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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
    Emre, gorgeous picture. What a hottie. Between that and the new hints about Kindred up on the main page, I'm so itching for it to be February!
    There are new hints? =O *goes to check out*

    Oh my. Tough one. Well, if he seems to like you, I'd usually say go for it...but then again, if he is willing to just randomly leave his girlfriend to be with someone else, what's to say that you won't be seeing the same treatment? My advice would be to just be careful.
    ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

    Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John




      In a perfect world he'll realize that his current relationship isn't working out and sooner or later come around to you. But then what if his fickle ways have you on the receiving end later down the road? If he does indeed end it with his current flame, I suggest taking it slow so you aren't used as rebound.

      But then again, all is fair in love and war. I know many women who have seen what they wanted and taken it. I don't know what your style in when it comes to men, but thats always an option too........

      (I know, I can be terrible)

      Now to make this post legal:

      Visit My Flickr!!


        Since this is stupid boy time...that stupid boy broke my heart completely now. The one I quasi work with, that I've known for a few years. He said he didn't want a relationship, which is fine...except he's in one now. He just conveniently left off the "with you" at the end of "I don't want a relationship..." @$$hole. Can't get rid of him, which is the worst part...not only do I work with him, my best friend is married to his family. Joy. Anyone know of a great doc that can start putting the pieces of my heart back together?

        And Oda...just be careful. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself about being that person that wants him to ditch the g/f and pick you. I think everyone's been that person whether they admit to it. I know relationships that have worked with the girl saying "Pick me." but I've know some to come back and do the same thing to them that they did and the same girl is going "Pick me." again. Vicious cycle.

        Be still my heart...

        And a round for the gals:
        Last edited by leighanners; 21 November 2007, 10:24 AM.
        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


          Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
          Hi everyone, man I was gone for a long time (from my perspective lol ). Great caps and pics everyone.

          I hope everyone is ok and great.
          Spoiler for off topic (if anyone is interested)
          : I've met a guy, and he's a cutie and I really like him. He likes met too, but he has a girlfriend.
          I don't like that, but I can't make him dump her, since he only knows me for a month.
          Do I sound like a horrible person, if I say that I want to be with him and I want him to dump his girlfriend?
          I know it's to soon to tell, so we'll just wait and see how this turns out. Is that wrong? I always hated people that ruined a relationship between two other, and know I see I am that person. But I can help my self. I know it's wrong. Now I don't feel so happy anymore.

          My friend was in the same situation. And she won... She and the guy are together since the guy dropped his previous girlfriend. So it is worth a try!


            Originally posted by phibi View Post
            *runs in*

            Kavan Smith is coming to Pegasus3 in London as well!!! This is soooo cool...

            (ok, maybe I should stop now spamming forums with this news *lol*)

            *runs out*
            Who else does go there? You?


              Wheee ... *runs in and waves*

              I totally missed this several posts ago, but congrats on 1000 posts twin!! Yay!

              OT Stuff

              Loved the pictures of the snow, idlewild! It's a lot like here. Though I can't say we had snow in April. We got all of ours in February and March last year.

              I know I'm several days late, but I hope you're ankle is feeling better Jenner!

              Congrats on your anniversary Arwen!
              Yay for anniversaries! In Februray, my fiance and I will have been engaged for 2 years. Man, I can't wait to actually be married.

              I don't think I can add anything to the advice that others have given, I'd just say be careful *Oda*

              And on one other note, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone getting ready to celebrate. I hope yours is as wonderful as ours was this year!

              My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
              "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                Sorry I missed a few days. I'm not feeling too good, I've got a nasty cold and just can't seem to get rid of it. Have been trying for three weeks now.
                One or two days I feel better and then I'm completely down again. When I came to work today, my boss said I looked horrible and should go home again. I think he was even more worried when I didn't refuse to leave but packed my things and went straight to bed. I have to be back at work tomorrow though. So no rest for the weary... But at least it now looks like the book will be published before Christmas, which is great since I planned on making it a gift for a few people.

                Oda, I know it's a tough situation...
                and I'm really unsure as to what to tell you about it. Yet, I tend to say that you should not make yourself the reason for the split by being more than a friend as long as he doesn't want to decide. I can totally understand that he wants to wait before breaking up but that's also a rather unfair situation for the other girl. Whatever happens, if she finds out that he's cheating on her with you, you only have her hate you for it, making you the reason and not her friend. So I advise you don't let yourself be pushed in that nasty corner. And I'd also have you consider that if he treats one girl that way, who assures you that he won't be equally unfair to you or any other girl one day. Therefore, be careful, even if you have a real crush on him right now.

                The brother of my boyfriend was married and got to know someone else but he didn't tell his wife. (To his credit I have to say he never really dated her while he was married.) But one day his wife found an eMail in which the other girl asked whether he had already decided on splitting up with her. No surprise they did afterwards. But I think it was such an unpleasant and mean way to find out about it, and I felt deeply for his wife. Ever since I have quite a low opinion of him, even though he is now remarried with the other woman and she's nice enough, but that's simply no way to treat one's partner. Believe me, I thank God for my friend being nothing like his brother.

