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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
    I tend to think he does remember, because he was so vulnerable and totally open in that scene that, if he didn't remember saying it in "The Shrine" and had any doubt about her knowing he loved her, he would have been sure to say it then. If that makes any sense at all.
    I don't know.

    It was such a hyper-emotional scene that I don't think even Rodney's overly analytical, socially inept brain could have caught up with the proceedings long enough to have a "moment of clarification".

    Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. But I'd like to know definitively one way or the other.


      What I really want to know is this:

      The conference took place on the first day of their respective two weeks on Earth. So what happened after the plane ride? And on the voyage back on the Daedelus?

      Let the fan fics begin!!!


        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
        I don't know.

        It was such a hyper-emotional scene that I don't think even Rodney's overly analytical, socially inept brain could have caught up with the proceedings long enough to have a "moment of clarification".

        Maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. But I'd like to know definitively one way or the other.
        Tough to say.

        A case could easily be made for knowing or not knowing. I tend to think the show won't offer any clarification, though.

        By the way...

        "Identity" will be interesting, now that we're led to believe they may have been intimate already. It will be even better, I think, because it won't be out of left field for her to proposition him, but he knows her so well that he'll realize something is amiss.
        Theoretically spoilerish:
        Sig courtesy of Pandora.


          Really am going to sleep this time...

          Or at least try to! 8am comes early and I sadly have to work!

          *looks for McKeller bugs and sees they are already out on a biting spree *

          Night night! Let's see if my resolve is strong enough to stay in my bed instead of coming back to this lovely, blissfully happy place!

          EDIT: Parting thoughts...

          "Identity" will be interesting, now that we're led to believe they may have been intimate already. It will be even better, I think, because it won't be out of left field for her to proposition him, but he knows her so well that he'll realize something is amiss.
          That's how I'm thinking it will go down ~ Rodney will know that something's "not quite right" about Jennifer and will know that this isn't just some undisclosed mental illness. *shakes head at the thought* Can you imagine what he will be feeling/thinking at the moment Carson says that? It will be like an emotional McKay minefield of doubt! He'll be thinking the tables are turned and now he won't know if what she has said/done is because of the illness or her real feelings... *is almost afraid of Identity*
          Spoilers For Brainstorm below


          Banner made by ME

          Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

          Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


            Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
            Tough to say.

            A case could easily be made for knowing or not knowing. I tend to think the show won't offer any clarification, though.
            We also never thought we'd get.....what we got. But guess what? We soooo did!

            I can hope? Right?

            By the way...

            "Identity" will be interesting, now that we're led to believe they may have been intimate already. It will be even better, I think, because it won't be out of left field for her to proposition him, but he knows her so well that he'll realize something is amiss.
            HA! My analysis of that promo image was practically prescient!!!!

            He'll totally be drawn in at first because it won't be out of the blue. This could actually happen to a Jumper of all places! But then he'll notice something is up.

            You know what, KK? I think TPTB saw our posts or something because they are going as crazy overboard with the McKeller as we wanted them to after we found out SGA was canceled.



              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post

              You know what, KK? I think TPTB saw our posts or something because they are going as crazy overboard with the McKeller as we wanted them to after we found out SGA was canceled.
              It's not too far off, is it? That last scene was definitely unexpected. I was stunned. "Nooooooo. They wouldn't... !!!!"

              Bless TPTB for their chance-taking brilliance. And on that note, sleep calls me.

              What an episode!
              Theoretically spoilerish:
              Sig courtesy of Pandora.


                Originally posted by KindlyKeller View Post
                Bless TPTB for their chance-taking brilliance. And on that note, sleep calls me.
                Good plan.

                I see you trekie. Tempted to read the spoilers yet?


                  Here it is, let your voices be heard

                  I'm not much of a shipper, but I'm a fan of this one for now


                    Unable to deny the curiosity I went ahead and watched the episode as soon as possible, and how happy I am that I did!!!

                    First off gotta say.... OMFG!!!!!!11!!111!!eleven!!!1!!

                    Not one kiss...

                    Not two kisses....

                    Not even three kisses...

                    But FOUR kisses!

                    And that last one totally turned into a full on make-out session, and definitely turned into something more

                    As soon, no joke, as soon as Keller kissed McKay I lept out of my chair and started jumping around the room screaming "OMG YES OMG OMG OMG YES THEY KISSED OMG YES OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!" and so and so on. I've been sitting here re-watching those scenes over and over again. My heart started racing when McKay pulled Keller out of the freezer, and it still hasn't slowed down! Coming here and reading all the comments just got me freakishly excited all over again.

                    I could probably make a video about McKeller using just this episode alone! I'm going to be thinking about this episode all day at work tomorrow, trying to fit all the new scenes into my latest video. I'm so pumped for McKeller now I won't be surprised if I have the new video finished by Monday ^.^

                    I can't believe it, I just can not believe it. I just wish I had someone to hug!!
                    Last edited by MyStargateLife; 21 November 2008, 11:20 PM.


                      YAY!!!! You saw it!! It was truly magnificent!

                      But you may want to remove any references to illicit activities on your post. That sort of downloading is frowned upon and could get you modded.


                        I have finally seen it!!!!!

                        I think they read my picfic and made room for that missing scene on the plane.

                        Allright now I have to go but that's just my initial reaction, I'll be more coherent later when I come back.


                          OOps pre-established thread that I couldn't find earlier, sorry


                            So . . . Brainstorm . . .

                            SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!(Rodney's eyes blue squee )

                            So much to squee about in this ep, its hard to know where to begin . . . my squeeful ep ramblings follow under the spoiler tags . . .

                            Brainstorm . . . SQUEEEEEE!!!!

                            I loved the episode (surprise, surprise), but then again, I wasn't really worried, not much. I was worried for the inevitable Rodney embarrassment moments, which, in true Martin Gero form, were certainly there, and certainly very, very painful to watch. Just as I've come to expect from MG. But the ep was awesome.

                            I was amused by the Phone-in appearance by Shep and Ronon. Loved John wondering if Rodney's ever going to make a move on Jennifer. Ronon cracked me up. Don't be sad Ronon - Amelia's waiting for you!!

                            Loved the opening sequence with Jennifer once again trying to maneuver Rodney into just saying what he wants to say and not justify everything. I think it was so sweet. No - I'm really not interested in the meeting or the food at all - but I'll go with you - for the company.

                            Bill Nye! Neil Tyson! Yea!

                            I liked how some of Rodney's embarrassing moments were brough on by Rodney himself, I thought that was a good dramatic choice. I had been fairly certain that we'd see Jennifer sticking up for Rodney against verbal assault, but that, of course, didn't happen. Instead, she was more like the angel on his shoulder, gently suggesting a different approach, but still supporting him when he insisted on being his usual brash self. I loved the arm around his shoulders and the lets go get hot chocolate after the debacle in the theater.

                            Loved Jennifer "handling" Rodney so he doesn't loose it (too much) in front of his colleagues. It seems like Jennifer can handle Rodney's ego in the way Sheppard handles Rodney's panic - cut him off and distract him with something else. I so loved how she told him he could either waste his time being unhappy, or take the happiness that was sitting right in front of him. So glad he made the right choice!

                            I was happily gagging at Malcolm seriously OTT presentation - so OTT it makes Rodney gag. It so cracked me up. Makes us realize Rodney isn't that bad. I loved how Rodney and Malcom had some of the same postures/gestures/expressions. I wonder if this was planned between the actors. It adds to why Rodney and Malcolm would have been rivals - they were similar in a number of ways. I recall Rodney's bombastic presentation of the McKay-Carter Gate Bridge system to the Daedalus crew - definite spork gagging there.

                            I loved Rodney telling Malcolm that the gate bridge info was his work, with all that true Rodneyesque sincerity in his voice and eyes. Love the eye contact between Rodney and Malcom. I think there was some friendship there - not just rivalry. Loved how Malcom was big enough to request help from Rodney and Jennifer, thereby admitting he'd co-opted Rodney's classified published work.

                            While the scene with all the physicists arguing was amusing and expected, I really could have done without it, and also without Jennifer playing school teacher. I did like her conversation with Kramer about saving the hundred as well as the millions, though.

                            Yea! for Jennifer going off to make the phone call, thinking to take radio, etc. She's come a long way from Missing.

                            Loved Rodney commenting about his doctorate not being honorary, unlike Bill Nye's.

                            I melted into a puddle of goo when Rodney took off to rescue Jennifer.

                            Desperate!Axe!Weilding!Rodney! Need I say more?

                            Rodney begging Jennifer not to die - omg!

                            Jennifer's, "You saved me."

