has Ronon
                          giggling like a giddy school girl
                          I'm there!!

                          And Sheppard looks so very pretty in the new photos! [/shallows]


                            Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                            OMG! You guys are hilarious. I never would have thought to look so closely at these pics, but here you guys are, analyzing and debating the possibility of hair that's honey-colored versus dark. Straight or curly. Teyla or Weir. I'm giving this thread Five Stars. You guys always manage to make me smile!
                            You like us! You really like us!!


                            Are you laughing WITH us or AT us?

                            LOL! J/K! I'm sure I speak for the others when I say, glad to be of service. Pass the smiles along!! All it takes is one to start a chain reaction.


                              Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
                              OMG! You guys are hilarious. I never would have thought to look so closely at these pics, but here you guys are, analyzing and debating the possibility of hair that's honey-colored versus dark. Straight or curly. Teyla or Weir. I'm giving this thread Five Stars. You guys always manage to make me smile!
                              We're nothing if not thorough, I suppose.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                Damn, Luz! Got to spread the love but that just tickles me

                                Definately going with it being Lizzie *nods* Not just the curls, but the way it's curled Yes, I'm sad and I notice these things

                                LOL ROTFL FUNNY! LUZ! I'd spark ya if the system would let me!!

                                Yep, that's Elizabeth 'hair'. The evil ptb are at it again! Hiding her behind big ol Ronon so we can't see that it's her Shep is eyeballing. What I'm wondering is where the heck they are and why Elizabeth is there. You guys probably know-I don't read spoilers too closely. I'm rather happy go-lucky with them. It is fun to know she's in on the action most likely in this one. I love the idea of her being more 'hands on'. And I do mean that in every possible way you're thinking right now. Heh.

                                Originally posted by Ronnikins
                                I choose to believe Teyla went to powder her nose at that point (and that is a beautiful shot of Teyla)
                                P.S. I think Teyla is like 'Waldo' in this shot-she's hidden in Ronon's lap.
                                Last edited by Bama; 05 June 2006, 08:37 PM.

