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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    Why, yes it is! It's listed under: 101 Things Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay Can Do That You Can't.
    I knew it. Good thing Rodney's in Pegasus, or the Air Force would be sending him to Guantanamo Bay to demolecularize the pants off some guys. And naturally Jennifer would have to come with him, but she has an irrational fear of the 1950s, so Cuba would be her worst nightmare.
    Theoretically spoilerish:
    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


      Have you guys seen that list over at the Deller thread? The "Reason's why McKay is wrong for Jennifer" and the "Reasons why Ronon is right for Jennifer." I think we should try it, it seems like fun... I'll start.

      No spoilers, just hiding it for length.

      Reasons why McKay is right for Jennifer:

      1. He could serenade her while playing the piano
      2. She could heal his every ache and pain
      3. He probably knows all of the most private spots on Atlantis
      4. They would always have something to talk about

      Reasons why Ronon is wrong for Jennifer:

      1. He would rather spar then have an actual conversation
      2. He's too tall (too much work to try and kiss while standing )
      3. He'd never talk about his personal life
      4. He would probably try and talk her into getting a tattoo xD


        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        3 pages in 24 hrs??? Y'all been busy! Too many posts, not enough time ...
        I totally understand!!

        Be gone all day tomorrow, sorry, work sucks!!!
        Again, totally understand! At least at work, I usually get a few free moments to read some McKeller-y fic or chat a little bit while I lurk... Albeit, I don't do the lurk well at work! Been so busy there the last couple of days *grumbles, boss nagging... grumbles* that I have barely had time to breathe! One good thing... LOTS of OVERTIME! YIPPY!!!

        Ya know, it's sad when you get so wrapped up in the characters and the ships that, this happened to me, my boyfriend was going through my laptop (with my okay) and he found a fan pic of Jack/Sam ... in casual clothes, looking shippy ... and he asked me, "Who is that?" and I said J/S ... and he said, "No, I watched SG-1, that ain't them," and then he started talkin about something else ... and I didn't try to explain that it was a shippy pic, he's really not into that ... my funny for the day!
        Oh yeah, hubby totally thinks I'm nutz! He's an anti-Keller but loves Jack/Sam... Methinks he's just slightly touched !!! *cannot possibly contemplate hubby's anti-Keller POV* I think she's great ~ he can't look at her without seeing Kaylee and he didn't like her either... If she looked like Seven of Nine I'm sure we wouldn't have this disagreement IMO!

        Okay, I'll check in in the morn before I leave for work. Night!
        Night night Shipper Let the McKeller bugs bite!
        Spoilers For Brainstorm below


        Banner made by ME

        Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

        Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


          Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
          I knew it. Good thing Rodney's in Pegasus, or the Air Force would be sending him to Guantanamo Bay to demolecularize the pants off some guys. And naturally Jennifer would have to come with him, but she has an irrational fear of the 1950s, so Cuba would be her worst nightmare.
          Until she takes a day trip to Havana and some strapping young Cuban sweeps her off her feet in a lively salsa dance.

          Rodney will acquiesce and learn to salsa so as to humour Jennifer's new found obsession with Cuban rhythm.


            Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
            Have you guys seen that list over at the Deller thread? The "Reason's why McKay is wrong for Jennifer" and the "Reasons why Ronon is right for Jennifer." I think we should try it, it seems like fun... I'll start.

            No spoilers, just hiding it for length.

            Reasons why McKay is right for Jennifer:

            1. He could serenade her while playing the piano
            2. She could heal his every ache and pain
            3. He probably knows all of the most private spots on Atlantis
            4. They would always have something to talk about

            Reasons why Ronon is wrong for Jennifer:

            1. He would rather spar then have an actual conversation
            2. He's too tall (too much work to try and kiss while standing )
            3. He'd never talk about his personal life
            4. He would probably try and talk her into getting a tattoo xD
            I'll play...


            Rodney -

            5. When she's around Rodney, she is a stronger and more confident individual.
            6. Though both are very assured in their work, they have personal insecurities. This allows for a relationship of equals, a co-dependency.

            Ronon -

            5. When she's around Ronon, she's a simpering, flighty individual who I find it hard to sympathize with.
            6. With Ronon, the relationship is too one-sided. Ronon has few, or no, insecurities. Jennifer as a needy partner, without a reciprocal need, is asking for trouble.
            Theoretically spoilerish:
            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              Until she takes a day trip to Havana and some strapping young Cuban sweeps her off her feet in a lively salsa dance.

              Rodney will acquiesce and learn to salsa so as to humour Jennifer's new found obsession with Cuban rhythm.
              But he'll immediately lose the points he's just gained by sabotaging the young Cuban's car, stranding him in a bad neighborhood late at night. Rodney will innocently explain that he thought it was Castro's vehicle.

