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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I just posted more icons on my livejournal that need a loving home. There are only 3 RK ones, but plenty of Jewel/Keller and Ronon/Jason. Found here.


      Nice icons, Krissie

      Blen, your version of Quarantine yeasterday made me think what exactly was Zelenka saying when he was in the corridor. I couldn't remember so I looked at the scene again and translated it. Maybe it's not exact but I tried to

      Jesus, this is unbeliavable, I am such an idiot
      She will think that I am a total idiot
      So, what else can I do? No, not that
      I don't fit into that
      Oh, it's smelling bad...

      Jusus Maria
      Jesus, not that

      It's always great Once in the first season he said exactly "I cannot play with that actors anymore"

      Mm, back on topic :


        Krissie: Awesome icons.

        Senedra: Too much time on your hands.

        Blenca: I dunno.

        Well, Jewel's not accepted my request yet, but Paul has! Yay, Paul! -dances- So has Doug Jones...-nearly fainted from the lack of oxygen caused by her fangirlish squealing, followed by tears at the incredibly sad story in Doug's blog- Poor man, he met and became friends with this incredible Italian guy named Ivan who was working at the hotel in Budapest he was staying in while filming the second Hellboy. Long story short, they became incredibly good friends, very close, and Doug wakes up Sunday to find three missed calls from Ivan's girlfriend and a family friend, telling him Ivan was in a coma from a car accident that past Friday night, and later that night, he got a call telling him Ivan had passed away.

        And now I'm crying again.


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          May I proudly present (with extra added pictures) ...


          Playmobil Atlantis - Quarantine

          KELLER: Another sparring accident?

          DEX: Actually, I slipped in the shower.

          KELLER: Oh, really?

          DEX (smiling): No. Sparring accident.


          Later after attempting to open the door ...

          KELLER: You tore your stitches. God, honestly, I don't think I've ever met anyone with such a reckless aggression.

          (Ronon smiles smugly.)

          KELLER: That's not a compliment.

          DEX: If you say so.

          KELLER (pointing to the bed): Lay down.


          DEX: Anything we can use to act as an explosive.

          KELLER: I don't know. Uh ...

          (She thinks for a moment, then heads for another part of the room.)

          KELLER: The oxygen tanks, maybe?


          Later still, when exploding the oxygen tank fails to open the doors ...

          DEX: I had you wrong.

          (Jennifer looks inquiringly at him. He smiles at her.)

          DEX: When you first came here, I thought you were weak – that you didn't belong... Yeah, well, blowing up that tank – you really showed yourself.

          (She smiles at him.)

          KELLER: But it didn't work.

          DEX: That's not the point.


          INFIRMARY. Ronon shuffles sideways across the floor towards Jennifer. Smiling, she leans sideways and puts her head on his shoulder.


          Meanwhile ...

          CARTER: I'll do it.

          ZELENKA: No. I'll do it.

          CARTER: Are you sure?

          ZELENKA: Yes. I'm small enough. I can crawl through there. I'll have the power off in no time.


          ZELENKA (in Czech): Jesus Maria!

          (He shines his torch along the left and right turnings, then groans.)

          ZELENKA (pathetically in Czech): Oh, tell me this is not happening!

          (Taking a deep breath, he wriggles forward and, wailing plaintively, plunges downwards.)


          In the botany lab ...


          Radek looks around the room and then, still shaking his wrist, goes across to the power levers on the wall and starts to pull them down one by one.


          In the Infirmary ...

          Whoooo hooooo!!!!

          BUT - In the Infirmary, as Ronon and Jennifer lean towards each other again, the lights come back on again. They look round as the doors slide open.


          In the Mess Hall later...

          DEX: Hey, d'you hear? McKay thought it was a real outbreak. He even started getting sick! Thought he was, um ...

          (He trails off and takes his feet off the chair beside him as Jennifer approaches, smiling.)

          DEX: Hey, uh ...


          KELLER (smiling at all of them): Hi. Mind if I join you?


          SHEPPARD: Sure, go ahead.

          (Glancing at Ronon significantly, Jennifer puts her tray down and sits down beside him. Ronon looks awkward, then frowns at John and Teyla who are both looking at him curiously, aware that something is going on.)


