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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Thank you both for the explanation! I had no clue about the mechanics of it. I've only seen a couple of 3D movies on dvd.

    And I have no ide if I'll see it in theaters. I saw Harry Potter 6 in the theaters and before that it was Star Wars I. So, I doubt I'll be going to the movies.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      I love the movies and would go at least once every week if I could afford it


        If I could afford it I would too. 3 teenagers are expensive!

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          lol I can believe that I still hope that I never have to find out.


            Oh, I love every minute of it. Even when they are pi$$ing me off!

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              that is good I just don't think I have the patience to deal with kids I mean I hardly even acknowlaged my younger brother till he was old enough to have an intelligent convo with me. I mean I have been around younger kids and they talk about stuff I either a) can't understand b) don't care about or c) they are repeating te same stuff over and over again


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                that is good I just don't think I have the patience to deal with kids I mean I hardly even acknowlaged my younger brother till he was old enough to have an intelligent convo with me. I mean I have been around younger kids and they talk about stuff I either a) can't understand b) don't care about or c) they are repeating te same stuff over and over again
                Really? I've worked with kids for a long time and somehow I've managed to actually have intelligent conversations with a lot of them. They actually understand a lot more than we think they do--they just don't have the means of articulating what they know well enough, so that's why what they say sounds jumbled/repetitive a lot of the time. I think the problem with a lot of adults (I'm not saying this about you, DG...just in general) is that they tend to overlook kids and see them as these expendable items who don't really have much significance in the world until they gain that ability to articulate themselves well enough. Which is a pity, b/c they really do have a lot to offer. I guess it just takes certain people to have the mindset to pay attention to that and then showcase it to the rest of the world. I mean, my Sunday school kids are extremely smart...there's a few that talk like 10-year-olds already and they know WAY more stuff in some areas than I did when I was their age And sometimes they say things that I never even knew until they tell me (which really makes me feel dumb LOL ). And of course, there's the quiet kid who is probably the smartest of them all but we just don't know it b/c she doesn't say much (cutest kid ever...I seriously wish the rest of the class was as obedient as she is ).

                But again, not everyone is meant to work with kids. Regardless of that, though, they still deserve the respect that is owed to every human being
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  well too the kids I spent the most time with 1 is okay I can talk to him and there are things we can agree on but 1 is autistic and she tends to fight with her Drama Queen sister who is normally crying for some reason like being told it is too close to dinner for her to have pudding or both are crying because they have to clean the other one doesn't talk to anyone without a lot of proding to talk (another autistic one). I know too that kids are a product of their homes so there are parents that I hate too for the fact that I have seen parents let there kids do whatever and leave the mess for others to clean but still it is not hard to not leave a mess if something doesn't belong to them how many would throw a fit if someone messed with their stuff? (saw that so many times when I worked at Blockbuster OMG hated those people and yes I know kids only think of themselves when they are little but it still annoys me to no end). Plus for as long as I can remeber while other girls were playing house and playing they have a baby with their dolls I was never interested I have never been the girl that imagined having kids or wanting them. I can babysit and spend time with them but I like my privacy and peace and quite more too put myself in a position where I have some person that I will in some way have to support for at least 18 years not to mention the whole need to be at a babies beck and call for as long as they need it *shiver*

                  That is just me though. More power to people that have children it is just something I know I would suck at.


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    well too the kids I spent the most time with 1 is okay I can talk to him and there are things we can agree on but 1 is autistic and she tends to fight with her Drama Queen sister who is normally crying for some reason like being told it is too close to dinner for her to have pudding or both are crying because they have to clean the other one doesn't talk to anyone without a lot of proding to talk (another autistic one). I know too that kids are a product of their homes so there are parents that I hate too for the fact that I have seen parents let there kids do whatever and leave the mess for others to clean but still it is not hard to not leave a mess if something doesn't belong to them how many would throw a fit if someone messed with their stuff? (saw that so many times when I worked at Blockbuster OMG hated those people and yes I know kids only think of themselves when they are little but it still annoys me to no end). Plus for as long as I can remeber while other girls were playing house and playing they have a baby with their dolls I was never interested I have never been the girl that imagined having kids or wanting them. I can babysit and spend time with them but I like my privacy and peace and quite more too put myself in a position where I have some person that I will in some way have to support for at least 18 years not to mention the whole need to be at a babies beck and call for as long as they need it *shiver*

                    That is just me though. More power to people that have children it is just something I know I would suck at.
                    Oh, the parents...ugh honestly I do not know WHAT is going on with discipline now. Over the past few years the kids I've worked with have gotten a LOT harder to control, and they're more disrespectful. It's like parents have just slacked off or something--from what I've seen, kids are generally becoming more spoiled And of course, teachers/counselors/babysitters can't take all of the load themselves--it's the PARENTS' job to initially discipline the kids.

