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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *A little while later I wake as I hear strange noises, I look over to see a second bed being wheeled in. I smile at the 2 Carsons looking like book ends of the bed.*

    Thanks guys, you read my mind

    There is a full bathroom right there, and Aang will bring you anything you need. Oh and I will order your meals, they will be healthy ones mind. We will asses the situation again in a couple of days.


      *I laugh a bit at the two Carsons, I am standing in the doorway watching this happen*

      Aheh. Ahem. *I stop laughing* Ah yes, I'll be around here most of the time until Shep's released as my Love will be down here as well for obvious reasons *I look at A-Carson, who is checking the monitors and then back at Dell* So if you need anything, I'm here, Sis. I...I'm sorry we didn't bring you down here to sleep by Shep last night. I sort of feel a bit responsible for the worry it caused you both...*glance down at the sleeping Shep and then back up at Dell* I should have known better.


        *I smile at my sister, glance at Shep to make sure he is asleep, then talking quietly....*

        This will pass, it is just the fact he feels so helpless at the moment...he is at his best when he is in Hero mode. When something like being hurt gets in his way, he kind of looses his way a bit. I don't think me risking my life for him sat too well with him either.

        And it never will.

        Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

        It's ok, I woke because I felt you move, and wanted to spend awake time with you, sleep time is a waste.

        * kiss his cheek* No time spent with you is a waste.


          Well I have to agree with Shep. I was NOT fond of the idea of you risking your life for any of us. *I lower my voice to almost a whisper* I was also not fond of leaving you behind on Earth, even knowing you would almost definitely be coming back in the end...

          A- *slips up behind me and lays an arm around my shoulders* An' I wasna' fond of the idea o' you riskin' your life, my Love, even if it was fer Dell. I'd have been lost if y'd not come back ta me, but I didna' talk ye out of it because I had a feelin' it'd be no use. Rather I went along wi' the plan and knew where ye'd be instead o' ye sneaking off wi'out tellin' me. An' Shep needed back up fer sure...

          *I tilt my head back to look up at Carson* You are damn right, Dr. Beckett. I can be very stubborn when I feel the need to do something, and I needed to go with Dell. But...I did miss the hell out of you, Love...*A-Carson wraps his arms around me, and I relax back against his chest, happy to be home with him and my Atlantis family all safe and sound*


            Well we are all back, and we are safe, if not all healthy. *I ruffle Sheps hair*
            And the really good news is, I won't ever have to go back to do Jacks bidding again! so from now on it will be me worrying if Shep is coming back in one piece or....damn this was going well until then.

            I always come back, so no need to worry there.

            I told you I was coming back, did it stop you worrying?

            Ok you may have a point, but it changes nothing.

            Oh go back to sleep, your not helping

            *he chuckles and groans* Don't make me laugh.


              I...have one idea. We could talk to Liz...ahem, I could talk to her I mean, and we could make it a rule that cloaking devices are added to the list of things you take on every mission so at least you could be undetected until you assess the situation on each planet. You saw how long we were able to last with the cloaks before busted. Might not stop the worry completely...but I know if A-Carson had a cloak when he went off world, I'd feel a little better about it because I'd know he was slightly safer.

              A- *his grip on me tightens* Love, the cloakin' devices are useful for sure but from ma' experience I can tell ye, it most definitely doesn't stop th' worryin' completely.

              *I reach up and put a hand to the side of his face, tilting my head again to look back at him*

              But I did come back, you see? I'm here. Yes, it was a dangerous, maybe even stupid thing I did to sneak off with Dell...but if Shep and I hadn't gone along with her...Lord knows, we may never have seen her again... *A-Carson feels me tense up and he kisses the top of my head gently*

              A- Aye, what matters is she's safe an' sound now though. She's never goin' to have to leave us again. *he smiles over at Dell*


                I'd be dead now A-Carson if Aang and Shep hadn't been there, No if, but's or maybes, I would be dead. And then with out warning Aang and Beck would have vanished one day and no one would know where to or why. They were needed, and I am very glad they were there when I needed them. but we are back, so can we just put it behind us and work on getting back to normal around here?

                Normal? You feel like blowing a hole in something?

                Watch it mate, in your state I can take you down!


                  A- *his grip on me tightens and I can feel his whole body tensing against mine, as he is staring at Dell in silent disbelief* Aang, My Love...I didna' know tha'.

                  *I squirm around to face him* I wasn't going to tell you, Love. I didn't want to scare you. But it's all over now, Sam's sealed the tear and none of us are going anywhere. *I wrap my arms around him in a hug, lean up and kiss him squarely on the lips, lingering for a moment, then he hugs me back, nearly lifting me off the ground in the process*

                  A- *quietly and sort of serious* Aye. I'm glad all of ye are safe an' sound now. Let's no' talk about it anymore, I canna bear the idea of ye disappearin' tha'. *he is still hugging me to him, as if I might disappear, so I smile up into his face and reach up to run my fingers along his cheek, which causes him to smile*

                  Let's be happy we're all here and leave it at that, alright my Love? *I turn back to face Dell* And I've checked, all the C4 is locked away with Rodney's new maximum security locks. Sorry. *I smile mischievously at her*


                    (Alright Aang is off to sleep. If you need me involved to wrap this up for tonight, go ahead and write for me and A-Carson, but Aang needs sleep...bye!)


                      Originally posted by Aang View Post
                      (Alright Aang is off to sleep. If you need me involved to wrap this up for tonight, go ahead and write for me and A-Carson, but Aang needs sleep...bye!)
                      (Will do )
                      I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                      traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                        Originally posted by Aang View Post
                        A- Carson, if y'd like ta go spend some time wi' Beck, Aang an' I can stay down 'ere in the infirmary an' keep an eye on Shep an' Dell. *he offers, realizing I had all night with him, but Beck had been down here all night to stay close to Carson*
                        *My Carson had said to A-Carson, that he would stay, feeling the need to nurse Shep back to full health, after having seen Shep right after the explosion & couldn't rub the image from his mind. And being the one that then operated on Shep & saved his life, he is determined to continue nursing Shep until he is fully convinced that Shep is ready to be released. But he also said that A-Carson is more than welcome to help, he appreciates the help. and I had said that I was not leaving the infirmary with out Carson, I knew that Sam had been successful in closing the tear & that we are here for good, but I still can't shake the idea that somehow I will be separated from him*

                        *I had then fallen asleep in the visitors chair at Carson's desk, my head resting on the desk*
                        I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                        traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                          Oh come on Aang, I'm not going to go for the C4! I can't who would save me, Sheps out of action for a while, no offence honey.*I say turning to Shep*

                          Some taken.

                          So where is Beck, I thought she would be here by now?
                          I think she's sleeping, no one got much sleep while we were on that misson.


                            Oh Sis don't be silly, you know I could save you and would never let you blow yourself up! *I am smiling and nearly laughing by now, wondering if Dell has realized I was just teasing her*


                              Your always teasing me, I know it, but I go along with it anyway! Actually next time I have some free time, and Sheps all better of course, I plan on spending some time at the gun range!


                                Thanks for saving my life Carson

