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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Fly by thunk before I run off to bed...


      that hair


        Hehehe, the hair is almost becoming as much of a character as Sheppard's hair. Names anyone?

        Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


          OMG! I love Beckett and Paul!! And I'm sorry to disappoint you....but I'm marrying him. I love his accent so much, he's so cute! --fangirl squeal--

          Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


            not if I can help it


            so Weir'sRedShirt, do you have any pics to share with us? it's been too quiet in here lately


              I don't know if you guys have seen these yet, but they're yummy. mmm like cake.

              Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                I hadn't seen those yet, Weir'sRedShirt. Thanks for posting them!


                  Originally posted by HyperCaz
                  this pic always makes me want to give him a hug


                  Lex Luthor is a bully
                  OMG! I love that, is this from Smallville? I haven't seen Smallville since Channel 9 first screened it and then only briefly.

                  Ooh he looks so good.


                    i cant remember if i've posted in here before. ^_^

                    Just watched Torment of Tantalus. MEOW is Paul a hottie in this!! I was like "Give me the 1945 Ernest anyday." i love his Canadian/Scottish accent in TOT.

                    But, Carson.... well, he's a hottie. I love his accent and how he's liek the cowardly lion, you just wanna hug him. ^_^ The one thing i dont like, and its not even really related to him is Cadman. She's so... wrong for him.

                    I mean, she was good in Rodney's head but i dont like that character at all. She's too bossy britches, gun ho, more Sheppard's kinda girl. Personally, i can see him with Katie Heighmeyer or Katie Brown, the gentler femmes.

                    Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                      OMG! I love that, is this from Smallville? I haven't seen Smallville since Channel 9 first screened it and then only briefly.

                      Ooh he looks so good.
                      It is from Smallville Season 2, episode 12 - Insurgence. The beginning scene.

                      Originally posted by neko138
                      Just watched Torment of Tantalus. MEOW is Paul a hottie in this!! I was like "Give me the 1945 Ernest anyday." i love his Canadian/Scottish accent in TOT.
                      I couldn't agree more

                      Originally posted by neko138
                      The one thing i dont like, and its not even really related to him is Cadman. She's so... wrong for him.
                      I agree a bit, but I like Beckett having someone. Allows me to pretend to be them


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz
                        It is from Smallville Season 2, episode 12 - Insurgence. The beginning scene.
                        Oh is he in it much? I really should keep up with these things but...well I don't.

                        OMG! I love him in glasses and is his hair darker or is it the darker lighting? I can never tell from the caps and I haven't seen this episode in years.

                        I agree a bit, but I like Beckett having someone. Allows me to pretend to be them
                        O.K that's not creepy! Haha, I like Cadman but I haven't seen enough of them together to give an honest opinion of what a "shipp" would be like. Katie one or two no I think I would rather not think about that at all.


                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          Oh is he in it much? I really should keep up with these things but...well I don't.
                          I'll put in a transcript and screencaps in a few minutes.

                          Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                          O.K that's not creepy! Haha, I like Cadman but I haven't seen enough of them together to give an honest opinion of what a "shipp" would be like. Katie one or two no I think I would rather not think about that at all.
                          I'm not really being creepy now. *reads con report again* now THAT's creepy

                          We haven't see enough cadman/beckett interaction. I'll wait for more before I diss it completely No, not Katie. Maybe someone we haven't seen yet? Or...someone we already have.... Please excuse, I have a new ship I even made a vid. Beckett/Teyla


                            da da da da! Smallville, season 2, episode 12 - Insurgence. the beginning scene. Our minor random nameless character (aka Lawyer and, in some circles, Lex's Lackey) played by Paul McGillion.

                            Lex: [Controlled anger] I was under the impression that the deal had closed.

                            Lawyer: [Remorseful] Mr. Luthor, I'm sorry.

                            Lex: I don't want "I'm sorry." I want to know how the hell my father beat me out of a 150-million dollar contract that you assured me was a done deal!

                            Lawyer: The only way they would have known the exact dollar amount was if they had inside information.

                            Lex: [Anger rising] And since you and I were the only ones who knew about it, and I certainly didn't tell my father, that leaves you in a very uncomfortable position.

                            Lawyer: If I no longer have your confidence, I'll tender my resignation in the morning.

                            Lex gets up from behind the desk and walks angrily toward his lawyer.

                            Lex: [Threateningly] My father would want more than your resignation. He'd hobble you at the knees and do everything in his power to insure you'd never work in the corporate world again.

                            The lawyer swallows fearfully,

                            (Caz: GULP TIME! )

                            Check out that GULP!

                            and slowly turns to leave. As he does, Lex calls after him, his voice still angry, but not threatening.

                            As Lex speaks, the lawyer turns to face him.

                            Lex: But I'm not my father. All I want to know is how he found out. And how I can stop it from ever happening again.

                            The lawyer nods in understanding, a grateful look on his face as he realizes Lex is not going to destroy him. The lawyer turns

                            and walks quickly from the room.

                            Nice view

                            Transcript thanks to: TwizTV


                              more ernest piccies please.

                              i thought you were saying he was lex, im like "no, lex is the bald kid." but it all makes sense. wonderful capping there.

                              Join the Neko Rebellion!!


                                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                                I even made a vid. Beckett/Teyla
                                ooh really I was thinking that after Critical Mass but I didn't want to go there yet plus I don't "shipp" really.

                                That was a great "transcript" thanks I would green but I seem to need to spread the love. Nice caps why do we think Paul in SGA has that worried look about him so much when here he really doesn't but could given the scene. I would like more smiling Paul/Carson he seems like the kind of guy that would smile more.

                                *yes it is a nice view*

