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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    *suffers permanent drool loss* GAH!! Oh bugger me,what lovely pics!! Such a hard decision to make about which pic to have autographed...maybe more should be posted to appreciate the full range of Hot Scot glory. hehe Um...the last pic Lady S posted with Carson staring back at us from the Chair...made me very warm and fuzzy and relaxed. A mite tingly too. *cheeky grin* Wooohoooo!!! }:O


      Originally posted by Earthgate Ricky View Post
      : Guys, I call for a meeting about missing lab coats I left. I want to know who took them?

      : Dr. Beckett, I know who took your lab coats. Come to my office.

      ( sigh)

      : It's few of your fans who sneaked in to steal them for keepsake. they took pics of you in their blackberry during you sleep on desk.

      oh my dear!

      I better check up for my lemon-printed drawers.

      Great pics and captions ER!

      Originally posted by ladyofshalott View Post
      Hello my lovelies!
      How nice to find Carson on page 1 again! Go Carson go!
      Welcome, Citykitty! Always nice to have another thunker who appreciates the Hot Scot.

      I was thinking of one of these pics to take to Chicago for PM to sign.
      What do you think?
      All great shots I like them all but #1 is very nice.

      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      *suffers permanent drool loss* GAH!! Oh bugger me,what lovely pics!! Such a hard decision to make about which pic to have autographed...maybe more should be posted to appreciate the full range of Hot Scot glory. hehe Um...the last pic Lady S posted with Carson staring back at us from the Chair...made me very warm and fuzzy and relaxed. A mite tingly too. *cheeky grin* Wooohoooo!!! }:O

      I have that same pic of Carson staring back from the chair hanging on my computer cabinet door....with many others... I kind a went print crazy one I have some other nice photos....but I need to get them scanned and right now my printer is not the best at scanning....will see what I can do about getting those scanned/uploaded sometime. Let's just say the photo vendors at cons love me as a I have a hard time saying no to things like that.


        *tries to swallow without drool* It's not nice to tease LJR02. hehe *kicks LJR02's printer* There,did that help? hehe So aren't you and Postie doing the con thing this summer? What pics are ya taking to be signed by the Hot Scot? Please share with the rest of the class. *glares at LJR02's printer* hehehehe }:O


          Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
          *tries to swallow without drool* It's not nice to tease LJR02. hehe *kicks LJR02's printer* There,did that help? hehe So aren't you and Postie doing the con thing this summer? What pics are ya taking to be signed by the Hot Scot? Please share with the rest of the class. *glares at LJR02's printer* hehehehe }:O
          I know, sorry not meaning to tease..... I just have a crappy scanner. I'll see if I can get it to work.

          Actually I am not sure which photo I would have signed. I have a few right now of course ...signed and unsigned. I have toyed with idea of having one of my previous PM photo ops pictures signed.

          In Vancouver I had other items that were signed and a photo. I will probably buy more photos at the upcoming cons I keep an 3 ring binder of photos I have purchased and/or had seem to be gathering quite a collection.

          This photo I actually already have a signed version ..... but it's very nice


            *melts at pic*
            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
              *melts at pic*
              Yes... no wonder I ended up with a few copies of that


                Originally posted by LJR02 View Post
                Yes... no wonder I ended up with a few copies of that

                I'll be a puddle of goo by the time you finish!!
                Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                  *paws wildly at computer screen* Ahem. Yummy pics. So LJR02,care to share some of your 3 ring binder pics with the rest of us? *bats puppy dog
                  eyes* Once your crappy scanner/printer works properly of course. *kicks
                  LJR02's crappy scanner/printer* hehe }:O


                    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                    *paws wildly at computer screen* Ahem. Yummy pics. So LJR02,care to share some of your 3 ring binder pics with the rest of us? *bats puppy dog
                    eyes* Once your crappy scanner/printer works properly of course. *kicks
                    LJR02's crappy scanner/printer* hehe }:O
                    I have the 8x10 version of this photo .... *working on scanner


                      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                      *paws wildly at computer screen* Ahem. Yummy pics. So LJR02,care to share some of your 3 ring binder pics with the rest of us? *bats puppy dog
                      eyes* Once your crappy scanner/printer works properly of course. *kicks
                      LJR02's crappy scanner/printer* hehe }:O
                      Care to join me in the gutter?
                      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                        Oh bugger. Soldier Carson!! GAH!!! Just loverly. Makes me all warm and tingly. Nice choice LJR02. Got any pics of Paul wearing his kilt? *squishy hugs LJR02* You rock!! Wooohoooo!! }:O


                          I also have the 8x10 of these

                          I have others... though can't seem to find a digital versions of them at the moment. *kicks scanner again


                            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                            Oh bugger. Soldier Carson!! GAH!!! Just loverly. Makes me all warm and tingly. Nice choice LJR02. Got any pics of Paul wearing his kilt? *squishy hugs LJR02* You rock!! Wooohoooo!! }:O
                            No kilt picks but will certainly share when I do


                              *kicks LJR02's scanner*
                              Any luck?
                              Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                                *splashes happily in the gutter with AMC* Yup a nice little swim before I hit the hay. Thanks so much for sharing those Hot Scot shots with us LJR02. Right,stared happily at the Carson pics,now it's time knackered birds went to bed. Good night gang!! Happy Hot Scot dreams!! hehe }:O

