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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    -points frantically at the blurry boy in the black t-shirt in the background of one of the Ten pictures- COLIN MORGAN!...-clears throat awkwardly- Ahem...I mean, oh, look, it's Colin Morgan, and there's John Barrowman in another picture...and Jade, I thunk so many different guys...used to have a massive list, but unfortunately, it's on my old computer, which ended up with the blue screen of death...And shoot, I was about to say something, but I forgot what it was...oh, well...going to bed, as it's a quarter to three. Maybe I'll remember in the morning...Night, lovies, and I'll try to make a short list of thunks for you later, Jade!


      okay...night Jen!!


        OMG!! Charity auction to win a lunch with Joe and David in LA!!

        soo close to me!!! It's going to go for 20 days so I am going to watch for now to see how high it gets!! that is if it's legit..

        Edit: okay.. just found a tweet by Joe I think it is legit.. but sadly I took another look at the auction page and the minimum bid is $1,000 too rich for my blood.. why can't they have $1 auctions for us poor people??
        Last edited by Sapphire_Jade; 24 September 2010, 03:16 AM.


          well I am gonna go to bed.. I won't be on today until late.. I have a function at my church to go to and it'll last until about 9pm. So if any of you are on when I get home talk to you then Later Love Shack!!!


            Morning all.

            Was that a pic of Jack mixed in with your Dr. Who Blen?

            I know that the shows are related... do they ever have crossover eps?


              Yes indeed. Jack started off on Doctor Who in an episode called The Empty Child and appears in several episodes - though obviously he's a lot toned down. Doctor Who is classed as family entertainment while Torchwood isn't. We know how Jack becomes immortal in a Doctor Who double episode called Bad Wolf and The Parting of the Ways. One of the Doctor's assistants called Martha appears in Torchwood as well.

              There is also The Sarah Jane Adventures that have crossovers as well. They are aimed at younger children though, so Sarah Jane has never been on Torchwood or Jack on the SJ Adventures. But they have both been in Doctor Who together.

              Actually SB has a bit of a thing about Jack and is disappointed that I won't let her watch Torchwood.

              BTW Bailey. I don't know if you realise it or not but the pictures I posted are all of The Doctor. It's the same man. He regenerates instead of dying. Very handy when an actor wants to quit the role! We are currently on the eleventh regeneration.


                *grins* That would be very handy indeed. I don't blame SB for the Jack thing. He is a cutie.

                Eleven regenerations, but how many seasons now?


                  Thirty Two


                    Holy cow! That is a lot of seasons. The likelihood of me ever getting caught up on that is staggering.


                      I haven't seen them all Bailey, & I've been watching on & off since 1972. But that's the beauty of it I suppose, there is always something new to watch. Even if it's old.

                      Actually it's split into two. There is "Classic Who" which ran from 1963 to 1989. Then it was off air for quite some time and there was a re-launch in 2005. (New Who) So if you count only New Who then we will next get season Six. Rather more manageable to watch. And also remember British seasons don't have as many episodes as US ones. Thirteen in one season of Doctor Who.


                        13 per season would be more manageable, but still I can only imagine if there were 32 seasons of Stargate sitting out there. It would be nice to know there is always one more I haven't seen. With 15 seasons and 3 movies though it is still a lot and after multiple times through them all I guess on a rethink... 32 is not that many if you love it.




                            I would say Morning Love Shack but it is almost noon so Hello Love Shack!


                              Hello DG.


                                Morning DG. Are you any where near Albuquerque? Apparently David Tennant is filming a movie at Albuquerque Studios until 1st October.

