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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Dorka
    I just found it in english *headdesk* wouldn't have been necessary to translate... Here it is the Link: Astro

    If you don't know the exact birth time...just write 0:00 and ignore the first moon-standing... the others should be the same
    Thanks! Am doing mine now...


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Thanks! Am doing mine now...
      You're welcome it's not very exact always... I'm capricorn with lion ascendent...that means they write in one chapter the exact opsite then in the next because the Lio and capricorn are oppositional signs... I wonder what Paul, and the rest has for an ascendet... the signs we now know from all of them


        Hehe, well I just did myself and the first sentence was pretty accurate for me. "Both inwardly and outwardly you are tranquil, easy-going, practical, and full of common sense." The rest was pretty hit and miss though.


          I keep meaning to post, then I see something on tv I want to watch. When I finally go to post the board is down So I've been on here all day and I'm just now posting

          Originally posted by Dorka
          I think kissing PMG would have shocked him for the rest of his life
          I don't know, I think I wouldn't even think of doing such things... I'd be happy to manage speaking some words with them in english
          I'm pretty good at talking to people. I had some good convos with Joe and Dan (Shea), but I'd never just go up to someone and kiss them. That seems kinda disrespectful if the person didn't ask them... to me anyway

          Originally posted by alyssa
          I know a girl who's 21 who I'd have sworn was my age... there was something about the way she dressed, and the way she had a kind of maturity about her. I was shocked to find out she was only 21! At the same time, people were shocked to find out I was my age. I don't dress like a "grownup". I'd rather jeans and t-shirts! Torri style! None of this dressing like an adult business! You know, business clothes and the like!
          I'm 27 and I've just recently started getting carded. I like to wear jeans and t.shirts too so I think that's part of it. Also, the women on my Mom's side (I take after my mom) tend to look younger than their age. However, I also got premature graying hair from my dad. Several months ago I was at a store with my twin sis (who is shorter and looks younger due to heart problems as a baby); I was wearing a business type suit because I'd had a job interview and my sis was in shorts and a tank top or something. Anyway, the clerk at the store thought I was her mom! He probably thought my sis was about 18, but still! I just thought #1, I need to dye my hair and stop wearing these business suits if I can help it and #2, gee, I should have been an actor if I can go from looking like I'm 18 to looking like I'm 38! Ha!

          Originally posted by alyssa
          I'm technically incompetent! I just wait for other people to post their pretties!
          I'm not very good at posting pics, but I thought everyone on here posted them, so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who'd rather let other people supply the thunk
          Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
          Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


            Originally posted by alyssa
            Hey, it's nothing to worry about! When I was your age I was obsessed with Bruce Boxleitner. Similar age difference between him and me, to the one between you and PM!
            lol I loved Bruce there for a while too. What was thing he was in? Anyway it's all just fun who cares about age differences I still think Richard Dean Anderson is sexy and he is way older than me!

            Originally posted by HyperCaz
            I don't know how I know that, but I do *shrug* that's how I informed a DH thunker gloatingly that my thunk was younger
            Are you saying Paul is younger than David? Because David is younger than Paul, David is currently 37 he will not be 38 until April 18. Paul is by all accounts 37 or 38 at the moment so... I want hard facts as to Paul's date of birth before you start spreading anymore rumours.

            Anyway back to Paul/Carson.

            Originally posted by Carson's girl
            I'm not very good at posting pics, but I thought everyone on here posted them, so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who'd rather let other people supply the thunk
            That's alright I just wish I had more time to make new caps.

            I listened to the commentary on my SGA DVD and Paul was very funny and I still am amazed by his normal Canadian accent.

            LabCoat love.


              no seriously i read off the same website brithdates and such. DH is older by a few months

              on the pic - you know i have to say this - HAIR!

              I've been looking a picture of Paul's eyes all a way to spend my time.


                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                no seriously i read off the same website brithdates and such. DH is older by a few months
                This is on topic!
                You don't believe everything you read on the internet! lol if it is a few months then they must have the name around the wrong way *that makes sense* David's is the 18th April 1968 (Aries) that is a fact.

                Even if Paul's is Jan 5th 1969 that is not a few months that is heaps of them! I maintain Paul is closer to Joe in age then David and why would David be teasing Paul about turning 40? Hmm, answer me that!

                The lovely Paul as Carson as Scottish Hunk.


                  hair I mean...let's forget the hair

                  maybe this age thing is a merry dance.


                    Anyway one more post then I have to go and do something that isn't this.


                    Talking to his Mum.


                      oh those pics are so cute. makes me want to hug him


                        I received my S1 Boxset and watched Hide and Seek with audio commentary.... Paul, Rachel and Torri were so funny, I was rolling on the floor from laughing Especially because Rachel calls him Pauly They talked about more other things than the episode itself...but who cares


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          I maintain Paul is closer to Joe in age then David and why would David be teasing Paul about turning 40? Hmm, answer me that!
                          Hm, I tend to agree, I also thought that David is a little bit younger than Paul.

                          Anyway, here are some pics from "The Tower". Finally we get to see Beckett again!

                          Not spoilerish:

                          Can we all say *Guh* please? These arms...

                          Maybe a little spoilerish:



                          Bye, A.
                          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                            I really loved his

                            I should stop making house-calls


                              Thanks again as always for the lovely pics all

                              Originally posted by Carson's girl
                              I'm 27 and I've just recently started getting carded.
                              He he, this is kinda weird I'm quoting myself Anyway, everyone probably realized this, but what I meant to say is It's just been recently that I haven't been carded, in other words started to look closer to my age (with my usual wardrobe and dyed hair ). Up till about a year ago I was carded almost all the time, but now it happens less frequently. Ok, I know I did not need to explain that but things tend to bug me

                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              lol I loved Bruce there for a while too. What was thing he was in? Anyway it's all just fun who cares about age differences I still think Richard Dean Anderson is sexy and he is way older than me!
                              I don't think age differences matter if you're not going to be with the person anyway. Like you said, it's all in fun Well I saw Tron when I was I believe 9 and I thought both Bruce Boxleitner and Jeff Bridges were very cute

                              Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                              David's is the 18th April 1968 (Aries) that is a fact.
                              I'm not going to try to find out who's older because it seems like too much trouble but I wanted to say my b-day is April 19th so only 1 day (and 10 years ) after David.

                              Originally posted by Dorka
                              I received my S1 Boxset and watched Hide and Seek with audio commentary.... Paul, Rachel and Torri were so funny, I was rolling on the floor from laughing Especially because Rachel calls him Pauly They talked about more other things than the episode itself...but who cares
                              That was great! It was the first time I had really heard Paul's voice. I was just like how cute. I think my fave part at least on the Hide and Seek commentary was
                              Atlantis the musical! Gee, maybe they should try it Oh geez and I almost forgot "Atlantis after Midnight". That was so funny!
                              Paul/Carson, Rachel/Teyla, David/Eli Supporter!!
                              Proud Samandan. Hic Comitas Regit


                                Originally posted by Carson's girl
                                I'm not going to try to find out who's older because it seems like too much trouble but I wanted to say my b-day is April 19th so only 1 day (and 10 years ) after David.
                                *g* and I have on January 9th...which means only 4 day's between mine and Joe and Paulys.. I have 3 favourite actors...that'd be Joe, Paul and David caruso...and Caruso has his birthday on January 7th...*g* only coincidence? I don't thinks so....(or better I don't want to think so )

                                Aw, yeah, and I liked it really when they began
                                Talking about the Girl in the café who's from Edinborough

