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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    -I heard enough of you discussion from down the hall. *I step over to my sister and put my arms around her and hold her tight for a minute or 2.*

    -The doctor in you wants to check her out doesn't she? * I feel her nod into my shoulder*
    -Ok, I'll sort it.
    * I let go of Aang and go over to Keller and lift her up by her jacket again and deposit her none to gently on the bed by the scanner*

    -Hows that?


      *I tap a few buttons on the scanner beside where I'm standing and can't help but half smile*

      She's got a few bruises, a couple of loose teeth...three, wait, four, it looks like...oh Sis, you broke her nose! *I shake my head sort of smiling, I'm still a little bruised from Keller's words, but I'm better now that my big Sister is here with me*

      ...Is it bad I feel as if she deserved that?


        -Oh I see it looks a bit crooked, I'll fix that *I reach over and grab her nose and wrench it back into line, with a satisfying crunching sound*

        -That felt almost as good as breaking it!


          *I try and fail to hold back a giggle at the crunching sound that probably should have disturbed me, not been amusing, and I finally manage to un-stick my feet from the floor and go to Keller*

          ...I almost felt bad for her for a second...not so much anymore. *I give her a quick shot of pain killers, it won't keep her out but it'll clear her head enough when she does wake up, so she will be coherent for a conversation*

          *a few moments later, her eyes flutter open to see myself and my sister standing over her, she lets out a moan and then looks directly at me*

          Keller: I'll see to it that Dr. Weir hears of this. She will not be amused with you and Dellruby getting into more trouble again.

          *it is the first time someone has used my sister's full name in some time and it catches me by surprise, my mouth drops open a bit and I step back from the bed*


            -now you listen to me real good, no one talks to my little sis like that, and if you go to either of the Carsons, or Elizabeth they will back me up! You are not good enough to spit shine our shoes, and one word from me and you will be on the first ship to an outer reaches you understand me?

            *she just glares at me*
            *I reach down and grab her jacket and pull her up a bit*
            -I asked you a question! *she nods*

            -Ok, we are going to leave now, and you are going to go about your job...and you really should keep your eyes open, we don't want you to walk into any more doors now do we?
            *she shakes her head*
            *I let her go and step away from the bed*

            -come on Aang, lets go.


              *I raise an eyebrow at Keller, who hops off the bed and goes to checking the locks on the cabinet doors and then I turn to follow Dell out of the infirmary*

              Hey Sis? Thanks. That...was pretty damn awesome. *I smile* She's sneaky though, she always does this when she knows both Carsons are off duty and not in the infirmary.


                -well now she has someone else to think about! *I smile a bit* I needed to feel awesome, Beck made me look silly at the gym, thank goodness there was Keller to make me look good!
                *I put my arm around Aangs shoulders*
                -You tell me if she ever does anything like that again. Promise me!


                  *I wrap my arm around Dell's shoulders too*

                  To me, you'll always be awesome, big Sis. Even if Beck is stronger in the gym. I'm a doctor, not a fighter...I would never have been able to do that. *I smile at my big Sis*

                  I promise you, if she ever does anything like that again, you'll be the first to know. Now let me see those scratches of yours? *I slip the healing device from my pocket* I decided Keller should keep her bruises and loose teeth as reminder not to mess with us...


                    -hehe, as a matter of fact I was just coming to let you have a look at the one on my head...I had a headache, but it's gone now.


                      *I look at the cut on my sister's head, wipe the now dried blood drips from around it carefully, and hold the healing device over it, focusing until it glows blue, healing the small cut quickly*

                      There, now Shep will never know you got beaten by Beck at the gym. *I smile as I finish wiping the last of the left over blood from where the cut had been* You helped me handle Keller, I'll keep you from having to explain that one to Shep.


                        Thanks sis! *we walk back to the living were we find Beck and Poet, Joey and all the guys*

                        Beck Hey where did you get to Dell?

                        -I thought I would go see Aang... see no cut!
                        Who hit you?

