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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Hey, there's this really cool site called Wordle that makes shapes out of text. I used a fic that I wrote with Carson and Rodney that took place right after 02x02 "Intruder". Here's the shape it came up with. And here's the fic if you want to read it.

    I was pleased it put Carson, Dr. and smile all near each other. Maybe it works off some algorithm and knows what words appear close to each other in the text and tries to do the same in the shape.

    My kind of guy:
    "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
    Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
    (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
      I'll start making a photo account soon. Been busy and short on cash right now, so didn't buy the photo CDs yet (4 rolls of film, after all), but you can bring your pics of choice in to Walgreens to scan and edit there and put on CD, so I may do that this weekend. Otherwise I'll scan on my own as time allows and start an account somewhere to put them.

      I already liked Aaron from BSG and was amused to find out he and Paul were buddies. After reading his posts about the con, he's got my respect definitely. Look at his stuff on his blog about how he and his fans were treated at a Creation con if you get the chance. It's really nice to see someone get so protective of his fans and their rights. Good man. Wouldn't want to get on his bad side.

      Very cool interview with Paul about the new season. While I miss the spiky hair, can't complain about the new look (though, yeah, I'd love to ruffle it up a bit). New episodes soon, and he's in the 2nd one!

      I've said it already, but it was really lovely to meet you guys in person and I look forward to the next time we can pull something like that together again.

      Aaron won many fans over. I have more respect for him now. As for Paul's hair. I guess with how they went with Carson in season 4, I can see why his hair is like it is.

      Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
      .:Well, girls, I'm not sure there's anything left to say that hasn't already been! You guys were wonderful and generous and otherwise lovely, and turning that horrible crapshoot into a memorable and full weekend is a feat unto itself. John and Bonita were absolutely fabulous, and are two of the loveliest people I've ever met. They're genuine, charismatic, passionate, unassuming, and very very real. It's like talking to your crazy neighbours. xD Oh, and we discovered that John is rather good at pool, and miss_kaylee and I suck at it quite epically. xP The green quesidilla was pretty darn good, though.

      .:*pokes SETI*


      .:*huggles everyone she met, and those she didn't, and decides to make a thread for Lone Star Con*
      You where a lot better than I at pool. I had a blast and would do it again with everyone here in a heartbeat.
      Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
      Hey Seti:

      Glad you made it home safely (as well as everyone else). I had a great weekend too...of course the drinking only made things even more fun

      I so agree with you John Billingsley and Bonita Friedericy saved our con. I don't know a thing about Aaron but after this past weekend I have much respect for him for taking a stand.

      FYI...the FedCon forum has been shut down due to abusive comments.
      That is sad they had to close down that forum. I didn't catch what the comments was but I don't blame some people though. If John and Bonita wasn't at the con, I don't know what would have happen. They had made some life long fans thank to this con. They went above and beyond what needed to be done.


        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
        Glad to hear you got yourself all settled (mostly at least!). I'm just now beginning to pack for my move! I am very much not looking forward to it.
        Yes, as idlewild said, it's good to know your move went down okay, leighanners. And I so know your feeling, idlewild. I've only moved twice in my life, and I already hope that the next time I have to move lies way, way, WAY in the future. If I wasn't so emotionally attached to most of my things, I'd really consider burning the whole place down and starting from scratch when I have to move.
        Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
        Greetings All
        To Haliyah (one cool Canadian), Jersey 13, Seti-Fan, Kaylee, Michelle and the rest of the ladies…thank you for turning a nightmare into a memorable weekend. I can’t wait until all of us meet up again – I had a blast. We need to get everyone together for a chat room talk some time. I know everyone’s in a different time zone but we can do this.
        It's so great to hear you all had so much fun meeting up with the other thunkers! YOU are my heroes for being so unbelieveably positive about the whole experience despite what horrific things went down conwise. I hope you can arrange a chatroom talk with everybody.
        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        Hello! Home safe, and back to a hectic day at work
        Missed you guys who weren't there! Must do a full thunker get-together someday.
        I'm glad to learn you all got home safely and enjoyed the weekend nonetheless!

        Even though I understand your sentiment about feeling free somehow, I'm still sorry you had such a bad coming home from the con. Really, it never rains, it pours. Especially after those strenuous few days, your folks should have cut you some slack.

        And I'm definitely in when it comes to a thunker con. Hopefully I'd be able to make it!

