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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    On JMs blog

    Jen Kirk writes: “Paul McGillion has confirmed he has auditioned for Scotty in JJ Abrams Trek movie. Chris Doohan has also officially stated his support for Paul and wants him cast and to follow in his fathers footsteps.”

    Answer: I wish Paul (who phoned me last week to gloat about his Dallas Cowboys and pass along his condolences on my underperforming Raiders) the best of his luck with regard to the Star Trek movie. I think he would make a terrific Scotty.
    He cut off my last statement though, to snatch him back before they lose him for good!!!!

    Visit My Flickr!!


      Hi there, everybody!

      I've tried to catch up for the past few nights instead of posting too much PM goodness to thunk over; I really should reconsider my priorities...
      Nevertheless, today I'm all yours and send in a few pics while I prepare the biggest multi-quote the world has ever seen.

      Yesterday I thought it wouldn't take too long to answer everything in the SaveCarson thread that I wanted to give my two cents about since that have only been three pages... Who was I kidding?! I needed five hours and two posts to not exceed the word limit. Now I'm really afraid what will happen in here. If I don't resurface till after the weekend, send someone to rescue me from the bottomless depths of multi-quoting-mania! Pretty please!


      Of course Joe Mallozzi just ignores anything concerning availability. But you are very right in pointing that out, Jenner!
      for teasing JM about the Raiders.
      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


        First step...
        Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
        Paul is 5'10''? Is that aproximately 178 centimeters? I'm 165 cm, that's about 5'4'' if I calculated right. So I need to wear high heels or sth to the con.
        Are you crazy?! You'll ruin your feet if you go to a con on high heels. There's quite some walking and standing involved when at a convention. I'd certainly suggest comfy shoes for such an occasion.

        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
        So.... I think we are going to be getting our exchange student hooked on stargate. He's seen the movie before, and the other day we re-watched it, then last night he pulled out season 1 (SG-1) from the cupboard and said "Hey, lets watch this!" .... then he started asking how long it would take to go through all 10 seasons if we watched one a night I said you might want to bump it up to 2 a night and 3 on weekends if you don't want to take 200something days to watch it all!!! (and that's not counting Atlantis, ).
        Good work with your exchange student, idlewild! If he/she really wants to catch up that's a helluvalot to do. Keeps him/her busy for the next decade or so. LoL

        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
        Here ya go Watcher, this is what I could find (aside from the vid Rachel already posted).
        Paul Panel 2007 x1
        Paul Panel 2007 x2
        Paul Panel 2007 x3
        Paul Panel 2007 x4
        Auction 1
        Auction 2
        Paul McGillion at Dragon*Con
        there is another one that I saw before of another kiss, now I can't find it. I think the link is already posted on this thread somewhere if I want to go hunt it down
        Oh, thank you very much indeed for the links! The panel parts were really good although I had to strain my ears a bit to understand what he was saying. But it was definitely well worth it.

        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        Response [concerning Carson's return]:
        Honestly, for some reason, none of that's bothering me (although I would still prefer he be fully reinstated for season 5 more than just as a recurring character). I'm an eternal optimist, and admittedly not that well-informed on what season 4 will be like, so my hopes are still pretty high. From everything I've read/heard about him, Paul seems really protective of keeping Beckett the sweet, loveable guy we know and he's apparently pleased with how they brought Beckett back, so that bodes well for us, I think. From the pics I've seen on Mallozzi's blog, he looks like normal, human Beckett, so I don't think he's going to be half-Iratus or anything, though that'd be an interesting twist. It'd be nice if they actually brought him back from the dead somehow, but I didn't expect anything quite so tidy, which leaves us with alternate universe (which they ruled out), ascension (also out), and clones (which would suit the Michael story well) or Replicators (which doesn't meet the "flesh and blood" promise).

        So, this is my guess, from what I can piece together: I just think Michael copied Beckett's knowledge (and whole mind possibly) during "Misbegotten", made himself a clone to dump that knowledge in, and put the clone to work figuring out how to make his SuperWraith bug monsters. Maybe the clone knows he's a clone; maybe he thinks he's the original. Either way, I'm sure after two years or so as Michael's prisoner (because from the comments in "Vengeance", I'm pretty sure Michael's had Beckett helping him for some time) Beckett will be as happy to see the Atlantis team as they'll be to see him. I don't know, it works for me in an odd kind of way. And if the team saves him from Michael, then I'm sure he'd be available for next season, perhaps after a short absence to maybe take some downtime, possibly tell his family he's alive, I don't know. (Can you tell I've been thinking about this a lot? lol )
        regarding Carson's return...
        In general I'm also very positive and optimistic but after what I've seen and heard of TPTB's decisions of late, I've just got a hunch they won't bow to fan wishes as much as we would like with bringing Carson back. I'm afraid they are too fond of Jewel Staite as the new CMO to ditch her again. And even though I think there's room enough for the both of them, I'm pretty sure the producers and showrunner won't necessarily agree on that one.

        But I certainly share you feeling about Paul McGillion being protective of his character. He knows why and what his fans love so much about Beckett, and giving them something completely different from what the fans know and rallied for would certainly estrange fans from supporting the character for further appearances. Of course there has to be some kind of development for the character but in the end, they essentially want to get back what they loved and lost.

        As for the pics from JM's blog, he surely wouldn't post any spoilery pics, just a bit of teasing here and there. But I think that maybe Beckett was turned into a Wraith or perhaps a hybrid and when the team brings Carson back to Atlantis they make him human again with the help of his own retrovirus or something. Maybe he also has to take regular doses of the drug to remain human, much like the humanized Wraith did.

        Your idea for the cloning storyline is great too. What an internal struggle it would be for Beckett to come to terms with knowing or perhaps not knowing whether he was the clone.

        Still worse would be the question, whether the SGC would allow Carson to let his family know that he is still alive. But they might consider something like that, especially when something like cloning was involved or being turned into a Wraith, compromising information for the expedition. Especially on him it would be very cruel to forbid him to tell his family. That would certainly break his heart and make for very good drama. Maybe they amend their decision when they realize how much he suffers from being seperated from his family for good.

        Do you know how to spell E-N-V-Y?!
        I hope to see ADB soon. My twinchy said she would give her share for buying the movie.

        Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
        For those of you who participated in the "Ask Paul a question" survey, your question was answered in video 4. I asked Paul about his horse riding skills.
        Thank you very much for that, watcher!
        The answer was very good. It had me smiling for hours!

        Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
        Thanks so much, watcher!! His answer was hilarious.

        It was great to get to see the whole panel - I've seen bits and pieces posted from other folks, but I loved getting to see the whole thing, finally. He really is sweet ... I've honestly never seen another actor that's so great with his fans. What a doll.
        Yes indeed! He's always so nice and kind to his fans. It really gives one a good feeling to meet him in person at a convention, something to keep precious for the rest of one's life!

        Originally posted by Morgania View Post
        Great pic, Morgania!

        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
        WOOHOO! Amazon said they shipped my SGA and ADB today! *parties* I can't wait! *pitches tent next to mailbox*

        I got asked out by a really hot...gorgeous...guy today! I'm so excited! It's been a good day.
        Good luck with the guy, leighanners! I'm so glad to hear you're finally over the last dude and are happy again! *hugs*

        Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
        I don't really need to eat this month, right?
        Very good point, TJinLOCA! Nice to know where your priorities are but maybe your poor family gets the odd slice of bread every once in a while though...

        I'm afraid I'll have to come back to multi-quoting tomorrow. I'm really tired by now. Nighty night, all!
        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by erb View Post
          I watch Heroes! I love it.

          The character Zach plays is very creepy. It will be interesting to see how he portrays Spock.

          It wasn't until this news about Paul's audition that I felt true excitement about the movie and my feelings seem to be shared by many others.

          Are you reading, Mr. Abrams?

          Chris Doohan is being very supportive of Paul. I think it's lovely.
          I watch Heroes, too. I've been interested to Zach Quinto in another role. Spock will be a completely different character then the one he plays on 'Heroes.' It should be interesting to see what he does with the role.

          As for Paul, again, I really do hope he gets the role as Scotty. I've got the addresses to write letters saved and some extra time tomorrow morning.

          Guess who's going to be writing a letter tomorrow.

          Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


   did an interview with David Hewlett, and of course, McGillion and Beckett got mentions!


            So glad to hear he's getting an audition for Scotty in ST XI!

            GO GET 'EM PAUL!!!!!!!!!!


              Go Paul for Scotty!


                One of my favourite pics.....

                Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                  Woohoo! Bought me a set of pipes! Yippee! I am gonna be a true bagpiper come next week's end!


                    Wow. The new credits just seems so empty. Especially between Jason and David. I miss my Carson.

                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Just got home from work. Had to tape SGA and won't be able to watch it until tomorrow!

                      Please tell me, it's going to be worth the wait!

                      Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                        Wow. The new credits just seems so empty. Especially between Jason and David. I miss my Carson.

                        Aww, I know, they seemed so.... well, I can't think of anything better to say than empty. No Weir, and no Carson meh.... it sucks.
                        And of course, during the whole episode I had that itch in my pants thinking "Carson should be there, Carson should be taking care of everybody, Carson needs to be there...."

                        Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                        Just got home from work. Had to tape SGA and won't be able to watch it until tomorrow!

                        Please tell me, it's going to be worth the wait!
                        I had to tape SGA too! I was at my lil bro's football game. And I just finished watching it, OMIGOSH, it is good, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Now I so can't wait for next week.
                        *happy sigh* I have missed my stargate fridays. I only wish we had more SG1, that makes me sad. I can't wait for the movies though.

                        Hmmm... this thread has been missing photos lately. How 'bout some for cheers to the new season (and to carson eventually returning )

                        *pokes computer* it ish moving in slooooow-motion tonight, grrrr....

                        Proudly Supporting Team USA


                          I miss Carson as well, but I don't think this sucks without him. I really enjoyed the first episode and can't wait for the others!!


                            I can't wait to see the first episode. Although it's going to be a bit empty without Carson. I saw the trailer and there truly is a "hole" whre once Carson was. *sigh*

                            I hope we get him back full time in season 5.

                            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                              Woohoo! Bought me a set of pipes! Yippee! I am gonna be a true bagpiper come next week's end!
                              Woohoo! Congratulations, Jersey!

                              Here's a little dancing Scotsman to help you celebrate ...

