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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Actually sounds like a lot of fun. Family underfoot can be such fun and the teasing banter with siblings and such... to bad we all have to grow up and apart... but at least holidays can bring that back. Not a big fan of Christmas Story myself, but the hubby says it's tradition, so we watch it every year on Christmas.

    We also do It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas eve after the kids go to bed while we wait for the midnight bells to ring in Christmas day.

    My father though hates It's a Wonderful Life. I think it was just one too many times back when I was little.


      I am not a big It's a Wonderful Life I like Christmas Story but the main reason we turn it on is because my step-dad rolls his eyes and says something like "Oh come on" Other than the pink bunny outfit, the beating up and cussing the bully and the singing at the end we pretty much ignore it totally


        I do love the sappy movies this time of year though. It seems like the Hallmark channel has several a day... the romantic, maybe comedy ones that are made for tv. Love those and usually clog up my Tivo with them. Hubby rolls his eyes. Not sure which he dislikes more... all the stargate all the time... or the chick-flick type Christmas movies non-stop.


          Oh that reminds me when is Jewel's movie coming on? is it the Sun after Thanksgiving?


            Saturday November 27th



              okay got it set on the DVR


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                okay got it set on the DVR
                Still need to do that myself.



                  Don't wait too long to do that


                    It'd be a bummer to miss it just because of procrastination.


                      Yes it would.


                        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                        So... probably won't see much of you this weekend. Although I imagine it will be a little quiet anyway.

                        Sounds like you have a busy weekend... hopefully also relaxing.
                        We'll see about Wednesday. It depends on how cleaning goes. I won't be here Thursday though. I've got family coming over!!!!

                        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                        My mom stopped cooking a big meal on Christmas I think for that very reason. Everyone else was enjoying presents while she was slaving away in the kitchen trying to get everything cooked and on the table at the same time.

                        When I was a freshman in high school she started doing pizza on Christmas day. It was wonderful... usually from a pizza place we didn't have in the area (we lived in Barrow, Alaska at the time... not much there ), so it was a special treat and who ever could get it closest to Christmas brought it home and she froze it til Christmas dinner. Hardly any cleanup. Lots of time to play with our new toys and gadgets.
                        You lived up in Barrow?! I didn't know that. Brrrrr!
                        Sounds like the Thanksgivings on General Hospital. One of the families (The Quartermaines) always gets into a major fight, something happens, etc, and they end up having pizza for dinner. Funny especially because they have a cook and everything.

                        Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                        I do love the sappy movies this time of year though. It seems like the Hallmark channel has several a day... the romantic, maybe comedy ones that are made for tv. Love those and usually clog up my Tivo with them. Hubby rolls his eyes. Not sure which he dislikes more... all the stargate all the time... or the chick-flick type Christmas movies non-stop.
                        We don't do the movies so much as all the classic cartoons. Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, Charlie Brown Christmas, etc.

                        Got some ideas today for Secret Santa! Yay!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Evening Ever.


                            Hey, Bailey! How was work?

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              It was work

                              How were the kids? You've been subbing a lot lately.


                                Aah! 6th grade science. The kids were ok, not as bad as some of the other classes I've had to deal with.

                                And I'm loving all the work! The schools hadn't called me in a year and a half and now, bam!

                                I'm just very very tired. 6 am came very early this morning.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

