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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Ikaros View Post
    Just to be a devil's advocate, there could always be no relashionship at all,just a great friendship, or in season 5 we'll get to see just the begining of a real romance that would exist or develop in season 6.
    This thread is nice to read btw. You're cute.
    Oh, yeah, there's definitely no certainty that they're more than good friends by that point. But as PB said in her reply, whatever their relationship is, I highly doubt "Brain Storm" could happen if the triangle were to go in the Ronon/Keller direction or was looming over them in whatever sense. Rodney just wouldn't be able to handle that.
    Theoretically spoilerish:
    Sig courtesy of Pandora.


      It hasn't got to be a triangle definately. Maybe Ronon is getting lonely and as an absolutely healthy ALIEN male would try to .. find something like.. " his wife". But i really don't think he stunds a chance with an elegant lady like her. He is smart , he'll figure that out quickly . So no triangle, no need for rushing things. That's off course what i only imagine that would be ;/.
      (YEAR 0 - 100)
      "O thou Sun,
      send me as far over the earth
      as is my pleasure and thine,
      and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
      but never hear anything of bad ones,
      nor they of me."



        Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

        Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

        i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

        bye, stclare.
        banner by Pandoras-box


          Originally posted by stclare View Post
          Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

          Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

          i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

          bye, stclare.
          Hun, I'm sorry that there are people low enough to be so inconsiderate and hurtful.

          Know that there are those of us more interested in the substance of what you say and write than how you say it or spell it.

          I hope you don't take this too much to heart and come back to us soon.


            Stclare, that's pretty petty of people and I'm sorry to hear that. While your spelling and punctuation aren't perfect, it's never been a problem for me. I've always been able to read your posts without difficulty, and have enjoyed them.

            Sorry to hear that people have been down on you about that. You're always welcome to post here, and rest assured, we'll never give you grief for that. I hope to see you around, but it's been nice talking with you.
            Theoretically spoilerish:
            Sig courtesy of Pandora.


              And you, KK, yes I'm typing at you, need to get back to your thread at some point in the near future. Just a thought. And I'm off to walk my baby...I mean my dog.


                Woo Hoo! It looks like even Jason Momoa is on our side.

                Excerpt from an interview at Cinema Spy:

                Even though - I was thinking about this as an actor - would Ronon really have a love relationship? To me, no. Yes, a guy needs to get laid, but I don’t think it needs to be in the show. It’s cute what we’re doing with this whole love triangle, it’s nice. And it’s nice to see the softer side of Ronon, and being playful and sincere and seeing a side we’ve never seen. That’s nice. But ultimately, no-one wants to see Ronon in a love relationship.

                Entire interview is here


                  Originally posted by stclare View Post
                  Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

                  Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

                  i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

                  bye, stclare.
                  I'm sorry to hear that the complaints of small minded people are causing you to leave. I hope you can put this aside and hurry back so you can SQUEEE with the rest of us over what looks to be a McKeller season.


                    Originally posted by stclare View Post
                    Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

                    Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

                    i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

                    bye, stclare.
                    Hun, I'm sorry to hear that people would be so inconsiderate and unkind to say something like that. IMHO, I don't care if anyone's spelling isn't perfect, I know mine isn't. I can read your posts with no prob at all! And like Pandora's said, it's about what your writing about, not what letters you use.

                    I really hope to see you back here again!!! We'll miss you I've really enjoyed chatting and *squeeeing* about McKeller with ya.

                    *mucho big hugs*,

                    Originally posted by TeacherGal View Post
                    Woo Hoo! It looks like even Jason Momoa is on our side.

                    Excerpt from an interview at Cinema Spy:

                    Even though - I was thinking about this as an actor - would Ronon really have a love relationship? To me, no. Yes, a guy needs to get laid, but I don’t think it needs to be in the show. It’s cute what we’re doing with this whole love triangle, it’s nice. And it’s nice to see the softer side of Ronon, and being playful and sincere and seeing a side we’ve never seen. That’s nice. But ultimately, no-one wants to see Ronon in a love relationship.

                    Entire interview is here
                    Haha! he cracks me up. It's good to know we got Jason on our side! My fave line:
                    Yes, a guy needs to get laid, but I don’t think it needs to be in the show.


                      Originally posted by TeacherGal View Post
                      Woo Hoo! It looks like even Jason Momoa is on our side.

                      Excerpt from an interview at Cinema Spy:

                      Even though - I was thinking about this as an actor - would Ronon really have a love relationship? To me, no. Yes, a guy needs to get laid, but I don’t think it needs to be in the show. It’s cute what we’re doing with this whole love triangle, it’s nice. And it’s nice to see the softer side of Ronon, and being playful and sincere and seeing a side we’ve never seen. That’s nice. But ultimately, no-one wants to see Ronon in a love relationship.

                      Entire interview is here
                      yay! it's awesome to have Jason on our side Now we've got not only Jewel and David, but Jason too!!!!

                      Originally posted by stclare View Post
                      Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

                      Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

                      i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

                      bye, stclare.
                      oh stclare *hugs* please come back and talk to us soon!!! i haven't even noticed your spelling errors. you have such awesome things to say, so please come back to talk to us!!!!
                      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                        Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                        yay! it's awesome to have Jason on our side Now we've got not only Jewel and David, but Jason too!!!!
                        Yeah... when the actor (in this case, Jason) even says that he doesn't see any romance, then you know that, well, there's not gonna be any romance! Cuz the actors get a say in what happends to their character -to some extent- right?


                          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                          Yeah... when the actor (in this case, Jason) even says that he doesn't see any romance, then you know that, well, there's not gonna be any romance! Cuz the actors get a say in what happends to their character -to some extent- right?
                          i think that since Jason's really against the romance, they'll listen to him. since Jewel and David are all for it, and they've got such amazing chemistry, i think that McKeller is a go, and that we'll hopefully getting it soon!
                          thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                            Originally posted by stclare View Post
                            Hey guys its been real fun chatting with you, but im gonna take a break form GW for a while.

                            Ive been redded for my inabliity to spell, though they may find this sort of thing funny. for me its a personal issue that's, well pretty embarrasing and not something i expect to have waved in my face. so im sorry if my posts have not been up to scratch spelling and punctuation wise, its not deliberate i just dont see the mistakes

                            i hope you guys continue to have fun and im looking forward to the mckeller eps. so ill catch up with you in a while.

                            bye, stclare.
                            Some people are just... well, and it's mean to do that, people here are all different, for some, english is a second oor more language, and for them to give you a red for that is just.. wel mean!! I hope you don't leave for too long,
                            I agree with everybody, it's what you say, not how you write it.
                            Come back soon *Hugs*


                              Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
                              i think that since Jason's really against the romance, they'll listen to him. since Jewel and David are all for it, and they've got such amazing chemistry, i think that McKeller is a go, and that we'll hopefully getting it soon!
                              I agree, I mean, if the actor doesn't see it, well, it probably won't happen So, Like Jewel and David see it, well, I think that, the most probable couple is Mckeller


                                Well, I'm off to go watch the olympics *hopes for canadian medal* See you guys tomorow, I know I've not being on here as much, but well, I am a little more busy then usual... Good night *hugs*

