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Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    Where is this poll exactly? I haven't seen it! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!
    Right here on the front page at MGM

    Click on the linky and click on the button!
    Spoilers For Brainstorm below


    Banner made by ME

    Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

    Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


      Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
      YAY! More fic!

      iolanda, I am so jealous. That's so cool!
      same. that's soooo awesome!

      Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
      it was showing McKay well in the lead earlier tonight......
      and yesterday too, rodney was wayyyy in the lead. i just voted about 20 times
      thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


        Originally posted by Daryst View Post
        It seems to have gotten quite busy in here hasn't it? Well so have I ^_^. I just got back from my 3 week holiday, which I might add was superb. And I already have my modified music video available for you people.

        On the day that I got back home and watched the 3 episodes that I missed and absolutely loved them, and who wouldn't?

        I won't go into details on anything related to the episodes, including BS since it has already been discussed and admirred to death in here, but I do want to share the fact that I liked it very much.

        but without further delay, I present you the final version of my latest music video, which some of you already have seen a beta version of it.,...ey%20Mckay.avi

        Just click the link to download it, or press your right mouse button on it and select "save as".
        I am trying to get a youtube version as well, but it is having troubles uploading the file. Will let you know as soon as it is online.

        Edit-: Here is the Youtube version. though I really advise you to download the original since the quality is way better.

        Mckay, Rodney Mckay

        Oh and it is great to be back
        O. M. G. That was AWESOME!!! But just a note, if you select "watch in high quality" on YouTube, it comes through really clear ... just fyi ... but that was great, you matched the mouth movements and the speech PERFECTLY!!!

        SOOOO glad to have you back, Daryst!!!


          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          O. M. G. That was AWESOME!!! But just a note, if you select "watch in high quality" on YouTube, it comes through really clear ... just fyi ... but that was great, you matched the mouth movements and the speech PERFECTLY!!!

          SOOOO glad to have you back, Daryst!!!
          *goes to watch Daryst's video*

          Question.. where do you select "watch high quality"?
          EDIT: Nevermind. I found it.
          Sig by ME.


            amazing video Daryst!!!! i commented and favorited it on youtube
            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


              Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
              amazing video Daryst!!!! i commented and favorited it on youtube
              Yeah Daryst! I commented too! Now I gotta back and fave it!

              EDIT: Done. Gave it 5 stars too!
              Sig by ME.


                Originally posted by GateEngineer17 View Post
                Why are we so far behind on the MGM poll? It's currently skewed 70/29 in favor of Ronon. I thought we were a bit more energetic than that?
                There are programs that people download that automatically vote over and over again. It's why those polls are ridiculous.


                  Ronon 69% - Rodney 27% ...damnit!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by trekie View Post
                    You want a recap of the 80 pages that passed by while you were gone? Alllright I'll take that challange.

                    Well, firstly we joyed after the action packed teamy episode which was The Prodigial.

                    Then we got sidetracked with Disney stuff, discovered that RiG has many talents including drawing.

                    Had a non-smutty closet fic by ShipperWriter (I Heard A Noise) Fics of course followed endlessly, so I'm just gonna leave a link for the McKeller community over at McKeller fics

                    Got together a bunch of songs which go well with our fave couple...
                    You Are So Beautiful (To Me)
                    I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
                    I Do (Cherish You)
                    Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
                    Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
                    She's Got A Way About Her
                    One Sweet Love
                    Just The Way You Are
                    You're My Home
                    Tell Her About It
                    Raining on Sunday
                    Make you Feel My Love

                    Got shiny new entries for the wwtt game...

                    WHAT?!?! You're telling me that, with all my technical prowess that I possess in two galaxies, that I can't get a live feed from Jennifer's bedroom?!?!

                    A video got posted of David Hewlett at the Armageddon con:Hilarious Q & A from Melbourne

                    Then we all started to experience some really cold weather. Well execpt for you because that was the moment you deceided to drop by and say your greetings from Malaysia.

                    After that, we got into a huge pre-squee when we realized that we will get a preview of Brain Storm that day. So Remnants came with the preview, which only escaleted the thread's squee-factor. (They tried to tempt me but I haven't watched it! I sticked to my principles, but squeed neverless.)Countdowns started or should I say countinued on.

                    Hero reached her 2000th post and finally got her custom avatar!

                    PB and KK got into a deep conversation about...sorry, I can't sum that one up, you just have to go and read that for yourself. But it starts on this page: page 1 of the deep philosophical venture Yeah, I'm serious there's more than one page to it.

                    Then gone a little OT with discussing the new Trek tailer and James Bond movie, but switched the topic soon to Xmas songs which fitted McKeller.
                    Let it Snow
                    Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer
                    Santa Claus is Coming to Town
                    Winter Wonderland
                    Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
                    Frosty the Snowman
                    All I Want For Christmas Is You

                    Got contradictionary information on whose bedroom is David Hewlett actually occupying at that current moment.

                    PB and KK got int another inspiring chat at page 435. (Oh man, I'm only at page 435 in my recap? This is gonna be a long post...)

                    Then I posted my pre-Brainstorm picfic which you can check out here:pre-Brainstorm picfic Shameless self-promoting, I know.

                    And finally came the day when The Pic Became The Moving Image as KK brilliantly put it. And after that The Squee ruled the lands of McKeller for days.

                    Althought on the off-chance you wanna read a more detailed review on the ep you can still find GE17's post. Brain Storm reaction
                    Okay after the shock wear off we all become a little more coharent and actually discussed the episode, but the squee remained!

                    This was followed by a sig making spree and eventually led into a bunch of evil fic bunnies. Especially the last scene left some people in the glutter.

