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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
    .:*squees* Eek, how adorable!

    .:Rodney: Yeah, it's a website I found when I was last on earth...

    .:Carson: ...An' it's devoted entireleh te meh?

    .:Rodney: *looks indignant* No, not entirely to you...I happen to have a very impressive following myself. *smug* My thread has more posts than your thread.

    .:Carson: ...So ye're minions take after ye, then?

    .:Rodney: *splutter* What's that supposed to mean?
    oh this was just perfect *giggles like mad*

    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
    Yay for Poisoning the Well! Loving the Sheppard/Beckett!
    who doesn't *happy sigh*

    you guys are posting like mad lately *lol* It's hard to keep up and you always do it, when I'm in my bed not fair...

    keep up the pic spam!

    oh, and congrats for all new milestoners... I think it'll take me forever to reach 800 *lol

    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
    Visit me at my LJ


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
      I also tend to think that this certain combination is not too easy to find (but I have an idea; just need to look whether my memory fools me and then cap it. Therefore it will probably take till tomorrow evening. It's already 8am here and I need some sleep.)
      Ooo, dimples and whump? Really? hehe ... sounds exciting!! *tries to wait patiently*

      Now for my own bit of picspam

      It's The Three Musketeers!

      My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
      "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


        Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
        :eek I wake up in the morning and I find 5 pages to read in the Carson thread. YOu guys have been busy.
        Oda, this is exactly what happens to me every morning - except that by the time I finish reading it all, I never have time to post!!

        OK, a quickie animated Carson, for old time's sake:

        twinny, my gosh, after reading that list of all the languages you speak I can only think that you should meet my husband ... he speaks English, German, French, and Russian fluently, and can get by in Japanese and Viet Namese ... plus he knows a smattering of Malay. Oh, and he reads & writes Latin pretty damned well. He's a great guy to travel in foreign countries with!

        Ich habe nur ein sehr klein bisschen Deutsch.

        OK, one more silly animation (spoiler for size):



          D= so many pictures....I wish I had found this earlier >.> Reading all that made my head spin...=D
          My blog sigpic


            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            OK, a quickie animated Carson, for old time's sake:

            OK, one more silly animation (spoiler for size):

            Gah, your animations NEVER work for me! Doh!!!

            Visit My Flickr!!


              Quick hi before I go to work! Hope everyone is having a Beckett loving day!

              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                Thanks twinch I don't know about reaching numbers as high as 1700, but we'll see. Only time will tell.
                I love the pic from Just cause.

                OMG Carson and McKay!.... double *thunk*
                You're all very welcome with the pics; it's my pleasure really!
                And if you want more of 'Just Cause' and double thunk, you shall be heard... (at the end of the post!)

                Originally posted by sunday View Post
                That is great news and indeed sounds very promising, becasue it is so near the end lets hope it is the beginning of something fabulous

                Well im off to pick up one of my new kittens. YAY!
                Fantastic news indeed! My optimism just rose to new heights (now I just hope it's not crushed as fast!)

                I'm sure you give your new kitten a wonderful home, sunday! Do you already have one or more kittens? Give 'em all a cuddle from me.

                Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                Ooo, dimples and whump? Really? hehe ... sounds exciting!! *tries to wait patiently*

                Now for my own bit of picspam
                It's The Three Musketeers!


                Yippieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The 'Instinct' pics are great, cshawzye! Does the man look good or what?!

                Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                twinny, my gosh, after reading that list of all the languages you speak I can only think that you should meet my husband ... he speaks English, German, French, and Russian fluently, and can get by in Japanese and Viet Namese ... plus he knows a smattering of Malay. Oh, and he reads & writes Latin pretty damned well. He's a great guy to travel in foreign countries with!

                Ich habe nur ein sehr klein bisschen Deutsch.
                Argh, Latin isn't my forte. In fact, I studied linguistics without having had one single lesson of Latin and all my teachers told me it was impossible to learn all that I needed to know plus the other Roman languages without wanting to do Latin. But I refused and just learned by heart the essential things for the etymology of the languages and still don't know any more Latin than I can conclude by comparisons to Spanish and Italian.

                Dass Du den Satz auf Deutsch hingeschrieben hast, hat mich riesig gefreut, TJinLOCA!
                (translation for all others, except phibi : I deeply enjoyed your writing this sentence in German!)

                Originally posted by beaugarcon View Post
                D= so many pictures....I wish I had found this earlier >.> Reading all that made my head spin...=D
                Hey, beaugarcon! A very warm welcome to the Carson thunk thread!
                Make yourself at home and enjoy your hopefully long stay here in the gutter! I'm glad you also decided to join us here.

                Did I promise you pics? Let's see...

                And of course some double thunk

                Sorry, cshawzye, I'm afraid you have to wait a few more minutes cause I didn't have the time yet. But I didn't forget! Honest.

                And leighanners, every day I have the opportunity to splash right into the gutter is a Beckett loving day!
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Ok, Paul should not be allowed to smile. It much too sexy.

                  My English teacher in ninth grade forced us to learn Latin in order to study roman literature. And I hate her for it, it's much too difficult for a lazy high schooler to learn. I want to learn more French and Gaelic before I move to Ireland...Did you study it in college?
                  My blog sigpic


                    Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                    OK, one more silly animation (spoiler for size):
                    I love the dancing animation.

                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    [FONT="Century Gothic"]
                    You're all very welcome with the pics; it's my pleasure really!
                    And if you want more of 'Just Cause' and double thunk, you shall be heard... (at the end of the post!)


                    Did I promise you pics? Let's see...




                    And of course some double thunk
                    *thunk* *thunk* and again *thunk*
                    Paul looks so... (what-is-the-word?)!!!

                    Off topic
                    Today was my 3rd football (soccer) practice and this one didn't went as good as the last ones, because I couldn't hit the ball to go directly into the goal, it always went somewhere where it wasn't suppose to. SO I felt really lousy and awful and embarrassed I need some shooting practice in my free time, just need to find someone to go with me. *sigh*

                    But now I feel much better, with all these pictures you guys posted.

                    A dimple from far away:
                    "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                      Gah, your animations NEVER work for me! Doh!!!
                      OK Jenner ... just for you, it's the flip-book version. If you scroll up and down fast you can make believe that it's moving!


                      A little fish story ...


                        hehehehe, I love his smile =] I might get to see him at the Creation Convention in Chicago, anyone else going by chance?
                        My blog sigpic


                          If you're looking for a ticket, I have a friend of mine that is looking to sell her Gold pass. She's selling it at a discount and throwing in her photo op with Paul for free! If you're interested, check out the thread I posted in the Stargate Fandom section for her e-mail and let her know.

                          Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                          This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

                          Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                            Originally posted by beaugarcon View Post
                            hehehehe, I love his smile =] I might get to see him at the Creation Convention in Chicago, anyone else going by chance?
                            I'm going!


                              Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                              OK Jenner ... just for you, it's the flip-book version. If you scroll up and down fast you can make believe that it's moving!


                              A little fish story ...

                              LOL! Thanks! Its like those flip books you make in elementary school!

                              Visit My Flickr!!


                                Originally posted by beaugarcon View Post
                                Ok, Paul should not be allowed to smile. It much too sexy.

                                My English teacher in ninth grade forced us to learn Latin in order to study roman literature. And I hate her for it, it's much too difficult for a lazy high schooler to learn. I want to learn more French and Gaelic before I move to Ireland...Did you study it in college?
                                Yep, English and French I already had in school but the rest came in University. And being forced to learn something sucks big time! Because if you don't want to learn it, you don't invest your time and concentration, which at last results in not being good at it and then you hate it even more.

                                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                                *thunk* *thunk* and again *thunk*
                                Paul looks so... (what-is-the-word?)!!!

                                Off topic
                                Today was my 3rd football (soccer) practice and this one didn't went as good as the last ones, because I couldn't hit the ball to go directly into the goal, it always went somewhere where it wasn't suppose to. SO I felt really lousy and awful and embarrassed I need some shooting practice in my free time, just need to find someone to go with me. *sigh*

                                But now I feel much better, with all these pictures you guys posted.

                                A dimple from far away:
                                Oh Oda, sorry to hear your training was rather unsatisfactory this time. Head up, girl, it will get better again; and the most important part is that you like the sport!

                                Your 'far away dimple' is so sweet. Carson looks a bit frustrated in it. Hehe.

                                And I have a whole lot more of hot 'Just Cause' pics...

                                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic

