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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    In response to the video clip...


    *happy dance*

    *grabs people to happy dance with her*

    <---- YAY!!!!
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      So this thing won't let me edit my previous post, so sorry if it's doubled but I had to say...

      CONGRATS JENNYJ!!!! get the following:



      ...that never gets old for me. Haha!
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
        Someone please help me...I've been trying to access teh FedCon Dallas 2008 website and can't. Does anyone know for sure whether or not Paul has confirmed an appearance in Dallas? I'm holding out that he'll make an appearance.

        Thanks...hugs to all!
        Well, he said in June, that he will be in Dallas....


          Originally posted by leighanners View Post
          So this thing won't let me edit my previous post, so sorry if it's doubled but I had to say...

          CONGRATS JENNYJ!!!!

 get the following:



          ...that never gets old for me. Haha!
          Oooohhhhh, I can't resist
          Thank you!!!


            Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
            Prion posted a new commercial for the back half od S4 on livejournal, it has our good old Doc in it!!


            BIG THANKS!!!

            *says something incoherent while pointing at the screen*




            Thanks for capping those, Prion (And commenting them - hilarious XD)!
            Last edited by Emre; 16 December 2007, 12:27 AM.
            ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

            Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


              Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
              Prion posted a new commercial for the back half od S4 on livejournal, it has our good old Doc in it!!


              BIG THANKS!!!

              OMG *faints*
              Thanks so much for posting this.

              Originally posted by prion View Post
              you're welcome. i also did some screencaps and they're at


              Warning: full of spoilers


              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
              THIS IS MY 2000TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Dedicated to Carson/Paul....
              Congrats on 2000 posts JennyJ

              "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                Prion posted a new commercial for the back half od S4 on livejournal, it has our good old Doc in it!!


                BIG THANKS!!!

                you know... this is pretty cruel of you to post... *stares at link* nononononono, I won't click it... I hate spoilers.... *drags herself away* *waits impatiently till February

                Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                Visit me at my LJ


                  Originally posted by phibi View Post
                  you know... this is pretty cruel of you to post... *stares at link* nononononono, I won't click it... I hate spoilers.... *drags herself away* *waits impatiently till February
                  Are you kidding? Wow, that's self-control. I couldn't resist for a second!

                  Thanks so much for the link (and the wonderful caps/captions) prion!!


                    *dances in*

                    Woohoo!!! I just had to watch that video again. And the caps were hilarious with the captions. Very good job! I might have to hang out on scifi and see if I catch the promo myself. YAY! OH I can't's too far away!!!

                    *dances out*

                    *dances back in*

                    FedCon finally decided to far it's mainly just Trekers that are confirmed. *pouts*

                    *dances back out*
                    Last edited by leighanners; 16 December 2007, 02:49 PM.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.




                        Originally posted by phibi View Post
                        you know... this is pretty cruel of you to post... *stares at link* nononononono, I won't click it... I hate spoilers.... *drags herself away* *waits impatiently till February
                        Wow...... you would have had to handcuff me or something to keep me from watching it. Lol, I clicked on that link so fast as soon as I got it in my email. I've been watching the part with Beckett in it over and over and over again!!

                        I.... just.... can.... NOT.... WAIT.... till.... FEBRUARY!!!!!! *bounces*

                        Proudly Supporting Team USA


                          I watched the vid.... It's awesome ro see Carson again...


                            thanks Jenner8675309 for posting the link!! so very cool, and i love the caps prion

                            *throat punch*
                            My blog:
                            LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                              Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                              Are you kidding? Wow, that's self-control. I couldn't resist for a second!

                              Thanks so much for the link (and the wonderful caps/captions) prion!!
                              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                              Wow...... you would have had to handcuff me or something to keep me from watching it. Lol, I clicked on that link so fast as soon as I got it in my email. I've been watching the part with Beckett in it over and over and over again!!

                              I.... just.... can.... NOT.... WAIT.... till.... FEBRUARY!!!!!! *bounces*
                              well, I hate spoilers So I try to stay spoilerfree as good as possible. and it's only two months.... and I could be mean and say that I will see Paul live and in colour and in 3D before that *lol*

                              Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                              Visit me at my LJ


                                Originally posted by phibi View Post
                                you know... this is pretty cruel of you to post... *stares at link* nononononono, I won't click it... I hate spoilers.... *drags herself away* *waits impatiently till February
                                I also hate spoilers, but I watched it, and it's not that spoilerish, considering Carson. He only shows up for a second. I can tolerate that much I think.
                                'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                                One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                                SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!

