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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Look where we will be sitting in Row 14


    The area surrounded by white in orangeish color section outlined in white

    Blen I know you probably don't know Baseball very well but Balls can be hit right where I will be sitting and if I am really really really lucky I could get one!


      Hee! I'm glad you got good seats. How exciting!! When do you go?

      Edit - I know you said the 29th. This month?


        Those are some great seats, DG. *grins* Having a ball hit your way would be such a bonus.

        Have to go swim suit shopping for my about-to-be-a-teenage daughter... catch you all later.


          Yes this month

          Have fun bailey!


            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            How about here? Richard Branson's private island. I'll get on the phone to him after I win on Saturday.

            Hopefully you could catch up with Doctor Who before the new season starts, SeN.
            Like my Dad sometimes says..."Beat me! Torture me! Make me write bad checks!"

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            OH oh oh....can I go on Holiday with you all? I have had a crap year as well. Things are FINALLY starting to get back in order for us. I told Hubby that we haven't gained a thing this year. We have lost a car, one of our dogs and a chance at adding to our family. We just brought home a new dog Monday, my car is being returned to us after 2 months in the shop and the family adding will hopefully work out this time.

            I NEED a Holiday!
            May we ask about the adding to the family?

            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Well somone has to win the lottery, so hopefully this time it will be me.

            And yes that trampoline does look fun. We could take it in turns to bounce with Jason.
            Naughty naughty!

            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            Should I tell Ever I got tickets to see the Mariner vs Ranger game on the 29th?
            You go have fun, dearheart!

            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            Look where we will be sitting in Row 14


            The area surrounded by white in orangeish color section outlined in white

            Blen I know you probably don't know Baseball very well but Balls can be hit right where I will be sitting and if I am really really really lucky I could get one!
            Awesome seats!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              I will make sure I take some pics while I am there


                Why can I never remember we can't only do the smilie face?

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Didn't we used to be able to?


                    Bailey I bet my new little one, Oliver, would LOVE to play on the beach with you dogs. Connor is 12 and not into play as much. He played with his brother Rem, who we just lost 2 weeks ago to Cancer, but he seems to be enjoying the settled life right now.

                    Ever, adding to the family is ....just what it sounds like. We are going through a bit of medical help to get us started. Believe me, when it happens all of GW will know.


                      Good Luck Pocus!


                        Thanks DG!


                          Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          Bailey I bet my new little one, Oliver, would LOVE to play on the beach with you dogs. Connor is 12 and not into play as much. He played with his brother Rem, who we just lost 2 weeks ago to Cancer, but he seems to be enjoying the settled life right now.

                          Ever, adding to the family is ....just what it sounds like. We are going through a bit of medical help to get us started. Believe me, when it happens all of GW will know.
                          Ah! I wasn't sure if that's what you meant or maybe adopting. Good luck with that!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            That might be in the cards. No problems with that.


                              Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                              Busy day yesterday. Hubby took me out to get away from it all for a few hours - we went to the hot springs, lunch, a bit of shopping. It was fun!

                              Hubby and his little sister were both adopted. We had always planned on adopting ourselves, but the timing was never right.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Okay let me tell you about my day. This morning I decided to go to Dallas Comic Con I got there at about 11am and there was already big lone line to get tickets and get in. How long? I hear you asking well I got in the right line at about 11:20a. and I finally bought my ticket at 12:45!! The good news was it wasn't hot and humid like Texas is known to be and there was a good wind blowing. After I got my ticket and bought a ticket to get Stan Lee's Autograph I went up to the Summer Glau panel. A number of questions about Firefly and Serenity and The Sarah Conner Chronicles. She said her favorite actor to work with on Firefly was Sean (ahhhh) She said that Joss keeps things very quite and so she has no idea where he would have taken Firefly if it was given a longer run. She was also a Vegetarian until she found out she would have to do all that fighting in Serenity and she knew she would need the added protein that comes from meat and so she started eating meat again and has not gone back to being a Vegetarian. Also she auditioned to be the Pink Power Ranger Then when her panel was over it was time for Stan Lee's panel (which I had to stay for ) That man is funny They asked the stupidest question in if everyone had seen the Avengers so after all the noise they asked if anyone had not seen it there was like 3 people He talked about how Spider-Man came to be and how he got started with Comics and He said that people have asked why his cameo's were always so short and the reason he gave is that people would go to the movie wanting to see him and then they would blink or something and they would miss him so they would have to buy another ticket and see the movie again . Well after his panel I thought it is 3pm and I have had nothing to eat and nothing to drink all day so I see a concession stand with not a lot of people in the line and I get in only to find that this place had 4 lines 2 to order your food and 2 to pick up. Wanna take a guess which one i was in? Needless to say by the time I found out the lines to pay were really long and I thought I will just get my autograph and leave the people were getting on my nerves. SO I join the line for the escalators (this was not a good building for a convention let me tell you) and at the bottom of 2 let me repeat this two escalators the people who got off were not moving out of the way and so people were getting crowded right at the bottom where the escalator stops and they have to go somewhere but they can not fit. Got out of that with no trouble and went to see where I needed to go to get my autograph and stuff. Well I get to where Stan Lee is signing and instead of having pictures there to buy for him to sign you have to go somewhere else. I get to the booth selling pics and they only take cash. Which is bad I used the only cash I had to pay for parking but the very nice vendor just let me have a pic YAY I mean I did spend $25 to get in and Stan Lee's autograph ticket was $50!! So I get in line only to realize that it is not the right line and so I find that line. I get into it at around 3:30 or so and it is moving well then 4 came and Stan was doing a Photo Op (I was going to do that but after all the lines I thought I will get his autograph and hope that I go to another con with him and I will get a photo with him then.) and so for a little over an hour the line went no where. I missed the Patrick Stewart and John DeLancie panel because I didn't want to lose my place in line. While waiting in line I was talking to the people around me. Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, video games, comics and other stuff was discussed. I got my autograph at about 6:30 and then left. I would have loved to see more but ugh the lines were killer. There was one guy in the Stan Lee line that waited in line for Patrick Stewart's autograph for 4 hours!! Patrick had to leave for his panel and photo ops. So other than the huge crush of people and the lines that I was in, in most cases well over an hour, it was fun.