        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        (edited because of the amusing auto-censor thing that wouldn't let me use a synonym for complaining that starts with a 'B')

        Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
        .:Well, girls, I'm not sure there's anything left to say that hasn't already been! You guys were wonderful and generous and otherwise lovely, and turning that horrible crapshoot into a memorable and full weekend is a feat unto itself.
        .:*huggles everyone she met, and those she didn't, and decides to make a thread for Lone Star Con*
        Big bear hugs for everybody!
        You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that it was a rewarding experience despite all the cr*p that happened. I know how much it took you to be able to go at all, Haliyah. And I felt honestly shattered when I got to know that the con was canceled and you couldn't meet PM in person.
        If it had been in my powers, I would have jumped on the next plane and given the organizers a good spanking for disappointing my dear thunkers from this thread and rob them of the (perhaps) once in a lifetime chance to see Paul McGillion. Or better yet

        Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
        Close Up with Paul McGillion at MGM. Interview done when Paul was filming the episode before the hiatus. Minor season 5 spoilers for episode titles and episode themes. Maybe a costume spoiler in the photo.
        Cool! Thank you watcher for digging this up. Having lost taps on 'Atlantis' lately, this was quite an interesting read.
        Originally posted by Tal View Post
        with the fedcon forums shut down, I'm trying to encourage everyone to gather in the one place to disucss any issues they have and to get advice for seeking refunds etc Click on the Message board link in the menu, the go to the Fedcon section of the forums (feel free to use other sections of the site/forums too though it's still brand new so short on info & partiicipation)
        Thank you for posting this, Tal! I'm proud to hear you get organized even if they try to mute the sound of the critics a bit by taking down their forum. I don't doubt there are a couple of very nasty comments there but 1) how mature is that? and 2) they had it coming in spades!

        Now let's finish with a run of caps from 'Poisoning the Well', shall we?


        And now, crescendo! The wonderful eyes full force.
        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          A link to this was posted on the ADB forum. Paul's posted a message on his official site apologizing for not being at FedCon. Very nice read.

          YOU are my heroes for being so unbelieveably positive about the whole experience despite what horrific things went down conwise. I hope you can arrange a chatroom talk with everybody.
          That was another thing that impressed me so much this weekend. Instead of letting the cancellation ruin everything and spending the rest of the weekend pouting in your rooms or going home early, you guys threw a party! That's awesome! When things go wrong, you can always make your own fun. Y'all rock!

          Even though I understand your sentiment about feeling free somehow, I'm still sorry you had such a bad coming home from the con. Really, it never rains, it pours. Especially after those strenuous few days, your folks should have cut you some slack.
          ((((Twinny))))!!! Thank you for the support. My dad and stepmom have offered me to live with them, but since I'm moving to my own apartment in a month and a half anyway, I don't think it's worth the trouble. I hate losing the money for the next month, but it may just be worth it in the end. I'm just really looking forward to having my own place. It's been a long two years dealing with my mom's partner. The con weekend was a nice break. I don't envy my brother coming home from six weeks of geology field camp, supporting himself and answering to pretty much no one, to have to go back to being micro-managed at home again.

          But, don't want to end this on a down note. Finished a new fic recently and am currently in the middle of my first Doctor Who fic and an SGA fic I may or may not finish. It's not thrilling me so far. But it feels great to have inspiration flowing and time to write it down.



            Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
            A link to this was posted on the ADB forum. Paul's posted a message on his official site apologizing for not being at FedCon. Very nice read.

            That was really a very nice read. Thank you for posting the link, Seti.

            Honestly, I feel myself falling in love with the guy all over again. Besides being extremely busy in RL, I've felt an utter lack of interest in Atlantis for the last half year. Maybe the positive things I hear from PM and how it goes for Carson will be able to lure me back into the show. I'd hate to miss how the story for our most beloved doc continues unless they keep doing stupid things to him. TPTB can sweet-talk the situation and the show in general all they want, they have lost all credibility in my book. It's a tough business, I'm aware of that, but sometimes I get the impression it's solely about the dough they take home and not the quality or the fans of the show.

            P.S.: Good luck for moving, Seti! I hope it will be trouble free for the most part.
            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


              Just wanted to make note of the fact that I'm bowing out of this thread now, I kinda feel like an invader - and while I love Carson (and Paul really seems like a totally top bloke) I mostly came to this thread to express my sympathies for those involved in the whole FedCon thing and pass on info about the message board that was set up for people if they needed somewhere to discuss the issues... but that's said and done now and I'll leave you all in peace enjoy!