              When she expresses her incredulity, he'll quickly engage her in another salsa dance and make her forget all about his miscreant behavior.
              Theoretically spoilerish:
              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                Have you guys seen that list over at the Deller thread? The "Reason's why McKay is wrong for Jennifer" and the "Reasons why Ronon is right for Jennifer." I think we should try it, it seems like fun... I'll start.

                No spoilers, just hiding it for length.

                Reasons why McKay is right for Jennifer:

                1. He could serenade her while playing the piano
                2. She could heal his every ache and pain
                3. He probably knows all of the most private spots on Atlantis
                4. They would always have something to talk about

                Reasons why Ronon is wrong for Jennifer:

                1. He would rather spar then have an actual conversation
                2. He's too tall (too much work to try and kiss while standing )
                3. He'd never talk about his personal life
                4. He would probably try and talk her into getting a tattoo xD


                Reasons why McKay is right for Jennifer:

                1. Have we mentioned how sexy the man is lately??? Look at him in that tux!!!
                2. Rodney's loyal to the core- whether he would admit it or not, he would do anything to save the life of a friend/loved one.
                3. Sexy... I already said that??? Crap!
                4. Why say one word when a thousand would do???
                5. He's a genius - 'nuff said

                Reasons why Ronon is wrong for Jennifer:

                1. Shoots first and asks questions later... Some times you need to ask the questions up front.
                2. The wig... Really, that just won't do! (I think even the Deller fans would agree with me there!!! )
                3. Distant and moody - Well he is!
                4. One word grunting answers... Communication requires a little bit more than that!

                These are just my particular reasons
                Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                Banner made by ME

                Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                  Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                  But he'll immediately lose the points he's just gained by sabotaging the young Cuban's car, stranding him in a bad neighborhood late at night. Rodney will innocently explain that he thought it was Castro's vehicle.

                  When she expresses her incredulity, he'll quickly engage her in another salsa dance and make her forget all about his miscreant behavior.
                  But she won't have forgotten. Jennifer is not so easily distracted by soft hands and quick feet, you see.

                  The next morning she'll awaken before him, settle a tender kiss on his forehead, a great and magnificent plan forming in her head, and steal off into the morning air. She'll hop in a scooter and glance back, a wicked grin on her face as she recalls the note she left on the pillow next to his sleeping head.



                    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                    But she won't have forgotten. Jennifer is not so easily distracted by soft hands and quick feet, you see.

                    The next morning she'll awaken before him, settle a tender kiss on his forehead, a great and magnificent plan forming in her head, and steal off into the morning air. She'll hop in a scooter and glance back, a wicked grin on her face as she recalls the note she left on the pillow next to his sleeping head.

                    The note reads:
                    "Gone to attend Communist rally. Do not wait up. Liable to go on into the night. Will probably sleep on floor of some random guy I meet. Or elsewhere, depending on how much alcohol I've consumed."

                    Rodney will wake up, naturally aghast, but comforted that the scooter has a Lojack on it, trackable with GPS.
                    Theoretically spoilerish:
                    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                      The note reads:
                      "Gone to attend Communist rally. Do not wait up. Liable to go on into the night. Will probably sleep on floor of some random guy I meet. Or elsewhere, depending on how much alcohol I've consumed."

                      Rodney will wake up, naturally aghast, but comforted that the scooter has a Lojack on it, trackable with GPS.
                      An internal debate commences; should he go after her, should he give her space? Realizing that perhaps subjecting that poor man to a night of terror in the broken down back alleys of Old Havana should have been Plan B instead of Plan A, Rodney decides to give her some space and demonstrate that he does in fact understand the concept of sharing.

                      10 minutes later, when cries of "Cuba Libre" can be heard in the far off distance, he changes his mind and decides he'll give her space once they've left the Communist stronghold.

                      Jennifer meanwhile is quietly enjoying a mojito whilst enjoying "the view" at a local dive when suddenly she hears the telltale sounds of the Asgard transporter...


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        An internal debate commences; should he go after her, should he give her space? Realizing that perhaps subjecting that poor man to a night of terror in the broken down back alleys of Old Havana should have been Plan B instead of Plan A, Rodney decides to give her some space and demonstrate that he does in fact understand the concept of sharing.

                        10 minutes later, when cries of "Cuba Libre" can be heard in the far off distance, he changes his mind and decides he'll give her space once they've left the Communist stronghold.

                        Jennifer meanwhile is quietly enjoying a mojito whilst enjoying "the view" at a local dive when suddenly she hears the telltale sounds of the Asgard transporter...
                        Shocked, stunned, and indignant, Jennifer demands to know why her quiet moment was interrupted so rudely. Rodney less-than-calmly demands to know what she thinks she was doing running off, just to prove a point about his handling of the young Cuban man.

                        A yelling match ensues! Right in front of the crew of Daedalus. Sharp, but harmless barbs are loudly exchanged for thirty seconds, before the two of them are suddenly in one another's arms in a moment of heated romance!

