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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CalmStorm
    ....and it's totally long overdue!

    Shep angst over Weir would be great......a balance is necessary. It doesn't seem good that she is always the one fretting over him. It is time to show that he would do the same thing for her.

    I think my favorite Shep angst moment was when.....well just to be on the safe side....spoilers from The Storm/The Eye

    .....was when Koyla just radioed that he had killed Weir. When Shep responded, his voice hitched a bit as if he had just swallowed his heart when he told Koyla he was going to kill him

    Closet thing we've come to true Shep angst I think.

    ....and on a side note.....I'm so excited about seeing TLG tomorrow.

    *does little happy dance*
    Yes, need more Shep angst! It'd be good for Liz to have something happen to her and good for John to see him worried.

    I think we need a "We demand Weir whumping/Sheppard angst" petition.
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    Lovely sig by Blue Banrigh, thanks again. As for Atlantis X-Treme, that came from my own loopy mind.


      Originally posted by La'rosh
      I think we need a "We demand Weir whumping/Sheppard angst" petition.
      Put it up in the 'Joe/Martin Muses' thread in the s3 forum... I think I did something like that in my post... well, maybe not. Not sure.

      Where do I sign?
      ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


        Originally posted by Whistler84
        I highly doubt anybody knows the specifics of this, but what the heck. GW announced that Michael Shanks will be in only 16 of the 20 SG-1 episodes, but he *has* been slated to visit Atlantis. (Much better than bringing Carter over!!!) Anybody know (or, I suppose, just speculate) on when this will be? Beginning or ending of the season.

        And the implications it will have towardst the S/W dynamic? It may be my over-active imagination, but I get the sense that Weir and Daniel could be great friends, and seeing this, Sheppard might be a bit surprised not to be the main source of that attention anymore! Serves him right! I think he's getting a little too comfortable with that position anyway. Give him something to shake him up a bit!
        Yeah, at this point I have no idea of the specifics of Daniel's coming to Atlantis. We'll probably just have to wait and see. However, as Joe Mallozzi mentioned that the episode was being written, I imagine it's in the first half of the season.

        Anyway, I think it could be fun for Sheppard to see Weir interacting with someone who doesn't work for her and who is a friend already. Might be enough to make him wonder why that bugs him.
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          Originally posted by Erised
          I'll so have to second that! It's BORING! No other way to describe it! Boring and just wrong. Elizabeth is a strong leader, she's not supposed to be the one who is always angsting, and certainly not supposed to be the only one doing it. They have to fix this before the ship goes to the dogs
          edit: I don't want to see my favorite character angsting about someone all the time. She's above that.
          Exactly and also, they're living in a galaxy far, far away from home...It's just not realistic that Elizabeth would never get into trouble or be in danger. That's why The Storm/The Eye was so great - it showed us the situation reversed. Elizabeth was in danger and Shep was - to put it mildly - losing his mind because of it. I want more episodes like that and I'm hoping there will be something in season 3. If not, I will be VERY disappointed.
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          Sig by Trialia.


            Just seen 'The Tower' and wished I hadn't. Only redeeming quality about that episode is that it made 'Sanctuary' look fantastic by comparison. My main beef with 'Sanctuary' wasn't the Shep/Chaya romance, it was that the whole episode felt 'off' character wise and that Chaya was a bit irritating. Mara in 'The Tower' made me want to poke my own eyes out. She was so vapid and pathetic and brainless and utterly unrealistic that I found all the scenes she was in absolute torture. I am currently attempting to erase 'The Tower' from memory, as long as they never do anything like that ever again I will be able to forget it ever existed.

            My objection isn't on Shipper grounds either. Sheppard/Weir aren't canon and I quite enjoy a bit of Sheppard romance now and again, although so far they haven't made any of his romances very interesting, but I cannot cope with him being involved with someone with such a lack of intelligence.
            ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
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              Originally posted by Finnstardust
              Exactly and also, they're living in a galaxy far, far away from home...It's just not realistic that Elizabeth would never get into trouble or be in danger. That's why The Storm/The Eye was so great - it showed us the situation reversed. Elizabeth was in danger and Shep was - to put it mildly - losing his mind because of it. I want more episodes like that and I'm hoping there will be something in season 3. If not, I will be VERY disappointed.
              The Storm and the Eye will hold a special place in my heart as long as I am a fan of SGA!
              It was both, sparky and angsty, there was city exploration and character development. It was awesome!


                For those who read the very dark and very adult fic Anything?, chapter one of the sequel is up. Recovery.


                  Originally posted by GateByte
                  Absolutley. We've had way too much Weir angst. Give us Shep angst.
                  It would be nice to see him worrying about her for once.
                  We absolutely need to have Shep angst in relation to Elizabeth. It's the only way for certain other fans to stop with their "Elizabeth's a stalker... Elizabeth wants him and he's not interested" crap!


