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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    cshawzye, I love your sig.


      I'm looking out the window at all the ice. I dread driving on it (hoping I won't have to today) and for fear of what you experienced, phynyxoffyre. I'm glad you're okay.

      Thought I'd post this pic again. Hmm....what do you think Carson is thinking here?


      'Those genes are HOT!'


        Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
        cshawzye, I love your sig.

        Originally posted by erb View Post
        Thought I'd post this pic again. Hmm....what do you think Carson is thinking here?

        "Those thunkers want me to do what?!?!"

        Random Cap

        My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
        "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


          Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
          Yikes! Glad to hear you're ok! Winter driving is the worst. If it wasn't for the whole having to go places thing, winter wouldn't be so bad. Glad you and you're truck are ok!

          Random & Senseless Drive-by Pics!!

          Oooo, and a shameless backend shot to wrap things up!

          Wheee ... *hugs for everyone*
          Originally posted by erb View Post
          I'm looking out the window at all the ice. I dread driving on it (hoping I won't have to today) and for fear of what you experienced, phynyxoffyre. I'm glad you're okay.

          Thought I'd post this pic again. Hmm....what do you think Carson is thinking here?


          'Those genes are HOT!'
          Thanks cshawzye and erb. We've been getting a lot of ice here the past few winters, so I'm use to driving on it. Unfortunately, I hadn't had time to put sandbags in the back of my truck for added weight. Did that as soon as I reached the city where I work.

          Looks like they're predicting more ice for the next three days. And I get to close two of the three days. Should make life interesting.

          Originally posted by cshawzye View Post

          "Those thunkers want me to do what?!?!"

          Random Cap

          Never get tired of seeing that grin.

          Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


            Be careful on the ice, phynyxoffyre. Hopefully things don't get too bad. Be safe.

            Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
            Never get tired of seeing that grin.
            lol, yeah! I love that little scene.

            And for the pic, hmm ...

            *bear hugs for everyone*

            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
              Yay for hugs!


                Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                So, I decided to tackle the mess that was my photobucket account to try to give it some structure. In doing so, I decided to go back and cap all of the episodes Paul is in. I've just finished 38 Minutes, so I thought I'd share some of the caps I've done so far.
                You are my new best friend for doing that, cshawzye! And even though Beckett wasn't nearly in as many episodes I would have liked him to be, that's one massive task. Have fun and keep the thunk pillow ready because it's gonna be one hell of a painful ride otherwise...
                Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                This was posted on Joe's blog tonight:

                Thank you very much for letting us know, Jenner! This is for sure the closest thing to getting my Atlantis excitement back as it gets without Carson. I'm so hoping we aren't getting our hopes up too soon and will be the more disappointed afterwards but I really think it sounds promising. I keep everything crossed, even what usually can't be crossed. He needs to be back! And all those references in the past eps, they MUST have some significance; why else start now?
                Originally posted by Emre View Post
                That's great news! Hopefully we'll be seeing him in S5. =)

                And because I couldn't resist:

                That's what is should be like and what we've been missing for far too long.
                Originally posted by phibi View Post
                But the bits from Mallozzi's blog give me hope There was a little hint in the Thursday blog already, so I'm 90% sure, we get Carson back
                Your words in JM's ears... or better still, in his deeds!
                Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                I'm back home! Got stuck in the city where I work because of ice, freezing rain, sleet, etc...

                Had fun driving to work yesterday because I spun out on the highway in front of a semi truck. Luckily, he was able to pass me in time and i got my truck off to the side of the road so that I could call work and let them know I was going to be later than I thought. The sad part is, I was only doing about 40 mph at the time. But I'm okay and so is my truck.
                Ack, I'm happy to hear you're fine, phynyx! And you're very lucky the truck got out of your way; we all don't even want to think about what could have happened. So please be careful when you drive. Driving in the "winter wonderland" is very tricky.

                I haven't been around the whole weekend because I've been very busy getting to set up my new bed I got for my birthday. The old one was now seventeen years old and my back hurt every time I had to sleep in it. But unfortunately the new bed wasn't the same size as the old one and I had to rearrange my complete room furniture while I was at it. It took me more than one full day to get everything moved into the new positions and then set up the bed with my family. But now I'm super happy to have the new bed. I've been waiting for three weeks to get it all done. *glees*

                See, even Carson smiles with me...


                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                  Yay for hugs!

                  That's nice!!


                    awww very nice pic TJinLOCA! yay for hugs
                    *throat punch*
                    My blog:
                    LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                      Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                      Yay for hugs!

                      Cadman! <3

                      And here be more hugs.

                      Congratz on the new bed, twinchaosblade! Waking up with back pains is horrible.
                      ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                      Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


                        Nice caps, Emre!

                        Although I must say it's always amused me that there's a sliced-open cross-section of a skull & brain on a stand just to the left in those photos. Love in the lab! Sigh.


                          Oh, I never saw that! Was too busy paying attention to Carson. XD

                          100th post. =O Bring out the booze! And some non-alcoholic beverages for little o'l me.
                          ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                          Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


                            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                            Nice caps, Emre!

                            Although I must say it's always amused me that there's a sliced-open cross-section of a skull & brain on a stand just to the left in those photos. Love in the lab! Sigh.
                            I have never noticed that, you know *lol* and from now on I will stare at that damn thing everytime I watch that scene *lol*

                            Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                            Visit me at my LJ


                              Finals are done! Finals are done! Finals are done!

                              *Runs around the room cheerfully* Whoo-hoo!

                              lol Sorry. Been getting that out of my system today.

                              Although I must say it's always amused me that there's a sliced-open cross-section of a skull & brain on a stand just to the left in those photos. Love in the lab! Sigh.
                              Gotta love scientists. Things can be morbid and adorable at the same time. Growing up in a medical household and being a bio major, I have to admit that didn't throw me at all when I saw it. Why wouldn't there be an anatomical model around? (Of course, you have to be careful what anatomy is being modeled...)

                              Happy 100th post, Emre! Congratulations!

                              Aw, love the huggys, though so very jealous of those getting to give them.

                              Phynyx, so glad to hear you're safe! And happy that icy roads aren't really an issue down here.

                              Twinny, enjoy the new bed! I spent a year sleeping on a sofa bed where the metal pole in the middle dug into my back every night. It was a huge relief and pleasure to get an actual bed with a real mattress. I hope you can sleep in and really enjoy it tonight!

                              cshawzye, was enjoying that promo pic you posted with Beckett and McKay walking together and it just really struck me today that with the expressions on their faces, McKay looks so much like he's the hired muscle or tough sidekick to Beckett's heroic main character. lol From that pic alone, I'd want to give those two their own show.

                              Oh, I had a question inspired by all the talk of Santa Day recently. I'm writing an SGA Christmas/holiday fic and was curious if they celebrate Santa Day in the Czech Republic, Scotland, or Canada. I threw in an offhand comment and figured I should probably check to make sure it and the others' reactions were accurate.

                              I keep hoping we'll hear some good news about Beckett soon. Mallozzi said he'd have that Season 5 character news this week, so any day now we might know something. *giddy*



                                Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                                Finals are done! Finals are done! Finals are done!

                                *Runs around the room cheerfully* Whoo-hoo!
                                Woohoo!! ME TOO!
                                But then.... I was only taking 2 classes to begin with, and only one was doing a final, I lucked out this year!

                                Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                                Glad to hear things are going good. And I completely understand about knowing where you want to 'go, but not sure how to get it there." I do that a lot when I write.
                                Yup, it's a pain sometimes. But, I find reading a good book helps.

                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                I haven't been around the whole weekend because I've been very busy getting to set up my new bed I got for my birthday. The old one was now seventeen years old and my back hurt every time I had to sleep in it. But unfortunately the new bed wasn't the same size as the old one and I had to rearrange my complete room furniture while I was at it. It took me more than one full day to get everything moved into the new positions and then set up the bed with my family. But now I'm super happy to have the new bed. I've been waiting for three weeks to get it all done. *glees*
                                Congrats on the new bed!! A good bed can be a life saver, I love mine cuz it's so cozy comfy! I bet you'll have a bunch more energy during the day now too!

                                Okay, okay, guess what! It snowed!! Here in the valley, FINALLY! 6 whole inches of the stuff, yay! Biggest storm this year for the valley floor. We had been getting a bunch of rain (and in december? that's really weird for the rocky mountains), but now it finally snowed!! I'm so happy! It finally looks like winter. I also can't wait to get up into the mountains and go snowboarding, there is 126 inches of snow up there, that's over 12 feet!!! YIPPIEEE!!

                                aaaaannnnd... how 'bout a cute chair pic before I run and go check on my pony!

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

