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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    hey Love Shack!! back on for the night.. Watched SGU tonight as usual but didn't get to fully enjoy it.. my roommate is supposed to tutor tuesdays and she is usually home @7pm so it's perfect I usually get to watch my SGU in peace, but she didn't go tonight and was home 10min before SGU started and she had her friend with her.. they started cooking their dinner and while I am watching TV they put the radio on!!! So inconsiderate!! from what I saw and could hear tonight's episode was pretty good.. I am going to have to watch it again..


      That was very inconsiderate of them!


        I'm still gimping...........



          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          I'm still gimping...........
          That one is beautiful.


            I thought you might like that one It is one of my faves *sigh*

            Oh, and I have decided to rewatch Farscape. Might start tomorrow if I am lucky.


              You'll enjoy it. I've only watched through once... getting to be about time for me to as well. (or season 9 & 10 or Stargate SG1)


                I loved Farscape, and S9 & S10 SG1 too

                DG made it to her mom's, so I can go to bed now. Night!


                  So glad to hear that she made it. Sleep well.


                    Good morning, Love Shack! Thanks for the second link, Bailey, I'm checking it out now. I'm not too sure how much I'll be around with everything I need to do today. Cleaning for tomorrow. My oldest invited his girlfriend and her whole family! Instead of 13, it'll be 19! Yay! I have no idea where I'll seat them but there will be plenty of food! Plus, hubby sets up a tent outside one of the local stores and wraps gifts a couple of days a week. We're setting it up today so he can wrap gifts Friday. That tent is really a canvas garage. Just so you can see how big it is. Busy busy busy.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Morning Love Shack.

                      Sounds like you will be very busy! What a great idea with the wrapping. That is a lot of people I would be freaking out. We are having 13 and it is all family. It will be very casual.

                      Did a fair amount of cleaning last night! Just a little bit to go.


                        Morning Love Shack!!

                        Wow Ever busy, busy,busy.. but I guess it goes with the holiday territory huh?

                        Hey bailey could I get that pic of Jen and Ronon looking at each other that you used in the Christmas sig? in the red bulb.. It would be perfect for a wallie I want to make..
                        Last edited by Sapphire_Jade; 24 November 2010, 07:26 AM.


                          Morning Love Shack!!

                          Some info I tried 5 hour energy for the first time yesterday (don't get the grape flavor that was gross) but OMG! I felt awake in a few minutes and a little after that I was wired! So the first thing I thought about this morning was I need another one Me and mom were up a bit chatting and I went to bed at 1 but I was flipping through stations before bed and 12 Angry Jurors was comeing on (the original) and I love that so I stayed up and watched that then at 6 the upstairs neighbor took a shower and the pluming here means it sound like someone spraying the wall of the room I am in with water so I was up at 6 this moring ugh. Today there will be grocery shopping and me and Mom will go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt1! YAY

                          I will try and be back on later and if not you can pester Copter about me Now I am off to shower so we can get going

                          Later Love Shack!!


                            Hey DG!! Have fun!! I am so jealous I so wanna see HP and the Deathly Hallows P1!!!!


                              Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                              Morning Love Shack.

                              Sounds like you will be very busy! What a great idea with the wrapping. That is a lot of people I would be freaking out. We are having 13 and it is all family. It will be very casual.

                              Did a fair amount of cleaning last night! Just a little bit to go.
                              Casual is the way to go. Wouldn't try it any other way.

                              Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                              Morning Love Shack!!

                              Wow Ever busy, busy,busy.. but I guess it goes with the holiday territory huh?

                              Hey bailey could I get that pic of Jen and Ronon looking at each other that you used in the Christmas sig? in the red bulb.. It would be perfect for a wallie I want to make..
                              But I love every minute of cooking and having family and friends over. I'll be having a blast!

                              I've got a few minutes here. Let me see which pic you're talking about and get it up for you.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                She made two versions of it...


                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

