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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I do feel for her. It must be horrible. Hopefully *finger crossed* she won't need it too long.

    As far as I know, Doctor Who will be back in late summer/early autumn.

    We have had some bad news about Mr Blen's brother in law (the one with leukaemia). He is now terminal. I am so upset, he's been through so much. He's spent the last year or so in hospital. He's had a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. This Christmas he was allowed home and he was doing so well that we thought he had it beaten. I don't know many details at the moment as Mr Blen was too upset to tell me much last night, but it sounds like the cancer is back and there is nothing more the doctors can do for him.


      Oh no! I'm sorry Blen *hugs* that is horrible news


        Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        I do feel for her. It must be horrible. Hopefully *finger crossed* she won't need it too long.

        As far as I know, Doctor Who will be back in late summer/early autumn.

        We have had some bad news about Mr Blen's brother in law (the one with leukaemia). He is now terminal. I am so upset, he's been through so much. He's spent the last year or so in hospital. He's had a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy. This Christmas he was allowed home and he was doing so well that we thought he had it beaten. I don't know many details at the moment as Mr Blen was too upset to tell me much last night, but it sounds like the cancer is back and there is nothing more the doctors can do for him.
        I am so sorry to hear of your BiL, Blenca. (((Blenca))) Hugs to Mr Blen as well. I'm praying for you guys.

        August? That's forever! Guess I'll have to live though.

        Miriam is doing fairly well. They think it'll be between 6 months to 2 years before she starts eating normally on her own, so the Ever household will have a bit of work, but we can rise to the challenge. We've risen to all the other challenges she's brought us so far.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Blen thoughts and prayers with your family.

          Ever, I hope 6 months is all she needs to start eating normally. She has a good family to see her through.


            Sorry to hear about your BiL, Blen! My thoughts and prayers will be with you all.

            You too, Ever. That is a bit of a challenge, glad to hear you are up for it.


              Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

              Thanks for the love, Guys! I love you all so much!

              Good news though - on a totally different front - I got one of my Ronon/Jenn WiP's done! Its been sitting in my folder for a year and a half! Woot! I'll post it as soon as I get it typed at home. Still working on my Quarantine Day fic. Hope I'll get some time to finish it.

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Love hearing that you have some good news, Girlie! Looking forward to it and to you being home.



                  I hope Miriam is able to have the tube out sooner rather than later. It must be a difficult thing for all of you to cope with.

                  Good news about the fic.

                  Thank you for your your hugs about Mr Blen's BiL. I've found out that he now has lymphoma. The doctors say that if he had been fit and well he could perhaps survive another 2 years, but as he has had leukaemia, chemotherapy and the bone marrow transplant which has weakened him, they don't know how long he has left. He's in hospital at the moment but they are hoping that he will be able to go home soon and be cared for there.


                    Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                    Got a few minutes before I'm headed over to the hospital for my shift with Miriam, so I thought I'd touch base.

                    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                    Love hearing that you have some good news, Girlie! Looking forward to it and to you being home.

                    Ooh! Thunk! Thank you! *drool* I'll have to bring that one along with me and watch it this afternoon

                    Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                    I hope Miriam is able to have the tube out sooner rather than later. It must be a difficult thing for all of you to cope with.

                    Good news about the fic.

                    Thank you for your your hugs about Mr Blen's BiL. I've found out that he now has lymphoma. The doctors say that if he had been fit and well he could perhaps survive another 2 years, but as he has had leukaemia, chemotherapy and the bone marrow transplant which has weakened him, they don't know how long he has left. He's in hospital at the moment but they are hoping that he will be able to go home soon and be cared for there.
                    I am so sorry to hear about Mr Blen's BiL. Worse news all the time. My prayers are still with you.

                    As far as Miriam's feeding goes, it's time consuming, but really easy. Almost idiot proof. It's just going to take up a big chunk of the day.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      That is not encouraging news for you. Sorry Blen. *hugs tight*


                        Challenge #23 "Travel"


                        Little Creek

                        A Supernatural fic

                        Close Quarters




                        missed the 'summer' challenge from a few weeks ago so decided to give that one a go



                          Challenge #24

                          Every week, I get an entry from someone and it says "I'm so sorry this is so crappy" or "this is the best I could do" or something along those lines where they bash their own work. It is not just one person, it is several people and this makes me sad. I think everyone's artwork and fanfic is just wonderful!! And I am SO happy when people take the time to do something and enter the challenges! I wish everyone could just enjoy creating artwork and fanfic and like their own work. That is hard to do, I know I am even guilty of saying "ugh!" when I look at my own artwork.

                          Well, this week it is going to be different. This week, the challenge is............Make artwork or fanfic. Anything, everything, whatever. If you are stuck and need a push, then go here and do a challenge you missed, or one that you want to re-do.

                          Here's the first catch. DO NOT SIGN YOUR WORK. As I receive entries, I will post them as 'anonymous' and give everyone a chance to comment on them. Only one entry will be posted at a time, so everyone has a chance to be fawned over and see how much everyone loves your work. After that, the artist may choose to reveal themselves if they want.

                          The second catch.....when I post an have to comment. Be nice, be honest, say the things you would like to hear. Remember the Golden Rule.

                          Why is it anonymous at first? So you can comment on your own work as if it were someone else.

                          The point of this challenge? For you to stop bashing yourself over your artwork or fanfic, and to have happy feelings when you see how good your artwork/fanfic really is.


                            Sounds good, Copter.

                            Love all the art from the last challenge.



                              Good afternoon, Love Shack! How's it going?

                              Love the artwork. Maybe *crosses fingers* I'll be home to participate in this next challenge. Don't know though.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                First entry for this week's challenge!!!

                                I want everyone to take a moment to admire and comment on this lovely, wonderful entry that this brave soul entered. Remember the golden rule....say things that you would like to hear on your artwork.

                                I will collect all comments made, and post them with the artwork, and reveal who they belong to on Monday.