                Originally posted by Tal View Post
                Just wanted to make note of the fact that I'm bowing out of this thread now, I kinda feel like an invader - and while I love Carson (and Paul really seems like a totally top bloke) I mostly came to this thread to express my sympathies for those involved in the whole FedCon thing and pass on info about the message board that was set up for people if they needed somewhere to discuss the issues... but that's said and done now and I'll leave you all in peace enjoy!
                Your more than welcome to hang out here. Thanks for your sympathies though. We made the best we can out of a bad deal. I wouldn't trade the fun I had with everyone I have met there for anything. Thanks for the link too.


                  A bunch of new Paul/Carson pics on Joe M.'s blog! Very cute and I love the caption he put on one of the pics: "Carson Beckett, M.D. - Mighty Debonair" (Hair's looking spiky again to me!)


                  Feel free to visit anytime, Tal! I'll duck over to your forum soon to check out what's the latest on the FedCon incident.



                    Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                    A bunch of new Paul/Carson pics on Joe M.'s blog! Very cute and I love the caption he put on one of the pics: "Carson Beckett, M.D. - Mighty Debonair" (Hair's looking spiky again to me!)


                    Feel free to visit anytime, Tal! I'll duck over to your forum soon to check out what's the latest on the FedCon incident.

                    thank you Seti for the hint. i love the pics. the second one is funny. looks like he is showing us his special techniques of drunken crane xD

                    Tal sorry for making you feel like an intruder. you are not! we love to see new faces around here. Just didn't know what to say. For the people from FedCon were charting their experiences from FedCon and I just laid back and read. so you are welcome whenever you need to thunk a bit of Paul


                      Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                      Here's transcript of a phone interview Paul did just the other day. Sounds like it was done Thursday, or maybe even Friday, since he says "Tomorrow the show goes on hiatus..." He still thought he was going to FedCon. Some minor season 5 spoilers.
                      Rant follows. You may want to skip to the pretty pics below the words.

                      I just got an email from the guy who wrote up the phone interview. I had commented on the article, saying it was great that he got it. I also pointed out some typos he had. I don't even remember what they were. I think he mispelled Beckett in some spots and he definitely mispelled David Hewlett's last name as Hewlitt throughout the whole posting. He corrected the article, and removed my comments about them.

                      Now personally, I think it's pretty rude of the guy to edit my comments with asking me first. All he had to do was reply to my comment, saying that he didn't have it go thru his editor before he published it, and correct them. But he wants to pretend that his article didn't have any mispellings when it did. I guess he thinks that emailing me after the fact covers him. I don't think so, although I guess he could have changed my comments and then not even tell me.

                      Mispellings are minor, but what happens when he makes an actual mistake?

                      Sorry for the rant, but it just bugs me. And I told him so.
                      <end rant>

                      Some photos of Paul from last year's Shore leave convention. Pretty much all I have. I was having so much fun watching Paul I forgot take pictures!

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        oooh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to indicate in any way I felt unwelcome here - that's not the case at all... nobody made me feel that way, not at all and I know that if I were to hang around you'd make me feel right at home, so please don't feel bad in any way!


                          look what I made

                          Originally posted by Tal View Post
                          oooh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to indicate in any way I felt unwelcome here - that's not the case at all... nobody made me feel that way, not at all and I know that if I were to hang around you'd make me feel right at home, so please don't feel bad in any way!
                          Sooo good to hear that so you are welcome here whenever you need a thunk (I'm sure I mentioned this before)

                          Oh and watcher thank you for the pics. i understand how you feel concerning this article. I would be confused too - but I also see why the journalist (?) acted this way. He probably wanted to avoid further comments like this and actually he was sorry. It's just a little missunderstanding in my eyes so don't worry *hugs*


                            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                            look what I made
                            I like Ninja Paul!!! Love it.


                              Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                              I like Ninja Paul!!! Love it.

                              how are you? It feels like forever we didn't talk.


                                Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                                A bunch of new Paul/Carson pics on Joe M.'s blog! Very cute and I love the caption he put on one of the pics: "Carson Beckett, M.D. - Mighty Debonair" (Hair's looking spiky again to me!)


                                Feel free to visit anytime, Tal! I'll duck over to your forum soon to check out what's the latest on the FedCon incident.

                                Cool - thanks Seti! Love new photos of Paul but I never saw any of the captions ?? Where did you see it?

                                So anyone know - who is the girl with him in the last 2 pics?

                                (Oh and yea!!!! Spiky-ish hair is back - woohoo!)

