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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by xkawaiix
    I guess I was just dissapointed with the Tower. It had the potential to be a good/serious episode. Not that I don't like the silly ones; it's just that I didn't get that vibe while watching it.

    And I have to admit, the Sanctuary romance was a bit cute.
    That's about my feeling on it. When I read the sides for The Tower, I really thought it was going to be a relatively serious episode. Granted, I only get snapshots of episodes through the sides, but it didn't occur to me that it was going to try to be funny. And of course, I ended up thinking it was just stupid.

    And it's not that I don't like the silly episodes. I happen to like both Wormhole Extreme and Urgo, after all. But comedy is a fickle thing, and this time, I just thought it failed miserably.

    I do have to agree about Sanctuary – there are still things about it that irk me, but it has its charms. Mostly lots of John looking cute.
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      To me Wormhole Extreme was good because I didn't feel like SG-1 the team was out of character. The guest characters were a bit cracked, but not our guys.

      In the Tower
      Sheppard enthusiastically kissing Mara before she told him what she really wanted from him seemed inappropriate at the time and that was what was out of character with him for me.


        Originally posted by Luz
        It must be a blessing being able to watch t.v like that, my brother does that, he watches Prison Break, Supernatural, Smallville, Grey's Anathomy, The OC, CSI (all the three of them), and yes, he watches SGA too, and uhmmm, i don't remember the other shows. I know what he watches because he hasn't taken the time to learn how to set the VCR (tivo doesn't exist here ), and he always asks me to set it for him, so i know his habits, lol.
        Back on topic, as i was saying, he watches all those t.v shows, and gets excited, about nifty special efects, or if the previews look promising. And if he doesn't like some episode he says so, "that episode was bad", but that's all he says. The other day i asked him how could he stand to watch Smallville?, 'cause i can't stand Lana Lang, and he said it was really dumb to get angry at someone who didn't even exist, lol, such wisdom, wish i could do that.

        I'm kinda like your brother in the way I view TV. If I think it's a bad ep. I just say that was a bad ep. I tend to look for something good in each ep. But if I thought it was a really good ep. I'm really obssesed.


          I didn't mind Sanctuary or The Tower that much. You're right, The Tower had the potential to be a serious episode, and I think it would have been good. I don't know if it's at the bottom of my list for favorite eps, because I never really think about which ones I like the least, but which I like the best. I think makes it alot easier to like episodes when you're looking for the high points, not the low points.

          I always let out a little laugh when I read the word Spanky. It just gives me this strange picture of Teyla and Ronon sparring and grinning at each other and...oh, I don't know, it may be one of those things you have to see yourself to find funny. If anything, just the naughty connotations of it are a little amusing.

          Alright, time for bed. Until tomorrow, may I have lovely Sparky dreams!
          Stargate Addicts - a podcast for the obsessive Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis fan
          My new podcast with Merala Anewan, come check it out. It'll make us happy.

          Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.

          Lovely sig by Blue Banrigh, thanks again. As for Atlantis X-Treme, that came from my own loopy mind.


            I ended up skipping most of the "Tower". I enjoyed Peter Woodward, but the plot was outrageous! I love funny episodes, but this one just went a little too campy for Stargate. It had the feel of a Wild Wild West episode. I did enjoy the balcony scene. The way it was shot
            was shippy imo. The dialogue from Shep took the place of the oft mentioned delted scene. I don't think he seemed like he was lying (as so noted a ways back) but more so that he was surprised Weir responded the way she did. I also liked how she seemed to be waiting for him.

            I'm looking forward to TLG!!!!

            I've been in and out the last few days, has there been any word on S3?


            EDIT: Oh and if my sig is causing any troubel (or breaking any rules!!) please let me know. I had to re-seize a million times (not so great at that sort of thing). I apolohgize for any trouble. Night all.

            Signature By Amber Moon


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              That's about my feeling on it. When I read the sides for The Tower, I really thought it was going to be a relatively serious episode. Granted, I only get snapshots of episodes through the sides, but it didn't occur to me that it was going to try to be funny. And of course, I ended up thinking it was just stupid.

              And it's not that I don't like the silly episodes. I happen to like both Wormhole Extreme and Urgo, after all. But comedy is a fickle thing, and this time, I just thought it failed miserably.

              I do have to agree about Sanctuary – there are still things about it that irk me, but it has its charms. Mostly lots of John looking cute.
              So...was the "Tower" suppose to be a comedy... or was it so tragic that it turned into a comedy?

              Maybe I'll have to watch it again... Nah, maybe not. I'll watch "The Long Goodbye" again instead.


                I found the Rachel Luttrell interview quite interesting in that the cast and crew are beginning to take on board some of the elements that many of us have seen from day one. It's hard to say for certain that the writers care what we think but I suspect that maaaaaybe... must maaaaaaybe they are finally seeing what we're seeing. I don't want them to pander to any section of fandom but it's good to know that many of us here aren't just "seeing things".
                There's no denying that Rachel and Jason have a nice natural chemistry. Whether is is friendship or romance... their respective characters have bonded together. If done properly, I think this relationship could be very interesting... it could be a great relationship of equals.

                And I like Rachel even more for saying she liked Firefly!
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  I'm kinda like your brother in the way I view TV. If I think it's a bad ep. I just say that was a bad ep. I tend to look for something good in each ep. But if I thought it was a really good ep. I'm really obssesed.
                  I can usually find something good in every episode. In the case of The Tower, it was more of a stretch... but Peter Woodward made it worthwhile... and doesn't he have a glorious voice...
                  I think The Tower deserved a lot of the flack that it's got particularly because the whole comedic, farcical "ditzy alien chick" angle overshadowed the find of a lifetime. The fact that most of us associate this episode with "Kirkesque" resonances suggests to me that the TPTB didn't quite get the message across, whatever that might have been.

                  I would like to thank all those Con goers for their reports and congratulate them for being able to rub shoulders with Joe Flanigan. (Quite literally in some cases) I envy you your opportunity... but only slightly... Our man sounds like a darling.
                  Last edited by Easter Lily; 09 February 2006, 12:49 AM.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by Easter Lily
                    I can usually find something good in every episode. In the case of The Tower, it was more of a stretch... but Peter Woodward made it worthwhile... and doesn't he have a glorious voice...
                    I think The Tower deserved a lot of the flack that it's got particularly because the whole comedic, farcical "ditzy alien chick" angle overshadowed the find of a lifetime. The fact that most of us associate this episode with "Kirkesque" resonances suggests to me that the TPTB didn't quite get the message across, whatever that might have been.

                    I would like to thank all those Con goers for their reports and congratulate them for being able to their rub shoulders with Joe Flanigan. (Quite literally in some cases) I envy you your opportunity... but only slightly... Our man sounds like a darling.
                    I feel the same way that you do about viewing bad eps. Although it may be bad as a whole...there's usually one scene or another that I enjoyed. Whether it be a scene between cirtain characters or even just a facial expression...
                    Didn't really pay attention to the tower last night as I was playing with my baby nephew . But even just the few bits and pieces that I did see never never grabbed my attention for more than a few seconds.
                    It makes me wonder what TPTB were trying to convey when they wrote the 'alien chick' sequences, why they made her so 'ditzy' as you say. Ok, yea, I get it... they needed Shep to bring a new generation of 'gene carriers' but geez!...couldn't they have put it across in a more believable way that didn't make me cringe like mad?

                    ...surely not...

                    Havn't finished uploading images from the con's going at a total snails pace right now...if only I could get away from work and do it... *sigh*

                    Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                    LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                    Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                      Originally posted by Easter Lily
                      And I like Rachel even more for saying she liked Firefly!
                      She said that? I like this chica even more as well! Great taste

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        well, since we're talking about the Tower...
                        TPTB DO read those reports right? I don't have time to read over it but I've read a few lines and it's total critisizm!Woooo!! I hope TPTB will get the message now!


                          Originally posted by Erised
                          well, since we're talking about the Tower...
                          TPTB DO read those reports right? I don't have time to read over it but I've read a few lines and it's total critisizm!Woooo!! I hope TPTB will get the message now!
                          Great report. You should read. Even Kirk is mentioned.


                            Well, I recorded 'The Tower' and went to watch it last night, but had a problem with my VCR. Got the picture, but no what you all say...that might've been a good thing???!!!

                            Hee! Will catch the re-run on Saturday!!


                              Originally posted by Elinor
                              Well, I recorded 'The Tower' and went to watch it last night, but had a problem with my VCR. Got the picture, but no what you all say...that might've been a good thing???!!!

                              Hee! Will catch the re-run on Saturday!!

                              don't even bother Just skip it. Might escape a really bad day! Though the balcony scene was posted on this forum when it aired in Canada..


                                Originally posted by Elinor
                                Well, I recorded 'The Tower' and went to watch it last night, but had a problem with my VCR. Got the picture, but no what you all say...that might've been a good thing???!!!

                                Hee! Will catch the re-run on Saturday!!

                                Like Erised said, nothing special about this ep. But it's great for Spanky.