          DEX (belligerently): What?


          Much later still Ronon runs after Radek to "thank" him for turning on the power...

          Filmed on location in the Playmobil airport.

          Ronon's wig was played by My Cushion

          John's wig was played by Bratz hair

          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          LOL - Glad you liked it everyone

          LOOK - Jewel updated her blog on MySpace. I've highlighted the most interesting bits.


          Friday, May 30, 2008

          the latest from an almost-26 year old

          The mid-season hiatus of Atlantis is approaching, which means life is slowing down, so here I am again. I can't believe we've made it this far already, and the time is flying by too fast for me. I don't know what it is, but we've all agreed that this season has been quite relaxed as far as the on-set vibe goes. Maybe everyone's just hit a stride, or mellowed out. Maybe we've surrendered our fate to the TV gods. In any case, there's been a lot of moments of reflection where I realize just how lucky I am to have such a cool job and to be working with such lovely people, and when you're tired and on your twelfth hour and you've been on your feet all day, to be able to still say that feels like quite an accomplishment. I do a lot of laughing at work, and not just because I share a trailer with Jason Momoa and I'm pretty sure he's putting something through those vents to make me oddly euphoric. Seriously, they should do tours of Jason's part of the trailer alone. It's like King Tut's tomb meets Clan of the Cave Bear and I'm both in awe and worried for him.

          As you know from previous blogs, I've managed to fit in a couple of trips in my schedule. Australia was amazing, and I made some incredible friends there who still loved me after I puked my guts out on our last day there in the middle of the green room. I still have no idea what happened to me or who or what gave me the Super Bug of Death but it took me a week to get it entirely out of my system. Again, my regrets for having to leave early on the Sunday in Brisbane; although I did offer to do my last Q&A with a bucket in my lap, the promoter for the convention didn't seem to think that would win me any fans. But it sure would have made for some interesting photo ops! All of you who attended were so great to me, and when I'm invited back (?) to Australia again, I promise I'll make up for it.

          <snipped out a bit about Jewel's renewal of her vows>

          Next up is a trip to Baltimore for a convention called Shoreleave. I'm going with David Hewlett and Kate Hewlett to this one, which means there's going to be a lot of guffawing and really weird inside jokes, so I also apologize in advance for that. David is also one of those people that turns me into a giggling idiotic eight year old, and I'm pretty sure the crew on set thinks we're out of our minds. What would you think if you saw two grown adults calling each other "Bing-Bing" and dissolving into hysterical laughter? I'm telling you, something is coming through those vents.

          I am also pleased to be a part of the latest round of Serenity screenings across North America to support Equality Now ( . I'll be making an appearance at the screening in Vancouver and doing a Q&A, so if you're in the area, go to for more details. Or just buy a ticket for one of the screenings in your area and be all nostalgic and wear your Jayne hat just 'cause.

          No questions for today, because guess what? All you people want to know is whether Jason looks good without his dreads!?!?! Have you seen that man? I'm pretty sure he'd look good in Rachel's wig. Seriously, there has been a really disappointing decline in the interesting questions department, and I sincerely feel you are not doing your part to make these blogs interesting. And "will there be another Firefly/Serenity?" does not count. If there was, don't you think I would tell you immediately? Also on the not-counting list: "Can I have Morena/Summer/Gina's email address?" As much as I think it would be hilarious to fill Morena's inbox with creepy letters, you know I can't do that. Oh, but it would be so deliciously fun!

          Off to pick a birthday dress. Or three.

          love Jewel
          Love the pics for quarantine and LOVE THE SPOILER!!!

          Oh and good afternoon everyone!

          Is this the new cast pic? Because if it is they put Keller between Ronon and McKay - am I reading into this too much or are TPTB trying to tell the audience that there will be a "love triangle"?

          Thank you to Blen for the sig!


          I'm a 60%er!!!
          Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
          Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

          Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


            Afternoon? -groans- It's 7 AM here, and I've not slept...-seriously needs to do dishes, laundry, and poo duty before tomorrow, as that's when she's leaving to get away from the termite tenting, yay...- But hi, anything interesting going on for you today?


