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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *clinks glass with Keaira* Carson Beckett rules. 'Nuff said. lol More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo! }:O


      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      *clinks glass with Keaira* Carson Beckett rules. 'Nuff said. lol
      Drats! Someone's guessed my router password!


        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        Drats! Someone's guessed my router password!
        lol oh darn it
        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


          Originally posted by Tiger View Post
          I watched Quarantine last night. And I have to say; the episode would have been a hell of a lot better with Carson. The episode would have been funnier and still dramatic. It's just lacking without him. It gives me the urge to smack the writers all over again.
          If they really wanted Jewel then all they had to do was make her like the second in command of the doctors. Then they could have had the worthless and unrealistic love triangle and have their damn damsel in distress.
          It just would have been better with Carson. He added everything to an episode, humor, drama, wits.
          Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
          I think we all agree with you that i dont blame Jewel, obviously that was just TPTB having a moment of brainlessness
          You are SO right, Tiger! (Although, it wasn't the writers, it was the fault of the PTB, the IDIOTS! ) JS just wasn't a fit in the SGA team dynamic. Her character was weak & whiney, & Keller didn't have the sweet & caring bedside manner that Beckett had, nor any of the humour. And I'm not saying that because she replaced Carson as the CMO, it's just a stone cold FACT!
          And as Keaira pointed out, it wasn't Jewel's fault. I don't bear any ill will towards her, she was just given a lousy character to portray & was unfortunately miscast.

          Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
          yeah seriously be happy with what you got girl!! some us get none
          Very very true, Keaira. I'll be satisfied with my bona fide Carson costume, & concentrate on being excited about the impending arrival of the 2 SGA audio books (read/performed by Paul) that I ordered.

          Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
          minus the second one im going to call this the "serious moments in doctoring with Carson Beckett" hahaha
          hehehee! Nice!

          Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
          Just checking in with Carson's Cuties!
          Hope everyone is doing well.
          Hiya, LoS! *waves* You're always welcome here, especially when bringing lovely Carson/Paul eye-candy.

          Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
          Here's to the Classic's *raises glass*
          Indeed. *clinks glasses with Keaira* And in keeping with that....

's Carson-pretty time for the weekend!

          "Stop! In the name of Love!"

          "What do ye mean ye won't?"

          "I said STOP!"

          "Oh dear Lord, don't be afraid! I didn't mean...."

          "Ok, lets just sit down & talk about it."

          Feel the love.
          Last edited by dolfyn; 10 April 2010, 09:12 AM.
          Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


            *clinks glasses with Dolfyn* glad we agree, though i had no doubts we would

            Lovely Carson pretties, with narration. excellent way to start my weekend
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              About how im watching The Torment of Tantaulus right now and Paul is just so adorable in it
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                Great pic spam and commentary Dolfyn! Soldier Carson...just freaking GUH. Paul looks great in black doesn't he? Did I mention GUH? lol More Hot Scot shots please! Woohoo! }:O

                P.S. Anyone heard anything about Mr. Nobody being available on DVD yet?


                  Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                  Great pic spam and commentary Dolfyn! Soldier Carson...just freaking GUH. Paul looks great in black doesn't he? Did I mention GUH? lol More Hot Scot shots please! Woohoo! }:O

                  P.S. Anyone heard anything about Mr. Nobody being available on DVD yet?
                  hahaha i love soldier carson too so manly and delicious....and adorable bc he clearly has no idea wtf he's doing with guns hahaha
                  thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                    About how im watching The Torment of Tantaulus right now and Paul is just so adorable in it
                    I know! Isn't he sweet?!

                    Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                    hahaha i love soldier carson too so manly and delicious....and adorable bc he clearly has no idea wtf he's doing with guns hahaha
                    hahahaha! So true! So manly, yet also awkwardly cute.

                    Just like in this Carson-pretty....

                    But then he often ends up like this....

                    "Ooh! Mah arse!"

                    Feel the love.
                    Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                      Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                      I know! Isn't he sweet?!
                      hahaha so sweeet

                      hahahaha! So true! So manly, yet also awkwardly cute.

                      Just like in this Carson-pretty....


                      But then he often ends up like this....


                      "Ooh! Mah arse!"

                      Feel the love.
                      awwh yeah he does always end up on his butt. however, its worth it for the moments of manly-awarkward cute
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                        awwh yeah he does always end up on his butt. however, its worth it for the moments of manly-awarkward cute
                        Very true. Also, I could offer to kiss it better for him!


                        Feel the love.
                        Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                          Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                          Very true. Also, I could offer to kiss it better for him!


                          Feel the love.
                          hahaha so glad you went there cuz i was totally about too
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            "So ye want to kiss it better, ya wee cheeky naughty lady?! Ok! Right here!"

                            Ah, there's never a wrong moment to trot out the bum-pat pic!

                            Feel the bum.... er.... love.
                            Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                              Originally posted by dolfyn View Post

                              "So ye want to kiss it better, ya wee cheeky naughty lady?! Ok! Right here!"


                              Ah, there's never a wrong moment to trot out the bum-pat pic!

                              Feel the bum.... er.... love.
                              hahaha thats quite right! always a good time, for the bum-pat pic
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                I like it when he gets down on the ground

