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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Hi Everyone
    Happy Birthday Paulie
    - Are you Crazy?
    - I wouldn't say crazy. Maybe an eccentric who looks good in jeans

    Bring back Ford and Beckett

    Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind


      Wooo that's RIGHT!! It's Paulys B-day!!


      And, of course this calls for a bit of spam!!

      Ok, that somehow ended up being all dimples.... but hey, I'm not one to complain

      Proudly Supporting Team USA


        (Happy Birthday, Paul!)
        FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


          less than 46 hours to go.. to watch SA series finale. EEEKKKKKK!

          Tomorrow as SA marathon cont.; one episode I refuse to watch : "Sunday". it's too emotional for me to cry! ( I love you, Carson).


            ugh, I hate that episode as well. To me that did not happen at all.

            my sister's been watching SGA so I gave her a crash course in all things about the show and managed to convert her to Beckettism!

            It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


              Oh my goodness... that's right, SGA finishes up tomorrow night. Well, I suppose I can watch it live, I'll be home for once!! Even if I'm totally NOT caught up on the rest of the season. I haven't even seen the most recent Carson episode, I know, bad me. I just haven't had the time nor desire to watch SGA as of late.

              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                I just haven't had the time nor desire to watch SGA as of late.
                I hear you, idlewild! Despite having practically no time at all, I really didn't feel like catching up with the season, not even with the Beckett episodes. I've watched 'The Seed' and quite enjoyed it even but somehow the Atlantis squee didn't return and I was less enthusiastic watching the rest.

                BTW, last fall I finally did buy the season three box. And your excellent cover fits perfectly! There was no way I'd have kept the original one. So thank you once again for making it! *hugs*

                Let me dish out a couple of pics from better times


                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Watch Whispers and Outsiders. Whispers wasn't too bad, but Outsiders actually had that a little bit of that glimmer of what we loved about the first half of season 3. TBH, Beckett isn't really much of an important character in the others.


                    I knew it's time for "Sunday",but I don't watch it today until 10 am. My tv remote said "Pick me and change the channels to watch SA". I pick up it and threw it across the room.


                      Whoops! A belated Happiest of Birthdays, Paul! I hope it was a great one!

                      I've been talking with some of the Texans I met at FedCon USA last summer (including the lovely couple of archaeologists who have been thoroughly converted into Gaters, and Beckett fans, after never having seen the show before) and, for any who weren't there and/or didn't get the e-mail, there's another con being held in Dallas March 13-15th that the amazing John Billingsley and his wife, Bonita Friedericy, are attending. We're seeing if we can get some of the gang back together again. No word yet on other guests, but it looks fun and a lot more stable than DedCon. The site's if anyone wants to look into it.

                      I hope you're all doing well! I hope the finale tomorrow (complete with Beckett!) is good and wraps things up (or sets up the movie) well.



                        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                        I hear you, idlewild! Despite having practically no time at all, I really didn't feel like catching up with the season, not even with the Beckett episodes. I've watched 'The Seed' and quite enjoyed it even but somehow the Atlantis squee didn't return and I was less enthusiastic watching the rest.
                        Yes, when s5 started I was watching it religiously every night and I was so excited for a new season! Got about 5 episodes in and I quickly found my excitement waning. And then I started a job and I've been working almost every friday evening since. And then it's just a chore to go and track down the episodes on youtube or the like. That and when at the moment there is other MUCH better programming on TV to watch such as Heroes and LOST (omigoodness... Lost, my sister got me hooked on it this christmas, I've watched over two seasons in two weeks lol) I've just had no desire to watch atlantis. SGA used to be IMO the best show on TV... now, not so much anymore. If a new eppy of Lost or Heroes was on at the same time as the new eppy of SGA, I'd probably pick the other show over it as sad as it is to say

                        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                        BTW, last fall I finally did buy the season three box. And your excellent cover fits perfectly! There was no way I'd have kept the original one. So thank you once again for making it! *hugs*
                        Oh YAY!! I'm glad it worked!

                        Loooved the classic pic spam, yummy yummy!! That's how it should be, always and forever! Carson and the team

                        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                        I've been talking with some of the Texans I met at FedCon USA last summer (including the lovely couple of archaeologists who have been thoroughly converted into Gaters, and Beckett fans, after never having seen the show before) and, for any who weren't there and/or didn't get the e-mail, there's another con being held in Dallas March 13-15th that the amazing John Billingsley and his wife, Bonita Friedericy, are attending. We're seeing if we can get some of the gang back together again. No word yet on other guests, but it looks fun and a lot more stable than DedCon. The site's if anyone wants to look into it.
                        Oh that looks like fun! I would love to go, but alas I am much poorer this year than I was last year So, I'm not traveling anywhere! Have fun though!!!

                        Well... got my days mixed up, I am working tomorrow night and will thus miss the season finale. Well, but I might get home in time for the repeat airing if I remember. Key there, remembering If not, ya'll enjoy the finale and I'll catch it later sometime

                        Proudly Supporting Team USA


                          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                          Yes, when s5 started I was watching it religiously every night and I was so excited for a new season! Got about 5 episodes in and I quickly found my excitement waning. And then I started a job and I've been working almost every friday evening since. And then it's just a chore to go and track down the episodes on youtube or the like. That and when at the moment there is other MUCH better programming on TV to watch such as Heroes and LOST (omigoodness... Lost, my sister got me hooked on it this christmas, I've watched over two seasons in two weeks lol) I've just had no desire to watch atlantis. SGA used to be IMO the best show on TV... now, not so much anymore. If a new eppy of Lost or Heroes was on at the same time as the new eppy of SGA, I'd probably pick the other show over it as sad as it is to say
                          Heroes is kinda 'meh' this year, the first year was definatly the best IMO and Lost just confuses me but I do agree with you, SGA hasn't been all that good lately. After they got rid of a certain Scottish doctor they lost me for good

                          My sister has been watching the last half of the season and I told her that she needs to go back and watch seasons 1-2 when it was really good.

                          It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                            Still haven't seen Sunday. Don't know if I will. I've tried to watch it, but shut it off 5-10 minutes in. And the Look Back on Season Three feature on the DVDs made me cry. So I think the actual episode would be too much. I need happy things right now.

                            I'm sticking with my first three seasons, fanfic, and Doctor Who. And 24 when it comes on again. Didn't watch last season because it was boring but I'll be watching this one, for the obvious reasons.


                              one minute left to Series Finale

                              Paul McGillion/Dr. Carson Beckett, Thanks for wonderful 5 years!

                              Boo hoo!

                              I love you, Paul/Carson!


                                Re: Enemy at the Gates

                                Yay for Beckett: First man in the chair, last man in the chair. And he saves the day! I was grinning so much to see him coming to the rescue and calmly waging the battle from the chair. He's definitely come a LONG way since his adorable terror and random drone firing in the pilot. Ranked second only to Sheppard, eh? McKay's gonna stew over that one for a while.

                                Aw, the General Hammond. Well-deserved. They're definitely shredding the fourth wall these last few episodes. (Though I did like in 'Vegas' Sheppard saying "I don't like when my usual ME is replaced by someone who looks too young to be in med school.")

