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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
    Oh you didn't miss much...
    RDA is not at all gorgeous and charming in RL. *swoon*
    Neither is Connor...or David Nykl....or Ben...or fact, they were all terrible, mean, uncaring people. Not a kind word from any of them. Tsk.
    So nope, you didn't miss a thing.

    Sorry, carry on with Carson/Paul-thunking....
    Yeah thanks for rubbing it in since im never getting to a convention
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Awww, I'm sorry.
      Is that because you can't afford it, or there's none near you? You could always prove you are a real Paul-fan by giving up something you love, to pay for your ticket? (Seriously, I tried that once- stopped buying chocolate, snacks and drinks for a few months, and was able to afford con tickets. )


        Were you the Sydney or Melbourne one, scaperfan?
        The Melbourne one was so badly organised & running very late!

        David, Connor, Chris & Claudia were all lovely in my encounters with them.
        My RDA encounter was far too brief & impersonal (I couldn't even get a photo).

        I still REALLY want to have a proper Paul encounter, though. I found myself wishing he was there yesterday.
        A woman in a line in front of me yesterday, said that Paul did the tango with her when she met him!!! *jealous*

        Some Carson pretty....

        Feel the love.
        Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


          Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
          Were you the Sydney or Melbourne one, scaperfan?
          Melbourne! I think I may have seen you, maybe, perhaps? I think. Had I been to teh Sydney, I would have had far less griping, I reckon.

          The Melbourne one was so badly organised & running very late!
          Yeah, it's things like that which really make the experience bad. The Q&A sessions were brilliant, though.

          David, Connor, Chris & Claudia were all lovely in my encounters with them.
          Aren;t they all just sweethearts? Even Dan, who I swear I haven't seen smile in one single photo, was so fun. We talked about TimTams a lot.

          My RDA encounter was far too brief & impersonal (I couldn't even get a photo).
          Mine too! So sad he couldn't even personalise. I guess, he had crazy queueing, and many many multiples!
          (Actually, I did manage to score some time by offering TimTams, so now have burnt into my brain the memory of him grinning at me saying "thankyou so much!", with a mouth full of mint TimTam. Lordy, lordy.)

          I still REALLY want to have a proper Paul encounter, though. I found myself wishing he was there yesterday.
          Oh, he's the best. Hugs and free photos and all. He's like Connor and David and RDA and Dan and well, everyone, rolled into one. With dimples.
          [see, am keeping On-Topic, finishing with Paul! ]


            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Melbourne! I think I may have seen you, maybe, perhaps? I think. Had I been to teh Sydney, I would have had far less griping, I reckon.
            I have long blonde wavy/curly hair & I was wearing a Han Solo t-shirt.
            Yeah, they did say that Sydney ran smoothly, which made me even more annoyed that the Melbourne one was a shambles!

            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Yeah, it's things like that which really make the experience bad. The Q&A sessions were brilliant, though.
            True. The Q&As were lots of fun. I asked a question in each one, except Ben & Claudia's. I was up in the nose-bleed seats, though.

            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Aren't they all just sweethearts?
            Yes, they totally are.
            If you go to the various thunk/discussion threads, you'll see my quick synopsis & photos for each one (RDA, David Nykl & Chris Judge).

            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Mine too! So sad he couldn't even personalise. I guess, he had crazy queueing, and many many multiples!
            (Actually, I did manage to score some time by offering TimTams, so now have burnt into my brain the memory of him grinning at me saying "thankyou so much!", with a mouth full of mint TimTam. Lordy, lordy.)
            Aw, you're lucky! I didn't think to do anything like that. I'm sure I had seen him personalise for the guy before me, so I was slightly disappointed when he didn't ask my name or anything. Oh well.

            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Oh, he's the best. Hugs and free photos and all. He's like Connor and David and RDA and Dan and well, everyone, rolled into one. With dimples.
            Yeah, I've read & heard so many great stories! I really hope Paul comes back to Melbourne very soon. Yes, yes! The dimples!

            Aw, dear sweet Carson.

            Feel the love.
            Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


              Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
              I have long blonde wavy/curly hair & I was wearing a Han Solo t-shirt.
              Ah yes, I was told you were wearing that, then only thought to look for blonde it may have been someone else!

              Yeah, they did say that Sydney ran smoothly, which made me even more annoyed that the Melbourne one was a shambles!
              mmm, if I'd had the money for Sydney too...could have gotten some pics and autos then, the rest yesterday...would have been much better!

              True. The Q&As were lots of fun. I asked a question in each one, except Ben & Claudia's. I was up in the nose-bleed seats, though.
              Hah, yes, as Connor (I think) asked one attendee- "Is your nose bleeding??"

