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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    A little snippet from the interview which I liked.....

    "JS:I have a question about the show. Particular to the third season. It seems the writers are building a bond between Teyla and Ronan. You guy definitely make an imposing duo.

    RL: I can't tell you concretely because I haven't read all the scripts. I just got the next three last night so I'm just now getting through them. But I have had some conversations with some of the writers and they are going to put more focus on Teyla Ronan. Whether that means the two of us together or on our own story lines, I don't know. I imagine there will be some cool storylines between the two of us, and wherever that bond goes, who knows? So I think so, yeah... "

    "Wherever that bond goes, who knows?" - Well I am hoping that bond goes behind closed doors and under the sheets of a bed (hint hint) if ya know what i mean

    Then it just leaves Sheppard for Weir woooooooooo SPARKY HEAVEN all the way!



      Originally posted by smallgirl
      Just seen 'The Tower' and wished I hadn't. Only redeeming quality about that episode is that it made 'Sanctuary' look fantastic by comparison. My main beef with 'Sanctuary' wasn't the Shep/Chaya romance, it was that the whole episode felt 'off' character wise and that Chaya was a bit irritating. Mara in 'The Tower' made me want to poke my own eyes out. She was so vapid and pathetic and brainless and utterly unrealistic that I found all the scenes she was in absolute torture. I am currently attempting to erase 'The Tower' from memory, as long as they never do anything like that ever again I will be able to forget it ever existed.

      My objection isn't on Shipper grounds either. Sheppard/Weir aren't canon and I quite enjoy a bit of Sheppard romance now and again, although so far they haven't made any of his romances very interesting, but I cannot cope with him being involved with someone with such a lack of intelligence.
      True, Tower made Sanctuary look fantastic. Mara seemed like a ditzy prom queen, although some say that she was a bit older than that. But it wasn't that fact alone, though. It was how usless she seemed,
      (not to mention that high pitched scream near the end.)
      and like you said, pathetic. At least he seemed interested in Chaya for more than just the smex.

      The only good thing I saw coming out of this episode, ship wise, was
      Elizabeth's acknowlegement at the end after Shep's comment. I didn't really find it entirely shippy, but what I'm saying is that I'm happy to see that she knows what Shep is doing. It seems that she's uncomfortable with it (heck, I know I am. ) but it's hard to tell since she joked around with it during Inferno (Hot? Smitten? Sparky? Duh! )


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        Have you all read Rachel's newest interview? Quite interesting.
        Good lord, I think I just died. SPANKINESS!!!!!!!! -dies-

        Edit: These RL interviews have me going around in circles most of the time, though.
        Last edited by xkawaiix; 08 February 2006, 05:02 PM.


          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
          You'll be happy to know that Mel has updated Pacific Rim and you'll find the first nine chapters up at west_gate

          Hmmmm, I REALLY wanna see this 'Spanky' everyone here raves 'bout. Spanky/Sparky sounds good *nod*
          ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            Good lord, I think I just died. SPANKINESS!!!!!!!! -dies-
            I know how ya feel had the seen reaction, for definite SPANKINESS which leaves more room for SPARKINESS wooooo


              Originally posted by Angela
              I know how ya feel had the seen reaction, for definite SPANKINESS which leaves more room for SPARKINESS wooooo

              This can only be a good thing....
              But why do I always get that bloody Madonna song into my head every time someone types the word 'spanky'. You know the one I mean


                Hey Ya'll!!!

                Welcome to any Newbies....don't take any Mints,

                Wow over 23,000 Posts that's amazing, So Congratulations Everyone on a Job well done.

                Tomorrow is Friday which means a new episode of SGA. It's TLG tomorrow I can't wait to watch it, it's an amazing episode.

                McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                  Originally posted by sunny

                  Hmmmm, I REALLY wanna see this 'Spanky' everyone here raves 'bout. Spanky/Sparky sounds good *nod*
                  Spanky's the Teyla/Dex ship thread name btw.


                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    This can only be a good thing....
                    But why do I always get that bloody Madonna song into my head every time someone types the word 'spanky'. You know the one I mean
                    Haha "Spanky" yeah I soooooooo know the one you mean it is such a naughty word but we LOVE IT! lol


                      Originally posted by *AtlantisFan*
                      Hey Ya'll!!!

