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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
    That was a superb fic. I put my sunday lunch in a dish & ate it while reading. That's the wonderful thing about being older & having my own house. My mum would have hated it.

    SeN I'm absolutely positive you will be fine. Remember a big man with dreds & gun will be after your Prof & the examiners if you don't pass.

    Aqua - I'll do it. How long are you away for?
    I'd love to have the house to myself - watch TV all day.
    I liked the fanfic - it was funny!!!

    Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
    I'm going to Croatia on a vacation Mounti

    I have a theory about the Borg like things on TDV: apparently they are going to meet a new threat in First contact that they know very little about... maybe it's the borg like things.

    EDIT: forgot to put it in spoilers

    Thank you to Blen for the sig!


    I'm a 60%er!!!
    Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
    Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

    Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


      I have to go now - my mum wants me off the computer (she says I spend far to long on here)

      Bye all - have a nice Sunday!

      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


      I'm a 60%er!!!
      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        Good evening all! We had the WHOLE family over for dinner and cards. Mom and Dad, Little Brother, Niece and Nephew, a couple of kids from down the road. Boy! It was a houseful!

        Hi Dollsnatch! Welcome to the Love Shack!!!

        It wasn't until sometime in SGA that I started liking Rodney. After 48 Hours on SG1, well, I wanted him to suck a lemon too!
        And Cadman! In my own little world, She and Rodney are together. Loving and snarking. Good times. Sadly, we never saw her after Critical Mass. Carson then says during Return I that they broke up.
        Morning all! Muchas gracias Blencathra for the avatars-if only I could figure out how to use them!

        Thanks everlovin for the welcomes and senedra-Im a devoted S/J shipper I used to spend most episodes scouring for moments I could prove were shippy! Im just hoping itll somehow be resolved in Atlantis.

        Im also a Sheppard/Teyla shipper but apart from the imaginary dinner in Search and Rescue its not looking to promising!

        Dr Keller Supporter!

        Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

        Adorer of s hair!

        loves its just the way it is!

        Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


          Originally posted by dollsnatch View Post
          Morning all! Muchas gracias Blencathra for the avatars-if only I could figure out how to use them!

          Thanks everlovin for the welcomes and senedra-Im a devoted S/J shipper I used to spend most episodes scouring for moments I could prove were shippy! Im just hoping itll somehow be resolved in Atlantis.

          Im also a Sheppard/Teyla shipper but apart from the imaginary dinner in Search and Rescue its not looking to promising!
          Forgot to say welcome to you!!! WELCOME!!!

          You ship what I ship!!!! S/J, Sheppard/Teyla (great dream dinner sequence.... it was Sheppard imagining it too!) and Ronon/Keller.

          Now I am going before my mum takes the computer away!!!

          Thank you to Blen for the sig!


          I'm a 60%er!!!
          Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
          Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

          Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


            Thanks Mountiegirl! Yup all my ships too! I know come on its so obvious,that dinner was so romantic-and he imagined it!

            Aw my mums like that too-nag,nag,nag. I just ignore her-god bless the inventor of the laptop,the portability means I can escape her!

            Dr Keller Supporter!

            Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

            Adorer of s hair!

            loves its just the way it is!

            Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


              Originally posted by dollsnatch View Post
              Morning all! Muchas gracias Blencathra for the avatars-if only I could figure out how to use them!

              Thanks everlovin for the welcomes and senedra-Im a devoted S/J shipper I used to spend most episodes scouring for moments I could prove were shippy! Im just hoping itll somehow be resolved in Atlantis.

              Im also a Sheppard/Teyla shipper but apart from the imaginary dinner in Search and Rescue its not looking to promising!
              What to say to that: The third movie
              BW said that he is writing something like romantic scene for the movie. Just hope it won't be cut like the one in Trio..

              No J/T shipper here, I used to ship him with Elizabeth...

              Ok, some more pics before I go to watch DV again (with subtitles this time, but I do not think I missed a lot).


