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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Joe posted pics of Paul back on set!!!!!

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      I love bagpipes

      ~*Willing To March Into Hell For A Heavenly Cause*~


        Originally posted by Emerald01 View Post
        It's made-up profanity from the British sci fi comedy, Red Dwarf. You can say, "Oh smeg" or call someone a "smeg-head". That sort of thing.

        .:xP How amusing! Thanks!
        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Did I ever tell all of you guys that I've started learning how to play the bagpipes? Well, I drive 70+ miles each way to get to this town in VA for lessons, and OMG! There's this cute guy in the pipe band with this guy who's been giving me lessons, and when I saw him at a band-mate's cookout get-together, he was like looking over at me constantly and smiling, and then asked me for my phone number! (he plays the pipes and has a kilt, too!) And OMG! The guy giving me lessons says he's in a celtic band too and they're looking for a female vocalist! Have I friggin' DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN??? I'm so excited! Can you tell?

        EDIT: AND SQUEEEE!!! Tomorrow we get Wexford!
        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
        Hi Jen! I've missed you too. Grown up life sucks! Haha...but I'm gonna make more of an effort to be around more. I really miss this place. And my gutter gals.
        .: <3


        Thanks Hay for the pop! If only it was creme filled... Haha jk. Okay so I'm not...haha!

        .:*hands cream!filled Bailey's flavoured Carson-pop*

        And I do too hope it works out for the best. If all else, I just want my friend back.
        .:Well, sad as it is, this'll be the test of the real strength of your friendship.

        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        Bagpipes are extremely expensive. The cheapest set I've seen for sale new is like $600, but I might get lucky and be able to "inherit" an old set from my great uncle. It'll probably need to be reconditioned, but hey, still much cheaper than buying new, and it's probably a nice set of pipes at that.
        .:Gah. I'd suggest not buying the ridiculously inexpensive pipes. They're rather...ew. Especially in wet weather. Probably made of Rosewood, or made in Pakistan. If you want durable, not too expensive, and not bad sounding, I'd suggest going with polypenco pipes. Those are the plastic ones, in case you weren't sure. Not all of them are totally awful.

        .:Mine are African Blackwood McCallum A-4s with imitation cowhorn ferrules and gold-plated-nickel slides. I have a medium Gortex bag, E-Z Drone reeds, and ash plugs. Lord knows what my chanter reed is, but it works, so I don't care. All that minus the ash plugs and including a bag cover and cords cost CA$ 2 100.00.

        .:Yes, it's a wee bit steep, but if you're serious about playing, why not? It's a one-time purchase, unless something stupid happens. I'd definitely suggest saving up for better ones, and RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!! I cannot stress that enough!

        .:If you need help with anything having to do with your pipes, just ask, love.
        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post

        I've been practicing on my chanter for 2 months now, and I still don't have the strength just in my lips to be able to blow on the practice chanter for more than a couple of minutes at a time, and the pipes themselves... wow. I can't really describe how strong your lips and lungs must be just to be able to blow with enough pressure into the mouthpiece. This is definitely not an instrument for smokers!

        .:If you want to strengthen your lips, "kiss" the back of your hand. Tighten the muscles at the corners of your mouth, and try to "pinch" a bit of skin between your lips. If that's too unwieldy, try to "pinch" a pen or pencil instead. You can bite the end if you want, but it'll take a little longer that way.

        .:You shouldn't have to work hard to play the pipes. Playing should be comfortable enough to play for hours without stopping. Once your lips are used to pursing like they're supposed to, it comes down to reeds. If the reeds are too hard, it's quite likely that you'll burst a capillary in your eye if you try too hard. If the person teaching you tries to put you on a harder reed before you're well and goodly ready, politely refuse. There is nothing that makes others better than you by having stronger reeds than you do.

        .:You may know this all already, but hey, whatever.

        Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post

        And I have some awesome news, but totally off topic, but I'm too excited to put it in spoilers....

        I GOT INTO USC!!!

        Its a pretty competitive school and post-grad program, so I am thrilled. Now hopefully I can get everything worked out so I can go! LA here I come (hopefully!)
        .:YAY!!! GO JENNER!!! 8D What does USC stand for, and what are you majoring in?


          USC- University of Southern California, I'll be getting my second Masters - in Communication.

          Everyone go leave a comment on Joe's blog. If you do not have a blogger name, don't use 'Anonymous' use 'Other' and either type in your GW user name, real name, whatever. Let him know we love the photos of Paul and hope to see more of him!!!


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            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
            Being the Beckett/McGillion Thunk Thread, I thought you might enjoy the pictures I took of Paul at the Shore Leave convention that was held earlier this month. To link to Paul's gallery click HERE. For the rest of the (145) Shore Leave pictures, please click on the link in my sig.

            A teaser pic....

            All I can say is...lucky shirt!


              YAY! Pics of Paul on set! I'm so excited! This week has been EXCELLENT so far! And look, I got caps of Paul in Sanctuary, too! Spoiler for size...


                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                YAY! Pics of Paul on set! I'm so excited! This week has been EXCELLENT so far! And look, I got caps of Paul in Sanctuary, too! Spoiler for size...

                .:Ooooh, caps! Now that you've (obviously) seen it, what was he? What voice or accent was he using? Why is he only in one episode?



                  His accent? Hmm...
                  I'd have to say it's some kind of mix between a Bostonian, English, and Scottish accent at times. It's pretty difficult to describe, but it makes him seem kind of stuck-up and snobbish somehow. His character is some kind of antiquities dealer or collector, and all he really does in the ep is describe the history of this "item" Magnus brings to him. For me, though, I instantly thought that the look his character came off as a pseudo used-car-salesman type, which both Phibi and TJ can attest to, and this was before I saw the ep. I still think he was meant to be that type of character, but Paul brings extra depth and dimension to the character that actually kind of makes him likable. Still freaky, though.
                  Last edited by Jersey13; 30 July 2007, 05:04 PM.


                    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                    YAY! Pics of Paul on set! I'm so excited! This week has been EXCELLENT so far! And look, I got caps of Paul in Sanctuary, too! Spoiler for size...

                    HIS HAIR, HIS HAIR!!!! *faints*

                    Thank you for sharing the pics and the info on the accent. I would LOVE to hear his accent.
                    As for his character, I think PM is now quite experienced in bringing more depth to a character than the makers originally intented. I hope his Wexford will turn up in more of 'Sanctuary' webisodes.
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Wow, such a bunch of good news around here!

                      CONGRATS, Jenner on getting into USC! Now you have no excuse not to come visit!

                      Jersey, that's fantastic about the cute bagpiper and being asked to sing in the band! I totally understand about how hard it is to learn bagpipes, BTW ... the reason I ended up as a Highland dancer was because I never was able to master the pipes. My college had a bagpipe band and Highland dance troupe, and I started out taking bagpipe lessons. I got pretty good at the practice chanter, but I never managed to play the actual pipes for more than a few seconds without hyperventilating. So I took up dancing instead. I have great admiration for anyone that can play the pipes!

                      Maybe you can accompany me on pipes when I dance at a con sometime ...

                      (Link to the SCB pipes & Highland dancing at Comic Con, for those who missed it ... TJ does a fling!)

                      And now, because they deserve in-thread posting ... those fabulous photos from Joe M's blog!

                      And now I'm off to watch Wexford in Sanctuary ... w00t!! Tonight is a good night!


                        Hay WOOHOO! Creme ones! hehehe...

                        Um...yeah he was kinda hot in Sanctuary...from the two caps...even though he's kinda...yeah...yeah...

                        And I love those behind the scenes caps. *sigh* Is it just me, or did Paul steal sexy back from Joe? jk

                        WOOHOO FOR PAUL!
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                          Is it just me, or did Paul steal sexy back from Joe? jk
                          You can't steal something back that was always there

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                            Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                            You can't steal something back that was always there
                            That is friend was telling me you can apparently steal sexy back on facebook from another one of your friends. *shrugs* I just thought it sounded good. And since they (Paul, David, Rainbow) said Joe was the best looking guy on S1 extras, I thought it'd be funny if Paul stole sexy back from Joe.
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              I got the joke, I was just playing off it, LOL.

                              Guess we both screwed up punchlines hahaha

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                                Yeah. My humor is kinda gone at the moment. I have none. I find nothing funny...well very few things funny...and I'm not being funny. Which I never found myself funny anyway, but everyone tells me I am. So whatever.

                                Did I post this one the other day? I can't remember. It's my mood...he's gorgeous...unlike my mood...
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

