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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by silverdamascus
    3x01 No Man's Land

    Excuse me? Did we forget something?
    Yes, they totally forgot something. They're making it up by Misbegotten tomorrow though.
    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


      Oh good Can't wait! Though typically being in Scotland I will have to wait a wee while before its available for...setting the pixies upon, yes...

      I'll just have to think nice thoughts of just how they could make up for this travesty. Having Carson wander about shirtless for the whole episode might just about do it.

      Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


        Alright deduction by Caz time!

        Now gathering from this pic:

        Misbegotten will perhaps:

        include some outdoor activity. And if they use the same sets as usual, it will be a forest with dirt, maybe some clearings. Seeings as the episode involves many Wraith-turned-humans, the chance that some would turn feral and escape is highly likely. Now if there was a chase scene involving Beckett, I hope that we will see our thunk sprawled on the ground ala Duet but this time I want to see the shirt ride up (Paul McGillion's shirts ride up at every con, this is a rather...pleasant...trend).

        also from this pic:

        We can expect to see those adorable faces he pulls when he's on the chair. Also I wouldn't mind the camera to pan from feet up to the head at one point (mmmm pretty landscape).


          Won't let myself read the spoiler space but loving that mood profile pic Caz.

          That yellow colour really is a bit naff isn't it? Wish they'd give him something else, green maybe, has that been taken? I mean why put a medic in yellow in the first place, that's just weird.

          Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


            I totally agree about the green, medics are *ALWAYS* green!

            Anyways, hello fellow Carson thunkers, as someone who doesn't watch Atlantis regularly I have a somewhat strange question to ask you. Carson isn't in the military is he? Or am I wrong about that?

            If he is, what is his rank and what branch of the military is he from? And if not, where is he from? I don't mean literally, I know he's Scottish but how did he end up on the Atlantis team if he's a civilian?

            Your help would be much appreciated!
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              The bulk of the Atlantis expedition is civilian, it's a civilian lead expedition as well. There's a military presence to deal with any threat but Dr. Weir is in charge and while there's been friciton between her and certain military factions at time, she's still strongly in control.

              Carson is strongly civilian and there have been a fair few "I'm not military I'm not bloody taking orders from you!" moments.

              Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                Thanks for the lowdown, Silver!

                Originally posted by silverdamascus
                Carson is strongly civilian and there have been a fair few "I'm not military I'm not bloody taking orders from you!" moments.
                Lol, gotta love Carson and his *thunkable* Scottish accent!
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  and there's just something hawt about Beckett when he's pointing a gun...I dunno. I can't explain that particular fetish.

                  Is it normal to thunk over a drawing?

                  said drawing


                    Tonight's episosde
                    I swear.... hes like the sweetest nicest man in the whole universe..literally. lol. I love my Doc. =]

                    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                      OH MY for Misbegotten...

                      BONDAGE!!!!!! BONDAGE ON A BED!!!! *huddles in corner washing mind out with soap* BON - no no not going to say it again. Oh our poor thunk. He looked so delicious when being interogated.

                      I am NOT a whumper, I promise you!

                      I liked how he was crouching at that slope thing...mmmmmmmm


                      such a fine sight in that chair too! - "oh just peachy thanks" eeee

                      PICS TO COME!


                        alright some pics

                        from the chair scene:

                        digging the raised eyebrows

                        relieved smile, looking somewhat like a sexy smirk but that's just me

                        more to come


                          Alright how about some more pics from Misbegotten?

                          He cares too much, poor man.


                            more more more

                            Our thunk in the field...

                            and a non spoilery one for the road:


                              more Misbegotten pics

                              The great outdoors

                              I LIKE this pose a lot...

                              and seeing scary things

                              these didn't seem spoilery to me, let me know if I should hide them


                                a few more pics (lol they just keep coming)

                                aha something non spoilery

                                now for some spoilery


                                and at last my favourite part of the episode if only for the mere idea of it...(quite a few pics here, I got carried away - wouldn't you?! )

                                BONDAGE on BED