                    Originally posted by alyssa
                    We absolutely need to have Shep angst in relation to Elizabeth. It's the only way for certain other fans to stop with their "Elizabeth's a stalker... Elizabeth wants him and he's not interested" crap!

                    Thankfully I haven't seen Elizabeth called a stalker yet. This is why I avoid anything to do with sg-1 in fandom anymore. I got sick of reading Sam's a stalker.

                    The Eye really was a great ep. It not only convinced me of sparky it really pulled me into the show as a whole. Up until then I couldn't separate my love of SG-1 with the new show. I had to watch the shows separately to be objective.


                      Originally posted by SGLAB
                      Thankfully I haven't seen Elizabeth called a stalker yet. This is why I avoid anything to do with sg-1 in fandom anymore. I got sick of reading Sam's a stalker.

                      The Eye really was a great ep. It not only convinced me of sparky it really pulled me into the show as a whole. Up until then I couldn't separate my love of SG-1 with the new show. I had to watch the shows separately to be objective.
                      Sam's a stalker? Oh brother. You know, sometimes I marvel at the stupidity of fandom, and the seriousness it takes itself with. Fandom is both a good thing and a bad thing sometimes. We take things and analyze, but sometimes we just go waaaay too far. An average viewer would *never* think of Sam as a stalker. They may not like S/J, or have reservations, etc . . . But most probably like/love her character. Average viewers don't go into the analysis that we do. They don't go to forums and discuss. They watch for that hour of the week, and then forget about the show until a week later. That's leads to two results: they don't get the really deep, analytical stuff that we do. But on the other hand, they don't get out of hand with this stuff like we do either. Sam, a stalker? Wow. Way to over-reach.

                      I have it on good authority from some people that casually watch SGA, that people like Weir. They like Sheppard. They like them together. They also don't much notice stuff like under-development, but that's because they're not interested in that stuff. They want entertainment. Mindless entertainment, sometimes (although, even they disliked "Tower.") I'm gonna ask them next time what they think of Sam being a stalker. It'll be sure to raise a couple of laughs!

                      Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                      I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                      Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                        Originally posted by sunny
                        and another: When's the update for both Pac Rim are you re-jiggering it a bit?* and Revelation? Which btw, the latter of the two made me cry
                        You'll be happy to know that Mel has updated Pacific Rim and you'll find the first nine chapters up at west_gate


                          Originally posted by alyssa
                          We absolutely need to have Shep angst in relation to Elizabeth. It's the only way for certain other fans to stop with their "Elizabeth's a stalker... Elizabeth wants him and he's not interested" crap!
                          I've never heard that, i've heard a few people talking about how she's the one who wants him, but he isn't interested. Which i know isn't true so i don't waste my time discussing that, why bother?.
                          I'll sign up for the Sheppard angst and Weir whumping , but tptb like being mean to fans, if they know we want something desperatedly they're gonna deny us of that, they enjoy seeing us suffer.


                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            Thankfully I haven't seen Elizabeth called a stalker yet. This is why I avoid anything to do with sg-1 in fandom anymore. I got sick of reading Sam's a stalker.

                            The Eye really was a great ep. It not only convinced me of sparky it really pulled me into the show as a whole. Up until then I couldn't separate my love of SG-1 with the new show. I had to watch the shows separately to be objective.
                            It was a great episode. I think a lot of people who were sitting on the fence (and you shouldn't do that because you'll get splinters in your butt!) became confirmed Sparkies after that ep!


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              I have it on good authority from some people that casually watch SGA, that people like Weir. They like Sheppard. They like them together. They also don't much notice stuff like under-development, but that's because they're not interested in that stuff. They want entertainment. Mindless entertainment, sometimes (although, even they disliked "Tower.") I'm gonna ask them next time what they think of Sam being a stalker. It'll be sure to raise a couple of laughs!
                              It must be a blessing being able to watch t.v like that, my brother does that, he watches Prison Break, Supernatural, Smallville, Grey's Anathomy, The OC, CSI (all the three of them), and yes, he watches SGA too, and uhmmm, i don't remember the other shows. I know what he watches because he hasn't taken the time to learn how to set the VCR (tivo doesn't exist here ), and he always asks me to set it for him, so i know his habits, lol.
                              Back on topic, as i was saying, he watches all those t.v shows, and gets excited, about nifty special efects, or if the previews look promising. And if he doesn't like some episode he says so, "that episode was bad", but that's all he says. The other day i asked him how could he stand to watch Smallville?, 'cause i can't stand Lana Lang, and he said it was really dumb to get angry at someone who didn't even exist, lol, such wisdom, wish i could do that.
                              Last edited by Luz; 08 February 2006, 04:10 PM.


                                Have you all read Rachel's newest interview? Quite interesting.


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