              Oh... morning then! Its the afternoon in England and it's a lovely day but I'm indoors... revising like a mad thing.
              Anything new with you? Good luck with the terminating!

              You read my edit? I have a theory that that pic might be the new cast pic because Ronon, McKay, Sheppard and Teyla look like they did in season 4 cast pic but the Keller and Woosley pic are new so... might be a bit of photo shop... might be they just got everyone in the same uniform as last year and put Keller and Woosley in different uniform.

              I read into things too much...

              Thank you to Blen for the sig!


              I'm a 60%er!!!
              Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
              Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

              Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Good morning everyone!

                Just found these two little snippets in Joe's blog. No spoilers.


                May writes: “…which of the SGA (if any) actors is the most adventurous in terms of wearing the most outlandish costumes - or loves asking to keep trying new clothes?”

                Answer: Oh, hell, Jason Momoa, hands down. There isn’t a week that goes by that the costume department isn’t running some weird shirt or crazy pantaloons Jason picked up to add to Ronon’s wardrobe.

                Kay writes: “Will there be changes in the way Keller is portrayed?”

                Answer: We’ll see some growth in Keller as she tackles her second year in the Pegasus Galaxy.

                Thanks for that! He's obviously really obsessed with his character's wardrobe. He's been making those wrist thingies himself for quite a while, and even wore them in North Shore, way before SGA.

                Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                Nice icons, Krissie

                Blen, your version of Quarantine yeasterday made me think what exactly was Zelenka saying when he was in the corridor. I couldn't remember so I looked at the scene again and translated it. Maybe it's not exact but I tried to

                Jesus, this is unbeliavable, I am such an idiot
                She will think that I am a total idiot
                So, what else can I do? No, not that
                I don't fit into that
                Oh, it's smelling bad...

                Jusus Maria
                Jesus, not that

                It's always great Once in the first season he said exactly "I cannot play with that actors anymore"

                Mm, back on topic :
                Thanks for that, SeNedra! I get the occasional expression when Zelenka mutters in Czech (we lived in Prague for almost 2 years some time ago), but in this scene he kept going on and on and completely lost me...

                Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                Love the pics for quarantine and LOVE THE SPOILER!!!

                Oh and good afternoon everyone!

                Is this the new cast pic? Because if it is they put Keller between Ronon and McKay - am I reading into this too much or are TPTB trying to tell the audience that there will be a "love triangle"?
                TPTB must have had something on their minds, because the lineup looks really weird - a line on one side, and a rollercoaster on the other. I think it's the first time they're actually showing Ronon in his full height, and to put Jenn in the middle? *shakes head*

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  You think they would do it in height order... however, Sheppard is the main character and Ronon is taller than him... I think they are hinting at the whole Ronon Keller McKay thing.
                  Anyway... going back to chemistry

                  Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                  I'm a 60%er!!!
                  Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                  Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                  Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                    well good morrning all Krissie loved the icons

                    yay for translations

                    and for me it is a nice day and right now not too hot so I might end up mowing the yard today (soon)


                      OMG - I just saw this on youtube (yes I know - youtube is not chemistry revision) and it's so funny. And totally on topic too - it's part of the Rodney vs Ronon thing


                      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                      I'm a 60%er!!!
                      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                        Originally posted by Mountiegirl View Post
                        OMG - I just saw this on youtube (yes I know - youtube is not chemistry revision) and it's so funny. And totally on topic too - it's part of the Rodney vs Ronon thing

                        OMG, that was too funny! David Hewlett is such a cracker-upper.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          I know! I really do love David (in that admiration way)

                          He does a good Ronon impression!

                          I was going to say something an now I forgot it....

                          Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                          I'm a 60%er!!!
                          Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                          Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                          Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                            Well I'm tired, hot & sneezing cos I just mowed the lawn.

                            I've got to agree Mountie, I think that pic is a manip. Woolsey looks a bit stiff & strange. I suppose whoever made it used the season 4 pics & re-arranged them how they wanted & added Woolsey.

                            And I loved that You tube vid.


                              Oh my gosh, David Hewlett is so nuts. LOL. I still love his "Slug White Nerd" video.
                              . . . . .



                                Is anyone around tonight?

                                I fell asleep on the sofa.