                        Even after several of the crew uncomfortably clear their throats, the ecstatic couple ignores them with an unseemly and elongated display of public affection.

                        But finally, the ever-exasperated Caldwell says:
                        Theoretically spoilerish:
                        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                          Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                          Shocked, stunned, and indignant, Jennifer demands to know why her quiet moment was interrupted so rudely. Rodney less-than-calmly demands to know what she thinks she was doing running off, just to prove a point about his handling of the young Cuban man.

                          A yelling match ensues! Right in front of the crew of Daedalus. Sharp, but harmless barbs are loudly exchanged for thirty seconds, before the two of them are suddenly in one another's arms in a moment of heated romance!

                          Even after several of the crew uncomfortably clear their throats, the ecstatic couple ignores them with an unseemly and elongated display of public affection.

                          But finally, the ever-exasperated Caldwell says:
                          "Screw it. I'd rather they do it here than on my ship."

                          A shuffle at the door catches the Colonel's attention and he turns quickly to find a very disgruntled young man backed by 6 other beefy Cubans.

                          "Well, that's something," the Colonely remarks wryly. "And here I thought the Pegasus galaxy held the patent on beefy, blank-faced bodyguards."

                          Reluctant to engage in a fight that was not his and rather amused that the arrogant astrophysicist could elicit such a response from another man over something other than the viability of string theory, Caldwell beams his crew back aboard the Daedalus to watch the ensuing chaos from the safety of his space....popcorn in hand.


                            Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                            "Screw it. I'd rather they do it here than on my ship."

                            A shuffle at the door catches the Colonel's attention and he turns quickly to find a very disgruntled young man backed by 6 other beefy Cubans.

                            "Well, that's something," the Colonely remarks wryly. "And here I thought the Pegasus galaxy held the patent on beefy, blank-faced bodyguards."

                            Reluctant to engage in a fight that was not his and rather amused that the arrogant astrophysicist could elicit such a response from another man over something other than the viability of string theory, Caldwell beams his crew back aboard the Daedalus to watch the ensuing chaos from the safety of his space....popcorn in hand.
                            "Do you see what you did, Rodney?"

                            "Hey, listen," Rodney assures the Cuban man. "No harm done."

                            "I was attacked. I needed 6 stitches and a steel plate!" the man says in reply.

                            "Yes, but you have universal health care in Cuba," Jennifer reasons half-heartedly, giving Rodney a sidelong glare. "So no harm done."

                            To Jennifer's shock and surprise, however, as the band of thugs begins to surround them, Rodney doesn't look concerned. He has a plan! But what? Has he been self-learning karate by watching Jean Claude Van Damme movies?

                            - To Be Concluded by PB (as I must submit to sleep in a few minutes)... How Will They Escape? *scary music*
                            Theoretically spoilerish:
                            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                              Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                              "Do you see what you did, Rodney?"

                              "Hey, listen," Rodney assures the Cuban man. "No harm done."

                              "I was attacked. I needed 6 stitches and a steel plate!" the man says in reply.

                              "Yes, but you have universal health care in Cuba," Jennifer reasons half-heartedly, giving Rodney a sidelong glare. "So no harm done."

                              To Jennifer's shock and surprise, however, as the band of thugs begins to surround them, Rodney doesn't look concerned. He has a plan! But what? Has he been self-learning karate by watching Jean Claude Van Damme movies?

                              - To Be Concluded by PB (as I must submit to sleep in a few minutes)... How Will They Escape? *scary music*
                              "Wait!" Rodney, hands up and palms out, eyes the surrounding men warily. They've halted their advance, but their eyes betray a thirst for blood, a hunger for action. He quickly shifts his gaze to the young man he may have possibly, only slightly, maybe just a little wronged, and sees something in his eyes that sparks an epiphany.

                              "A dance off!"

                              Jennifer nearly spews the mojito she was hurriedly downing before having to engineer a rapid exit onto their potential attackers. Her neck snaps towards the sound of that ridiculous exclamation and before she can question Rodney's sanity and wonder whether he's relapsed, she's swept off her feet and into a whirlwind.

                              It's Rodney who's holding her, and the band is suddenly playing, and her feet are moving so fast, she's seemingly flying across the dance floor. She's snapped into a quick spin, a tan hand reaches for her to lead her into another dance, but Rodney pulls her back towards him, twirling her in and dipping her down before she's up again and he's leading her into a rapid pattern of mambo steps.

                              Then she's losing track of what's happening and where they are and the Cuban....what Cuban....all she sees now is Rodney's sparkling eyes as he holds her closer. Her body moves with his in perfect synchrony and the last thing she remembers before the brilliant white light transports them back unto the Daedalus is a slow dip, his hands at her hips, and a soft, deep, toe-curling kiss.

                              THE END.



                                Theoretically spoilerish:
                                Sig courtesy of Pandora.