              Yes, they totally are.
              If you go to the various thunk/discussion threads, you'll see my quick synopsis & photos for each one (RDA, David Nykl & Chris Judge).
              Ah, coolies, will have to check all that out once I've written all my stuff down. Keep being distracted!

              Aw, you're lucky! I didn't think to do anything like that. I'm sure I had seen him personalise for the guy before me, so I was slightly disappointed when he didn't ask my name or anything. Oh well.
              I felt like a fool carrying them around, tbh, but once I got funny/pleased reactions, it made it all worthwhile.
              Yeah, by the time it got to us the minder was all "sorry, no personalisations, no way, we have to move through these..." The only reason I got personalisations from Claudia and Ben at all was that I had my handy post-it-note-with-name-printed-on ready, and pleaded that there was no queue behind me, and and and....So they both snuck one in, telling me not to tell anyone. Well, I'm telling now, but didn't at the time....
              Funny, the poor 'lesser stars' as I like to call them (just poking gentle fun, no meanness intended! )were more than happy to do anything, and their minders were incredulous that we were being refused personalisations by the on-stage Guests... I guess they didn't see how crazybusy it was in there compared to out where they were!

              I've been told that RDA stayed til 8:30 or so to keep signing autos....refused to leave until everyone had theirs. Whadda guy! The man has gone up in my estimation, if that's at all possible.

              Yeah, I've read & heard so many great stories! I really hope Paul comes back to Melbourne very soon. Yes, yes! The dimples!
              Mmmm, indeedy. I'd pay to go to a con again, just for him. and his dimples.


                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                Hah, yes, as Connor (I think) asked one attendee- "Is your nose bleeding??"
                hahaha! Yeah, that was funny!

                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                I've been told that RDA stayed til 8:30 or so to keep signing autos....refused to leave until everyone had theirs. Whadda guy! The man has gone up in my estimation, if that's at all possible.
                Aw, that's awesome. He's so cool.

                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                Mmmm, indeedy. I'd pay to go to a con again, just for him. and his dimples.
                Oh totally! I'd make the most of every opportunity too!

                In other news: HOLY CRAP!!! Looky what I just got!!!


                Feel the love.
                Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                  Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                  Aw, that's awesome. He's so cool.
                  x 1million.

                  In other news: HOLY CRAP!!! Looky what I just got!!!


                  *jaw drops*
         HAVE BECKETT'S UNIFORM!!!!!!!!!!!1!!one!!!!1
                  So excited for you! Are you jumping up and down? Happy dancing? Grinning like a fool??
                  I'm so excited for you, I'm over-using punctuation!!!!

                  Worn by him.

                  Oh, we need pics of this when you get it, please.
                  And don't you dare let anyone wear it!! Preserve the Pauly goodness!


                    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                    *jaw drops*
           HAVE BECKETT'S UNIFORM!!!!!!!!!!!1!!one!!!!1
                    So excited for you! Are you jumping up and down? Happy dancing? Grinning like a fool??
                    I'm so excited for you, I'm over-using punctuation!!!!

                    Worn by him.

                    Oh, we need pics of this when you get it, please.
                    And don't you dare let anyone wear it!! Preserve the Pauly goodness!
                    I'm still in shock!
                    After bombing out in the last few auctions, I can't believe I won this one! And it nearly got to my (Aussie dollar) top price, too.

                    Uniform shirt, pants & belt!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
                    Worn by Paul!!!! Double heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

                    Will it be weird if I sniff them? *ROFL*

                    I'll probably get him to sign them next time he comes to Australia for a con.

                    Feel the pants... er, shirt... er, love!
                    Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                      Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                      I'm still in shock!
                      After bombing out in the last few auctions, I can't believe I won this one! And it nearly got to my (Aussie dollar) top price, too.
                      Well done.
                      Funny to see how last time, these didn't even get one bid, because obviously no-one knew they were there! This time? Huge prices, mad clamouring...tsk tsk.

                      Uniform shirt, pants & belt!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
                      Worn by Paul!!!! Double heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
                      (How will you store/display them?)

                      Will it be weird if I sniff them? *ROFL*
                      Um, not at all....I would....

                      I'll probably get him to sign them next time he comes to Australia for a con.
                      Ah, but which one? Shirt, or pants? I reckon he'd do both for the price of one, once he sees what it is...

                      Feel the pants... er, shirt... er, love!
                      Well, we all know where you'll be/ what you'll be doing a few weeks from now, when the package arrives, and we don't hear from you for several days....


                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Well done.
                        Funny to see how last time, these didn't even get one bid, because obviously no-one knew they were there! This time? Huge prices, mad clamouring...tsk tsk.
                        I know!!! I could've saved a few bucks if I'd seen it the first time round. Oh well, it's mine now anyway!

                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        (How will you store/display them?)
                        I don't know yet. Definitely in protective plastic at least.

                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Um, not at all....I would....
                        Thank you! Now I don't feel like a freak for suggesting it!

                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Ah, but which one? Shirt, or pants? I reckon he'd do both for the price of one, once he sees what it is...
                        Yeah, both. He'd probably be rather pleased, I reckon.

                        Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                        Well, we all know where you'll be/ what you'll be doing a few weeks from now, when the package arrives, and we don't hear from you for several days....

                        "My other change of clothes is bloody missing! Where could they be?"
                        "It is alright, Carson. They are in safe hands. Dolfyn is looking after them."
                        "Oh, thank God! What a lovely wee lady she is. I'll have to give her a hug."

                        Feel the love.
                        Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                          Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                          I know!!! I could've saved a few bucks if I'd seen it the first time round. Oh well, it's mine now anyway!
                          So glad I didn't remember these were on, else you would have been in a bidding-war with me, as I would have gotten carried away with all the excitement and broken all my promises about budgetting....

                          I don't know yet. Definitely in protective plastic at least.
                          Mm-hmm. And in the dark. Padding inside the costume. Acid-free tissue. All that. Laid flat in an arichval box is best, as hanging may put stress on the seams. (museum worker here, sorry. )

                          Thank you! Now I don't feel like a freak for suggesting it!
                          We're all true fanatics here, nothing to worry about...

                          "My other change of clothes is bloody missing! Where could they be?"
                          "It is alright, Carson. They are in safe hands. Dolfyn is looking after them."
                          "Oh, thank God! What a lovely wee lady she is. I'll have to give her a hug."
                          "...and then ask her if I can have them back, as my current ones need a wash....Mebbe she'll wash these ones for me?"


                            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                            So glad I didn't remember these were on, else you would have been in a bidding-war with me, as I would have gotten carried away with all the excitement and broken all my promises about budgetting....
                            hehee. I guess my threatening growly noises worked, hey?

                            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                            Mm-hmm. And in the dark. Padding inside the costume. Acid-free tissue. All that. Laid flat in an arichval box is best, as hanging may put stress on the seams. (museum worker here, sorry. )
                            Hey, good tips! Thanks.

                            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                            We're all true fanatics here, nothing to worry about...
                            Very true. That's why I visit this thread the most on Gate World. (Well, firstly because I adore Carson/Paul.)

                            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                            "...and then ask her if I can have them back, as my current ones need a wash....Mebbe she'll wash these ones for me?"
                            Bahahaha! Nice.

                            Feel the love.
                            Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                              Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                              hehee. I guess my threatening growly noises worked, hey?
                              Haha- nah, I completely forgot about them, worse luck!
                              As I said, just as well, as otherwise my budget would be looking a little sad, had I remembered there were shiny Carson objects up for grabs....

                              Hey, good tips! Thanks.
                              You take good care of our good doc's clothes now, y'hear? He might need them again someday!

                              Very true. That's why I visit this thread the most on Gate World. (Well, firstly because I adore Carson/Paul.)
                     you came here because you adore him, and stayed because you have found other people who are slightly obsessed as well, and will not judge you for this?

                              Bahahaha! Nice.

                              Of course, washing them means they then be that little bit un-Carsoned.... You could accidentally 'lose' them, and he'll just sigh, give you that gentle smile, and say "it's okay luv, I can get another set", pat you on the shoulder, and be on his merry way.

                              Okay, enough fantasising, I need to get back to my reportage...


                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                Haha- nah, I completely forgot about them, worse luck!
                                As I said, just as well, as otherwise my budget would be looking a little sad, had I remembered there were shiny Carson objects up for grabs....
                                Ah, well, you probably don't want to know about this then....

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                                You take good care of our good doc's clothes now, y'hear? He might need them again someday!
                                I sure will! Whenever the Atlantis movie is made, I'll head on over to the set & deliver his clothes personally.

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                       you came here because you adore him, and stayed because you have found other people who are slightly obsessed as well, and will not judge you for this?
                                Too bloody right!

                                Originally posted by scaperfan View Post

                                Of course, washing them means they then be that little bit un-Carsoned.... You could accidentally 'lose' them, and he'll just sigh, give you that gentle smile, and say "it's okay luv, I can get another set", pat you on the shoulder, and be on his merry way.

                                Okay, enough fantasising, I need to get back to my reportage...
                                hahaha! Yep, any excuse for more Carson clothes.

                                Time for more Carson-y loveliness....

                                Feel the love.
                                Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis

