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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    .:I've just become completely obsessed with Simon Pegg. O_O I command you all to watch Hot Fuzz.

    .:Oh, and also saw J-Flan on Dawson's Creek. LOL. Awww, poor J-Flan's Character. I swear to God, he kirks in every show he's on... xP


      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » Yeah. I heard that they were attempting to make him look younger, then older ... and I was all WTF just leave it the same way he was in Kindred. He doesn't need his hair messed with.
      OK, glad it wasn't just me!!! Still don't get the orangeness though lol.

      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      » And yes, there are Carson haters out there that will be downright rude. and dare I say hypocritical.

      I just don't see the point of hating a character, I mean that's just it... they're characters. I'll admit that I cannot abide Keller, but I don't hate her. That would mean that I'd actually have to care enough about the character to give a sh*t if you know what I mean? LOL. I've posted in the "what's everyone's beef with Keller" thread, but wouldn't dream of going into an anti character thread. It's just silly!

      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      I just tell them to STFU.
      Quite right too!!!

      Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
      .:I've just become completely obsessed with Simon Pegg. O_O I command you all to watch Hot Fuzz.

      .:Oh, and also saw J-Flan on Dawson's Creek. LOL. Awww, poor J-Flan's
      Character. I swear to God, he kirks in every show he's on... xP
      I didn't like Shaun of the Dead but I thought Hot Fuzz was great

      I saw a pic of him in Dawson's Creek the other day, he looked so young lol.

      Now, I believe I promised more Carson pics .... I'm on Runner today, so here's some yummies (with double thunk as it's unavoidable in places lol)
      ). They're not my caps so a bit blurred, sorry about that



        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        I just don't see the point of hating a character, I mean that's just it... they're characters. I'll admit that I cannot abide Keller, but I don't hate her. That would mean that I'd actually have to care enough about the character to give a sh*t if you know what I mean? LOL. I've posted in the "what's everyone's beef with Keller" thread, but wouldn't dream of going into an anti character thread. It's just silly!
        amen sister! they're just characters after all. so why wasting energy on hating them?
        Now, I believe I promised more Carson pics .... I'm on Runner today, so here's some yummies (with double thunk as it's unavoidable in places lol)
        ). They're not my caps so a bit blurred, sorry about that


        SQUEEE a pic spam. I missed it so much. thank you. and nothing wrong with Runner. So much testosterone in it


          OK then these ones are just for you Fainne





              » He is so awesome. How can tptb kill him and replae him with, in kinder terms, an inferior character?


                triple thunk triple thunk!!!

                Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                  Hungarian TV just finished the 8th season of SG1. In Moebius, McKay got the Hungarian voice of Beckett.... (I mean, this voice was Carson's in Atlantis) It was funny


                    Queen Hathor you want to kill me??? *faints*

                    JennyJ really? that's funny. i'm not sure which voice he has in Germany. need to watch it again Corson's voice in Germany is also very famous. can hearit in nearly every movie or TV show.


                      Great pics everyone!!!!


                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        » He is so awesome. How can tptb kill him and replae him with, in kinder terms, an inferior character?
                        Grr, tell me about it!!

                        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                        triple thunk triple thunk!!!

                        Hehe, thought you might notice that!

                        Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                        Hungarian TV just finished the 8th season of SG1. In Moebius, McKay got the Hungarian voice of Beckett.... (I mean, this voice was Carson's in Atlantis) It was funny

                        Do they think people are that stupid that they won't recognise it??? Tsk

                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                        Queen Hathor you want to kill me??? *faints*
                        Hehe, course not

                        I do advise steadying yourself though..... there are a lot of Duet caps coming up over the next couple of days. Don't say I didn't warn you!!!



                          OMG A BECKETT/MCGILLION THREAD !!!
                          How did i miss this lol.

                          Yay. Anyone going to Glasgow 23rd & 24th August to see him at collectormania ?

                          Paul is such a sweetheart. He's so kind and funny and is great with the Fans. Not to mention he's a great actor too. Aww he's so cool,i love*ahem* like him lol

                          Aww great pictures.

                          Here's Paul with his wrestling team. He's at the back on the Far left. He was the wrestling champion woo.

                          GOODBYE GATEWORLD. BEEN FUN TAKE CARE ALL!!


                            Originally posted by McgillionFan View Post
                            OMG A BECKETT/MCGILLION THREAD !!!
                            How did i miss this lol.

                            Yay. Anyone going to Glasgow 23rd & 24th August to see him at collectormania ?

                            Paul is such a sweetheart. He's so kind and funny and is great with the Fans. Not to mention he's a great actor too. Aww he's so cool,i love*ahem* like him lol

                            Aww great pictures.

                            Here's Paul with his wrestling team. He's at the back on the Far left. He was the wrestling champion woo.

                            Hey, welcome to the thread!

                            OMG that pic is hilarious. The thighs on him!!!



                              Originally posted by McgillionFan View Post
                              OMG A BECKETT/MCGILLION THREAD !!!
                              How did i miss this lol.

                              Yay. Anyone going to Glasgow 23rd & 24th August to see him at collectormania ?

                              Paul is such a sweetheart. He's so kind and funny and is great with the Fans. Not to mention he's a great actor too. Aww he's so cool,i love*ahem* like him lol

                              Aww great pictures.

                              Here's Paul with his wrestling team. He's at the back on the Far left. He was the wrestling champion woo.

                              welcome thank you for this pic *droools* I love this outfit - should be the uniform of atlantis


                                Found some short vids with Paul in off YouTube. Will cross-post in other threads too:

                                The kiss 1

                                The kiss 2

                                Paul's impression of Jason Momoa

                                And of Joe Flanigan

                                Thanking everyone for their support

                                Such a lovely guy! I really can't get used to his Canadian accent though!! And the turtles!!


