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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    The gun, I'm assuming was left on stun by Teyla as she gave it to John / or /Thalan but it did seem a bit of a risk since his intent was to kill and he might have switched it.
    She gave him a Wraith stunner, not Ronon's gun. As far as we know, those things don't have kill settings. In fact, we've yet to see the Wraith carry lethal weapons. It'd be kind of stupid for them to use something lethal in most cases.

    Also, discussion of this episode, especially its resolution, should still be in spoiler space out of respect for those who haven't seen it yet, which does include the UK fans.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Bama
      Well...teach me to read a little closer.

      The scene did confuse me a little-it was almost as if John was wanting an admission of 'trust' from Teyla but didn't quite get what he was aiming for from her there. I thought perhaps she was telling him that as a professional soldier she knew he'd be able to do what had to be done-in essence paying him a compliment- so I think we're on the same page with the scene anyway. The gun, I'm assuming was left on stun by Teyla as she gave it to John / or /Thalan but it did seem a bit of a risk since his intent was to kill and he might have switched it.
      Actually, TLG
      it wasn't that much of a risk - she handed John a Wraith stunner, which, to my knowledge, can only stun, and the instant he used it, she kicked it from his hands. Now if it had been Ronon's gun, which can both stun and kill, that might have been a different story...

      And on other TLG notes - I found it interesting that Phoebus was willing to kill those who were in between her and Thalan, but Thalan didn't seem to have that ruthlessness - note how he only stunned Teyla and called for medical help for Ronon. An interesting switch, making the pacifist ruthless and the military man more compassionate.

      Also, the Sheppard shooting Weir thing that Luz pointed out - found that interesting, too. Someone (maybe Mel?) mentioned something about how they have both now demonstrated that they could sacrifice the other if the situation called for it. In Conversion, we saw Elizabeth tell John that she couldn't authorize another mission if it meant losing more people, even though that was probably his only hope of survival. And now we've seen John be willing to shoot her. I find it a good sign, somehow - something about them still being able to put the well-being of the city and residents ahead of any feelings they might have, which shoots down some of the arguments about why a relationship between them would be a bad idea.

      Rambling now. Will stop.
      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


        Originally posted by LurkerLa
        Actually, TLG
        it wasn't that much of a risk - she handed John a Wraith stunner, which, to my knowledge, can only stun, and the instant he used it, she kicked it from his hands. Now if it had been Ronon's gun, which can both stun and kill, that might have been a different story...

        And on other TLG notes - I found it interesting that Phoebus was willing to kill those who were in between her and Thalan, but Thalan didn't seem to have that ruthlessness - note how he only stunned Teyla and called for medical help for Ronon. An interesting switch, making the pacifist ruthless and the military man more compassionate.

        Also, the Sheppard shooting Weir thing that Luz pointed out - found that interesting, too. Someone (maybe Mel?) mentioned something about how they have both now demonstrated that they could sacrifice the other if the situation called for it. In Conversion, we saw Elizabeth tell John that she couldn't authorize another mission if it meant losing more people, even though that was probably his only hope of survival. And now we've seen John be willing to shoot her. I find it a good sign, somehow - something about them still being able to put the well-being of the city and residents ahead of any feelings they might have, which shoots down some of the arguments about why a relationship between them would be a bad idea.

        Rambling now. Will stop.
        Good, it was just a stunner only! That definitely helps. Thanks La-and everyone! Very pertinent point about each doing what must be done to save the city. Perhaps Teyla felt she wasn't strong enough to pull the trigger on John and/or Elizabeth. She said she "knew" he (John/Thalan) would be able to pull it either way which indicated that she didn't know if she'd be able to kill Elizabeth herself (or John as we watched her struggle) in cold blood that way.

        She seems to see that both John and Elizabeth would do what is best for the city. Great point La about the 'Conversion' parallel moment. It also underscores exactly why John and Elizabeth would fight with everything in them to keep their personal feelings in regard to each other under control. Of course, that isn't what's truly happening but it does remind us why they strive to do that in regard to the other.


          Hello, little newbie around here, so I'm just going to slip into the deep end of the pool and hope I don't drown myself.

          Some of my own little thoughts on this oh-so-long-awaited episode:


          1. "Teh Kiss" (Who DIDN'T Notice That?!)
          --Okay, I admit it, I've been grinning until my face started hurting ever since I saw the promo. Now, seeing it within the context of the episode twice this evening (*loves that Sci-Fi replays the episodes*), I was wondering something. Is it me, or did John/Thalan a)have his eyes open the entire time Elizabeth/Phoebus plastered her lips to his? And b)just how much did he actually kiss her back, do you think? After all, (as much as I hate to admit it) Thalan was in control by that time and he certainly did not expect his (im)mortal enemy to come over in her new body and plant one on him just like that.
          --And if both John and Elizabeth were inside their own minds, screaming to get out, then I can just imagine them both shutting up for just a brief moment when their lips met! *grins*

          2. "The Beginning"
          --I too was rather touched when John's extreme concern for Elizabeth showed through after she fainted and was taken to the infirmary. He was rather naturally suspicious of Phoebus' intentions, his primary concern being talking to Elizabeth and assuring himself of her own well-being. And on that note, I wonder what Elizabeth/Phoebus actually said to make him agree to host Thalan in the first place? He was as suspicious as Caldwell initially, but he still agreed to let it happen. Was it his belief that he was actually talking to Elizabeth and his trust in her that led him to agree? Thoughts?

          3. "The Ending"
          --I laughed myself silly over this entire last scene both times that I saw it! John is so careful not to even look at her practically throughout the entire scene, so I can just imagine that their little kiss is what is uppermost in his mind! It seemed to have slipped her mind in the wake of everything else she watched herself do (i.e. preparing to kill practically seventy-five percent of the Expedition, forcing Teyla to almost shoot John, you get the idea), and didn't really return until Caldwell brought it up to rib them about it. That should make for interesting reading back at Stargate Command.
          --Of course, the silly-ness in me was thinking that, when they glanced at one another and then Elizabeth slid down in her bed, their minds were more on the fact that their little kiss was so public. They're probably not into performing in front of others, especially Rodney, who'd never let them forget it, Carson, who'd probably give them a cute little knowing smile, and Caldwell, who's just... Caldwell. Go figure.

          All in all, one of my two favorite episodes this season! Definitely looking forward to having Season 2 on DVD. Then I can loop that kiss over and over. *whistles innocently*


          *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
          In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


            TLG small thinky:

            I did not hate Teyla, like I thought I would.

            During the "He feels so much... blahbity, blah, blah." Teyla wasn't buying any of what Thalen was selling. She let him stun Pheobus, kicked the stunner out of his hands, ordered Maj. Hottie Lorne to keep his restraints on & ran off to find her manly Man.

            Thats my story & I'm keeping it. The End.

            Must sleep now, will Squee! more in the AM.


              welcome, AngelQueen!

              It's late here so I'm going to comment only on one of your ideas...

              I totally agree that Lizzie and John must have stopped kicking and screaming the moment their lips met! That's exactly what I was thinking ever since I saw that promo on SciFi last december.

              b. I don't think John or Liz could really kiss each other back.. I mean if they were shouting but nothing they wanted would come out of their mouths, then there is no way they could have controlled that kiss...not even a little bit! hehe in my opinion..


                Originally posted by LurkerLa
                Actually, TLG

                And on other TLG notes - I found it interesting that Phoebus was willing to kill those who were in between her and Thalan, but Thalan didn't seem to have that ruthlessness - note how he only stunned Teyla and called for medical help for Ronon. An interesting switch, making the pacifist ruthless and the military man more compassionate.

                Rambling now. Will stop.
                This is one of the reasons
                Phoebus says that she wasn't surprised that Teyla would be the one to catch Sheppard/Thalan. I think it's because here Phoebus is aware that Thalan has a weakness and that weakness is compassion. which, like La said, enhances the ruthlessness of Phoebus, because Phoebus bascially, lied and (threaten to) killed to get what she wanted.

                The more I watch this episode the more I love it. *fangirls TLG*


                  OmG..I'm still watching the episode..but soo CUte so far!
                  I love Liz (even if its not really her), she a hopless Romantic..but Shep is Hopeless..too cute! LOL... but the whole Kiss and Everything(Sweet!)! John being all worried!!sooo CUte!! can tell he cares about her!!

                  icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                    WELCOME AngelQueen!!!!!!!!

                    have a great time here and join the craziness of SPARKY!!!!!!
                    ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                      Originally posted by AngelQueen
                      Hello, little newbie around here, so I'm just going to slip into the deep end of the pool and hope I don't drown myself.