                I'm devastated to hear that, leighanners!
                The man is such an idiot to treat you like that. Although I have to admit that if men start talking about their not being ready for a relationship, as sad as it is, it's usually brutal fact that they just don't want one with you and search for a way to let it sound less drastic. Everytime I hear someone say such "nonsense", my alarmbells start ringing. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end for such behaviour. I can totally understand that you now feel the way you do, but there's sadly nothing we can do to help you instead of reassuring you that the Mr right will knock on your door eventually because you deserve it, simple as that!

                And we can ease the pain with some pics.

                What do you think of 'Sanctuary'?


                Hey, cshawzye! Glad you found your way in here again. How's the interview doing? Have you been there already? Are you already sitting on packed suitcases?
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Sorry to hear about your not feeling well, twin! Don't forget to stay warm and drink lots! I hope it breaks soon and you start to feel better. *hugs*

                  As for my stuff, no interview date yet. Though, we don't expect to hear what our date will be until middle to end of December. We have booked a date and a place for the wedding though! April 26th! Wheee, I'm so excited. Though the planning and all of that kind of stuff is building up and it's coming fast. It's also rather tough when we're rather far apart ... I can't imagine what it's going to be like when I have to pack up my stuff and worry about all those types of plans at the same time. Yikes! But I'm definitely up for all of it.

                  Great pics! I love the caps from sanctuary, they're just so "Carson." When I look at those pics it's like everything that made me fall for the character in the first place is captured in them. Love it!

                  My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                  "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                    Oh, dear, I didn't expect so many replies to my off topic stuff.
                    Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                    Aw, Oda, sorry to hear things are so complicated.

                    Spoiler for OT
                    I can't really offer much except that if your cutie does feel the same way about you, then his relationship with his current girlfriend may not be made to last anyway and you could have your chance if you're patient, not pushy, and keep being friends with him. You're not a bad person for wanting them to break up; you're human. I would recommend not moving the relationship beyond friendship while he's with the other woman, but if you know he feels the same way, you can kind of let him know how you feel. Ultimately, it has to be his choice if he leaves his current girlfriend. That way, he's made the decision based on his own concerns about whether she's right for him or not, not because he's been "seduced" by another woman. And if he won't, then it wasn't meant to be. Maybe there's an even better man out there still waiting to meet you. Who knows? Now, being perennially single, I'm saying all this based on observations and my thoughts on human nature, so if someone with actual experience can offer better advice or correct me anywhere, do jump in.

                    Good luck, Oda! I hope it all works out somehow!
                    Thank you very much SETI, you made me feel loads better.

                    Originally posted by Emre View Post
                    Oh my. Tough one. Well, if he seems to like you, I'd usually say go for it...but then again, if he is willing to just randomly leave his girlfriend to be with someone else, what's to say that you won't be seeing the same treatment? My advice would be to just be careful.
                    Thanks Emre, I'll be careful. I don't want for someone to get hurt.

                    Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post


                    In a perfect world he'll realize that his current relationship isn't working out and sooner or later come around to you. But then what if his fickle ways have you on the receiving end later down the road? If he does indeed end it with his current flame, I suggest taking it slow so you aren't used as rebound.

                    But then again, all is fair in love and war. I know many women who have seen what they wanted and taken it. I don't know what your style in when it comes to men, but thats always an option too........

                    (I know, I can be terrible)

                    Now to make this post legal:
                    Yeah I know what you mean by that "receiving end" part. And I don't think I am that kind of person who just "go for it".
                    And great pic BTW.

                    Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                    Since this is stupid boy time...that stupid boy broke my heart completely now. The one I quasi work with, that I've known for a few years. He said he didn't want a relationship, which is fine...except he's in one now. He just conveniently left off the "with you" at the end of "I don't want a relationship..." @$$hole. Can't get rid of him, which is the worst part...not only do I work with him, my best friend is married to his family. Joy. Anyone know of a great doc that can start putting the pieces of my heart back together?

                    And Oda...just be careful. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself about being that person that wants him to ditch the g/f and pick you. I think everyone's been that person whether they admit to it. I know relationships that have worked with the girl saying "Pick me." but I've know some to come back and do the same thing to them that they did and the same girl is going "Pick me." again. Vicious cycle.

                    Be still my heart...

                    And a round for the gals:
                    I'm so sorry for you leighanners. He's a stupid guy.
                    See, this is exactly my problem, I don't want anybody to have to feel used or someone heart gets broken because of me. *sighs*

                    Originally posted by JennyJ View Post

                    My friend was in the same situation. And she won... She and the guy are together since the guy dropped his previous girlfriend. So it is worth a try!
                    Well, some optimism at last. Thanks JennyJ.

                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    Wheee ... *runs in and waves*
                    OT Stuff

                    I don't think I can add anything to the advice that others have given, I'd just say be careful *Oda*


                    Thank you cshawzye. Nice caps.

                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    Sorry I missed a few days. I'm not feeling too good, I've got a nasty cold and just can't seem to get rid of it. Have been trying for three weeks now.
                    One or two days I feel better and then I'm completely down again. When I came to work today, my boss said I looked horrible and should go home again. I think he was even more worried when I didn't refuse to leave but packed my things and went straight to bed. I have to be back at work tomorrow though. So no rest for the weary... But at least it now looks like the book will be published before Christmas, which is great since I planned on making it a gift for a few people.

                    Oda, I know it's a tough situation...
                    and I'm really unsure as to what to tell you about it. Yet, I tend to say that you should not make yourself the reason for the split by being more than a friend as long as he doesn't want to decide. I can totally understand that he wants to wait before breaking up but that's also a rather unfair situation for the other girl. Whatever happens, if she finds out that he's cheating on her with you, you only have her hate you for it, making you the reason and not her friend. So I advise you don't let yourself be pushed in that nasty corner. And I'd also have you consider that if he treats one girl that way, who assures you that he won't be equally unfair to you or any other girl one day. Therefore, be careful, even if you have a real crush on him right now.

                    The brother of my boyfriend was married and got to know someone else but he didn't tell his wife. (To his credit I have to say he never really dated her while he was married.) But one day his wife found an eMail in which the other girl asked whether he had already decided on splitting up with her. No surprise they did afterwards. But I think it was such an unpleasant and mean way to find out about it, and I felt deeply for his wife. Ever since I have quite a low opinion of him, even though he is now remarried with the other woman and she's nice enough, but that's simply no way to treat one's partner. Believe me, I thank God for my friend being nothing like his brother.

                    I'm devastated to hear that, leighanners!
                    The man is such an idiot to treat you like that. Although I have to admit that if men start talking about their not being ready for a relationship, as sad as it is, it's usually brutal fact that they just don't want one with you and search for a way to let it sound less drastic. Everytime I hear someone say such "nonsense", my alarmbells start ringing. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end for such behaviour. I can totally understand that you now feel the way you do, but there's sadly nothing we can do to help you instead of reassuring you that the Mr right will knock on your door eventually because you deserve it, simple as that!

                    What do you think of 'Sanctuary'?

                    Hey, cshawzye! Glad you found your way in here again. How's the interview doing? Have you been there already? Are you already sitting on packed suitcases?
                    I'm sorry for your cold (if it is a cold) and I hope you feel better soon. Too bad you can't get more days off, so you could get well and not go to work tomorrow. I seriously doubt it, that one day off is enough. But since you can't get more, jsut rest a lot and drink lots of tea.

                    Thanks for the advice. I know what you mean about the same thing happening to me when (if) he's with me.
                    What happened to your friend is just sad. I don't want that. For me or for the girl that' still with this guy and knows nothing about this. Not that there actually is something to know about.

                    I think I'll just wait a bit and see what happens, I surely don't want to have anything with him, if he doesn't break with his girlfriend, but I don't want to push him right now. Because I'm almost 85%% sure, he'll pick her. Anyway, I'll see what what happens.

                    And I so agree with you on that reply for leighanners, although I already replied, but yours is so much better.

                    Great caps, too Twinny, I guess you being sick doesn't mess with your abilities to find the perfect pics to make me (and I'm sure all others, too), stare at them for a while. I REALLY, REALLY LOVE the third one in the spoielr tag. He looks so amazing there.

                    And thanks again guys for all the replies, I really didn't expect anything like that. I read each and every sentence carefully and understood everything you guys wrote.
                    You're all amazing. Thanks for the help. *group hug*

                    Maybe a pic or two:

                    "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                      Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                      Who else does go there? You?
                      me and ulli and some other friends and we will have a big party with kavan and paul and hopefully chuck torri will be there and dean marshall... and there is still one guest slot open I can't wait...

                      sorry for being off topic.. let's see what I can dig up...

                      Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                      Visit me at my LJ


                        Love the pictures!!!

                        ~*Willing To March Into Hell For A Heavenly Cause*~


                          Right back at you, Oda! Those were fantastic pics from 'The Siege'.

                          And phibi, the second picture always makes me end up with a laughing fit! PM's facial expression can't be surpassed in combination with the wardrobe!
                          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                            I'm so happy for you, cshawzye, for having decided on a date for the wedding! I can totally relate with the mix of anticipation and looking forward to it but also anxiety about all the decisions and the stress that lies ahead of you because of having to plan the event! After all, it's hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime event and you just want everything to be perfect. Best of luck for you and of course your finacé! *hugs*

                            How 'bout a few pics to round up the post?


                            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                              Originally posted by phibi View Post
                              me and ulli and some other friends and we will have a big party with kavan and paul and hopefully chuck torri will be there and dean marshall... and there is still one guest slot open I can't wait...

                              sorry for being off topic.. let's see what I can dig up...
                              Wow!! sounds so cool (And I'm soooo jealous....)
                              Last edited by JennyJ; 21 November 2007, 10:36 PM.


                                Originally posted by phibi View Post



                                How totally hot/awesome.
                                ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                                Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John

