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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FireCat
    I wondered the same thing when Thelan said that to Teyla,
    was he saying it TO Teyla? Or was he looking up at the camera, talking to Weir?

    I only saw it once, so can't go back and review it. Anyone else wonder that?
    IMO it doesn't matter much TLG
    Since it wasn't even him, then it doesn't matter to whom he was saying it, it was just a desperate attemp at saving his ass.


      I saw TLG and...I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! It is by far my favorite.Not just because of
      The Kiss
      But also because Torri finally gets to do some real acting. Not just as, in the words of mspooh, MammaBear.
      I thought every ones
      reactions to the kiss were great. Especially Rodney's. And his comment "They're concenting adults." Heh.
      Caldwell was great. I actually liked him in this episode.
      The ending was perfect. Their embarassment. I loved how Liz slid down in the bed. And that it seemed like John stayed awake throughout the night. I was surprised at Caldwell's teasing.

      Just one question.
      Why did Thelan(?) Leave John's body before Phoebus left Elizabeth's? She was there before him so?

      Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


        Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
        Just one question.
        Why did Thelan(?) Leave John's body before Phoebus left Elizabeth's? She was there before him so?
        I think I can answer that.
        Beckett said that the lifesigns from Thalans' pod were weaker than those from Phoebus' pod. That would lead me to believe that his imprinting wouldn't last longer than her's.

        At least that's what I got out of it.


          Originally posted by stubadingdong
          There's one thing about this episode that's kind of "off" for me. If someone can help me out...

          The reactions to the kiss: Why were they all so surprised? Everyone bought into the husband/wife thing. They must have, on some level, anticipated something like that might happen. Heck, John even disclaimed it before he stepped up, "anything could happen" he said. So why, when the wife kissed her husband, was everyone taken aback?

          The only logical thing I can reconcile from it is that Rodney, Caldwell and Carson still saw John and Elizabeth, not Thelan and Phoebus. It still seems weird to me, their gasps of shock. (not to mention the only one to look away was Caldwell, and he seemed the most disturbed. Dear {insert deity of choice here}, please don't let that be any kind of foreshadowing!!)
          I had thought about that as well and came to the same conclusion. John pointed it out in a roundabout way, but I don't think it really sank in, especially when Phoebus promised to be discreet. (What's her definition of discreet, I wonder?)

          I think, when Phoebus launched herself onto Thalan, three jaws hit the floor. Carson and Caldwell looked away, while Rodney went, "Oh," glanced down, and started planning his next Sparky fanfic. Rodney McKay, genius and Sparky shipper (though, the two aren't necessarily exclusive from one another)! And you're right, the three of them were probably still seeing John and Elizabeth as opposed to Thalan and Phoebus. *grins* Don't blame them, really.


          *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
          In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


            Originally posted by Luz
            IMO it doesn't matter much TLG
            Since it wasn't even him, then it doesn't matter to whom he was saying it, it was just a desperate attemp at saving his ass.
            Why should we believe that in this one instance Thalan was telling the truth when he had been lying all along. Remember his manipulation of Ronon? All lies. He would have said anything to save himself. Even saying that John didn't think Teyla would really shoot him was a lie.

            Originally posted by stubadingdong
            There's one thing about this episode that's kind of "off" for me. If someone can help me out...

            The reactions to the kiss: Why were they all so surprised? Everyone bought into the husband/wife thing. They must have, on some level, anticipated something like that might happen. Heck, John even disclaimed it before he stepped up, "anything could happen" he said. So why, when the wife kissed her husband, was everyone taken aback?

            The only logical thing I can reconcile from it is that Rodney, Caldwell and Carson still saw John and Elizabeth, not Thelan and Phoebus. It still seems weird to me, their gasps of shock. (not to mention the only one to look away was Caldwell, and he seemed the most disturbed. Dear {insert deity of choice here}, please don't let that be any kind of foreshadowing!!)

            I think they were surprised because of who it was. Weir and Sheppard their leaders who heretofore had not been involved romantically. Rodney just seemed so tickled. You've got to believe he was thinking about how good they looked together. Caldwell, I believe is a very conservative man, and for someone who's career military seeing something like this between two people in authority was probably just a little bit uncomfortable. Besides he was probably thinking "oh crap, I have to write this in a report."

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.



                Originally posted by stubadingdong
                There's one thing about this episode that's kind of "off" for me. If someone can help me out...

                The reactions to the kiss: Why were they all so surprised? Everyone bought into the husband/wife thing. They must have, on some level, anticipated something like that might happen. Heck, John even disclaimed it before he stepped up, "anything could happen" he said. So why, when the wife kissed her husband, was everyone taken aback?

                The only logical thing I can reconcile from it is that Rodney, Caldwell and Carson still saw John and Elizabeth, not Thelan and Phoebus. It still seems weird to me, their gasps of shock. (not to mention the only one to look away was Caldwell, and he seemed the most disturbed. Dear {insert deity of choice here}, please don't let that be any kind of foreshadowing!!)
                You said so yourself, and i couldn't agree more. TLG
                They were tricked into thinking those two were married, so they should have been prepared to seeing them kissing. But what they saw was Weir and Sheppard kissing, under the influence yes, but still they were seeing Sheppard and Weir sucking face. And it seems Beckett and McKay were taken aback by how right they looked while doing it. Don't you love our two Sparky geeks? .


                  Originally posted by bbfan

                  Oooo, they's so pretty together, aren't they?

                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    You said so yourself, and i couldn't agree more. TLG
                    They were tricked into thinking those two were married, so they should have been prepared to seeing them kissing. But what they saw was Weir and Sheppard kissing, under the influence yes, but still they were seeing Sheppard and Weir sucking face. And it seems Beckett and McKay were taken aback by how right they looked while doing it. Don't you love our two Sparky geeks? .

                    Of course I do! I guess they're all hopeless romantics, eh?

                    But it still seemed too jarring for me. I guess I'll just have to live with it.

                    And I hope to see some teasing in future episodes from Rodney and Carson. At least Carson will be a sweetie about it. Rodney...I would expect just about anything from him. LOL
                    I put the "M" in stupid.


                      My rambling thoughts on TLG.
                      I loved the scene when Elizabeth fainted and John caught her calling her name. And the next scene in the infirmary. Loved the way he was only interested in how Elizabeth was. Kind of reminded me of his concern for her in BIS over interest in what Old!Weir had to say. Only this time it wasn't as subtle.

                      I think the fact that Phebus was so different from Weir made it seem like JF was just playing Thalen as if he was Sheppard.

                      The reactions from the others over the kiss was just priceless. Though I think I'll take a Siege 3 hug over alien influenced kissing any day. It did make for an amusing scene at the end.

                      And I really liked Caldwell in this ep. I also liked the way Weir interacted with him at the beginning of the ep. I haven't really cared for the way she has gotten so defensive with him most of the time. Hopefully things will continue to get better there.


                        Originally posted by Luz
                        You said so yourself, and i couldn't agree more. TLG
                        They were tricked into thinking those two were married, so they should have been prepared to seeing them kissing. But what they saw was Weir and Sheppard kissing, under the influence yes, but still they were seeing Sheppard and Weir sucking face. And it seems Beckett and McKay were taken aback by how right they looked while doing it. Don't you love our two Sparky geeks? .
                        Agree with you guys!
                        Rodney and Carson's expression told me that they were 'seeing' as we all were, the physical bods of John and 'Lizabeth doing something pretty darn intimate with each other and there thoughts were: 'hey, they look pretty right together!' Caldwell was just like "Oh, wth have we got going on here!"


                          I just thought I would be a bit silly and even through it's not valentine day yet, Shep just couldn't wait and gave his gift early.

                          This was the best I could do using this site.


                            Originally posted by stubadingdong
                            Of course I do! I guess they're all hopeless romantics, eh?



                            Elizabeth or Phoebus saying that line to John? I re-watched it again and I'm still leaning toward the real Elizabeth regardless of what Caldwell thinks. He doesn't know her as well as Rodney does and he thought it was Elizabeth. I just don't think 'Phoebus' could have pulled off acting like 'Elizabeth' that well as mean a witch as she was. The 'rush of emotion' line from Elizabeth told me that Phoebus totally *sold* the real Elizabeth on the idea that she needed to see this man who was her 'husband' and that she played on Elizabeth's 'romantic' nature. I LOVE knowing that about her. And obviously John as well! They both are suckers for the real deal. All they've got to do is keep on looking and eventually they'll stumble into it with each other.


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Agree with you guys!
                              Rodney and Carson's expression told me that they were 'seeing' as we all were, the physical bods of John and 'Lizabeth doing something pretty darn intimate with each other and there thoughts were: 'hey, they look pretty right together!' Caldwell was just like "Oh, wth have we got going on here!"
                              It's the Caldwell thing that worries me. I got the impression he was uncomfortable for more personal reasons. It's his first debut as himself (no Goa'uld in sight) and he's trying to repair things with the Atlantis crew. He just seemed a little bit smitten with Weir. And that makes me worry a tad. TPTB, regardless of what show, love to toy with this kind of thing. I have nothing against Caldwell and in fact I liked him very much in this episode. All I'm saying is that I hope he was just uncomfortable for more professional reasons. Gah. Ickickick *kicks the thought of a C/E ship from mind*
                              I put the "M" in stupid.


                                Originally posted by Bama


                                Elizabeth or Phoebus saying that line to John? I re-watched it again and I'm still leaning toward the real Elizabeth regardless of what Caldwell thinks. He doesn't know her as well as Rodney does and he thought it was Elizabeth. I just don't think 'Phoebus' could have pulled off acting like 'Elizabeth' that well as mean a witch as she was. The 'rush of emotion' line from Elizabeth told me that Phoebus totally *sold* the real Elizabeth on the idea that she needed to see this man who was her 'husband' and that she played on Elizabeth's 'romantic' nature. I LOVE knowing that about her. And obviously John as well! They both are suckers for the real deal. All they've got to do is keep on looking and eventually they'll stumble into it with each other.

                                I think it was Phoebus all the way. Being in Elizabeth's head she would know exactly how to play Sheppard. And there was no indication that either Sheppard or Weir were ever in control of themselves. Even Elizabeth said in that last scene that she kept trying to say things but nothing she wanted ever came out of her mouth. That to me leads me to the conclusion that it was Phoebus. And I do think that Elizabeth believes Shep to be a hopeless romantic. I think Phoebus got that and verbalized it to convince the boys that this was Elizabeth and only Elizabeth would know.

                                Uh, I think I got lost in my rambling so if that didn't make sense I'll try again.
                                I put the "M" in stupid.

