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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
    Do y'all think anyone would be terribly upset if I created an "Anti-Anti's" thread? For folks like me, who like all the characters equally.

    Because really, I may actually leave the GW forums for good one of these days. I disapprove heartily of negativity and negativity-related things.
    I understand the sentiment, but I think that thread would get locked pretty quickly.
    Theoretically spoilerish:
    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


      Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
      I understand the sentiment, but I think that thread would get locked pretty quickly.
      Yeah, probably.

      I do mean it when I say I might leave the forums, though.

      Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

      My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


        Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
        (skips in and trips over) *SPLAT*

        (dusts self off and looks around, "Uh... no one saw that right?)
        *points at Varda* HA!
        My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


          Originally posted by Goose View Post
          *points at Varda* HA!
          Don't laugh, it's not polite!
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by iolanda View Post
            Ladies and Gentlemen, this is very officially my



            I didn't want to waste it for some wacko comment in some thread, so now it lays here *bows deep*

            Originally I wanted to present some fic with that, but stupid RL-work keeps me from writing it (and I'd desperately need a beta 'cause of spelling and words and such. I guess I'll write it in the Christmas holidays )
            Congrats! *smiles*


            shanna1, I wouldn't let them make me leave. I have issues with people like that too. Especially those who like to tear other people's opinions apart and continue saying how they are so right all the time. And they can't be happy unless they are right.

            I like all the charactors equally as well. I find that all of them make the story and without them, SG-1 and SGA wouldn't be what it was or is. But I'm not gonna let people like that scare me off either. I have nothing against anyone else's opinion. To each their own and if they wanna be right in their own mind let them. It's their right. Just don't let them bother you. No matter what they say to me, I keep my opinion until I'm actually proven wrong canon wise.

            You do what you gotta do hun, and I won't hold it against you either way, I'm just putting out my own opinion. *nod nod*


              *nod nod* Smilies!

              Sig by ME.


                People think I have the patience and heart of a saint, mostly because of the career I'm considering (pediatric nursing).

                But it only works when no one's around to say hurtful, hateful things. I don't know how that works, exactly, but I can't be sweet and polite and helpful when someone's being just the opposite.

                Going to bed. Night, all.

                Black J/T sig made by Blencathra, Keller sig by Krissie, all others made by me

                My Fics (updated 7/29/09)


                  G'night Shanna1!

                  OT but too cute...

                  Kitteh wants broccoli
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                    MGM has new promo pics for Identity

                    I don't know about you, but personally I can't wait to see this....


                    Gun-toting Rodney intent on saving his lady love.
                    I completely agree, but I still can't get over the fact that . . .
                    . . . they haven't let Rodney wear a tac vest or carry a P-90 in the field since before Tracker. I am going to have steam coming out my ears at this ep, because Clone!Beckett will be wearing a tac vest, but not Rodney. Beckett?? WTF?? Rodney has so proven himself in the field, and this would be an awesome ep for him to go in guns blazing alongside the macho twins and Teyla, but alas, it is not to be. I just can't figure this out. Surely TPTB didn't need to take his field equipment away to make us believe he could be with Jennifer - we all already know he's warm and squishy on the inside. Grrrr.

                    On the other hand, the lack of tac vest and P-90 does show off his lovely broad shoulders and chest more. And we get two thigh holsters. Hmmm.

                    Originally posted by TishTash View Post
                    *Peeks back in* Is the horror over?
                    I still hear the staccato violins playing in the background! Eeeee!


                      Will McKay be the one to...

                      Shoot the axe guy before he lobs the head of the body Keller is stuck in?

                      'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        From Joe M's blog...
                        I want a sign...a really, REALLY big sign that says I TOLD YOU SO!
                        Amen! from me also!! Thank you Joe M.!

                        Rodney can be himself around Jennifer exactly because she accepts him as he is. Doesn't mean she can't make suggestions and he can't choose to be a better boy where appropriate, just as he did to fit in with The Team, with Zelenka, with the entire expedition, etc. Rodney's already changed more for the expedition, Sheppard and The Team than he will probably ever change for Jennifer. The ego, the brilliance, the arrogance are still there, but he plays nicer in the playground, and he's willing to take enormous risks for his friends, risks that would have had him running away screaming during the SGC days.

                        I gotta wonder sometimes if TPTB just decided continuing to write SGA wasn't worth having to hear all the griping from the OTT vocal SGA fen who complain about every little thing they don't like. I admire their patience (and their snark! ).

                        Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                        For unfriendly state of mind:
                        I have NEVER seen "Pro" or "Anti"- threads as they are in this (these?) forums here. Grouping people by opinion isn't what I call a effective discussion and is in my very own humble opinion the reason for the grade of hate against the show I only experienced here. If you tell yourself often enough how much you hate it you really start to believe it. That is level 1 psychology.
                        You raise a very good point. In particular, when all the Anti's (either as threads or individuals) get together, there is a self-feeding cycle of negativity that gets very ugly very quickly. This is a major problem in the Pro-McKay/Sheppard Slash Thread at the moment. One or two people bash McKeller, and then others join in, then they get so busy bashing McKeller, they forget to enjoy John and Rodney.

                        Sometimes, when I can do it without being too inflammatory, I write counterpoint articles to these. The most recent one was about all the "Jennifer's Changing Rodney" nonsense, and I wrote about how the circumstances of Atlantis Expedition and John Sheppard in particular have already changed Rodney more than Jennifer probably ever will. A couple of people wrote back saying, "Oh yeah, that's right!" When pro and con are divided, or when people are allowed to be rude in their posts, it gets very difficult to keep balanced discussion.

                        It's sort of like national politics.