                            David Hewlett can do cardio compression and make it look real! WHOOPEEEE!! Finally! I think he's the first person in the history of Stargate to be a competent CPR giver - certainly in the history of SGA! Goodness - he even did the "two quick breaths and check for exhale" on his cheek on the intitial evaluation (yes, I know in some circles the CPR procedures have changed - but still!)! Maybe he just took that CPR refresher course prior to Baz's birth (I know the hospital I used encouraged us to do it). Or maybe he just knows what he's doing and is always on top of his craft to make it look real (we know he looks up the physics stuff, after all) - yea David! I so wish they'd showed us Rodney carrying Jennifer to the dry spot - I'm pretty sure David could have picked up Jewel - heck, I think I could pick up Jewel!

                            Totally loved the tender moments after Jennifer is revived. I completely loved how Jennifer paralleled Rodney's words from The Shrine back to him - oh, Marty G., I love you! This has been such a wonderful development. The naysayers can saynay all they want, but I'm just loving it. Sigh. I'm a multishipper (a big McShepper, plus others), but I'm so glad to see at least one of my ships come to such a nice fruition on screen.

                            Wonderful and awesome vindication for Rodney in this episode - it felt like Rocky Balboa finally getting up the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Loved Malcolm admiting to Rodney in front of Bill Nye that Rodney was smarter than him - loved Rodney's "I know." Loved Malcolm saying the reconfig for the second bridge was impossible, and Rodney's, "I'm Dr. Rodney McKay, I do difficult in seconds, impossible in minutes." (sorry for the paraphrase, I need to go back and check the exact wording, but you know what I mean!). I just wanted to cheer - hmmm . . . I think I did, as a matter of fact! Gads, I'm so glad Rodney got that moment before the series ended. He's been through so much, and all those squibbs on earth have not a clue of the man he is.

                            Loved how Rodney admitted that the recognition of his brilliance is important to him - its part of him, and not going to go away any time soon. Guess we all noticed that Jennifer didn't say, "okay, nice knowing you then". She knows what she has, and she wants the whole package! Squeee!

                            I loved the sequence where Rodney realizes Jennifer is propositioning him - Right - Jennifer head cock - Riiight. You're sure its okay, 'cause you were like dead and all that - Just get over here you big hunk o'physicist - I think I'm gonna try humble - seems the ladies like it. SQUEEEE. Oh, my goodness, inspired writing - thank you Martin G.! I love how David kisses - I could watch him kiss all day (well, guess I'd have to get laundry and grocery shopping done sometime, but you know what I mean!). Love how Rodney slowly (and unbelievably sexily!) opens his eyes after the first plane kiss, to find Jennifer already looking at him. Loved Jennifer's little "check the door" glance, before she got into it with Rodney in the back of the plane on the way home. Loved how Rodney's hand is tentative at first, but then when Jennifer's arms are around him, the hand becomes more firm. Ah, romance, so welcome to my heart.

                            I am so very happy for my favorite character - Rodney has grown up so much over the past five years. He's lived through sorrow, loss, triumph, failure, fear, terror, pain and joy and come out a better man - and he even gets the girl! And not just any girl - he got beautiful, smart, saavy, Jennifer Keller, someone who loves him for all he is - yea!

                            I was amazed at the ending scene - I thought Joe Mallozzi and the other producers swore up and down that there would never be any ships on Stargate. Did they forget? Was the chemistry between David/Rodney and Jewel/Jennifer just too good to resist?

                            So . . . do you think Jennifer took Rodney home to meet Dad?

                            I'm feeling fairly confident now given this ep, and the spoiler pics for EATG, that this won't be some, oh, Jennifer has second thoughts thing and pulls back from Rodney. I suppose TPTB, in a spate of pure evil, could still do this, but I think it's much less likely given how Brainstorm panned out.

                            And how it panned out - I had no idea how far they would take the relationship. I think it's pretty certain we are intended to believe they are now intimate. Holy Scott, Great Cow! Never thought TPTB would do it. (Knocks on wood to prevent many evil relationship backsliding or killing possibilities.)

                            Squee, squee, squee (runs off doing happy squee dance)!


                              For the people who havent seen it (mainly me ) can anyone tell me afew things.

                              1. What type of kiss was it after Keller was revived (slow or fast)?
                              2. How exactly did the proposition scene go at the end of the episode (what happened)?



                                Well, first, Keller kisses McKay and then they kiss again after she tells him she loves him. I believe it was a slow kiss, but it might've been closer to medium.

                                As for the proposition scene, Keller notes that they're alone together in the back of a private jet. It ends with them kissing (REALLY kissing!) in seats across from each other. Fade to black, submit for Emmy nomination!

                                The shipper in me loved every moment! I'll definitely have to watch repeatedly. I may also write a fanfic (or four)!
                                Check out my fanfiction!