                    And then, of course, it depends on the kids you work with too. They're all different. Some kids you just might not get along with as well as others.

                    And autistic kids are really hard to take care of. I've worked with one once, and he was sweet, extremely intelligent, but a handful at times. That really takes a special kind of person to deal with it all, and even though I generally can manage kids, I don't know if I could handle taking care of an autistic kid full-time. I have very high respect for the families of autistic kids--it's really tough (gigantic understatement).

                    And even though I'm probably going to end up working around kids for the rest of my life, I totally get what you mean about getting annoyed/not being interested in some stuff they do--even the most kid-friendly people can have major issues with that. My camp kids would seriously get on my nerves a lot and sometimes it was like "ugh, do we HAVE to play this game again b/c they think it's so cool" ...e.g. duck duck goose lmao... And I got REALLY tired of the boys playing Transformers every minute of their lives And going to the pool was a terror O_O B/c we had to get them dressed really fast to get back on the bus and of course they take forever to get changed I had this one kid who took like, half an hour to change in/out of anything >_< And it wasn't b/c he didn't know how to put on his clothes...I really have no idea what was going on there lol
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      I think discipline is a huge problem with kids these days. *grins* I have good kids, but I've been working with them every single day of their lives. An aquaintance a couple of weeks ago was surprised that they were helping out on a family work project. (We were trimming down a tree so the kids hauled a lot of wood) And I just grinned!

                      I think another reason for distracted kids - like your kid that took forever to get changd, Mimz - is attention spans of gnats. I think that todays media just throws stuff at them at light speed and they get distracted by everything. And I'm guilty of this one. My kids get distracted by commercials, for the love of God.

                      Then, there is the increased use of "drugs". The doctors, teachers, parents are so desperate to diagnose what's wrong with kids and then use whatever to make their lives easier. I had one son tested fo ADD (Attention Deficit Dysorder) and the doctor said yep he has it, now let's medicate him. NO! He didn't need that, he needed to learn to take steps to focus and work. Then the )(&#$*Y%^ doctor told me - with him in the room - that because he has ADD he'll never be able to go to college, earn a decent living or anything. It has taken 8 years to prove to him she was wrong. And we're still proving it.

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Like I said my big issues is more how I am I am told that it is better when you have your own kids but why risk it? I know what values I would push on a child but how good of a parent would I be if I get mad because they are banging on the door while I am in the restroom or yelling at them to leave me alone when I am trying to sleep because yet again I had a bad night and couldn't sleep? Add to that I hate to repeat myself I say something once to have to repeate it no I don't do that what I said the first time will not change pay attention the first time. Then there is the quite I am a very quite person I don't play loud music in my car the tv is kept quite and kids play and on of the first thinge I have noticed loud voices that is when they are older OMG the sound of a baby crying just ugh put something in the baby's mouth to shut it up. I know I sound selfish I am not I give my time to help my friends if I had any I would give money as well I love to help people but there is only so much of myself I can give before I need time for me. I have seen the way people with kids (or want kids) are around little babies and the cooing ahhhing I don't do that I see a little baby and I think ewwwww there is drool, bad smells from the diaper and eventually whining and crying. To that I do and will continue to babysit for my friend if she needs me too but I can't do it full time.

                        Those two should have kids I mean both of them can put up with McKay a baby would be a pice of cake after him


                          Those two should definitly have a kid! or three!

                          And never fear, DG. I just ended up on one of my rants. There are a LOT of people around here that don't parent. And there are some kids that I just can't stand the sight of. There is a huge drug culture in this town. A very high drop out rate in the school. And a lot of people don't care.

                          And parenting is one of those things that I can rant about very well.

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                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Just getting this slightly on topic () I think Jenn would be the stricter parent while Ronon would be a big softy and if he had a daughter I bet she could wrap him round her little finger.

                            I feel sick today.

                            BTW. Don't like SGU? Check this out. I've been highly entertained this afternoon reading that.

                            Edit - howcome I didn't see DG & Ever's last posts? Strange.
                            Last edited by Blencathra; 16 March 2010, 08:46 AM.


                              I can see them both being strick in some ways and letting them get away with all sorts of stuff in others. And I can see one complementing the other is this. Of course, this could just be me projecting. Probably is.

                              Sorry you're not feeling well, Blenca. (((hugs))) hope you get to feeling better.

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                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                I can see Ronon being a softie with a girl but I think he would be stricter with a boy. I do think they would be good parents though

                                *huggles* fell better Blen

