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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    awww man. is it over already...


    lol... I even wrote and posted a smut fic

    Great party everyone! Fabulo piccies.


      I loved the party.
      Before I joined GW and read through this thread I've seen one of those partys.
      Now I'm happy I was part of one!


        I made the mistake of telling my mum about that particular scene in See Grace Fly - I wish I hadn't, she now wants to watch the DVD.


          Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
          I made the mistake of telling my mum about that particular scene in See Grace Fly - I wish I hadn't, she now wants to watch the DVD.
          oh gosh - what are you going to do now?


            I think I might hide it under lock and key!!! It's MY dvd after all. Although I have Jersey to thank for it.

            And I don't think I'd want mum thunking him too. >_<

            Damn it, why is he twice my age next year?


              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              I think I might hide it under lock and key!!! It's MY dvd after all. Although I have Jersey to thank for it.

              And I don't think I'd want mum thunking him too. >_<

              Damn it, why is he twice my age next year?
              yeah - that's the main "problem" with his age. I like older men, but there's always the possibility my mom likes them too. It didn't happen yet, luckily.


                Oh my god.
                I never thought about the fact, that my mom could like the same men as I.
                Like Fainne I like older men.


                  Hello! Sorry I didn't have much to contribute for the bulk of the party, but I truly enjoyed everything you guys posted! Thank you all for your time and offerings!

                  ((((Caz))))!!! Thanks for starting this. I know it's hard to keep a schedule working across 24 time zones, but as long as everyone had fun, I think it was a hit. There's no such thing as too much Paul, after all. BTW, I totally empathize about the age diff. He's 16 years older than me, which is biologically old enough to be my father, though more likely in the range of an uncle. *sigh* Why are older guys simply sexier? Like someone commented here back on uniform day, Paul's hotter now than he was as a lanky 20-something year old.

                  Oh, and which season of Farscape are you up to that's so engrossing you? It was my first sci-fi fandom, so always fun to meet others enjoying it.

                  Can't come up with words for the pics from Day 7... *drool* Though that pic from ADB of him and Kate/Marilyn on the couch has always been a favorite of mine. They just look so...comfortable. Sexy and just cute. Yeah, to trade places with her...

                  Very cool pics, Sheppard little minx! Thanks for posting them! And yes, details please!

                  Speaking of cons, I found someone willing to room with me at FedCon USA. I'll PM you the details, Idlewild, in case you can make it. She's a Scaper buddy of mine going way back and a safe person to split a place with. Plus, if she uses her traveler's points to get a free room at a nearby hotel to the Hyatt (one option), I'll be able to afford a ticket to the Celebration Feast (which Paul will be attending).

                  So, a bit late for the party, but how about a few pics of Carson happy about the party in his honor?


                  And seriously, how did we miss this one on Day 7? Not really showing anything, but the suggestion...




                    Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                    Speaking of cons, I found someone willing to room with me at FedCon USA. I'll PM you the details, Idlewild, in case you can make it. She's a Scaper buddy of mine going way back and a safe person to split a place with. Plus, if she uses her traveler's points to get a free room at a nearby hotel to the Hyatt (one option), I'll be able to afford a ticket to the Celebration Feast (which Paul will be attending).

                    Can't wait until the con


                      BACK FROM COLLECTORMANIA!!

                      LOL paul was hilarious!!! got 2 autographs and 2 pics...called me a cheeky S*** (he has no idea!!!!)

                      he loved my hawaiian shorts..then i showed him the reason i wore them (got a nasty cut on my leg from plaing soccer..wearing trousers hurt too much)..too which he shouted out 's**t!!!' then then next day we talked and he asked about my leg and we talked sports!


                        Originally posted by teknikal View Post
                        BACK FROM COLLECTORMANIA!!

                        LOL paul was hilarious!!! got 2 autographs and 2 pics...called me a cheeky S*** (he has no idea!!!!)

                        he loved my hawaiian shorts..then i showed him the reason i wore them (got a nasty cut on my leg from plaing soccer..wearing trousers hurt too much)..too which he shouted out 's**t!!!' then then next day we talked and he asked about my leg and we talked sports!

                        That's a nice pic!


                          Originally posted by teknikal View Post
                          BACK FROM COLLECTORMANIA!!

                          LOL paul was hilarious!!! got 2 autographs and 2 pics...called me a cheeky S*** (he has no idea!!!!)

                          he loved my hawaiian shorts..then i showed him the reason i wore them (got a nasty cut on my leg from plaing soccer..wearing trousers hurt too much)..too which he shouted out 's**t!!!' then then next day we talked and he asked about my leg and we talked sports!

                          aww, this is so cute! lucky you. I hope your leg is better soon I never played soccer but I know it can hurt badly.


                            Originally posted by teknikal View Post
                            BACK FROM COLLECTORMANIA!!

                            LOL paul was hilarious!!! got 2 autographs and 2 pics...called me a cheeky S*** (he has no idea!!!!)

                            he loved my hawaiian shorts..then i showed him the reason i wore them (got a nasty cut on my leg from plaing soccer..wearing trousers hurt too much)..too which he shouted out 's**t!!!' then then next day we talked and he asked about my leg and we talked sports!

                            That is a great picture. Glad that you had a good time.


                              Originally posted by teknikal View Post
                              BACK FROM COLLECTORMANIA!!

                              LOL paul was hilarious!!! got 2 autographs and 2 pics...called me a cheeky S*** (he has no idea!!!!)

                              he loved my hawaiian shorts..then i showed him the reason i wore them (got a nasty cut on my leg from plaing soccer..wearing trousers hurt too much)..too which he shouted out 's**t!!!' then then next day we talked and he asked about my leg and we talked sports!

                              *is insanely jealous* I have to have another photo with him at FedCon!


                                Ok here is my report (it will contain Torchwood and Paul)

                                I met up with my friend at 9.30am at victoria and then had something to eat. We over spent our time and had to rush for our coach to milton keynes as there was engeering works on the trains. We finally got onto our coach and think we are leaving any minute. The driver then gets on and said a panel on the back of the coach was loos. At that point I really thought we were not going.

                                After what seems ages, they moved the milton keynes lot to another coach with a very funny driver. We then leave half an hour later and get to milton keynes for 12.40. We then walk up to the shopping centre.

                                As we walk in there are cosplayers having their photo done. We then spot the place where John Barrowman and Eve Myles were having their autographs done. Unfortunately we were too late to get a ticket. Some people had been queueing since 3am!! for ticket.

                                So we walked on a bit disspanoted and I then spot Paul signing away. Boy did he look gorgeous. I then got my virtiual ticket which was 319. So had a while to wait. We went to ask if there was any Eve photoshoot tickets left and they said no. I then spotted Paul Mcgillion up there and praying like hard I ask if there are any for him and the lady says yes. I was over the moon.

                                We had some time to wait before the photoshoot and autographs. So went around and I managed to meet Kai (Rhyss in Torchwood) and got a photo with him. James Masters was next to him.

                                We then tried to find another person from Torchwood but Rippy was not there. We then spotted 3 daleks and had a photo with them. We then spotted Connor trinner and I was going to get his autograph but the time had come to go to the photoshoot.

                                We then made our way to the photoshoot area and for a while noone knew what was going on and I was getting worried. That all changed when the Photographer arrived and we lined up. There was 11 of us. Paul said Hello to all of us. My friend went first and was grinning from ear to ear. Then it was my turn. He commented on my John Barrowman tour top and then he beckons me to move forward. I was thinking he would put one arm around me. Instead he invelops me in a very tight bear hug. You could feel how hot he was. God it was amazing. He then gave me a little kiss and smiled. I was in heaven.

                                He then said Nice meeting you.. I couldn't believe it. I was shaking like a leaf. We then decided to head down to the James Masters area but it would been ages to get his auto so left it. After meeting Paul at Photoshoot I knew I had to meet him again and luckily his queue had become open which means don't need a ticket. I chose my favourite pic and waited in the queue. My friend came with me as she was going to take a pic with him. I finally get up to him and he says are you following me and he then signs my autograph. He puts to the lovely Nichola all the best love Paul. I then get ready for my photo with him but my friend has trouble with the camera so I get to stand with Paul a bit longer..He starts laughing and then says happens all the time.

                                We then head towards the dealers area which was not very good and I spot that the queue for Eve Myles has become open so we queue up for her autograph. She is really nice and friendly and someone gave her a present and got a hug. John Barrowman was next to her and I sneakly got a pic of him and Eve as you were not supposed to take photos.

                                We then walked around the dealers got a brillant doctor who tshirt which come from america and a david photo. We then went to see if our photoshoot pics were ready and they were. We then made our way home.
                                We could have met John but didn't relaise his queue had gone to open a few mins before 5pm

                                It was brillant day sorry for long report