              Blen, thanks for the support. I will remember that


                Hi Doll. I'm another J/T shipper (but very quiet one ) I've not watched SG1 yet (and yes I WILL watch it SeN, I promise!) but I suspect that I'm going to love S/J as well.

                As for the smilies. Right click on them & save them to your picture folder. Then you will need to upload them to Photobucket or similar (I use Flickr) before you can use them. If you don't understand give another shout & I will explain more fully.

                Got to dash, Tesco have just delivered my groceries.


                  Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                  What to say to that: The third movie
                  BW said that he is writing something like romantic scene for the movie. Just hope it won't be cut like the one in Trio..

                  No J/T shipper here, I used to ship him with Elizabeth...

                  Ok, some more pics before I go to watch DV again (with subtitles this time, but I do not think I missed a lot).


                  Blen, thanks for the support. I will remember that
                  Eeeee thats great! Finally a resolution!

                  Oh really?? Elizabeth wasnt my favourite character-way preferable to Woolsey though (from what Ive seen-only Search and Rescue online).

                  I think Im gonna go watch The Seed now-Keller centric yay!

                  Dr Keller Supporter!

                  Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

                  Adorer of s hair!

                  loves its just the way it is!

                  Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    Hi Doll. I'm another J/T shipper (but very quiet one ) I've not watched SG1 yet (and yes I WILL watch it SeN, I promise!) but I suspect that I'm going to love S/J as well.

                    As for the smilies. Right click on them & save them to your picture folder. Then you will need to upload them to Photobucket or similar (I use Flickr) before you can use them. If you don't understand give another shout & I will explain more fully.

                    Got to dash, Tesco have just delivered my groceries.
                    Well hello there!

                    Thanks a mil Ill do that in a bit,gonna watch The Seed and cook dinner now!

                    Oh you definatley will -theyre so perfect-damned frat regs! And pretty much the only option as far as Im concerned. Some ship Sam/Daniel but...ew. I see them as a brother/sister kinda relationship.

                    Ah I love Tesco delivery no tramping around the store, which always seems to be bloody freezing!

                    Dr Keller Supporter!

                    Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

                    Adorer of s hair!

                    loves its just the way it is!

                    Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


                      Can't beat having groceries delivered.

                      However, I sometimes make mistakes when I'm ordering. Like today, I wanted 3 packets of caramel Snack a Jacks. Instead I'd actually ordered three packs with 6 in each. So I now have 18 packets. Eighteen! What am I going to do with them all??!!!

                      And then there was the time I wanted some brussel sprouts. I thought I'd ordered 2 lbs. I actually got 2 sprouts. In a plastic bag. Lovingly placed there by some Tesco person. I bet she thought I was insane. Who on earth would order just two sprouts.


                        Just showing off my new sig. If anyone wants to use any of my old ones, just ask.


                          Blen you are lucky you can let the food delivered. It's possible only in big cities by us, not in my small hometown

                          Krissie, the new sig is beautiful


                            Has Krissie got a new sig? I need to check it out.

                            Edit - Love it Krissie and the matching avatar.


                              18 packs of snack a jacks?!Well...gorge yourself...go crazy hehe!

                              Two brussel sprouts?? Kinda stupid on their part I mean who the frick would order just two?? Ugh...brussel sprouts you either love them or you hate them-me its the latter.
                              Theyre like tiny little cabbages!

                              Seriously when you get the time watch SG1!
                              Best episode ever -season 4 episode 6,window of opportunity I actually pull something laughing every time I watch it!

                              Dr Keller Supporter!

                              Team Ronon-bring it on McKellers! (But hi though!)

                              Adorer of s hair!

                              loves its just the way it is!

                              Jack:The loons! Dont forget the loons!


                                Perhaps the Tesco lady thought I didn't like them either and just wanted to try them out or something

                                I have SG1 seasons 1 - 8 just waiting to be watched. (Ebay bargain!) All I need is to get rid of my Gateworld addiction and then I can watch them.

