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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    In that case, I completely agree. That's the reason why I don't watch sitcoms or enjoy the stereotypical man/woman relationships on those things.

    You're right, a scene or situation in which Rodney gets to lightly knock her down a peg would be an interesting little twist to their relationship and quite a big step for him, I think.

    That he is comfortable enough with a woman in a relationship to be that honest. It brings to mind Cadman making the comment in Duet after kissing Katie about how that was probably the most honest he'd ever been with a woman.

    I'd always wondered if that were true.
    Absolutely. And that's the thing that's been a joy about the ship, is Rodney looking at ease with her. So, him giving her the same slight level of grief she's given him go a long way in reinforcing that.

    As for Cadman's comment, it may well have been. He was a closed book in the early days.
    Theoretically spoilerish:
    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Intentional repost! I can't help it!

      I finally have a picture of my niece to show off you!


      I'm still waiting on another pic of her.
      Shes adorable

      Very interesting discussion. I would try and join in the conversation, but after the day i've had my brains turned to mush, i'll just watch from the sidelines


        I've been doing the same Tish, and thank you.

        Just something I did with The Pic...

        Hum. The hearts are supposed to be glittery and animated.

        My mother is trying to email me the other picture of her but she's not so great with computers... and she works on one all day!
        Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 10 December 2008, 10:38 AM.
        Sig by ME.


          Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
          Hated how we go from Rodney's declaration of love to him being worried if he even has a shot at going out with her in "Tracker." Was a bizarre backtrack, and Ronon's addition a complete nonsequitir. Always felt to me like Jennifer was making Rodney jump through hoops for no reason.
          Oh boy, did I hate, hate, HATE with the burning fire of a thousand suns this little turn of events in Tracker. I've said it, it's been said, it's been dealt with, so at the risk of sounding redundant, I'll say this;

          Jennifer knew Rodney loved her. Whether he remembered making the declaration is a moot point. I'd like to know of course, but it's moot for the point of this discussion. She. Freaking. Knew.

          So we have one of two options; a) she's a relentless tease and generally cruel person, forcing Rodney to spend what he thought would be quality time alone with her, with another man vying for her affections. Or b) she just really so naive and socially inept so as not to have realised either man's "intentions".

          I'm inclined, on the basis of what TPTB had established for her character earlier, to believe neither. So that leaves me with a third....

          That TPTB had absolutely no reasonable idea as to what they were doing and decided that a triangle involving Ronon and Rodney just sounded cool ergo it must be cool ergo we all had to suffer through it!

          It was a triangle driven by TPTB's need to fabricate some useless drama. It was not a triangle driven by the characters. That's why I hated it.

          [/rant over]


            So, so, so, so true. Could not have said it any better.

            Much like the Jennifer who appeared in "Quarantine," the Jennifer who appeared in "Tracker" is not one I can even like, much less be a huge fan of. Thankfully, her bizarre behavior was basically confined to that episode. She and Ronon could not be less in-sync in the two-parter. The "what are you doing?! You can't just shoot it!" Jennifer is the one I recognize.
            Theoretically spoilerish:
            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


              Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
              So, so, so, so true. Could not have said it any better.

              Much like the Jennifer who appeared in "Quarantine," the Jennifer who appeared in "Tracker" is not one I can even like, much less be a huge fan of. Thankfully, her bizarre behavior was basically confined to that episode. She and Ronon could not be less in-sync in the two-parter. The "what are you doing?! You can't just shoot it!" Jennifer is the one I recognize.

              And that brings to mind a post made by DragonLadyK at one point about there being two Jennifers as written by TPTB; the one with Rodney being infinitely more likable than the one written with Ronon.

              I couldn't have agreed more with that basic premise.

              The Lost Tribe was both painful and exhilarating to watch in that respect. I loved watching Ronon dig himself deeper and deeper into that hole of Jennifer's derision, but at the same time I felt sorry for the guy....just a little bit.


                And phew...

                I think I hit all the points you posted, KK. Well, except for the last one. But I think it goes without saying that testosterone or no, Rodney could demolecularize Ronon before the big guy could even begin to attempt to spell the word.

                McKeller FTW!


                  *peeks back in*

                  Are you guys done yet?
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    *peeks back in*

                    Are you guys done yet?
                    Something wrong with in-depth, on-topic discussions?
                    Theoretically spoilerish:
                    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                      Something wrong with in-depth, on-topic discussions?
                      Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood because I'm trying to post a picture of my new niece (yes, I know it's OT) and Photobucket is being a pain in the rump today. Has me frustrated.
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Sorry, I'm just in a bad mood because I'm trying to post a picture of my new niece (yes, I know it's OT) and Photobucket is being a pain in the rump today. Has me frustrated.
                        It's Ok. I'm happy for you about the new niece, so the OT doesn't bother me at all. An exciting development, surely.

                        But it's nice to have substantive discussions too.
                        Theoretically spoilerish:
                        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                          Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                          It's Ok. I'm happy for you about the new niece, so the OT doesn't bother me at all. An exciting development, surely.

                          But it's nice to have substantive discussions too.
                          Yeah, I guess. It's my day off and it aint going so well. Mostly due to PB... and now Imageshack isn't working either. Just trying to share my good news and I can't and being ignored doesn't help matters any.

                          I posted a new and improved version of The Pic that got lost in the substantive discussion going on.
                          Sig by ME.


                            Originally posted by Ewokmonster View Post
                            I can totally get behind the lazy writing for this ship though. I support it wholeheartedly, but the end of The Shrine had me going "where the hell did that come from?" I think they could have developed it better. And the ridiculous non triangle should have been dropped in favor of showing the progression of how McKay and Keller actually came to fall in love.

                            Now that they are there, I hope they keep in those little scenes of the two of them. I have high hopes for Friday's episode. I just wish it wasn't all crammed into the end of the series.
                            I my opinion it would have been very helpful if they would have added some more body language between Rodney and Jennifer. A smirk, a smile towards each other, something they had in tons between and Rodney and John (thats a point towards McShep there). He was very, very nice in the Shrine, but that was a little bit too late. I am also not so sure if he remembers at all, that he said "I love you" to her. And that makes him cautious again. He messed up one relationship and he surely did not want to mess up another one. But it should have been obvious that they spend some more time together.

                            Towards Ronon: I think that Jennifer was kinda attracted to him, and as long as she had not made up her mind, I do not see anything wrong with that, but the events in "The lost tribe" were enough to show her that Ronon is not the man for her. There were some parallels to his fiancé, but that was just not enough.

                            @RiG: Your niece is really very cute , but I have no idea how some discussion can help you with your PB-problems.
                            The cake is a lie!


                              Blast. I always just barely miss the in-depth discussions. *sigh*


                                Originally posted by Indoctrinated View Post
                                Blast. I always just barely miss the in-depth discussions. *sigh*
                                Feel free to go back and add your input. I'll be flitting around in between reviewing my notes for genetics.

