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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Wow...last's night episode...I must admit I did enjoy one particular scene (keeping my post clean on this board). Anyone who say the episode can probably guess what scene I'm talking about. For those of you who haven't seen it yet - trust me, you will enjoy the episode. Lots of scenes with Dr. Beckett.

    BTW...I love the new Dr. Weir. Thanks to the writers for making Weir a little more stronger and tougher this season - long overdue. I'm hoping this is the beginning for a new Dr. Weir. I got tired of people walking all over her in the first two seasons.


      A new billing month started at midnight, so I am now unthrottled. Yay!! I now have full speed internet again...

      Anyway, I am happy because today (really yesterday but I haven't been to sleep yet) I found a Scottish Cafe in St Marys. I now have a place to get a regular supply of Haggis, Scotch Eggs, Egg and Bacon Pies, Treacle Scones etc etc. I can also listen to the staff's Scottish brogue... Of course it would be better if ws Paul speaking to me, but beggars can't be choosers!

      Now to get this back on topic... a pic I originally posted to the Rockett thread (because it looks like Paul was going to pinch David and because of where he was looking!!)

      Mahlia Belonn


        Thanks for all the lovely pics, HyperCaz. Rather liked that episode.

        Would have watched it a second time if I didnt fall asleep.
        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


          Too much in shock at the dodgy to plain off-kilter morals of some of the team in that episode to indulge in thunk at the moment! Oh, my. I thought, or maybe hoped Carson would have had a greater reaction to some of the things going on. Maybe we'll see some self-whumping reactions later.

          Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


            Originally posted by Morgania
            Thanks for all the lovely pics, HyperCaz. Rather liked that episode.
            At least someone said thank you.

            I found a sneak peak of A Dog's Breakfast - and you really ought to click here. We're talking a black singlet top...and looking hot and sweet simultaneously.


              i have the mag with that 'a dogs breakfast' promo has lots of atlantis goodnes!! ill scan and post when i can!!!


                OK, can look at the pics now Aww, Caz have we not been appreciating all your offerings to the board of thunky goodness, I'm sorry, hugs.

                Here's a little more Carson and Rodney Lost Boy's whumping:

                I'm really gonna have to catch up on my episode whumping additions. With Carson there's just so much

                Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.



                  Caz I'm loving the pics!!!

                  It took me about 3 refreshes for them all to come on but I'm glad I did it.

                  OMG!!! Carson with bondage!!!

                  I can't wait to see this episode now.

                  Waiting for the 'A Dog's Breakfast' thingy majiggy to load and then I'll check out the fanfic.

                  How are we all???


                    Bed bondage love them for that. Lack of shirtlessness with perfect excuse, hate them for that. They never get it quite all right, do they? Sigh...

                    Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                      You're right, they should have had him shirtless too. Hehehe.

                      I kinda wanted to join him on that bed, with Michael there too. Damn hot Wraith, and sexy Doctors.
                      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                        So when is this episode out in the UK???


                          it's just that when someone takes 29 caps and shares them...don't you think that warrants at least one word on the subject? Or should I not do it again? Glad you liked the pictures, Allestian, silverdamascus and Mahlia

                          Dang it, i wanted shirtlessness too!!!!!!!

                          I wanted to give him a hug too.

                          *points at sig and giggles*



                            LMAO!!! 'Transmatter beams'????

                            I've just watched it and could not stop laughing.

                            It might have something to do with the blonde (Or golden LMAO) hair or possibly that 'transmat beams' were in Doctor Who...

                            Don't ask why I think that's funny.


                              Heheheh masterclass in bad sci fi, that was beautiful. I can't wait for A Dog's Breakfast, I do hope it gets a decent release.

                              On a PM thunk moment, maybe we'll get to see a Star Trek style Kirk loosing his shirt moment if we see another bit of Ryan's program.

                              Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


                                Originally posted by silverdamascus
                                Heheheh masterclass in bad sci fi, that was beautiful. I can't wait for A Dog's Breakfast, I do hope it gets a decent release.

                                On a PM thunk moment, maybe we'll get to see a Star Trek style Kirk loosing his shirt moment if we see another bit of Ryan's program.

                                I really want to see that film now myself.

