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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
    Well keep looking one day you might find one....if you meet him, he might agree to have one with you, oh dear, I think I'm having a post thunk moment.
    That thought, quite literally, wiped everything else (even the useful stuff) out of my head. And I'm glad I was quite settled into my seat, else I'd have landed hard on the floor. That's not to say I didn't just slip and poke myself with the needle I was sewing with and then have to spell-check my post around 22 times to be sure I wasn't misspelling everything because my mind is totally blank except for the idea of a kiss from Pauly.

    And reading that post while Carson was yammering on in his wonderful accent about not being the right person to sit in the chair in Antarctica (Yes I am watching Rising right now. Carson is adorable. Ffff.) just made the effects even stronger. Oi.

    Let's just say



      I know, I was talking about you and Paul, but that isn't the image that hit me....I know just what you are saying there!
      Damn minds gone again!


        Well ya know. Fangirl. So my mind went there without my trying. Though I know it would just be a posed picture, not an actual "kiss" in that way...but it would still make my mind go places. Because hell, I was thinking the opportunity to say hello and get any pic with him would be lovely, but that pose in particular, I think I'd land on the floor at the time and then again every time I thought of it or saw the pic. Oi.

        *Mini Thud*


          If you landed on the floor, he would then help you up, and fuss over you, and probably give you a hug.
          Ok, deep breath, continue to hold on to something!
          *Oh my*


            I'm sitting here fangirl-giggling, so not paying attention to the TV OR the sewing project I should be finishing for my dad (because if I try to sew with my brain elsewhere, I'll look like a pincushion).

            And I finally made it off the chair to the floor. Where I think I will be staying for a while because this just keeps making my mind go there every time I read or re-read more of this. And now I know for sure I'm gonna lose my mind if I meet Pauly...because my mind is this far gone just TALKING about it. Oi!

            *THUD* *tries to stand up* *THUD* OK so that's not happening now....


              Ok, I will stop talking about it, and you stop going back to look again!


                I can't help it!!!! *flails around* I'm stuck now! Also, I think I might have figured out what, or rather who, went through your head in place of me and Pauly...

                OK...well good news is you managed to erase all memory of those weird fics from my mind. I'll have no problem sorting out Carson in my own fic now because my mind is back where it should be in terms of that.


                  Um, don't look at my last post over at thunk, without being seated first!


                    No worries I'm still sitting on the floor. Think I'll stay here a while because my mind is going to take a while to recover. I mean, Carson just came on screen and I started giggling like an idiot and fell over...usually I can keep a straight face while watching the show...not tonight.


                      it's ok, you had already seen it, and seemed ok afterwards.
                      Last edited by Dellruby; 23 November 2012, 08:50 PM.


                        Gah. And I just ruined the moment where I thought I was finally regaining some semblance of control over my mind. *facepalm* *thud*


                          Ok, deep breath, calm down.
                          so nice weather we are having isn't it?


                            *tries to take a deep breath, collapses giggling* Er. That did not go as planned. I think I give up for the moment.


                              The correct response is, Why yes it it, or No it has been really quite nasty


                                How about, the weather is lovely today, a bit chilly but otherwise lovely