                      Some of my own little thoughts on this oh-so-long-awaited episode:


                      1. "Teh Kiss" (Who DIDN'T Notice That?!)
                      --Okay, I admit it, I've been grinning until my face started hurting ever since I saw the promo. Now, seeing it within the context of the episode twice this evening (*loves that Sci-Fi replays the episodes*), I was wondering something. Is it me, or did John/Thalan a)have his eyes open the entire time Elizabeth/Phoebus plastered her lips to his? And b)just how much did he actually kiss her back, do you think? After all, (as much as I hate to admit it) Thalan was in control by that time and he certainly did not expect his (im)mortal enemy to come over in her new body and plant one on him just like that.
                      --And if both John and Elizabeth were inside their own minds, screaming to get out, then I can just imagine them both shutting up for just a brief moment when their lips met! *grins*

                      2. "The Beginning"
                      --I too was rather touched when John's extreme concern for Elizabeth showed through after she fainted and was taken to the infirmary. He was rather naturally suspicious of Phoebus' intentions, his primary concern being talking to Elizabeth and assuring himself of her own well-being. And on that note, I wonder what Elizabeth/Phoebus actually said to make him agree to host Thalan in the first place? He was as suspicious as Caldwell initially, but he still agreed to let it happen. Was it his belief that he was actually talking to Elizabeth and his trust in her that led him to agree? Thoughts?

                      3. "The Ending"
                      --I laughed myself silly over this entire last scene both times that I saw it! John is so careful not to even look at her practically throughout the entire scene, so I can just imagine that their little kiss is what is uppermost in his mind! It seemed to have slipped her mind in the wake of everything else she watched herself do (i.e. preparing to kill practically seventy-five percent of the Expedition, forcing Teyla to almost shoot John, you get the idea), and didn't really return until Caldwell brought it up to rib them about it. That should make for interesting reading back at Stargate Command.
                      --Of course, the silly-ness in me was thinking that, when they glanced at one another and then Elizabeth slid down in her bed, their minds were more on the fact that their little kiss was so public. They're probably not into performing in front of others, especially Rodney, who'd never let them forget it, Carson, who'd probably give them a cute little knowing smile, and Caldwell, who's just... Caldwell. Go figure.

                      All in all, one of my two favorite episodes this season! Definitely looking forward to having Season 2 on DVD. Then I can loop that kiss over and over. *whistles innocently*

                      Come on in, the water's fine! Good to have someone else around here who can see the whole Shep/Weir thing.

                      I love your points. Personally, I've only seen bits and pieces of this episode, but the final scene goes down as one of my favourites. I love how
                      Torri plays it when John mentions her shooting Ronon! It's so un-Elizabeth. Flustered and kind of girly. Torri plays it perfectly. And Joe -- well he's the king of subtle. He's just as brilliant, in a different way.
                      I also love that everyone's noticed the little smirk on Rodney during the kiss scene. He's such a sparky shipper!


                        Welcome AngelQueen!

                        Teh Kiss even if it wasn't them I think it was more important than the one in Conversion 'cos they haven't said they should forget it at the end.
                        And Caldwell! Gotta love that man when he talked about it. I still wonder why, but I think he enjoyed teasing them. Maybe is not that heartless...
                        Rodney and Carson are so shippers! Rodney with his huge grin and Carson when he told Caldwell he was heartless!


                          Originally posted by Rubicon
                          TLG small thinky:

                          I did not hate Teyla, like I thought I would.

                          During the "He feels so much... blahbity, blah, blah." Teyla wasn't buying any of what Thalen was selling. She let him stun Pheobus, kicked the stunner out of his hands, ordered Maj. Hottie Lorne to keep his restraints on & ran off to find her manly Man.

                          Thats my story & I'm keeping it. The End.

                          Must sleep now, will Squee! more in the AM.

                          I'm liking your version of the story! I'll stick with it too!


                            *After reading the latest script*
                            "You want John to just throw Elizabeth across her desk and *CENSORED*? Are you kidding me?"

                            John: Er Elizabeth, is that your leg?

                            Welcome AngelQueen and all the other newbies!


                              This is my opinion on TLG
                              The part wher John "supposedly" tells Teyla how much he feels about her. *shudders* Anyways, after rewatching it, I noticed the security camera where Elizabeth is is right behind Teyla!!! Could he have been talking to our Lizzie trying to convince her stop this whole thing!!! I'm sticking that (being the optimist/hopless romantic that I am) hehe!!


                                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                                This is one of the reasons
                                Phoebus says that she wasn't surprised that Teyla would be the one to catch Sheppard/Thalan. I think it's because here Phoebus is aware that Thalan has a weakness and that weakness is compassion. which, like La said, enhances the ruthlessness of Phoebus, because Phoebus bascially, lied and (threaten to) killed to get what she wanted.

                                The more I watch this episode the more I love it. *fangirls TLG*
                                I always thought that Phoebus said that because John and Teyla were in the same section when Atlantis went into lockdown.