                      Welcome to any Newbies....don't take any Mints,

                      Wow over 23,000 Posts that's amazing, So Congratulations Everyone on a Job well done.

                      Tomorrow is Friday which means a new episode of SGA. It's TLG tomorrow I can't wait to watch it, it's an amazing episode.
                      TLG airs next wednesday for the fans in Northern Ireland wooo cannot wait roll on the SPARKINESS I can't get enough, here's hoping season 3 brings more sparky goodness


                        Originally posted by xkawaiix
                        Spanky's the Teyla/Dex ship thread name btw.
                        Oh, trust me honey, I know what the Spanky is My boy is half of that ship. Gotta show some love for my local boy. Remember I lurk, A LOT. It's just something else to actually see it ya know? Where you can taste the palpability of a ship as opposed to caps and summaries or the like. Methinks that November cannot come quick enough for me to see it on them lil DVD box sets.
                        ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                          Originally posted by xkawaiix
                          True, Tower made Sanctuary look fantastic. Mara seemed like a ditzy prom queen, although some say that she was a bit older than that. But it wasn't that fact alone, though. It was how usless she seemed,
                          (not to mention that high pitched scream near the end.)
                          and like you said, pathetic. At least he seemed interested in Chaya for more than just the smex.
                          This confuses me a bit
                          People saying that Mara looked like a teen, teenagers must look pretty old from where you're from then, 'cause to me she looks thirtysomething *shakes head*. I thought she was fun to watch, but then i might be one of very few, she was an air head, free unattached (for the most part) sex for Sheppard, she was cute, and threw herself at him (was practicaly beggin' him to sex her), and he had some fun. I don't think that episode was supposed to be taken as seriously as it was.

                          I liked Sanctuary btw , i thought the idea of Sheppard and the ancient falling for eachother was very romantic.
                          Originally posted by Angela
                          I know how ya feel had the seen reaction, for definite SPANKINESS which leaves more room for SPARKINESS wooooo
                          Do the spanky shippers know?, 'cause the thread is on second page (last time i looked). Good news for them, but i'm not sailing that ship, sooo....


                            Originally posted by Luz
                            Do the spanky shippers know?, 'cause the thread is on second page (last time i looked). Good news for them, but i'm not sailing that ship, sooo....
                            Umm I don't know if the Spanky shippers know because like you am not sailing for that ship I am just so happy because it diverts attention from the possible pairing of Sheppard and Teyla so thats why I think its a happy day for us Sparky shippers!


                              Originally posted by Angela
                              Umm I don't know if the Spanky shippers know because like you am not sailing for that ship I am just so happy because it diverts attention from the possible pairing of Sheppard and Teyla so thats why I think its a happy day for us Sparky shippers!
                              Seems someone has informed them, 'cause they've a squee party going on, lol, good for them.
                              Now this is good news to us
                              JS: If definitely gives a different characterization to the group of four that goes on the expeditions. On a slight tangent, I know there's always been talk of Teyla and Sheppard hooking up...

                              RL: Yeah, there has been talk.

                              JS: Yeah, just a little! Is this something you'd like to see?

                              RL: Well, I'm not adverse to it. I would like to see some sort of love interest for Teyla, but whether or not that ends up with Sheppard, I don't know. My take on it is that although it might be hinted at and teased at, I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it because we're two characters in the same show, so it might be a tricky road to go down. Know what I mean?

                              There's always been talk?, more like at the *very* beginning there were very poor attempts at pushin' ship, and the BOOOM!!! Sparky happened .


                                Originally posted by Luz
                                This confuses me a bit
                                People saying that Mara looked like a teen, teenagers must look pretty old from where you're from then, 'cause to me she looks thirtysomething *shakes head*. I thought she was fun to watch, but then i might be one of very few, she was an air head, free unattached (for the most part) sex for Sheppard, she was cute, and threw herself at him (was practicaly beggin' him to sex her), and he had some fun. I don't think that episode was supposed to be taken as seriously as it was.

                                I liked Sanctuary btw , i thought the idea of Sheppard and the ancient falling for eachother was very romantic.
                                I guess I was just dissapointed with the Tower. It had the potential to be a good/serious episode. Not that I don't like the silly ones; it's just that I didn't get that vibe while watching it.

                                And I have to admit, the Sanctuary romance was a bit cute.