                        -Beck, we were sparing, she is really good now!
                        *he looks at Beck as if to say don't do it again, we laugh. Then everyone settles down and I ask who wants dinner, then go out to the kitchen to find the frozen pizzas and put them in the oven. I catch site of my right hand and see the grazes on the knuckles. I flex my fist, I sure hope she didn't brake any bones in my hand with her face!*
                        Last edited by Dellruby; 28 March 2013, 11:51 PM.


                          (I'm catching up big sis. Answered ur PM )

                          (ok i've caught up now. jeeze my foot aches )

                          (Dang it, and now your gone )
                          Last edited by McBecklover; 29 March 2013, 01:47 AM.
                          I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                          traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                            Originally posted by Aang View Post
                            *I wrap my arm around Dell's shoulders too*

                            To me, you'll always be awesome, big Sis. Even if Beck is stronger in the gym. I'm a doctor, not a fighter...I would never have been able to do that. *I smile at my big Sis*

                            I promise you, if she ever does anything like that again, you'll be the first to know. Now let me see those scratches of yours? *I slip the healing device from my pocket* I decided Keller should keep her bruises and loose teeth as reminder not to mess with us...
                            (would that be from Star Trek sis? haha)
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                              Thanks sis! *we walk back to the living were we find Beck and Poet, Joey and all the guys*

                              Beck Hey where did you get to Dell?

                              -I thought I would go see Aang... see no cut!
                              Who hit you?

                              -Beck, we were sparing, she is really good now!
                              *he looks at Beck as if to say don't do it again, we laugh. Then everyone settles down and I ask who wants dinner, then go out to the kitchen to find the frozen pizzas and put them in the oven. I catch site of my right hand and see the grazes on the knuckles. I flex my fist, I sure hope she didn't brake any bones in my hand with her face!*
                              *I get up & go to the kitchen*
                              -Need help here sis? Oh and again I'm sorry I hit you a bit too hard. Na'Kita is highly trained in the arts of fighting & I guess I got that from her, as well as her strength *I smile at my big sis, then bow my head & Na'Kita speaks*
                              Na'Kita: Yes the To'kra are trained to fight when they are quite young, I had my first lesson when I was 10 years of age, though my host was 18 at the time *she smiles at Dell, nods her head & Beck returns*

                              Dell: Oh wow, you've got alot more training then me
                              -So... need help here?
                              Dell: Oh um, you could help my carry the drinks out?
                              -Sure *I smile & grab 5 glasses of everyone's preferred drinks & Dell take the other 5 & we bring them out to the living room, handing the drinks to their respective owners.
                              (Dell & Beck's drinks as well as Aang, A-Carson, Carson, Gilan, Poet, Joey, aJanet & Sparky) I give the last drink to Sparky*
                              Sparky: Thanks
                              -Your welcome *I smile*[/QUOTE]
                              Last edited by McBecklover; 29 March 2013, 02:36 AM.
                              I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                              traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                                (oh I saw that Keller part coming as I remember Aang telling me of that bunny, so as soon as Aang got called to the infirmary by Keller, I knew straight away what was going to happen & I was all like "oh yay, Dell's gonna beat the crap out of Keller now" haha)

                                Originally posted by Aang View Post
                                *my face begins to go slightly red but I smile gratefully to Shep before he leaves and then turn back to my sisters*

                                If I come back from my honeymoon and find either of you injured, I'll finish the job myself! Got it?! *my green eyes sparkle fiercely* I won't have you two getting into all sorts of mischief while I'm away! I'm gentle on you two when I have to take care of you at the infirmary, I can't promise Keller will be the same if I'm not here!

                                *I watch Beck's eyes flash with pain and am instantly sorry for what I said, so pull her into my arms for a hug*

                                Crap Sis, I'm so sorry! I totally forgot...oh I'm so sorry!

                                Beck: It's alright little Sis. I know you didn't mean it that way. *she smiles at me and gives me a reassuring hug to let me know she isn't mad with me*
                                I didn't quite understand what would have upset me here... heads up?
                                I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                                traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!