                        My mother taught me very, very long time ago that if you can't say something nice, you shouldn't say anything at all. Nothing productive comes of it. I wish other's mom's had been the same.

                        I keep wanting to start a McKay Multishipping Thread, because I love my Rodney in many ways and situations!

                        Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                        Hi. *waves* I guess this would be my first offical McKeller video. I did do another one, but that was combined with McWeir for a Rodney-centric vid.
                        Lovely!! Thanks so much for sharing!

                        Originally posted by SerenaSerenity View Post
                        shanna1, I wouldn't let them make me leave. I have issues with people like that too. Especially those who like to tear other people's opinions apart and continue saying how they are so right all the time. And they can't be happy unless they are right.

                        I like all the charactors equally as well. I find that all of them make the story and without them, SG-1 and SGA wouldn't be what it was or is. But I'm not gonna let people like that scare me off either. I have nothing against anyone else's opinion. To each their own and if they wanna be right in their own mind let them. It's their right. Just don't let them bother you. No matter what they say to me, I keep my opinion until I'm actually proven wrong canon wise.

                        You do what you gotta do hun, and I won't hold it against you either way, I'm just putting out my own opinion. *nod nod*
                        Adds nods. If we let them scare us away, then what will be left? I think we've just got to continue to stand up and keep up the good discussion, and eventually others will follow when the windbags blow themselves out and people realize how silly they are. I've found that I get positive responses when I intelligently counter the half-baked negative arguments. If we don't stand up for a balance, then it truly will become all negative.

                        And I'm not just talking about GW here (recalls recent USA and Canadian elections).
                        Last edited by GateEngineer17; 09 December 2008, 07:57 PM.


                          Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                          People think I have the patience and heart of a saint, mostly because of the career I'm considering (pediatric nursing).

                          But it only works when no one's around to say hurtful, hateful things. I don't know how that works, exactly, but I can't be sweet and polite and helpful when someone's being just the opposite.

                          Going to bed. Night, all.
                          Oh I know I don't have the patience of a saint. And people do really annoy me sometimes. But I can't let them completely affect me because that tells them they have power over me in my own personal opinion. And I don't wanna hand over that kinda power.

                          Alright. Night. Sleep well, and sweet dreams. *smiles*

                          Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                          Adds nods. If we let them scare us away, then what will be left? I think we've just got to continue to stand up and keep up the good discussion, and eventually others will follow when the windbags blow themselves out and people realize how silly they are. I've found that I get positive responses when I intelligently counter the half-baked negative arguments. If we don't stand up for a balance, then it truly will become all negative.

                          And I'm not just talking about GW here (recalls recent USA and Canadian elections).
                          Yep. We can only do the best we can. There will always be the bad apples no matter where you go. I try my best to intellegently counter balance everything. That's all that one can really do is try. *smiles* So I agree with you. *nod nod*


                            Sadly enough, Internet message boards are not very effective discussion forums. Most of the time, it seems to me at least, they devolve into pointless shouting matches, where it doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong, who has the better argument, where it doesn't even matter if you listen or not. It's simply the person(s) who shout the loudest and insults the most who wins. And that's just silly.

                            I'd love to have a serious discussion about McKeller v. Deller, or the negative sides of McKeller, or why Keller isn't the best character ever, or whatever, but I dare not here of GW because I'm afraid I'll get shouted at for taking a particular stance, and that's just immature to the highest level.

                            I hope at least this thread is somewhat better, and I hope that if I were to, say, post a few arguments as to why Keller is not the best character ever or point out some flaws in McKeller, I wouldn't get shouted at. I hope at least we can have a serious discussion.

                            Now, I was gonna post a fic at the same time, but I haven't gotten around to writing it yet...
                            My Stargate fan fiction @ | NEW: When Cassie Calls Teal'c.


                              it takes a lot for me to shout on the net (Despite it being a simple case of pressing the caps lock key next to my left pinky lol) but i have found myself getting irritated a lot recently...never in here though.

                              98% of posters on the net are of the sensible and logical persuasion, sadly the other 2% that are mindless moronic loudmouths make it look like it's the other way round.

                              i can't see you being shouted at in here if you were to reasonable talk about Kellers faults and/or McKeller Vs Deller. heck i don't think you'd be shouted at if you were to post the usual anti-keller drivel, maybe some strongly worded comments, but no shouting.

                              'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                                Originally posted by Goose View Post
                                Sadly enough, Internet message boards are not very effective discussion forums. Most of the time, it seems to me at least, they devolve into pointless shouting matches, where it doesn't matter who's right or who's wrong, who has the better argument, where it doesn't even matter if you listen or not. It's simply the person(s) who shout the loudest and insults the most who wins. And that's just silly.

                                I'd love to have a serious discussion about McKeller v. Deller, or the negative sides of McKeller, or why Keller isn't the best character ever, or whatever, but I dare not here of GW because I'm afraid I'll get shouted at for taking a particular stance, and that's just immature to the highest level.

                                I hope at least this thread is somewhat better, and I hope that if I were to, say, post a few arguments as to why Keller is not the best character ever or point out some flaws in McKeller, I wouldn't get shouted at. I hope at least we can have a serious discussion.

                                Now, I was gonna post a fic at the same time, but I haven't gotten around to writing it yet...
                                Say whatever you feel you need to say, hun. I for one won't bite your head off.

                                I'm an ardent McKeller shipper (that's obvious), but I'm not so blind as to not see some of the huge problems with the writing of this ship. I've created many a thread to this effect. There are people with whom it is possible to have a rational calm discussion. Jump on over to the Rodney vs. Ronon thread if you want to read some posts or post something yourself. Hell, do it here if you want even. Nobody will bite your head off.

                                And if they do, I'll bite theirs off.

