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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    I have to stop scrubbing bathrooms for a moment and tell you about my parents watching SGA. They go to bed too early they're 87 to watch it on Friday but have started watching the syndicated S1 shows on Sat. afternoon. When I was down for a visit I got to watch Home with them. My mom is a tiny little Southern lady with a sharp tongue. She calls Shep "that good looking man who cusses so much". Again. Southern and Baptist. Anyway, she also said she doesn't understand why he'd be interested in "that thing" Teylawhen he's got a pretty woman like Elizabeth right there. Now if you're Southern you know that being called a "thing" is just about the worst. Even though they're old my folks have been Sci Fi fans as long as it's been on TV, and Mama always did appreciate a bit of eye candy.
    Whahhahahh!! Souther Red, when I read "That thing" I was like "She didn't!" I too am from the south, and you never want someone to call you "that thing".
    "We'll name it later!"
    - - - -
    Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
    Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      I don't know. Do you?

      Wow, I feel really lucky. My whole family watches Stargate, and usually together. My dad's kind of so-so about Atlantis, but my mom's favorite aspect of the show is Sheppard and Weir. My brother teases me about Shep/Teyla because he knows I can't stand it, but he usually admits that Shep/Weir is really the way to go in this series. And says that Ronon/Teyla is pretty hot. And most of my friends also watch the show, and tend to lean toward Shep/Weir. At the least, the guys have said that if they were to choose someone to be stranded with, it'd be Elizabeth, not Teyla.
      You are lucky! I have to watch all my Sci-fi Friday by myself. My roomate won't even let me talk about it with her, as she thinks it is dumb. (stupid roomate LOL) I get so excited when Friday's come, and she just rolls her eyes and goes to her room. At least she dosen't throw a fit that I am camped out at the tv all Friday night. (I watch all of them, love SGA, SG1, and BSG)

      Also, thanks for the link to some good vids! (sorry from another post) I run a vid award website, and I am always on the lookout for intresting vids.
      "We'll name it later!"
      - - - -
      Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
      Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


        Originally posted by Bladefanatic
        Amen! I roll my eyes every time I see the outfit. If I was Shep I would step on the hemm of the dress, let her fall flat on the floor, and then hit her with the stick!
        When I was in kickboxing, the most startling thing I learned was that generally, girls fight really, really dirty. Guys have a code when they fight – this unspoken rule about not punching below the belt (literally or figuratively), but girls go for every advantage they can take. I'll admit to having pulled hair and yanked on loose clothing a time or two. I've seen girls bite during spars, or elbow another girl's breast (very painful – I was the victim once on that score), and there was that one time when I nearly sent another girl to the hospital with a well-placed kick to the back of her knee...

        And this is why I'd kind of like to see Elizabeth in the gym sometime. I think she'd probably fight dirty, and it'd be fun to see, especially when she's such a stickler for fairness everywhere else. It'd be a fun new venue for her, and, well, in this case, putting her and John together in the gym probably would result in sexual tension.

        Though I want Ronon to teach her. Because, um, yes. I just do.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          When I was in kickboxing, the most startling thing I learned was that generally, girls fight really, really dirty. Guys have a code when they fight – this unspoken rule about not punching below the belt (literally or figuratively), but girls go for every advantage they can take. I'll admit to having pulled hair and yanked on loose clothing a time or two. I've seen girls bite during spars, or elbow another girl's breast (very painful – I was the victim once on that score), and there was that one time when I nearly sent another girl to the hospital with a well-placed kick to the back of her knee...

          And this is why I'd kind of like to see Elizabeth in the gym sometime. I think she'd probably fight dirty, and it'd be fun to see, especially when she's such a stickler for fairness everywhere else. It'd be a fun new venue for her, and, well, in this case, putting her and John together in the gym probably would result in sexual tension.

          Though I want Ronon to teach her. Because, um, yes. I just do.
          OMG, it's so true. And it's not limited to kickboxing. I played basketball in high school, and it got pretty nasty out there. I've come to the conclusion that my high pain tolerance (and subsequent refusal to admit pain, even when I really should) is due to playing girls basketball. And you're so right about the elbow to the breast... took a lot of shots like that in basketball, and man, do they hurt! 'Course I tend to get riled up when people went after me like that, so I can't say I wasn't guilty of returning the favor later in the game... *shifty eyes*

          And I would love to see a scene like that! It'd be a hoot! She has complained about her knee before... maybe she got it injured in the first place in a dirty fight.
          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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            Incredible photo-essay Mel! Ofcourse, I have seen those moments before, but they are still great to see. And that GIF of the hug was fabulous.

            On the subject of fellow SGA watchers--I usually watch with one of my bros and or any friends who happen to stop by. My bro really enjoys the show as do my friends when they watch. None are too big on ship, but often laugh at Shep and Weir's playful interactions like the nuclear arms convo in "Underground". Most ppl who watch with me are seeing Shep/Weir and I haven't even made any attempts to convert them. Thgat's one of the reasons I'm convinced TPTB have been bringing that out this season.

            As to Liz's traning--I think it could be quite interesting if Ronan sparred with her. It would be a nice parallel to the John/Teyla fights and would be a perfect time for the two to talk. They have a ways to go in the trust and respect department--not to mention the two are just so hilarious together.


            Signature By Amber Moon


              Originally posted by Joy
              That's hilarious, and makes sense if they were trying to be realistic about their sparring. This episode is next on my viewing list (I'm being good and watching them all, in order), and I'm going to be ROTFLMAO at this scene now, I just know it!
              Very happy I could make your viewing of the cring-worthy sceen more barable for you!

              Originally posted by Melyanna
              When I was in kickboxing, the most startling thing I learned was that generally, girls fight really, really dirty. Guys have a code when they fight – this unspoken rule about not punching below the belt (literally or figuratively), but girls go for every advantage they can take. I'll admit to having pulled hair and yanked on loose clothing a time or two. I've seen girls bite during spars, or elbow another girl's breast (very painful – I was the victim once on that score), and there was that one time when I nearly sent another girl to the hospital with a well-placed kick to the back of her knee...

              And this is why I'd kind of like to see Elizabeth in the gym sometime. I think she'd probably fight dirty, and it'd be fun to see, especially when she's such a stickler for fairness everywhere else. It'd be a fun new venue for her, and, well, in this case, putting her and John together in the gym probably would result in sexual tension.

              Though I want Ronon to teach her. Because, um, yes. I just do.
              Mel, I am also a huge kickboxing lover! Yes, you are right, women do fight more dirty then men, (hence my statement that I would step on the dress, let Teyla fall, and then hit her with the stick LOL) As to Ronon teaching Elizabeth, I think that is a great idea! Number one she could learn a whole lot of moves to put Shep on his backside, plus you have the added bonus of having Shep get bit by the green-eyed-monster... hmm... runs off with a plost bunny!
              "We'll name it later!"
              - - - -
              Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
              Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                haha! Ronon could teach her to kick butts allright!
                don't kill me for this

                Elizabeth: psst.. Ronon! Will you show me how to fight like that? I have to kick Shep's @ss for kirking!


                  I made a fic. Hope you likes... If you're one for happy endings, um don't click it.


                  YAY for Ronon teaching her how to kick some arse ... I'm down wit dat
                  ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                    Originally posted by sunny
                    I made a fic. Hope you likes... If you're one for happy endings, um don't click it.


                    YAY for Ronon teaching her how to kick some arse ... I'm down wit dat
                    Great story! Are you going to continue, or is this a one chapter story?
                    "We'll name it later!"
                    - - - -
                    Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                    Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                      One Shot. Sorry ... It just kinda popped into my head while in a Nyquil enduced sleep... Should I continue it tho? Cos it takes a while for me to update & I hate being in limbo when it comes to fic so I try to not do it to others.
                      ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                        Originally posted by xfkirsten
                        OMG, it's so true. And it's not limited to kickboxing. I played basketball in high school, and it got pretty nasty out there. I've come to the conclusion that my high pain tolerance (and subsequent refusal to admit pain, even when I really should) is due to playing girls basketball. And you're so right about the elbow to the breast... took a lot of shots like that in basketball, and man, do they hurt! 'Course I tend to get riled up when people went after me like that, so I can't say I wasn't guilty of returning the favor later in the game... *shifty eyes*

                        And I would love to see a scene like that! It'd be a hoot! She has complained about her knee before... maybe she got it injured in the first place in a dirty fight.
                        I still have scars on my hands from playing Basketball aka "Jungleball" with girls in High School!! Elbows and Nails and hair pulling...*cringes*

                        That's why I've always preferred playing with the guys. Girls are such witches ,especially in competitions. Maybe that's my problem. Most of my guy friends see me as "one of the guys."

                        oh yeah on topic...Uh...look Sparky!



                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          putting her and John together in the gym probably would result in sexual tension.
                          Yep. I thought it interesting that they withheld a 'hand to hand' combat scene in
                          when the golden op was there. It's simply because they don't want to overplay the obvious hand yet in regard to S/W. Heck, tptb can't control the zing between them when they just look at each other or have a casual conversation. The natural sparkage sure as heck would get out of control in a hurry if they start getting physical in any way with each other too often.

                          Though I want Ronon to teach her. Because, um, yes. I just do.
                          Yep, and let John just have stand back and watch. I'd pay good money for a ringside seat at that marquee event. Oh yes I would.


                            Bama: I thought it interesting that they withheld a 'hand to hand' combat scene in

                            when the golden op was there.
                            WHA?!?!? No 'layin the smackdown'?!?!?! Oh, that is just wrong, cos isn't that like Torri's forte? How dare they w/hold somethin' like that... That's jus... WRONG man, not cool ... not cool at all.
                            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                              Originally posted by sunny
                              Oh, that is just wrong, cos isn't that like Torri's forte?
                              I don't know about that...


                                Well, I know she comes from like all those 'action/adventure' films... so, yeah that's what I was refering(sp?) to...

                                I'm gonna go back to lurking *slinks off*
                                ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~

