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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    "Hhmmm. Me lovely cheeky ladies have let ma thunk thread slide back to page 2!"

    "Would ya help me up please? Thank yooooouuu!"

    Oh, hey! There's a new thread in the Stargate Movies section, suggesting a campaign towards whatever PTB, to try to get the Stargate movies made. I encourage you all to think about getting involved, especially when it comes to an SGA film, because it could mean more Carson-y goodness on screen if the campaign is successful!

    Feel the love.
    Last edited by dolfyn; 19 February 2010, 03:19 AM.
    Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


      Cats and rabbits are equally nice (I'm an animal lover), but I don't have a decent enough garden for a rabbit to have its hutch in/run around in...I had a guinea pig once when I was little, but the garden was different then... It's not because of Paul having two cats that I wanted to get one, I just felt ready to own a pet again and wanted one that didn't need constant attention so thought of getting a rescue cat. I didn't want anything too small like a hamster because they don't live very long and you have to clean them out a lot...don't think I can be bothered with all that Anyway, my mind's made up, I will be getting a rescue cat (That'll be three things I have in common with Paul - that I know about anyway - being a Scot, loving chocolate and being a cat owner ). Time for a pic now

      Newly liberated multi-thunker
      Julia xx


        Wicked pic Mirela!! More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! }:O


          Great pics everyone.

          That's a really nice thing to do,to adopt the rescue cats.All the best for when you get them


            There.... are.... no.... words....

            Feel the love.
            Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


              Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
              There.... are.... no.... words....


              Feel the love.
              no...words...indeed...*stares for hours and hours and houurrsss*
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                *paws wildly at computer screen* GUH...the eyes...the smile...with just a hint of mischief. *does cannon ball into deeeeeeeeep end of the gutter* More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                  Originally posted by McgillionFan View Post
                  Great pics everyone.

                  That's a really nice thing to do,to adopt the rescue cats.All the best for when you get them

                  All of our cats are from a no-kill shelter! And they are wonderful companions, each a unique purr--sonality in their own right! And yes, I am a cat-person!


                    Spoilered for OT Pet talk

                    Originally posted by Mirela View Post
                    Cats and rabbits are equally nice (I'm an animal lover), but I don't have a decent enough garden for a rabbit to have its hutch in/run around in...
                    They make great indoor pets! In fact, shouldn't be outside too much, apart from daily exercise- they looooove being indoors with their humans. :-) And, just as smart as cats- very quick to littertrain!
                    [/bunny soapbox]

                    It's not because of Paul having two cats that I wanted to get one, I just felt ready to own a pet again and wanted one that didn't need constant attention so thought of getting a rescue cat. I didn't want anything too small like a hamster because they don't live very long and you have to clean them out a lot...don't think I can be bothered with all that Anyway, my mind's made up, I will be getting a rescue cat
                    Ah, fair enough.
                    Although, the 'don't live long' way of thinking is a bit sad- if those are good, happy years, it'll be well worth it.
                    In the end, we only had three years with our bunny, but I'd never undo them- even if we were told any we got afterwards would only live a few years. That's just the way it is. You love them for all the time they're with you.

                    ...and then, when you've mourned, one day you get a new one to love.
                    We just got a new bunny yesterday, and already he's been wonderful to have around. Takes away some of the hurt of losing the previous one. Just a little.
                    And delighting in discovering a whole new little personality- too much fun. *happy sigh*

                    Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                    There.... are.... no.... words....
                    Oh, there are words all right...
                    Soooooo many words.
                    You could go through the alphabet, describing that pic....

                    Blue, blue eyes


                      Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                      Oh, there are words all right...
                      Soooooo many words.
                      You could go through the alphabet, describing that pic....

                      Blue, blue eyes
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        ^ hehehee!

                        Oooh! Carson has serious-face while doin' time!

                        Feel the love.
                        Last edited by dolfyn; 20 February 2010, 04:57 AM.
                        Dr. Carson Beckett: The Heart of Atlantis


                          Originally posted by dolfyn View Post
                          There.... are.... no.... words....


                          Feel the love.
                          That's one of my favourite photos of Paul, I have lots of favourites but that one is a TOP favourite And here's another of my faves: lovely pouty Paul/Carson

                          Newly liberated multi-thunker
                          Julia xx


                            Great pictures,really like the one where he's doing time lol. Don't mess with Beckett he takes no rubbish from no one. hehe.

                            A place where we moved to there used to be a ginger cat that used to come by now and then.A few months had gone by and he'd always be at ours and he made him self at home.He sorta adopted us or we adopted him or we welcomed him.He's a really nice cat but he kills anything. I always used to play with him and when i was learning to drive in are field he came in the car with me with his paws at the window looking out while i drove around.It was really cool. He's been apart of our family for a year maybe even 2 years.So when we move we're gonna bring him with us. Couldn't imagine leaving him. But Pebbles won't be happy.She's are other cat and she's an old girl and Puss in boots (that is what i called him as he kinda looks like him lol.Ask my mum to send a picture of him.) Pebbles sleeping and he'll sneek up on her and start chasing her and she is not a happy cat when he does that.
                            GOODBYE GATEWORLD. BEEN FUN TAKE CARE ALL!!


                              *Drops by with another pic*

                              Newly liberated multi-thunker
                              Julia xx


                                Lovely Paul pix gang!! Very GUH that a word? lol As for the pets,kudos to those who take in rescue and or no kill shelter animals. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

