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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *A-Carson looks into the kitchen at Gabriel*

    A- Aye, it's alright Lad. Even th' best healers need 'elp sometimes. There've been times when Aang has had ta care f'r me when I get m'self inta trouble. *he smiles a bit*


      Aww poor Carson, that's bad *looks at him a bit sad then starts to rub Gabriel's face with the sponge carefully*

      Gabriel: why can't you just dump that whole bucket over me my queen, I am tired of standing with one foot off the ground

      Tony: oh that would look funny for sure but we would have to rub you completly with that soap first, to make sure the water takes the dirt away

      *looks at Carson and Aang and rips the sponge into smaller pieces* I am afraid to ask you if you could us a bit amaybe so we are done with it faster, please?


        A- Aye, it's no' fun havin' ta give in an' ask Aang f'r help. But the Lass does a wonderful job an' I suppose I really canna' complain too much...

        Sure we can help you *Carson and I smile and each take a piece of the sponge to begin washing Gabriel*


          Gabriel: I am sure of that Carson hehe you are tickling me my friends *he looks at me hurting a bit as I start to wash his injured foot carefully* I got to say I start to admire you humans for being able to bear pain, this feels so nasty

          I try to do that as careful as I can dear, but yes it still hurts of course, really need to get you guys something to eat - *looks at Carson as something came to her mind* Say Carson do you think, it would help them if I got them some coconut water? I know it's given to people who have lost blood in order to save them first...

          Tony: what's a coconut?

          Corey: that's something growing on palm trees in hot countries on the planet where poet came from, it's fruit I guess


            I have an idea... *I slip up next to Gabriel and position myself standing beside him next to his injured ankle and let him lean on me while I wipe off some chocolate from him* Let me help you, so you don't have to balance on one foot the whole time, alright? I can still help to wipe off the chocolate from here... *I smile*

            A- Tha's ma' Aang, always doin' more than 'er share of th' work. But I've learned no' to argue wi' her. *he shakes his head and smiles* An' Poet, aye, I do think th' coconut water would be a good start. It might let them go a wee bit longer wi'out a proper drink. *he nods*


              Gabriel: thank you Aang *smiles at her* I felt some stange pain in my head already, so hard to concentrate on it...that scares me

              Oh that's great news Carson I know exactly whre I can go to get some coconuts *looks at Gabriel* if Carson and me are right and it works you'll feel better soon my dear

              Tony: where will you get thse things from?

              If we are done here you can come with me and I'll show you *washes Gabriel's other foot* Now; I guess we have all cleanned again buit his hair, have we?


                *I smile back up at Gabriel* It's my pleasure, Gabriel, I like to help in whatever way I can. Ah...and that...would be the same sort of head ache that we get from not eating at the proper times...*I look over at Carson and he is looking at me with one eyebrow raised and a cheeky smile* What, A-Carson?

                A- Love, ye only know tha' head ache because ye have a habit o' disregardin' meal times when ye are workin'. More than once I've 'ad to remind ye ta eat somethin'. *he shakes his head and I giggle a bit*

                So I do have a slight problem with forgetting meals when I'm busy. But I remembered to eat today! And yes, it would appear his hair is the only thing left to wash now. *I look at Gabriel, who is a bit wet but otherwise clean aside from his hair*


                  Oh I know that, too Aang but I actually forget to drink very often..and it gives a nasty headache sometimes

                  *puts some shampoo on Gabriel's hair while Tony gets out to get fresh water again, as he comes back I am done with messaging the shampoo into the clotted streaks of Gabriel's hair* now everyone you should step back a bit because I am going to dump that bucket over him now to get this stuff off his head*

                  Corey: oh please let me do this


                    *I smile at Gabriel as I slip out from under his arm* Sorry, um, rather not get so wet as all that... *I move over one of the kitchen chairs* But I suppose you're clean enough, you could sit down? Don't worry about the chair, it won't get hurt by the water...

                    A- Aye, let's get out o' the way, Love. *he pulls me back a few steps as he backs up* Wha' do ye say I go an' get some towels from th' linen closet ta' dry Gabriel an' this place wi'?

                    Good idea, Love. *I smile and he turns to go and get a stack of towels out from the linen closet and returns with them a moment later*


                      Corey: Ready everyone? 1- 2- 3!*dumps bucket over Gabriel* now you are clean again

                      Gabriel: *wipes his wet hair out of his face, then looks to the left side of the threads' posts* yay you put meeee in theire *hugs me and makes my shirt wet again*

                      Oh yes I did dear, but now, let me help you get dry again *grabbs a towel and starts drying him* will get you some new clothes, too...

                      Tony: I'll go for them...*I look at him* could you tell N-Steve then to get going and bring some coconuts here please? *he nods and leaves again*

                      Thanks for your help Aang and Carson *smiles at them*


                        *we smile back* We're happy to help however we can

                        A- Aye, we are *he and I start to mop up some of the water on the floor with a few towels*


                          I know you are, still I feel bad fior not being able to pay that back to you

                          *Tony comes back with some clothes for Gabriel* here you go

                          Gabriel: *takes clothes from him and puts them on as Poet holds up a towel before him*

                          But I don't think you should put on shoes now dear


                            You shouldn't feel you have to pay it back to us...I guess we wouldn't be such good friends if we didn't help you whenever we can... *A-Carson and I smile at the same time*


                              Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                              OMG is that a sneak peak of your story? *runs around waving hands in the air* More, more, more! Ahhh! Ok, Good nght Dell!
                              settle down is a very small part of it yes.

                              Originally posted by Aang View Post
                              Hey Dell, when you get online--

                              I found something interesting on my iPhone today. I'd apparently begun another ML fic for did involve some Shep whump and I was planning on his pretty redhead caring for him a bit...would you like me to finish it up for you?
                              yes yes yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeeysyesyessy...opps fingers getting carried that would be a yes please, pretty please with a cherry on top!

                              Originally posted by Nightmarepoet View Post
                              Corey: Ready everyone? 1- 2- 3!*dumps bucket over Gabriel* now you are clean again

                              Gabriel: *wipes his wet hair out of his face, then looks to the left side of the threads' posts* yay you put meeee in theire *hugs me and makes my shirt wet again*

                              Oh yes I did dear, but now, let me help you get dry again *grabbs a towel and starts drying him* will get you some new clothes, too...

                              Tony: I'll go for them...*I look at him* could you tell N-Steve then to get going and bring some coconuts here please? *he nods and leaves again*

                              Thanks for your help Aang and Carson *smiles at them*
                              Contrats Major Poet!


                                Thank you Dell

                                I know, Carson and Aang but still, you always help us though we can never help you

                                *N-Steve walks in with some coconuts* so where should I put those now?

                                Corey; I think we need to get some glasses to put the milk in

                                Tony: and what to do with those?

                                Gabriel: I guess you open them and inside is that water we should drink...can you hear that? *takes a coco from N-Steve and shakes it*

                                Exactly, I hope it works