                    Welcomed a bunch of newbies into the McKeller fold: johndo22, indoctrinated, Valaslonglostsister, GateFanTLH just to name a few.

                    Hawke decided to give a try to ficwriting and that's how his/her(sorry, dunno) first ever fanfic had been born.

                    We had a lot of MP's recently but I'm only showing you one because I can.

                    Even got a cute new smilee thanks to PB's persuasive abilities.

                    PB found a new awesome McKeller video...McKeller vid

                    Ilerya82 and me pressured out some virtual cookies from Goose and a new fic. (Nice teamwork by the way!)

                    RiG cut her finger while she was carving apples, I know it's soooo McKeller related, but we all felt for her.

                    Our american friends celebrated Thanksgiving.

                    Varda got challenged into writing a McKeller fic, which is progressing very nicely.

                    And many of us took this test to prove our nerdness.nerd test

                    I think that's pretty much summs it up. And before anybody asks, yes I was that bored.
                    Thanks ... even I needed a refresher ... McKeller FTW!!! Thanks for the free advertising for the fic, and check out Girl's Day Out, I finally got it finished so ... just read it, okay??? And just snurching credit, the first WWTT of Rodney in the tub is mine ... okay, head just inflated a couple of inches ...

                    *evil fic bunny comes out of hiding with sharp object*

                    *Shipper dangles 5 lbs of carrots over the toilet*

                    *fic bunny drops the needle, then laughs at Shipper for writing a summary of this*

                    *Shipper glares at fic bunnies and wills them to sleep* Ohh ... can't live with them, this thread can't live without them!!!

                    Originally posted by shanna1 View Post
                    *arrives for her obligatory OT post in which she shows up and scares people* Gah, my feet are freezing. Why is it so cold here?! I live in the southeastern U.S. We don't know how to deal with anything even remotely like snow. Hurricanes? Summertime temperatures above eighty degrees Fahrenheit, in the shade? We can handle both of those.

                    But cold weather? Give me my blankie and hot chocolate, please. I'm not leaving the house until May.
                    Amen. I live in Florida and I grew up in the north, but c'mon, this is ridiculous ...

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    I don't know what time it is where you guys are but it's nighttime(if you call 6pm nighttime-it is dark tho) here and the moon is out/up and Venus and Mars are visible too! Right below the moon!

                    Something that you won't see again for another 500 YEARS!!!

                    If you can... GO CHECK IT OUT!
                    Darn it!!! I'm a nerd and I love space and how did I miss that?!?!

                    Originally posted by Muh_tuttles View Post
                    Hey guys!

                    *squeeee* Haven't been on for a while, but i do so love to keep up with the latest hot pics of Mckeller Which, i might add, are looking fabulicious Yes that's a word - or it should be anyways.

                    pic spam

                    Ooh. Shiny. Thank you.

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Dropping off a new(to me anyway) McKeller fic that I found on

                    Five Ways Jennifer Made The First Move

                    It's really sweet!

                    And now I'm off to, hopefully, have McKeller dreams!
                    G'night!!! I read it and I likee ... can't wait for chapter 5!!!

                    Poll news:

                    Oh crap.

                    Current standings:
                    Ronan is better - 69%
                    Rodney's Perfect For Her! - 27%
                    What About Sheppard? - 3%

                    Now, as a Sparky and McKeller fan, I'm insulted that they would even put John on the list. Sorry, ladies, he gave his heart to Elizabeth and he doesn't want it back!!! IMHO ... *whistles*

                    Anyhoo, headin to bed myself, good night!!!


                      And BTW, I only voted four times, and then I got bored of continually hitting the refresh button ... and it didn't make a dent ...

                      And only two more posts till 200!!!


                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        And BTW, I only voted four times, and then I got bored of continually hitting the refresh button ... and it didn't make a dent ...

                        And only two more posts till 200!!!

                        Woohooo pre-gratz!

                        I think I've voted about, oh... a couple dozen times...

                        ...but then I've had very little to do since I got home tonight!
                        Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                        Banner made by ME

                        Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                        Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                          Awesome vid Daryst!!!! ^__^


                          MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
                          Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
                          Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


                            200 POSTS!!!

                            Good night ...



                            *grins* Did ya think I was just gonna gloat???

                            Pic spam!

                            This: And The Pic (spoilers for EatG):
                            And this:

                            ... Oh, my other picture disappeared!!!

                            Oh well, enjoy and good night!

                            ... Yes, I actually mean it this time!!!


                              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                              200 POSTS!!!

                              Good night ...



                              *grins* Did ya think I was just gonna gloat???
                              YAY!!!!! Gratz Shipper!!!!

                              ... and thanks for the bedtime pic spam

                              I'm outta here McKeller lovers! G'night! *prods McKeller bugs, baits fic bunnies, and slips off to curl up with her kitty cats...*
                              Spoilers For Brainstorm below


                              Banner made by ME

                              Shipper of the AWESOMENESS that is McKeller!

                              Dr. Rodney McKay... he does a body good!


                                I don't know, I look at it this way.... I'm sick of the really hot guy getting the girl....
                                Not that I don't think David is just totally hot, but Ronan is supposed to be the complete sexual package... the one who usually gets the girl...
                                However, the story is so much better for me that the nerdy(and they always get hot ones to play the nerdy guy.... case in point Hewlett) guy gets the girl....
                                Geeklove is so much more fun to watch.....
                                Besides, It's sooooo obvious how much Keller totally compliments and grounds Rodney... That's the adorable part.... and there are little instances when you can kinda see him wearing in on her too....
                                If it was Deller it would be like, Great they did it.... now where do they go....
                                And I think with McKeller, there's just so much more quirky cute stuff that they can make us squee over~
                                awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo

