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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    That is just this month they face each other in 3 more 3 game series after this month.


      I have a curiosity question for you all. This came up on a different thread and it was just the parenting part actually, but it got me to thinking... but as a child, did your parents allow/condone swearing while you were a child? Second question... as a parent, do you allow/condone your children swearing?

      Would love to ask Copter too, since she and I agreed at one point that we were the mean/strict parents.

      I found on the other thread, that I'm kind of the odd parent out. Most seemed to think it wasn't a big deal and they allowed it.

      As a kid I wasn't allowed to swear. It didn't keep me from swearing, but it did teach me to be very careful with it and certainly never let mom or dad catch you at it... which I think is the point. I inadvertently learned how to discern when and what setting you should refrain from using inappropriate language.

      We don't allow our children to swear. I had a grandmother who used to say that "swearing was a lazy man's way of conveying his words" -- I think I've even said this to them the few times that I've had to scold them for swearing.

      That is not to say that there isn't swearing occurring in our home... hubby swears, more and more it seems as they get older in fact, we just tell them that they aren't allowed to. I only swear on rare occasions, although for the most part, as long as it isn't crude, most swearing doesn't bother me.

      I figure the kids can get lazy with their language when they're older and hopefully they'll learn better ways of expressing themselves at the same time. I'm sure that on the inside of their heads there is swearing going on... especially when they are in trouble, but so far they've learned to keep it to themselves or at least not let it out within our ear-shot.

      Anyway... just curious what you all thought...


        I can't speak as a parent, but as a teacher. I don't find it funny or cute when little ones swear. I mean the first time you hear them in the drama center pretending to be Mom who yells "I'm gonna bust your a$$" or their building falls down and a loud D@** comes from blocks, it does cause a giggle or two. Then the child is gently reminded that those are not "school" words and please don't use them again. Usually at that point, they are just learning the vocabulary and it is testing. It is the kids that constantly use the foul language and use it abusively that I REALLY don't like. There is no reason for anyone to constantly use swear words in their conversation. I use them, but usually for punctuation on a big situation or out of frustration.

        I think that as a parent I would try to censor myself even more, but not so much that they learn all of the new words on the bus. They are going to hear the bad language as well as the good. Hearing it at home allows a discussion to happen as to what a family finds appropriate and acceptable for everyday language, when and where colorful language is accepted and an explanation of the use of the language, the feelings that can go along with it.

        Kids can't be sheltered forever. It isn't good for them. They should be guided into good choices, but for that to happen the bad as well as the good needs to be shown.


          I certainly wasn't allowed to swear, Bailey, and I never heard my parents swear either. They were of the same opinion as your grandmother, that swearing was due to a poor vocabulary. But when I grew up I certainly indulged Though to my mind there is swearing and Swearing. For instance, my parents would never let me say "God!" as that was taking the Lord's name in vain. Which was rather odd as they weren't particularly religious. Then there is "Bloody hell" which I use an awful lot. But I really try to never say the F word. I never swore in front of my parents though, apart from maybe once or twice, like when I dropped a chest of drawers on my toe. I turned the air blue on that occasion.

          As for SB, she isn't allowed to swear either. If she wants to swear when she's an adult then that's up to her, but at the moment I prefer her not to, at least in my hearing. I think children swearing is horrible.

          Ever - glad to hear that there is hope for Miriam and congratulations on your new 'son'. Is this the same boy that you picked up at Christmas a couple of years ago whose mother had thrown him out?


            Thanks Blen and Pocus... I'm beginning to feel a bit more typical.

            Pocus... I love the term "school words". Kind of similar to "inside" voice or "outside" voice.

            My dad always had alternative "words" when I was a kid and still uses them today. If a hammer hit his thumb it was "piglet" or "dog breath" that we heard for the most part.

            Like you, Blen I typically use words that are certainly swearing, but not Swearing.


              As a child I was never allowed to swear I heard a few but neither of my parents are well in Dad's case was very big swearers. I actually asked my mom at one time I want to say when I was 15 or 16 if I could swear. Not that I would be going around swearing all the time but if I was talking and h#ll or d@mn came out they would be okay with it. So really I wasn't asking to swear but more asking if I had reached an age where it would mean I would not be punished for it.

              As an adult I do swear often and the F word only comes out if I am mad and I mean MAD. As I am not a parent all I can say is if I were to have children they would not be allowed to swear.

              As for Copter from talking to her, her and her family don't really swear. I have known her to on occasion but like me I think it is only when she is mad. I can't imagine her letting Little Copter swear.

              On another note how cool that this ship is named after the city I call home



                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                *grinning because I heard the Mariners won* You're right though, DG... I'm sure the Rangers are just waiting for their moment to strike.

                Congrats to Moffat... those are good shows! I'm bummed about Sherlock too, but I'm sure Netflix will add it in the next few months.

                How awesome to hear, Ever... both about Miriam and about the boy. Sounds like he will have a much better home life with you!

                We are meeting with a contractor after work tonight to see if it would be more cost effective to remodel our house rather than trying to sell our home and buy a larger one. In a month my son and daughter have birthdays and they will be 8 & 13. We really need to get them into separate bedrooms. The one they are sharing now is about 10' X 10'.
                Oy! Tell me about it! We're in dire need of expanding our house now! There's 8 of us including little Miriam in this double wide!

                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                Cool about Moffat!

                Ever that is really good news!!

                The Mariners and Rangers play 2 more games (tonight and tomorrow) in Seattle and then the Rangers get a day off Then Rangers host the Blue Jays for 3 games (Fri, Sat and Sun) then the Mariners come to Texas and play 3 games on Mon, Tues (when I am going!!!) and Wed.
                Good to know! Good to know! I'll be cheering my Mariners!

                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                Sounds like a lot of opportunities for the two teams to take turns winning.

                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                I have a curiosity question for you all. This came up on a different thread and it was just the parenting part actually, but it got me to thinking... but as a child, did your parents allow/condone swearing while you were a child? Second question... as a parent, do you allow/condone your children swearing?

                Would love to ask Copter too, since she and I agreed at one point that we were the mean/strict parents.

                I found on the other thread, that I'm kind of the odd parent out. Most seemed to think it wasn't a big deal and they allowed it.

                As a kid I wasn't allowed to swear. It didn't keep me from swearing, but it did teach me to be very careful with it and certainly never let mom or dad catch you at it... which I think is the point. I inadvertently learned how to discern when and what setting you should refrain from using inappropriate language.

                We don't allow our children to swear. I had a grandmother who used to say that "swearing was a lazy man's way of conveying his words" -- I think I've even said this to them the few times that I've had to scold them for swearing.

                That is not to say that there isn't swearing occurring in our home... hubby swears, more and more it seems as they get older in fact, we just tell them that they aren't allowed to. I only swear on rare occasions, although for the most part, as long as it isn't crude, most swearing doesn't bother me.

                I figure the kids can get lazy with their language when they're older and hopefully they'll learn better ways of expressing themselves at the same time. I'm sure that on the inside of their heads there is swearing going on... especially when they are in trouble, but so far they've learned to keep it to themselves or at least not let it out within our ear-shot.

                Anyway... just curious what you all thought...
                I was not allowed to swear nor do we allow our children to swear. When the kids were younger, they had to give us 5 push ups if they swore. (even the supposedly cute 4 or 5 year old swearing) These days, if they swear around me, I simply remind them I don't like it much.

                Hubby on the other hand can string together the colorful metaphors in ways no one has ever heard before. After that, the kids at schools wanna be swearing is just laughable. It's supposed to be a write-up (send to the office for a talking to) but I just remind them they aren't supposed to swear and it's not really appropriate.

                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                I certainly wasn't allowed to swear, Bailey, and I never heard my parents swear either. They were of the same opinion as your grandmother, that swearing was due to a poor vocabulary. But when I grew up I certainly indulged Though to my mind there is swearing and Swearing. For instance, my parents would never let me say "God!" as that was taking the Lord's name in vain. Which was rather odd as they weren't particularly religious. Then there is "Bloody hell" which I use an awful lot. But I really try to never say the F word. I never swore in front of my parents though, apart from maybe once or twice, like when I dropped a chest of drawers on my toe. I turned the air blue on that occasion.

                As for SB, she isn't allowed to swear either. If she wants to swear when she's an adult then that's up to her, but at the moment I prefer her not to, at least in my hearing. I think children swearing is horrible.

                Ever - glad to hear that there is hope for Miriam and congratulations on your new 'son'. Is this the same boy that you picked up at Christmas a couple of years ago whose mother had thrown him out?
                Yep, this is the same boy as we picked up last Christmas. Great that he's now home where he belongs.

                I'm walking into that doctor's appointment next month for Miriam armed with lots of printouts. And I want lots of explanations and answers.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  That is a cool looking ship and very fast! Cool that it is named after your city too, DG.

                  After all the research Ever, at least you will know exactly what to be asking and such when you see the doctors.


                    Hey, Bailey! How's your day been? Good word from the contractor?

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Btw, Nika has another chapter of The Forgotten up! Now I have to go read it!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Well, of course he has to have the plumber come out and take a look before he can really give us any type of drawings or estimates. I was kind of afraid to ask him to take a wild guess. Since the estimate is free I want to remain hopeful for as long as possible. Some of his ideas were good though and he took our "wish list" and said he could make it in such a way that when we go to the bank we can cross off some of the ideas to try to get it within our budget.

                        Fingers crossed that it won't be outrageous. He did say that the plumber should be able to be over by the end of the week or first part of next week. So we won't have to wait long to hear the good/bad news.

                        How was your day? Have you gotten the new son moved in?


                          We've got most of his stuff here. Last day of school is tomorrow so we'll be moving furniture and such around Thursday probably. It's great having him here.

                          Hope you get some of the stuff on your "wish list" and it not be too expensive. It's always fun getting some of the stuff you always wanted.

                          Good that the plumber won't be too long in his part of the remodel. That could be a pain in the butt!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            It does seem that independent contractors (and self-employed workers) seem to have their own time frame and it doesn't seem to be very timely most of the time.

                            But after the plumber takes a look and does his assessment, it won't take much longer to have an estimate to take to the bank... we hope

                            Wow! Tomorrow is the last day. Bet they are excited!

                            Daughter has 7 more school days and son has 12. We are definitely counting down here (and rubbing it in a bit too)

                            Does he get to retrieve any of his stuff from his old home? Or is that just too hard on him?


                              Yay Ever for taking in a needy soul! I am sure you will give him a better life!


                                *Fingers crossed* bailey hope you can get all you want

                                Rangers 3 Mariners 1 top of the 4th coming up

                                Ever I have to ask how many bathrooms? At one time when my mom and step dad got married it was 6 people in a house with 1 1/2 baths showers were an adventure they got staged so that hopefully everyone could get hot water I couldn't imagine 8 people in one house.

