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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I'm sorry, dear


      *huggles* Sorry Blen. I know what you mean the famous death that had an effect on me most was Christopher Reeve even years later it is still sad


        oooOOOooo haunted museum



          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          oooOOOooo haunted museum
          Cool, DG.


            Good afternoon, Love Shack! How's it going?

            I've been busy today. But the good part of today's busy is I've finished the first part of the RR and will post it in the next post. Hope everyone likes it!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Love Shack Round Robin - 2013
              After The Seed (502)

              Michael strode through the complex seeing everything and nothing. He had been so close to achieving everything. And then, the Lanteans, he spat the term even in his mind, retrieved Dr Carson Beckett.

              The pleasure he took in forcing the one who changed his life so drastically to further Michael’s ends was delectable. Each time Carson Beckett was forced to compromise his questionable ethics, forced to modify the virus that poisoned the wraith, forced to administer that virus to entire societies and watch them die from it, Michael watched and savored. Michael fairly purred at the thought of bringing Doctor Beckett low.

              Nearly as sweet was the knowledge of Teyla’s suffering in the year he seized her people. He basked knowing that he took everything away from her even as she had taken everything from him.

              It still burned coldly, the memory of how his queen turned from him. The Lanteans took . . .everything. He no longer was a wraith. He would never be human. He needed to continue to build and rebuild his own forces.

              He divided his projects. Dr Beckett had worked on the virus, but he and he alone toiled at creating the hybrids. His hive would gain priority in the galaxy. He would have vengeance upon everyone.

              There were flaws, however, in the hybrids he’d never been able to completely eliminate. They made superb soldier, but he needed scientists and engineers as well. Nothing he tried, nothing he built on from his own experience, nothing he extrapolated from Dr Beckett’s research allowed the creative spark he needed.

              Michael had heard of the new doctor the Lanteans had. Rumor held she had a connection to the wraith ships. Perhaps she was the answer.


              “Atlantis, we’re gonna need Dr Keller here on M49-R41. There’s some sort of plague spreading through the village. I’ve ordered MOPP gear for AT-1. Recommend any one you send through has containment gear.” John knew he sounded haggard, but it had been a taste of Hell seeing all those people sick, dying, and dead.

              Sheppard heard Woolsey distantly summoning Keller to the control room. Then he heard her brisk, business like voice. “Col. Sheppard. Can you tell me what the symptoms are?”

              “Well, I’m no doc, Doc. But it reminds me a lot of the Hoffan virus all those years ago.”

              “Thanks. It gives me a place to start.”

              “I’ll be waiting for yo to come through then.”


              It didn’t take Keller more than an hour examining a couple of patients as she conferred with the local apothecary to confirm John’s suspicions. If she was business like before, she was downright focused now.

              “Dr Keller,” John waited until he had her attention. “You need to know one detail about that alternate future I learned about.” She nodded for him to continue. “You died. From complications treating this virus.” Way to just rip the band aid off, John.

              Ronon seemed to take special note of that, even as Keller seemed to dismiss it. Well, perhaps she could afford to considering how she was in that awful containment gear.

              And maybe he should have taken Keller aside, because Rodney was on the verge of a hypochondriac panic attack. “Rodney. She brought along the decontamination showers. We’ve already scrubbed up. When we get back to Atlantis, we’ll get scans done.”

              “Col. Sheppard. I’ve got a list of things I’m going to need from my lab.” Keller handed him a piece of paper. “Also, I’m going to need Dr. Biro to test these remedies against the samples of the virus we already have. I’m also sending you back with a full range of samples for her to catalog.”

              John smiled inwardly. For someone so completely awkward in other situations, she was absolutely imperious when it came to the health of others.


              As much as Jenn needed the supplies and research, and wanted the team checked out, she was glad - utterly happy even - that Ronon stayed behind. They worked well together. Their weekly training sessions told her that much. Plus, she always felt a little safer when he was around.

              The task ahead was arduous and grim. She assigned Ronon and a couple of the recovering men to burn the dead. There were simply too many to feasibly bury.

              Her attention was focused on the ward. It was the Hoffan virus, but three and a half years of study - Carson’s and hers - hadn’t resulted in a vaccine. She squared her shoulders and went about doing what she could for these people.


              Ronon leaned on a nearby tree. It was hot work cutting enough wood for the massive funeral pyre.

              Some vibration in the air warned him of danger. “Get to cover!” he shouted at the other men. He drew his gun and raced to the village, to Jennifer.

              Just as he shouldered his way into the ward, he heard them. Wraith darts. “We’re leaving. Now.” He grabbed her hand and headed for the stargate. This was worse than a nightmare. This was history repeating itself.

              They ran down the path to the stargate when one of the darts zeroed in on them. There was a bright light, then nothing.
              Last edited by Everlovin; 25 June 2013, 12:49 PM.

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                It's about 5:15 in the evening. It's 102 F if it's a degree out there. There's a 70,000 + acre fire raging not 30 miles from where I live. There's smoke just laying like a blanket on the ground. I'm hot and miserable and tired.

                Ok, I think I've complained enough.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  -wanders in, hugs Ever, then wanders out-


                    Love you, DrJenn!

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Love you too, dear!


                        I'm sorry to hear about the heat and smoke, Ever! That sounds a bit miserable.

                        Off to read.


                          That was really good, Ever! Sounds like a great beginning for the story.


                            Just popping in briefly to say goodnight, I'm really tired...see you all later!


                              Morning Love Shack.

                              So...who goes next in the round robin? I'm more than willing to take the next leg, but don't want to if someone else was hoping to.


                                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                                That was really good, Ever! Sounds like a great beginning for the story.
                                So glad you liked it!

                                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                                Morning Love Shack.

                                So...who goes next in the round robin? I'm more than willing to take the next leg, but don't want to if someone else was hoping to.
                                I am sure you will be awesome at doing the next part.

                                Still crazy hot here. Still smoke all over the place. Latest estimate is the fire is 80,000+ acres, but it's starting to be contained. That is, it's already burned 20% of what it's touching. Unfortunately, I don't think they've put a stop at all to it in the direction the winds go.

                                I may melt one of these days.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

